Where can I find documentation for Qt user interface definition files (.ui files in XML) - qt

I am learning Qt for the first time and I prefer to learn how to things the hand-coded way. I prefer learning this route because I am using Eclipse (with no Qt Designer) and I learn better knowing what is going on under the hood. Thus, I would like to know how to hand-code the XML-based user interface definition (.ui) files.
Unfortunately, I cannot seem to find any information on how this XML tree should be structured, and which properties and attributes are allowed. Instead, I find "drag-and-drop" tutorials. Aside from generating the .ui files in Qt Designer and then studying the output XML tree, is there another way to learn how to handcode these .ui files, or any documentation which speaks to the semantics of this XML document?
Thank you!

The UI file's sole purpose is to save you from hand-coding things. They're files that are generated by designer:
You create user interface components with Qt Designer and use Qt's integrated build tools, qmake and uic, to generate code for them when the application is built. The generated code contains the form's user interface object. It is a C++ struct that contains:
If you want to improve your knowledge of Qt, learning to write UIs via C++ would be a better option. Still, if you're convinced, there is this XML schema:
Note that it says:
Be aware that the format may change in future Qt releases.
You might also be interested in the documentation for uic, which operates on the .ui file to create a header file containing the various widgets that make up the UI.


Forward declaring a class in a UI file

I just wondered if there was a way to forward-declare a class in a Qt UI file. The issue that I have is that I use (the same version of) a same widget in two different projects : a project that uses the widget and an independant project that allows me to do testing with this widget while I'm working on its features.
Now, what happens is that when uic generates the ui_widget.h file, it adds this in it:
#include "widgets/custom_line_edit.h"
That's the include path for one of my promoted widgets. The thing is that the path to this file is not the same on the "real" project, as it should be
#include "modules/this_module/widgets/custom_line_edit.h"
I don't really know what to do not to have to edit my UI file each time to match my "current" project's file organization.
I've found this which was quite satisfying:
It is sometimes necessary to forward declare classes, particularly if code is being written in .ui.h files within Qt Designer. Each forward declaration is listed as it should appear in the generated C++ code.
<forward>class QStringList;</forward>
But unfortunately this documentation is quite old (Qt 3.3) and the syntax seems not to work anymore - I get an Error 1.
What are my options here?
The issue isn't one of forward declarations. I've never seen that "forward" mechanism in a UI file, but even it still works somehow, all that it does is put "class QStringList;" (or whatever) in the include file that uic generates. If you look at those include files, they will have "new SomeWidget ()" statements, and you can't create an object without its full declaration, so a forward declaration for something the UI file creates isn't helpful.
The UI definition needs the include file where the widget is defined for exactly that reason. It has to include the class definition in the file generated from uic, and the relationship between where the files reside is going to have to be consistent.
What I would do to solve this is put the widget(s) in a library, and then reference the library from my main application and my test application. Then the uic generation happens within the library, not the applications, and within the library, the relative locations of the files will remain constant. The applications don't need access to the .ui file nor the generated include file, so how the application source files are laid out in folders won't matter.
I don't see any other way to do this.

How to support multiple language in Qt Based Application

I am trying to develop a Qml based QT application which will support multiple languages.In the application there will be drop down list from where on select of language whole language family of the application will be changed.Can anyone help me on that giving idea how to proceed?
Is there any example? and is QTranslator() is the convenient way to do this?
The localization system of Qt is well documented: Internationalization with Qt
Simply you put your text directly in the C++ code, using the tr() method of QObject (or qsTr() in QML). Than there are some tools (lupdate and lrelease) to generate the translation files. I suggest to read the documentation, it's very easy.
Some useful links:
Hello tr: and example
Qt Linguist manual
QTranslator works well with Qt UI as you can use languageChanged() signal to update the UI. This isn't possible with QML.
See this QML WiKi, it is the recommended workaround (for now!).

