Disappearing whitespace when inspecting element in Chrome - css

I've got a super strange and hard to diagnose issue. Hoping that someone on this forum has run into it before. Basically, I have a wordpress + woocommerce page loading like this:
As you can see there is a lot of extra whitespace. The problem is I can't figure out where the whitespace is coming from because every time I inspect element, the page removes the whitespace immediately and it looks (correctly) like this:
If I keep the "inspect element" window open and refresh the page, the whitespace returns, but as soon as I change the CSS in any way whatsoever (ie remove a random attribute or change anything), the page once again fixes itself.
If I locate the area where the whitespace should be (by not changing anything), there is literally nothing there that the whitespace is attached to. It's as if it's invisible.
I'm using Chrome (34.0.1847.131 m). Any ideas what could cause this strange behaviour?

This seems like an issue, somehow being caused by javascript. I've worked with WC before, and the JS they use is really buggy. I'd suggest trying to turn off javascript, and see if the issue still occurs. The next place to check would be the template itself. After that, check woocommerces filter set/action hooks. From my experience, WC's templates are super badly done (Seriously, who still uses tables). It caused me all sort of weird headaches as well.


Chrome "Unloading" Stylesheets on Middle Click

We've been having an odd issue that I'm not sure how to tackle, and I think this may be related to a recent Google Chrome update, but I'd like some way of sanity checking myself before I open an issue on the bug tracker.
We have an internal web application that our users use Google Chrome to access. Starting sometime early last week, we've noticed that when users middle click links, one or more of our stylesheets gets unapplied to the page.
Weirdly enough, zooming in / out or opening Chrome's Devtools re-applies these stylesheets to the page. If you open the sources tab in the Devtools and watch the stylesheets that are loaded, when the layout is working, we're seeing the full list of stylesheets. When a user middle clicks on a link, the stylesheets area flashes and the CSS file is missing from the list. Zooming in / out re-adds the missing CSS file to that sources list and renders the page correctly.
Before Middle Click
After Middle Click
Thinking this was some JavaScript function doing this, I watched the elements to make sure there weren't any changes to the DOM (thinking we may be adding a class to our wrapper elements on accident). No DOM changes that I can see, and I'm not seeing inline styles applied to HTML elements.
Figuring that the previous step wasn't enough, I removed all the JavaScript on the page trying to narrow down what file is doing this. After removing all JS from the page, we're still seeing the same thing. Someone middle clicks a link, then the page's styles go crazy.
I double checked it in Incognito mode, figuring it was one of my extensions. It still happens in Incognito mode.
Thinking our Stylus compiler was going nuts, I double checked the stylesheets for any invalid CSS and couldn't find any. I removed the source maps from all our stylesheets thinking it may be related to that, but it didn't fix the issue either.
I've also checked for the stylesheet being affected having a disabled attribute set on it, but that doesn't seem to be happening.
All in all, I'm not sure what's causing this outside of a browser bug. This is something that had popped up late last week which coincides with the last upgrade of Google Chrome, which hints to me that this probably relates to that update.
That being said I've not seen this issue affect other websites, which also points to the website being the issue so I'm not sure.
Is there any other way I can narrow this down to being a Chrome issue? I've not had this happen on any other browsers I've tested. (Working on putting together a MVP of the issue that's happening now.)
Your problem sounds similar to this.
Chrome Bug: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=647151
Should be fixed shortly.

Why does <pre> text sometimes "lose" its font formatting when the browser tab is left open for a while?

Sometimes when I'm looking at a site with some code blocks, navigate away from that tab for a bit and come back to it, the formatting appears to be lost.
For example, earlier I was looking at some of the Django documentation:
And then when I left that tab open for a little while, looked at other stuff and then came back to it, this is how it looked:
Of course, when I refresh the page I get the formatting back so it's not a huge deal, but I'm curious as to why this happens at all.
Note: I use Chrome and haven't tested this out with browsers, so it could "just" be a Chrome issue, but I couldn't find anything when I searched the Chromium bug tracker.

