Custom elements and accessibility - web-component

I'd like to implement a listbox widget using the current web components specs. Moreover, the resulting listbox should conform to the ARIA standard. Instantiating the listbox widget should be as simple as:
<x-option>Option 1</x-option>
<x-option>Option 2</x-option>
For purposes of cleanliness and encapsulation, everything else should be rendered in shadow dom. To implement this widget, two custom elements, <x-listbox> and <x-option> are registered. The top-level element of the shadow dom of <x-listbox> is a <div> that carries the role=listbox and the aria-activedescendent attributes for accessibility (I don't want these attributes on the <x-listbox> element because they are implementation details.)
In order for aria-activedescendent to work, one needs ids on the option elements. Putting ids directly on the <x-option> elements won't work out of two reasons: Firstly, it would pollute the id namespace of the document that uses the listbox widget. Secondly and even more importantly, ids do not work across shadow boundaries (which is one purpose of the shadow dom), so the ids of the options have to live in the same shadow dom as the <div> with the aria-activedescendent attribute.
A solution for this would be to surround each <x-option> that is rendered as content inside the shadow dom of <x-listbox> with another <div> (belonging to that shadow dom), on which an id can be put.
My question is: Is this the right way to go and how to implement this using the custom element and shadow dom web apis?

Your probably should better implement this by creating an select element (using JavaScript). This should ensure screen readers recognize this correctly as an input for selecting a value/values from a list.
Add an select element like this below your <x-listbox> element:
<select class="only-screenreader">
<option>Option 1</option>
<option>Option 2</option>
Then add aria-hidden="true" to your custom <x-listbox> element.
Finally apply CSS to make the screenreader select element invisible.
.only-screenreader {
That's my approach but maybe there's a better one.

In the markup provided, x-option is in the light DOM, not the shadow DOM, so it can be referred to by id. To avoid polluting the id namespace, I generate a random id, which is set when the component loads but can be replaced. This way I can refer to the element by id whether or not the component user has set an id on it.
Wrapping each option in a div seems unnecessary and likely to cause issues. Also, if the options are in a <slot />, it's simply not possible.


Why is it impossible to effect child element with focus?

I was thinking that there's only two ways to focus element - using JavaScript, or in case it's a div with an contenteditable attribute. But this time I tried something different: I tried to effect input[type="text"] within a div (without contenteditable) using the parent.
I know that when a child element is focused, the parent is focused too - I mean, If I have the following example:
<form action="/" method="get">
<input type="text" placeholder="Hi I'm Text!" />
When I focus on the textbox, the form will be focused too. I can do the following:
form input[type="text"]:focus {
/* CSS goes here */
But I can not do something like this:
form:focus > input[type="text"] {
/* The same CSS goes here */
I already solved my own problem, but I wonder why it can not work this way. As I said (and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) - when I focus on the input, I'm automatically focusing the parent element too (and it's own parent element, etc.) So why can't I simply use :focus on the parent, and then effect the child?
You can't focus on a form element. If you want, you can add it the tabindex attribute, such as <form tabindex="0">.
Forms are containers for controls and as such not expected to be getting direct user interaction.
According to W3C, users should interact with forms using controls.

IE10 ignoring first-child in css and applying to all?

What I'm trying to do is remove the drop down arrow from a select with this CSS:
.Gender:first-child::-ms-expand {
display: none;
The select element is disabled and its content is set programmatically. It is still a select because of our "unique" roll-your-own binding approach that would be a huge overhaul to replace/update.
Basically I have a section to input basic information for a dynamic number of people. The first instance is always the Primary instance and it's data comes from another section of the page so it's disabled here and bound to the values in that other form. Every other entry after it is editable. The idea was to remove the drop down arrow from the first selects because they're read only. I know that even though the drop down arrow is missing that the select continues to work but I still want it to be there for every other select that isn't disabled.
I know it works in a simplified JSFiddle but in my site ALL selects that have those classes are hiding their drop down arrow. What can I look for in my site that would circumvent the :first-child pseudo class? Why could it possibly work in the fiddle but not in the actual site?
Everything I'm reading says to check your doctype. Mine is <!DOCTYPE html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//en">. Nobody that I found ever explicitly says the exact doctype to use, so this may not be 100% correct.
Also, this only needs to work in IE10, it's an internal web app that'll never be run anywhere else.
The single most common cause of every instance of a specific element matching :first-child, when only the first of them should match, is if each of those elements actually exists in its own container element. Here's an example:
<div class='parent'>
<select class='Gender'>
<div class='parent'>
<select class='Gender'>
<div class='parent'>
<select class='Gender'>
Here, every .Gender is the first — and only — child of its parent element, .parent. The .parent elements themselves, on the other hand, are siblings of one another, sharing the same parent element (not shown). Depending on what your source looks like, it may be difficult to pinpoint the location of these parent elements within the source, but as long as your markup is valid, they should be somewhere.
If it does turn out to be the problem, fixing it is trivial — just move the :first-child pseudo-class to the appropriate element:
.parent:first-child .Gender::-ms-expand {
display: none;
Updated fiddle

