R: PDA on 2 manners but with different results? - r

I'm working on a project where I have to classify data about breast cancer. I want to use PDA. I'm trying to found the optimal value for lambda by 10-fold cross validation.
I've started with:
breast[,1] <- as.numeric(breast[,1]) #Because this code only works when the classes are numeric (so not factors like they were)
I found that this could be done by:
PenalizedLDA.cv(breast[,-1], breast[,1], lambdas = seq(0,0.5,by=.01), nfold = 10)
But I can also do this manually:
lam <- seq(0,1,by=.01)
error.lam <- rep(0, length(lammie))
for (la in 1:101){
error.pda <- rep(0,10)
for (fold in 1:k){
currentFold <- folds[fold][[1]]
breast.pda = fda(Diagnosis~., data=breast[-currentFold,], method=gen.ridge, lambda = lam[la])
pred.pda = predict(breast.pda, newdata= breast[currentFold,-1], type="class")
error.pda[fold] <- CV.table[1,2]+CV.table[2,1]
error.lam[la] <- sum(error.pda)/nrow
The strange thing now is that I become two different results. For the first I've got a CV-error of 4.4% and value for lambda 0.055. While for the second one I become CV-error 6.32% and lamba 0.55. Could someone explain me the differences between those two methods?


How to use lapply with get.confusion_matrix() in R?

I am performing a PLS-DA analysis in R using the mixOmics package. I have one binary Y variable (presence or absence of wetland) and 21 continuous predictor variables (X) with values ranging from 1 to 100.
I have made the model with the data_training dataset and want to predict new outcomes with the data_validation dataset. These datasets have exactly the same structure.
My code looks like:
model.plsda<-plsda(X,Y, ncomp = 10)
myPredictions <- predict(model.plsda, newdata = data_validation[,-1], dist = "max.dist")
I want to predict the outcome based on 10, 9, 8, ... to 2 principal components. By using the get.confusion_matrix function, I want to estimate the error rate for every number of principal components.
prediction <- myPredictions$class$max.dist[,10] #prediction based on 10 components
confusion.mat = get.confusion_matrix(truth = data_validatie[,1], predicted = prediction)
I can do this seperately for 10 times, but I want do that a little faster. Therefore I was thinking of making a list with the results of prediction for every number of components...
prediction_test <- myPredictions$class$max.dist
predictions_components <- convertColsToList(prediction_test, name.list = T, name.vector = T, factors.as.char = T)
...and then using lapply with the get.confusion_matrix and get.BER function. But then I don't know how to do that. I have searched on the internet, but I can't find a solution that works. How can I do this?
Many thanks for your help!
Without reproducible there is no way to test this but you need to convert the code you want to run each time into a function. Something like this:
confmat <- function(x) {
prediction <- myPredictions$class$max.dist[,x] #prediction based on 10 components
confusion.mat = get.confusion_matrix(truth = data_validatie[,1], predicted = prediction)
Now lapply:
results <- lapply(10:2, confmat)
That will return a list with the get.BER results for each number of PCs so results[[1]] will be the results for 10 PCs. You will not get values for prediction or confusionmat unless they are included in the results returned by get.BER. If you want all of that, you need to replace the last line to the function with return(list(prediction, confusionmat, get.BER(confusion.mat)). This will produce a list of the lists so that results[[1]][[1]] will be the results of prediction for 10 PCs and results[[1]][[2]] and results[[1]][[3]] will be confusionmat and get.BER(confusion.mat) respectively.

R: Crossvalidation of a lasso parameter and comparison to cv.glmnet

I've two questions regarding the Cross-Validation. I tried to create a code for Cross-Validation by myself to improve my intuition. In particular I find the optimal penalize parameter lambda for the Lasso.
Here is my Code for the CV:
CV_lambda <- matrix(0, length(lambda_grid), 2)
colnames(CV_lambda) <- c("lambda", "CV-est")
#Loop for a vector of Lambda values
for(l in 1:length(lambda_grid)){
#Number of folds
nfolds <- 5
#Fold IDs
foldid <- sample(rep(seq(nfolds), length = N))
#Output Store
cv_out <- as.list(seq(nfolds))
mspe_out <- matrix(0, 1, nfolds)
for(i in seq(nfolds)){
y_train <- y[!foldid == i,]
X_train <- X[!foldid == i,]
#Lasso is a self-written function, estimating a lasso-regression
cv_out[i] <- lasso(y_train, X_train, lambda=lambda_grid[l])
predict <- X[foldid == i,] %*% cv_out[[i]]
mspe_out[i] <- mean((y[foldid == i,] - predict)^2)
CV_lambda[l,] <- c(lambda_grid[l],mean(mspe_out))
lambda_opt <- CV_lambda[which.min(CV_lambda[,2]),1]
I've two questions regarding the CV. I am sitting here for more than hours to find a solution to both questions. I would be very grateful, if some of you can help me. The Code is not very well and sparse, since I am a beginner. However, my questions are the following:
For the general understanding. LASSO-Regression requires a penalize parameter, which has a strong influence on the results. The goal is to choose this lambda, that reduces the mean squared prediction error.
1) Should the split into the sample be equal in every lambda-sequence or should it differ (as in my code). Im a bit skeptical about this.
2) Since I am very uncertain about my code, I want to compare my results to the glmnet. Is there a way to this ? The glmnet is also taking a random sample. A comparison isnt then possible. Has someone an idea how to "reproduce" the the cv.glmnet results with my code to find mistakes in my code ?

how to solve errors in frbs package of R using GFC.GCCL method?