Translate QT application without text in code

Is there a way to translate a QT app into different languages without defining the texts directly in the source? I want to separate the text from source. This would result in some kind of resource files for ALL languages, including the default language (e.g. English).
You won't be able to leave the English (or your source language, not necessarily English) source out of the XML (.ts) files as lupdate will put it there each time you run it. However as long as a translation exists for the chosen language, the source text will be ignored. If there is no translation text, it will default to the source text. This is useful since you'll be guaranteed to get some sort of text in your translation, but it'll be up to your test team to insure that the translations exist. I wrote a python script to automate the checking of the translation files since we have 9 languages and nearly 1k strings per translation. To test for this, we used a very simple sed script to create pseudo-loc source strings so if there were translations missing, the pseudo-loc text would be very evident.
Regarding the process for editing the .ts files, we farmed out the translations to individual translators, providing them with the .ts file for their language, and usually about an hour's worth of hand's on instruction in using QT Linguist. If the translator was onsite and wanted to see their translations on our device immediately, I wrote an autorun script that would place the resultant .qm file in the right place in our embedded file system and restart the application to display the new translations. If they weren't onsite, we'd run them through the python script mentioned above to check for a number of different problems, then simply check in the .ts file so it'd get built the next time around.
You might be able to use the QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP family of macros to do what you want. Those simply mark some text as "need to be translated" so that lupdate picks it up, but you can refer to those translated values by variable constants in your code. So ...
const char *kHelloWorld = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("SomeScope", "Hello world");
return qApp->translate("SomeScope", kHelloWorld);
This is still in your source code somewhere, but it is at least one step removed. You could theoretically have the QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP stuff in an entirely different Qt project, but then you'd need some way in your real project to know what you are supposed to translate. (You still need the char* constants somewhere.)
What are you trying to accomplish exactly by not having the English text in the source? That might help people provide more appropriate answers.
Based on your comment below about intended usage
OK, then this is precisely what the normal Qt translation process does. Running lupdate creates those XML files (they have a .ts extension). They can be opened by translators in the very-easy-to-use Qt Linguist. They are translated, then sent back to you (the programmer), where you run lrelease on them to create the binary translation files you will ship with the app. The translations are resolved at runtime, so there is no need to recompile.
If you wanted to enable a user to do this, you would:
Ship your application with an empty (untranslated) .ts file and the lrelease program.
Provide instructions on how to use Qt Linguist to translate. (They could use a text editor and modify the Xml directly, but it's a lot easier with Linguist.)
Explain how to run lrelease and where to drop the binary translation files so that your application pulls them in.
On this last step, you could theoretically provide a nice wizard-like app that hides the implementation details.
What we will do is:
* Include a translation for the former default language. Using this *.ts file to auto-generate the other *.ts files. This is required as we keep the translations outside the QT environment as they match with other projects not related to QT.
Then have only have to make sure this translation contains the correct value.
In the future we can define IDs in the code witch represent Text in the default translation. Like translating TXT_ID_ABOUT to "About".

Is there something like .NET Reflector for Qt?

Once I've seen a nice tool called .NET Reflector. It can show the entire object hierarchy of .Net binaries/apps (sorry if the term is wrong).
Is there something like this for Qt? As Qt has very good QMetaObject abilities, it should be possible to traverse object-trees, call methods(slots), change properties, etc.
I am currently re-factoring a Qt project. The naming of variables is very domain specific and I am not the expert in this domain. So, it is difficult for me to map a widget-variable to the widget on the screen. Such tool would be a great help for me to understand the code.
Thank you very much in advance!
For simple uses you might want to take a look at QObject::dumpObjectTree()
If you need something more advanced there's kspy
kspy: examines the internal state of a
Qt/KDE app KSpy is a tiny library
which can be used to graphically
display the QObjects in use by a
Qt/KDE app. In addition to the object
tree, you can also view the
properties, signals and slots of any
QObject. Basically it provides much
the same info as
QObject::dumpObjectTree() and
QObject::dumpObjectInfo(), but in a
much more convenient form. KSpy has
minimal overhead for the application,
because the kspy library is loaded
dynamically using KLibLoader. See /usr
/share/doc/kspy/README for usage
instructions. This package is part of
the KDE Software Development Kit.
It depends on KDE's klibloader so if you are not under KDE you have to modify it but it should be rather easy. Sources are here.
There's QSpy project. It inspects all QWidgets of running application. I'm not sure how well it works, because I couldn't use it on Mac OS X. Maybe on Windows it works better. https://github.com/sashao/martlet

Programmatically generate InfoPath form template?

Is it possible to programmatically generate an info path 2007 form template (xsn file=form definition) ?
I know that there is no object model for the infopath 2007 form designer, but does anyone know of any third party libraries?
The form view itself is a xsl file so it should be possible. I would have thought that its a common use case also.
It is possible to generate the manifest.xsf, xsl and xml files from a structured source (let's say an xml) and then pack this (as .cab) with the extension .xsn
(The .xsn file is nothing but a renemed .cab!)
This is only a raw concept - it could be refined if the purpose was a bit more explicit. Why generate? Are you going to create a bunch of different files? What for?
There are no libraries or API's to do this. While generating a template is possible you will need to write it all yourself. Obviously this will not be an easy task and will be prone to errors. I would recommend reviewing your requirements to ensure this is truly necessary. InfoPath is quite flexible, without knowing the details of your project, there is a good chance you can get the functionality you need with a single template.