What CSS selector can be used to select Bootstrap tooltips?

I have finally figured out how to use the Twitter Bootstrap Tooltips, and I am trying to style it. I have asked similar questions about other plugins, and they all ended up being specific CSS selectors. For jScrollPane, the track's selector was .jspTrack.
My question is, what is the CSS selector for the Twitter Bootstrap tooltips?
The documentation linked in the comments shows you a sample of the markup that's produced when a tooltip is generated:
The generated markup of a tooltip is rather simple, though it does require a position (by default, set to top by the plugin).
<div class="tooltip">
<div class="tooltip-inner">
<div class="tooltip-arrow"></div>
It should be fairly easy to determine the CSS selector based on this.
There are additional class names attached to .tooltip that you can see if you open your browser's DOM inspector and then hover your form element. The one in your example generates the following .tooltip element:
<div class="tooltip fade right in" style="…">
If you need to select only the tooltip belonging to a specific trigger element, that depends on where exactly the tooltip is placed in the DOM. The documentation says (just above the first section I quoted):
The tooltip plugin generates content and markup on demand, and by default places tooltips after their trigger element.
So the selector would be .mytrigger + .tooltip where .mytrigger is the form element triggering that tooltip. The DOM position is determined by the container option, otherwise it's the default as stated.

Hiding previous element by checked selector

I would like to use css3 features to hiding previous element.
I want to use a checkbox to hide previous sibling element without using javascript.
I have prepared a sample for entry point.
I have changed sample.
My usecase: I want to have collapsible sections at my site. Two area separated by a simple checkbox and checking it will beautifully hide previous sibling.
I believe that using pure css will let me to reduce using javascript for this task.
You can not hide the previous elements - just the following ones with the general sibling selector
Then you might be able to position the elements, so on the actual page the checkbox will appear after the .parent div.
There's no css selector to select the previous tag of a matched element. The closest you can get using only css it's doing that for the next element:
<input class="hider" type="checkbox" /> child
<div class="parent">
.hider:checked + * {

Adding :last-child or :last-of-type to nav menu

Normally CSS is my thing, but I'm somehow dumbfounded why this isn't working for me. I'm building a site through Cargo for CMS purposes and you can see it here:
In my menu, I have five main categories, and clicking on them (images, for example) reveals the list of work under that category.
<div id="menu_2444167" class="link_link">
<a id="p2444167" name="mikeballard" target="" href="">Images</a>
<div id="menu_2444188" class="project_link">
<a name="mikeballard" rel="history" href="mikeballard/#2444188/Ultra-Nomadic-Def-Smith-Cycle-2011">Ultra Nomadic Def Smith Cycle, 2011</a>
<!-- more divs here -->
<div id="menu_2444201" class="project_link">
<a name="mikeballard" rel="history" href="mikeballard/#2444201/Archive">Archive</a>
Basically, I'm trying to select the last div in this set, and add a margin-bottom:15px to that div. I've tried using:
.project_link:last-child or .project_link:last-of-type but it doesn't seem to be working.
The HTML, which can't be altered too much to rely on Cargo, isn't great as if they had used list items, instead of divs with anchor tags I'm assuming this would be a lot easier.
The :last-of-type and :last-child selectors are not supported before IE9.
Class names, etc are not looked at when it comes to the :last-child and :last-of-type selectors. The .project_link:last-child selector will only trigger if the specific element is the last child in the parent element and has the class "project_link", and the .project_link:last-of-type selector will only trigger if the specific element is the last element of that type and has the class "project_link".
Both should trigger in a supporting browser, since it is implied as *.project_link:last-of-type and will check for every type of element inside that parent (which appears to only be divisions anyways). The last division shown here has the class "project_link" which would match this rule. The only reason these wouldn't trigger is if you had extra elements (or divisions) below what you're showing us, or you're using a browser which doesn't support it.
