MVC5 subdomain routing -

I am putting together a simple website and I want to have a single subdomain. It will look like - a landing/marketing page - the meat of it
How can I do this in MVC5 with the least amount of pain? I have seen several solutions, such as Is it possible to make an ASP.NET MVC route based on a subdomain? and, but they seem to be much more complicated than I need and I am hoping someone has done it before.
Also, I am developing using IIS Express but some of the stuff I have found has said express can't handle this so I would like to know if that's possible as well.


Different domain names pointing to subfolders in Azure

Not sure if what I'm describing is possible, but if so I'd like to know how.
I have an ASP.NET Azure Shared mode website with a domain, lets say pointing to it. I have a shop there, which is currently at
What I'd like is to point a different domain, to the page at Can I do that?
Probably the quickest approach would be URL-Rewriting, which is installed by default on Azure Website / WebRole.
Configuration can be made in the web.config -> more details although you I would imagine if you're using MVC there might a slightly more elegant Routing method, maybe?
I'm not sure if I get your question right, but
you could use the HttpResponse Redirect from the .net framework in order to redirect the response.

Can you mix ASP and ASP.NET?

I am working on a mobile site that uses .aspx for the pages; however, I am transferring information from older .asp pages. These .asp pages are reading database connections, and I am not clear how to convert these into .aspx pages without running into config errors that are unclear to me in fixing.
Is it bad practice to mix .asp and .aspx pages in a site? If not, how can I learn to better understand the conversion differences from .asp database connections to .aspx? This is the only obstacle I have going on at the moment with this site, and I would love to find a solution soon as I've been stuck here for a while.
The site works, but I would like to be consistent with the .aspx set up in pages. I appreciate any help you may have to offer, thank you.
You can absolutely mix ASP pages with ASP.NET pages. I've done it for internal sites where we didn't have time to redesign, but needed to add some functionality. Note that you can't share session state between the two types of pages (I worked around this using cookies) but the two pages can live together in the same web site without an issue.
Often ASP pages will have database connections kept in the global.asa file or perhaps in an include file, or even right within the asp pages themselves. It would be helpful as you migrate functionality to have all those connections in one logical place.
There is no straight conversion to ASP.NET from ASP, and if you don't have much experience yet with ASP.NET it would be worthwhile to explore some samples / tutorials to get an understanding of how an ASP.NET Web site works. There are lots of options for how you connect to your database. Have a look at to learn about them.
You can have the two running together. It's not necessarily a bad practice to mix the two, but here can be some technical things that you'll have to work out. Since it sounds like you're trying to convert a classic ASP site to ASP.NET, if there are not too many pages, I'd probably try to figure out the conversion issues so that all of your pages are running on ASP.NET.
Otherwise if you do want to run ASP and ASP.NET side by side, if your website has session state or authentication and you need that shared by both asp and pages, then you need to ensure that you have a strategy to handle that kind of stuff. This thread details session management issues to consider when running ASP with ASP.NET, for example: Classic ASP and ASP.NET Integration.

URL handling in ASP.NET WebForms

What's the best approach to provide URL handling in an ASP.NET application to produce results similar to Craigslist. Specifically, I'm looking to handle something like "" and "", along with parameters such as "". Based on the "location" (newyork.), my goal is to change the site's look and feel and filter it's data results -- standard stuff I would think.
At the moment, ASP.NET MVC is not an option for the site (from what I've read, this sort of functionality is something that MVC excels at), but I can use .NET 4.0. Also, I was wondering what roles DNS would play in this scenario. Is the subdomain just a wildcard or are there any special considerations I would need to make?
The majority of my web development experience has been internal, intranet applications, so URL handling like this is not something I've ever really needed to do. I'd appreciate any advice (best practices, pitfalls, etc) as to how to approach this.
You can avail of the ASP.NET 4.0 routing engine to create friendly URLs:
You can create URLs like:
As regards "", the "california" part represents a sub-domain. This is set up by adding an A record in your host admin and setting up IIS 7 to recognize it.

How to efficiently create facebook-like url-rewriting in

I'm currently looking into url-rewriting and how it should be done right and hope you have some inputs here.
At the current stage of development only the kind of url-rewriting I'm interested in is adding facebook like behavior to businesses to which we provide services on our site, i.e. should be rewritten to - The idea is that when a business registers on our site they can choose whatever the last part of the url should be.
What would be the best way to support this feature? Custom IHttpModule, Global.asax (I'm afraid that this is too slow?), or a completely different solution.
The site is developed in and runs on IIS 7.5.
I've actually done something like this before and this is the article I used as a resource:
This article will tell you how to programmically add a web site to your IIS using C#. Keep in mind that depending on how your IIS and DNS is setup, you may need to also modify your DNS server. You can find various scripts for doing this here:
Hope this helps!
If you have fairly simply rewriting rules, I'd use an IHttpModule that attempts to match the URL's LocalPath property with a value in your DB, and then calls context.RewritePath(string).
If you have more complex stuff, then I'd start looking at UrlRewriting.NET or the routing options in ASP.NET.

Web Forms based web application URLs without the ".aspx" like

I'd like to know if it is possible to have the URLs of the pages of a Webforms application display without the .aspx extension.
For instace, instead of
The technology that stackoverflow uses has been discussed many many times, what you are looking for is the ASP.Net MVC Framework
This can also be done using URL rewriters
This can be done by using either ASP.NET MVC or the routing engine by itself.
You want Asp.Net Routing. Best place to start is here:
If you are using IIS7 it is easy. IIS6 requires a little more work.
This is generally done using a routing engine in a framework. However if you want to do this for an arbitrary application it's really done using Apache's Mod_Rewrite.