I'm using frbs package in R on my data set using 5-fold stratified cross validation. I've implemented stratified CV. I use GFS.GCCL method for frbs.learn function in each fold and predict the result using test data. I get this error as well as 30 equal warning messages:
Error: object 'temp.rule.degree' not found
Warning: In max(MF.temp[m, ], na.rm = TRUE) :
no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
My code is written in below:
data[,30] <- unclass(data[,30]) #column 30 has the class of samples
data <- data[,c(1,14,20,26,27, 30)] # I choose to have 5 attr. since
#my data is high dimensional
k <- 5 # 5-fold
seed <- 1
folds <- strf.cv(data, k, seed) #stratification function for CV
range.data.inp <- matrix(apply(data[,-ncol(data)], 2, range), nrow=2)
inp,min.scale = 0.1, max.scale = 1)
ctrl <- list(popu.size = 30, num.class = 2, num.labels= 3,
persen_cross = 0.9, max.gen = 200, persen_mutant = 0.3,
for(i in 1:k){
str <- paste("fold",i)
test.ind <- folds[[str]]
test.data <- data[test.ind,]
train.data <- data[-test.ind,]
obj <- frbs.learn(train.data , method.type="GFS.GCCL",
range.data.inp , ctrl)
pred <- predict(obj, test.data)
print("Predicted classes:")
I don't have any idea about error and warnings. Please let me know what I should do.
I've had similar problem (and others) trying to reproduce the SLAVE learning starting with the iris example data. I had 2 format items to solve before being able to run this with my artifical data:
my dataframe import was giving me integer, where the learn needs at least numeric.
my distribution of criteria was not flat. When I flattened the distribution (3 values so n/3 samples per value) everything went fine.
That's all I know.
Hope it helps.
I encountered the same issue when I was running SLAVE and GFS.GCCL. When I was looking at the source code of the library. I found that in frbs.learn(), each method has an implementation to calculate the range of input data. So, I think it might be a problem with the range of input data. For example, in GFS.GCCL, in the source code, for setting the parameters, it looks like this:
range.data.input <- range.data
data.train.ori <- data.train
popu.size <- control$popu.size
persen_cross <- control$persen_cross
persen_mutant <- control$persen_mutant
max.gen <- control$max.gen
name <- control$name
n.labels <- control$num.labels
n.class <- control$num.class
num.labels <- matrix(rep(n.labels, ncol(range.data)), nrow = 1)
num.labels <- cbind(num.labels, n.class)
## normalize range of data and data training
range.data.norm <- range.data.input
range.data.norm[1, ] <- 0
range.data.norm[2, ] <- 1
range.data.input.ori <- range.data.input
data.tra.norm <- norm.data(data.train[, 1 : ncol(data.train) - 1], range.data.input, min.scale = 0, max.scale = 1)
data.train <- cbind(data.tra.norm, matrix(data.train[, ncol(data.train)], ncol = 1))
in the first line, range.data is either coming from your specification nor the default setting of frbs.learn(). For the default setting, it gets the max and min for each row. In the source code:
range.data <- rbind(dt.min, dt.max)
After that, the range of data taken by the GFS.GCCL is
range.data.norm <- range.data.input
range.data.norm[1, ] <- 0
range.data.norm[2, ] <- 1
which is between 0 and 1. The GFS.GCCL is also taken the range.data.input as parameter. So, it takes both range.data.norm and range.data.input.
Therefore, I think if internally, there are some calculation corresponding to range.data.input (it needs to be set as min, max for each row), but the setting for this is actually not min and max for each row. The error is generated.
But, in summary, after I remove "range.data"from frbs.learn(), both GFS.GCCL and SLAVE work for me.
You can download the source code from here:
You can find the code for GFS.GCCL and SLAVE in:
In addition to #Pilip38's good advice, I have three other ideas that have fixed similar errors for me while working with the frbs package.
Most important: Make sure your output variable is never equal to 0. It looks like you have a binary output variable so I am hoping just adding 1 to it so it is 1/2 instead of 0/1 will work.
Try setting your range.data.inp matrix to be all 0's in the first row and all 1's in the second. Naturally it's better to have a tighter range but it may be causing your bug.
Try decreasing the number of labels to 2.
It's can be a brittle procedure.

