Trouble implementing a very simple mass flow source - connector

I am currently learning Modelica by trying some very simple examples. I have defined a connector Incompressible for an incompressible fluid like this:
connector Incompressible
flow Modelica.SIunits.VolumeFlowRate V_dot;
Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
end Incompressible;
I now wish to define a mass or volume flow source:
model Source_incompressible
parameter Modelica.SIunits.VolumeFlowRate V_dot;
parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
parameter Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
Incompressible outlet;
outlet.V_dot = V_dot;
outlet.h = enthalpyWaterIncompressible(T); // quick'n'dirty enthalpy function
outlet.p = p;
end Source_incompressible;
However, when checking Source_incompressible, I get this:
The problem is structurally singular for the element type Real.
The number of scalar Real unknown elements are 3.
The number of scalar Real equation elements are 4.
I am at a loss here. Clearly, there are three equations in the model - where does the fourth equation come from?
Thanks a lot for any insight.

There are a couple of issues going on here. As Martin points out, the connector is unbalanced (you don't have matching "through" and "across" pairs in that connector). For fluid systems, this is acceptable. However, intensive fluid properties (e.g., enthalpy) have to be marked as so-called "stream" variables.
This topic is, admittedly, pretty complicated. I'm planning on adding an advanced chapter to my online Modelica book on this topic but I haven't had the time yet. In the meantime, I would suggest you have a look at the Modelica.Fluid library and/or this presentation by one of its authors, Francesco Casella.

That connector is not a physical connector. You need one flow variable for each potential variable. This is the OpenModelica error message if it helps a little:
Warning: Connector .Incompressible is not balanced: The number of potential variables (2) is not equal to the number of flow variables (1).
Error: Too many equations, over-determined system. The model has 4 equation(s) and 3 variable(s).
Error: Internal error Found Equation without time dependent variables outlet.V_dot = V_dot
This is because the unconnected connector will generate one equation for the flow:
outlet.V_dot = 0.0;
This means outlet.V_dot is replaced in:
outlet.V_dot = V_dot;
And you get:
0.0 = V_dot;
But V_dot is a parameter and can not be assigned to in an equation section (needs an initial equation if the parameter has fixed=false, or a binding equation in the default case).


openMDAO: Does the use of ExecComp maximum() interfere with constraints not being affected by design variables?

When running the optimization driver on a large model I recieve:
DerivativesWarning:Constraints or objectives [('max_current.current_constraint.current_constraint', inds=[0]), ('max_current.continuous_current_constraint.continuous_current_constraint', inds=[0])] cannot be impacted by the design variables of the problem.
I read the answer to a similar question posed here.
The values do change as the design variables change, and the two constraints are satisfied during the course of optimization.
I had assumed this was due to those components' ExecComp using a maximum(), as this is the only place in my model I use a maximum function, however when setting up a simple problem with a maximum() function in a similar manner I do not receive an error.
My model uses explicit components that are looped, there are connections in the bottom left of the N2 diagram and NLBGS is converging the whole model. I currently am thinking it is due to the use of only explicit components and the NLBGS instead of implicit components.
Thank you for any insight you can give in resolving this warning.
Below is a simple script using maximum() that does not report errors. (I was so sure that was it) As I create a minimum working example that gives the error in a similar way to my larger model I will upload it.
import openmdao.api as om
prob.driver = om.ScipyOptimizeDriver()
prob.driver.options['optimizer'] = 'SLSQP'
prob.driver.options['tol'] = 1e-6
prob.driver.options['maxiter'] = 80
prob.driver.options['disp'] = True
indeps = prob.model.add_subsystem('indeps', om.IndepVarComp())
indeps.add_output('x', val=2.0, units=None)
prob.model.promotes('indeps', outputs=['*'])
om.ExecComp('y_func_1 = x'),
om.ExecComp('y_func_2 = x**2'),
om.ExecComp('y_max = maximum( y_func_1 , y_func_2 )'),
om.ExecComp('y_check = y_max - 1.1'),
prob.model.add_constraint('y_check', lower=0.0)
prob.model.add_design_var('x', lower=0.0, upper=2.0)
There is a problem with the maximum function in this context. Technically a maximum function is not differentiable; at least not when the index of which value is max is subject to change. If the maximum value is not subject to change, then it is differentiable... but you didn't need the max function anyway.
One correct, differentiable way to handle a max when doing gradient based things is to use a KS function. OpenMDAO provides the KSComp which implements it. There are other kinds of functions (like p-norm that you could use as well).
However, even though maximum is not technically differentiable ... you can sort-of/kind-of get away with it. At least, numpy (which ExecComp uses) lets you apply complex-step differentiation to the maximum function and it seems to give a non-zero derivative. So while its not technically correct, you can maybe get rid of it. At least, its not likely to be the core of your problem.
You mention using NLBGS, and that you have components which are looped. Your test case is purely feed forward though (here is the N2 from your test case).
. That is an important difference.
The problem here is with your derivatives, not with the maximum function. Since you have a nonlinear solver, you need to do something to get the derivatives right. In the example Sellar optimization, the model uses this line: prob.model.approx_totals(), which tells OpenMDAO to finite-difference across the whole model (including the nonlinear solver). This is simple and keeps the example compact. It also works regardless of whether your components define derivatives or not. It is however, slow and suffers from numerical difficulties. So use on "real" problems at your own risk.
If you don't include that (and your above example does not, so I assume your real problem does not either) then you're basically telling OpenMDAO that you want to use analytic derivatives (yay! they are so much more awesome). That means that you need to have a Linear solver to match your nonlinear one. For most problems that you start out with, you can simply put a DirectSolver right at the top of the model and it will all work out. For more advanced models, you need a more complex linear solver structure... but thats a different question.
Give this a try:
prob.model.linear_solver = om.DirectSolver()
That should give you non-zero total derivatives regardless of whether you have coupling (loops) or not.