JQuery Plugin (Hover-Caption) Adding Offset to Images In Internet Explorer (all versions)

I have a Wordpress site that uses a JQuery plugin called Hover-Caption ( https://github.com/coryschires/hover-caption ).
The main page of site: (http://brighidfitzsimons.com) looks good.
However in Internet Explorer 9, a similar page based on Category adds a 282px top offset to the post thumbnail image. (http://brighidfitzsimons.com/category/lifestyle/)
I am new web developer so I am struggling to figure out how to isolate problem. Based on this stackoverflow entry ( How do I get rid of an element's offset using CSS? ) my current train of thought is to add a IE specific CSS sheet to 'reverse' the offset but I can't seem to get at the offending element. Also I'm confused why works on main page but not on category page. If you watch page loading carefully, it initially loads correctly then at the very end the images are moved down. Perhaps this is a clue.
First stackoverflow entry so I hope I have followed correct ettiquete. Please advise if you need me to provide any more information.
Thanks for taking time to read problem.
Regards Simon
It has something to do with the substitutions of the content inside the title, probably some quirk about ie9 which someone else would have more of an idea for me
just so you can take my word for it: http://jsfiddle.net/BXjK3/
the first two i have removed all the greater, lesser and quotes and it works, but I would say the browser does the substitutions before Javascript can see it, and it all goes down-hill
edit: worth mentioning the reason it looks like that is because the text is no longer properly contained, and so the display none is not taking effect on it, pushing all the images down and making it a jumble, due to the way the content is loaded the ie inspection cannot show me how the text is after the javascript, only what was loaded on page load, so i can't give you more help than that

Style getting screwed up with hash in URL

I have some pages that are loaded with a hash/anchor in the url. When we do this it screws up the padding/margin of the document. Without it, it works fine.
What's even stranger is if I use the browser tools to get to the css and disable the margin and padding and then reenable it, it looks fine. We are using a third party web site to serve our site which means we're kind of locked into a CMS type of service and our hands are tied to a certain extent as to how much we can customize our pages. So, therefore, we have multiple css files referenced and so forth.
If you look at the two urls below you'll see the issue in the one with the #company_settings appended to the end of the url. If you then use inspect element in chrome to look at the header and disable and reenable the custom.css:2 for margin and padding, you'll see it then fixes the problem. Any idea why this is happening and if there's something I can do in css to fix this? Thanks.
Using a hash in the URL signals the browser to scroll to a specific location of the document.
And the browser is exactly doing so.
If you can edit skin.css (which sounds so by it's name), go into line 6:
#foxboro_header {width:100%;overflow:hidden;}
Change it, remove the overflow rule:
#foxboro_header {width:100%;}
This should make it work.
BTW if it's a block element, the width is automatically set to 100%. Setting it would be redundant then.
Next to that the code of the page is full of validation errors, deal with them otherwise you might run into more and more problems.
I had a similar issue using hash.
There is/was a some bug with display: table and hash url. I changed it to display: block and it was working correctly afterwards.
Hope it helps someone.

In-text hyperlinks shown by Internet Explorer without the following space. What can be the reason? YUI?

I've a problem which is most likely some ugly CSS mistake, but I just can't spot the solution (and a few changes I tried did not help).
Some of in-text hyperlinks (not all!) are shown by Internet Explorer without the following space.
here is the example
See the link WatchBot just below the Rationale title (and a few similar links deeper in the article). Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Konqueror - all display it properly: WatchBot can. IE (6.0 but IIRC also 7.0) displays it as **WatchBot***can*.
I am using Yui-reset and yui-base. Is it possible that those libraries cause the problem?
Do you have a script running on, and altering, the content in any way? I say this because the page loads normally initially, but looks as though it undergos some modification later in the loading lifecycle.
If you think reset or base are making this happen try removing them one at a time - I haven't had any experience of this error before however (I usually use the full whack: Reset, Grids, Base and Fonts).
What I did notice however is that the first WatchBot link of the page is simply this:
<p>Have you ever been curious how is
picking the games to observe and save? Here is the explanation.</p>
Where as the second link looks like this:
<span>Due to the FICS limitations </span>
WatchBot<span> can
I have no idea what that second span is doing there - might be something to check up on. (It validated fine however - so there's definitely an closing span somewhere).
I'd say a good place to start would be to but a space after the anchor but before the span, rather than right after the span start tag.
Current state of the things: as steve_c spotted first, and buti-oxa confirmed, it looks like the layout is being spoiled by javascript (and as Ross noted, some extra spans are injected). Thank you all, I missed it.
I am to make experiments and selectively disable those scripts (analytics and google ads) to check whether it helps (my current bet is that maybe I have some HTML error or naming conflict)
Did you try to disable pageTracker? It seems to be the only script on your page, and it looks fine to me in its static form.
EDIT: I wondered what span Ross was talking about - I did not see any. I viewed the source. I just learned that Firefox allows to see both source and generated source (Toos/Web Developer/View Source). Sure enough, generated source has additional span inserted.
Solution: my page was spoiled by the text-link-ads script (which, in fact I activated on English blog by mistake - this is script by adkontekst.wp.pl, Polish firm). After disabling it everything is OK.
Thanks for everybody who pointed me into the right direction.