caret:rfe get best performing variables for a certain size

I ran a rfe Model with around 400 variables and got the result that the optimal model uses 40 variables. However, plotting the standard deviations of the error based on cross validation shows that the 40 variable model performs only slightly better than a model with only 10 variables. That's why I'd like to go for the model with 10 variables. I would like to use the 10 variables which perform best for a ten- variable-model and train the model again.
How can I get the 10 variables which lead to the model performance shown in the rfe object?
Since I use rerank=TRUE, I cannot just pick the 10 highest ranked variables from varImp(rfeModel$fit) right? (Would this work if I was not using "rerank" ?)
I'm also struggling with the differences between the output from varImp(rfeModel$fit), varImp(rfeModel), pickVars(rfeModel$variables,40).
What is the right way to get the best performing variables with regard to the size of interest?
The following example can be used:
x <- scale(bbbDescr[,-nearZeroVar(bbbDescr)])
x <- x[, -findCorrelation(cor(x), .8)]
x <- as.data.frame(x)
rfProfile <- rfe(x, logBBB,
sizes = c(2, 5, 10, 20),
rfeControl(functions = caretFuncs,
print(rfProfile), varImp(rfProfile$fit), varImp(rfProfile), pickVars(rfProfile$variables, rfProfile$optsize)
The simplest thing to do is to use the update function:
new_profile <- update(rfProfile, x = x, y = logBBB, size = 10)
Internally, it uses this code:
selectedVars <- rfProfile$variables
bestVar <- rfProfile$control$functions$selectVar(selectedVars, 10)

Cross validation for glm() models

I'm trying to do a 10-fold cross validation for some glm models that I have built earlier in R. I'm a little confused about the cv.glm() function in the boot package, although I've read a lot of help files. When I provide the following formula:
cv.glm(data, glmfit, K=10)
Does the "data" argument here refer to the whole dataset or only to the test set?
The examples I have seen so far provide the "data" argument as the test set but that did not really make sense, such as why do 10-folds on the same test set? They are all going to give exactly the same result (I assume!).
Unfortunately ?cv.glm explains it in a foggy way:
data: A matrix or data frame containing the data. The rows should be
cases and the columns correspond to variables, one of which is the
My other question would be about the $delta[1] result. Is this the average prediction error over the 10 trials? What if I want to get the error for each fold?
Here's what my script looks like:
##data partitioning
sub <- sample(nrow(data), floor(nrow(x) * 0.9))
training <- data[sub, ]
testing <- data[-sub, ]
##model building
model <- glm(formula = groupcol ~ var1 + var2 + var3,
family = "binomial", data = training)
cv.glm(testing, model, K=10)
I am always a little cautious about using various packages 10-fold cross validation methods. I have my own simple script to create the test and training partitions manually for any machine learning package:
#Randomly shuffle the data
#Create 10 equally size folds
folds <- cut(seq(1,nrow(yourData)),breaks=10,labels=FALSE)
#Perform 10 fold cross validation
for(i in 1:10){
#Segement your data by fold using the which() function
testIndexes <- which(folds==i,arr.ind=TRUE)
testData <- yourData[testIndexes, ]
trainData <- yourData[-testIndexes, ]
#Use test and train data partitions however you desire...
#Roman provided some answers in his comments, however, the answer to your questions is provided by inspecting the code with cv.glm:
I believe this bit of code splits the data set up randomly into the K-folds, arranging rounding as necessary if K does not divide n:
if ((K > n) || (K <= 1))
stop("'K' outside allowable range")
K.o <- K
K <- round(K)
kvals <- unique(round(n/(1L:floor(n/2))))
temp <- abs(kvals - K)
if (!any(temp == 0))
K <- kvals[temp == min(temp)][1L]
if (K != K.o)
warning(gettextf("'K' has been set to %f", K), domain = NA)
f <- ceiling(n/K)
s <- sample0(rep(1L:K, f), n)
This bit here shows that the delta value is NOT the root mean square error. It is, as the helpfile says The default is the average squared error function. What does this mean? We can see this by inspecting the function declaration:
function (data, glmfit, cost = function(y, yhat) mean((y - yhat)^2),
K = n)
which shows that within each fold, we calculate the average of the error squared, where error is in the usual sense between predicted response vs actual response.
delta[1] is simply the weighted average of the SUM of all of these terms for each fold, see my inline comments in the code of cv.glm:
for (i in seq_len(ms)) {
j.out <- seq_len(n)[(s == i)]
j.in <- seq_len(n)[(s != i)]
Call$data <- data[j.in, , drop = FALSE]
d.glm <- eval.parent(Call)
p.alpha <- n.s[i]/n #create weighted average for later
cost.i <- cost(glm.y[j.out], predict(d.glm, data[j.out,
, drop = FALSE], type = "response"))
CV <- CV + p.alpha * cost.i # add weighted average error to running total
cost.0 <- cost.0 - p.alpha * cost(glm.y, predict(d.glm,
data, type = "response"))