How are the design variables in the SimpleGA or DifferentialEvolution drivers initialized?

I am having trouble navigating the source code to see how the design variables in the initial population for the SimpleGA and DifferentialEvolution Drivers are set. Is there some sort of Latin Hypercube sampling of the design variable ranges? Do the initial values I set in my problem instance get used like they would for the other drivers (Scipy and pyOptSparse)?
Many thanks,
For these two drivers, the initial value in the model is not used. Its not even clear to me what it would mean to use that value directly, since you need a stochastically generated population --- but I'm admittedly not an expert on the latest GA population initialization methods. However, I can answer the question of how they do get initialized as of OpenMDAO V3.17:
Simple GA Driver:
This driver does seem to use an LHS sampling like this:
new_gen = np.round(lhs(self.lchrom, self.npop, criterion='center',
new_gen[0] = self.encode(x0, vlb, vub, bits)
Differential Evolution Driver:
This driver uses a uniform random distribution like this:
population = rng.random([self.npop, self.lchrom]) * (vub - vlb) + vlb # scale to bounds
Admittedly, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense why the intialization methods are different, and perhaps there should be some option to pick from a set of methods or provide your own initial population somehow. A POEM and/or pull-request to improve this would be most welcome.

How can exp(x) be used in xcos?

I'm trying to simulate Ke^(-θs)/(𝜏*s + 1), but xcos won't let me use exp(s) in my CLR block. Is there any way around that?
Also, how can I create an xcos model, without the value for the variables, and then assign the values through the editor?
Your transfer function represents a time delay θ in series with a first order system, use the following block to approximate the delay part :
Depending on what you mean with "to simulate Ke^(-θs)/(𝜏*s + 1)", you may try or use
The second part of your question is quite unclear as well.
Usually, parameters (not variables) are defined in the context of the diagram. If by variables you mean the input signal, then you must create and use a block among possible sources (see sources palette), that will deliver an output to be branched as input to your processing block.

