Spring controller method access control without Spring Security - spring-mvc

I'm looking for a way to control access to a URI by IP addresses without using Spring Security. Should I use an filter or interceptor?
An idea?

Ok, I solved it pretty easy with a Tomcat RemoteAddrFilter.
<filter-name>Remote Address Filter</filter-name>
<param-value>[my ip address regex]</param-value>
<filter-name>Remote Address Filter</filter-name>


WSO2 - Restricting the Access to Management Console

I have been trying to restrict the access to the WSO2 Console access of my application to the public. Configuration to access should be a port based or IP based. I have tried different techniques to restrict the access of WSO2 Console to the public except in my work environment.
I have used "class":"org.apache.catalina.filters.RemoteAddrFilter" and added my IP address as a parameter to this class in order to enable the restriction and also used ||"/> in content.xml this but nothing works as per my expectation.
I have spent several hours on this issue to achieve the solution but it wasn't working as per the requirement.
Hopefully someone here has done something similar can help me out in solving this issue.
In my case I want to restrict access to the Mgt Console to just localhost, but you should be able to add your additional ip addresses to this 'localhost only' solution.
WSO2 Identity Server 6.0
Add to {WSO2IS_HOME}\repository\conf\tomcat\carbon\WEB-INF\web.xml
<filter-name>Remote Address Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>Remote Address Filter</filter-name>
Bonus: Control adding the above by setting a deployment.toml property
Add deployment.toml property:
Copy {WSO2IS_HOME}\repository\conf\tomcat\carbon\WEB-INF\web.xml
to: {WSO2IS_HOME}\repository\resources\conf\templates\repository\conf\tomcat\carbon\WEB-INF\web.xml.j2
Add to web.xml.j2:
{% if server.mgt_console_localhost_only is sameas true %}
<filter-name>Remote Address Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>Remote Address Filter</filter-name>
{% endif %}

Map ServletRequestListener to Special Servlet

I have a several servlets and in my case I need to implement ServletRequestListener. But, I don't want the listener to react on every request in any servlet. I would like to know if there any possibility to map a specific ServletRequestListener to a specific certain servlet. My web.xml looks like:
That's not possible with a ServletRequestListener. A servlet request listener listens on every servlet request. Just create a Filter instead which you can simply map directly to servlet name (no, not to its URL pattern, that's maintenance unfriendly).
See also:
Our servlet filters wiki page
Why do we need a servlet name?
If you only want to react on the requests of a specific servlet then the servlet itself would be the ideal place to do this.
If you don't control the servlet code you can write a Filter and give it the same URL pattern as the servlet or directly refer to the servlet in the filter mapping.

Spring MVC behavior while co-existing with traditional web app servlets

We have an existing application not using Spring MVC. We decided to keep existing features as is and add Spring MVC in for any other new features through a url like "/admin/*.
so here is the web.xml mapping:
Here in the ExistingServlet, there is a call to request.getRequestDispatcher().forward("/admin/...jsp"), somehow Spring will detect this fowarding and report an error that not able to find mapping for "/admin/...jsp". It seems calling request.getRequestDispatcher().forward("/admin/...jsp") will make servlet container to recheck the web.xml and reroute through Spring's DispatchServlet. is it true? I thought this kind of internal forward won't be intercepted by Spring's DispatchServlet
A RequestDispatcher will be resolved against the mappings you have in your deployment descriptor (web.xml) or other Servlet configuration, basically all servlet mappings.
When you do
The Servlet container finds the Servlet (or other resource) meant to handle that path and wraps it in a RequestDispatcher object. When you then perform RequestDispatcher#forward(..) on the returned object, you are executing the service() method of the Servlet that was previously found.
In your example, that would be the DispatcherServlet. If your DispatcherServlet is configured to handle a request to /admin/...jsp, then it will do so. If not, it will throw its own custom exception, responding to the HTTP request with a 404.
Here are some more details on how getRequestDispatcher() works.

HTTP 405 error when connecting to spring-security auto-generated log-in page

I cannot connect to the auto generated spring security log-in page. According to the documentation, including the following lines in your security-context.xml will have Spring generate an html log-in form and redirect the user to it when trying to connect to the specific URL:
<http auto-config="true" >
<intercept-url pattern="/management-console" access="ROLE_ADMIN"/>
<authentication-manager ... />
Here is the rest of my configuration. Web.xml:
classpath:/context/applicationContext.xml <!-- I am importing my security-context.xml in here -->
<!-- Security Configuration -->
I have tried importing the security-context.xml directly in the web.xml, but I still see the error.
After deploying my application, I can connect to each my specified urls without issue. However, when I try to go to localhost:{port}/{appName}/management-console, the filter chain redirects me to /spring_security_login (as expected). However, I see an "HTTP Status 405 - Request method 'GET' not supported" error once I am forwarded and the following comes up on the console (spring-mvc is the name I gave to my servlet):
org.springframework.web.servlet.PageNotFound | No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/InternalManagementViewer/spring_security_login] in DispatcherServlet with name 'spring-mvc' |
I have seen this error before when I miss declaring a POST/GET mapping in the controller. According to the documentation, I should not have to include such a method in my controller to handle the /spring_security_login mapping. From what I have read, spring is supposed to know to return the auto-generated log-in html page.
Just to see what happens, I declared a method in my controller to handle the /spring_security_login mapping. Since the function returns void (because I do not know the local view name of the generated html log-in page), it looks for the resource named "spring_security_login.jsp", which is not explicitly created in my project, and thus I get an "HTTP resource not found" error.
I'm stumped on this one and could really use a hand. Thanks a lot for taking a look.
Apply springSecurityFilterChain filter to all URLs:
springSecurityFilterChain is an entry point for all Spring Security features. So if this filter is not applied to some URL then you will not be able use Spring Security there (in this case handle /spring_security_login URL).

multiple filter mapping for the same filter

I have 2 web apps deployed in weblogic. since each of them has a separate hibernate session factory.
I use specialServlet in webapp2 to invalidate the 2nd level cache. filter1 is used to set up hibernate session so I can call to invalidate the 2nd level cache.
from web app1 I include /servlet/specialServlet which is in web app2.
I want the filter1 be called for /servlet/* with regular request.
but for servlet/specialServlet I want the filter1 not only be called with regular request but also be called for include request.
what is the best way to specify the filter mapping?
Also dose the order of the filter mapping elements matters for filter1?
<web-app version="2.5" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd">