Error when computing jacobian vector product

I have a group with coupled disciplines which is nested in a model where all other components are uncoupled. I have assigned a nonlinear Newton and linear direct solvers to the coupled group.
When I try to run the model with default "RunOnce" solver everything is OK, but as soon as I try to run optimization I get following error raised from
File "...\openmdao\core\", line 1790, in _apply_linear scope_out, scope_in)
File "...\openmdao\core\", line 339, in _apply_linear
File "...\", line 51, in compute_jacvec_product
d_inputs['T'] = slope * deff_dT / alp_sc
File "...\openmdao\vectors\", line 363, in setitem
raise KeyError(msg.format(name)) KeyError: 'Variable name "T" not found.'
Below is the N2 diagram of the model. Variable "T" which is mentioned in the error comes from implicit "temp" component and is fed back to "sc" component (file in the error msg) as input.
N2 diagram
The error disappears when I assign DirectSolver on top of the whole model. My impression was that "RunOnce" would work as long as groups with implicit components have appropriate solvers applied to them as suggested here and is done in my case. Why does it not work when trying to compute total derivatives of the model, i.e. why compute_jacvec_product cannot find coupled variable "T"?
The reason I want to use "RunOnce" solver is that optimization with DirecSolver on top becomes very long as my variable vector "T" increases. I suspect it should be much faster with linear "RunOnce"?
I think this example of the compute_jacvec_product method might be helpful.
The problem is that, depending on the solver configuration or the structure of the model, OpenMDAO may only need some of the partials that you provide in this method. For example, your matrix-free component might have two inputs, but only one is connected, so OpenMDAO does not need the derivative with respect to the unconnected input, and in fact, does not allocate space for it in the d_inputs or d_outputs vectors.
So, to fix the problem, you just need to put an if statement before assigning the value, just like in the example.
Based on the N2, I think that I agree with your strategy of putting the direct solver down around the coupling only. That should work fine, however it looks like you're implementing a linear operator in your component, based on:
File "...\", line 51, in compute_jacvec_product d_inputs['T'] = slope * deff_dT / alp_sc
You shouldn't use direct solver with matrix-free partials. The direct solver computes an inverse, which requires the full assembly of the matrix. The only reason it works at all is that OM has some fall-back functionality to manually assemble the jacobian by passing columns of the identity matrix through the compute_jacvec_product method.
This fallback mechanism is there to make things work, but its very slow (you end up calling compute_jacvec_product A LOT).
The error you're getting, and why it works when you put the direct solver higher up in the model, is probably due to a lack of necessary if conditions in your compute_jacvec_product implementation.
See the docs on explicit component for some examples, but the key insight is to realize that not every single variable will be present when doing a jacvec product (it depends on what kind of solve is being done --- i.e. one for Newton vs one for total derivatives of the whole model).
So those if-checks are needed to check if variables are relevant. This is done, because for expensive codes (i.e. CFD) some of these operations are quite expensive and you don't want to do them unless you need to.
Are your components so big that you can't use the compute_partials function? Have you tried specifying the sparsity in your jacobian? Usually the matrix-free partial derivative methods are not needed until you start working with really big PDE solvers with 1e6 or more implicit outputs variables.
Without seeing some code, its hard to comment with more detail, but in summary:
You shouldn't use compute_jacvec_product in combination with direct solver. If you really need matrix-free partials, then you need to switch to iterative linear solvers liket PetscKrylov.
If you can post the code for the the component in that has the compute_jacvec_product I could give a more detailed recommendation on how to handle the partial derivatives in that case.

arithmetic library for tracking worst case error

Is there any library or tool that allows for knowing the maximum accumulated error in arithmetic operations?
For example if I make some iterative calculation ...
myVars = initialValues;
while (notEnded) {
myVars = updateMyVars(myVars)
... I want to know at the end not only the calculated values, but also the potential error (the range of posible values if results in each individual operations took the range limits for each operand).
I have already written a Java class called (EA for Error Accounting) which holds and updates the maximum positive and negative errors along with the calculated value, for some basic operations, but I'm afraid I might be reinventing an square wheel.
Any libraries/whatever in Java/whatever? Any suggestions?
Updated on July 11th: Examined existing libraries and added link to sample code.
As commented by fellows, there is the concept of Interval Arithmetic, and there was a previous question ( A good uncertainty (interval) arithmetic library? ) on the topic. There just a couple of small issues about my intent:
I care more about the "main" value than about the upper and lower bounds. However, to add that extra value to an open library should be straight-forward.
Accounting the error as an independent floating point might allow for a finer accuracy (e.g. for addition the upper bound would be incremented just half ULP instead of a whole ULP).
Libraries I had a look at:
ia_math (Java. Just would have to add the main value. My favourite so far)
Boost/numeric/Interval (C++, Very complex/complete)
ErrorProp (Java, accounts value, and error as standard deviation)
The sample code ( runs ok a ballistic simulation and a calculation of number e. However those are not very demanding scenarios.
probably way too late, but look at BIAS/Profil:
Pretty complete, simple, account for computer error, and if your errors are centered easy access to your nominal (through Mid(...)).
