How to make Meteor ignore files? - meteor

Is there some specific folder in Meteor file structure which is simply ignored by Meteor? (meteor bundle and meteor deploy etc)
Or better yet: is there a kind of .meteorignore file where we can list files for Meteor to ignore?

There's no such file as .meteorignore yet.
Currently the only reliable way to hide a file from Meteor is to make it hidden (add a dot to the beginning of name). You can hide the whole directory, which is useful if you need specific filenames for things like Grunt tasks.
For example if you create a directory called .hammerTime, then Meteor can't touch this.
As of Meteor v1.5.2.1, there is support for a .meteorignore file. It works exactly the same as a .gitignore.

As of Meteor v1.5.2.1, there is support for a .meteorignore file. It works exactly the same as a .gitignore.
You can use them in any directory of your project and are fully integrated with the file watching system.


Sass (LibSass) with Spring MVC and JAVA

I was planning to use Sass with my Spring-MVC application. From Sass-lang website I got this Maven LibSass Plugin. I have put it in my pom.xml
But I am really confused with what next?
The major doubts I have are:
Which directory I should keep my Sass files in?
How do I include them in my HTML files?
What should be the target dir?
As of now, if I keep directories as suggested by my plug-in, it crashes either eclipse or stalls maven clean and install goal execution. I very new to this concept. Do let me know if you need any other info.
Actually these are all up to you.
You can choose an arbitrary directory. Most probably you would not want to serve Sass files. Thus this directory should not be deployed. libsass examples use src/main/sass directory.
You should include the .css files created at the target directory manually. libsass does not handle this part. There is no automatic inclusion of the compiled .css files as in Ruby on Rails platform.
Target directory is arbitrary again. Remember the choice of directory depends on how you will refer to these files at views. For example if you will be manually referring them, most probably you'll want to specify a target directory that is actually deployed to application server, such as src/main/resources/css.

how to make meteor ignore files in a Package?

I have a package which includes a file that gets frequently rebuilt. This causes meteor to restart each time that file is edited.
There are ways to get meteor to ignore files within the main app, eg putting inside a .directory but is there a way to do this within a package?
The catch is that I DO need the final file to be included for deployment, so it has to be named - as an asset - and included in the package addFiles.
The only solution I have so far is to host the asset external to the meteor app and load it in via http or something on each cold start, but that's a bit fragile.
As of Meteor v1.5.2.1, there is support for a .meteorignore file. It behaves the same as a .gitignore. Have you tried using it?
You can use them in any directory of your project and are fully integrated with the file watching system.

How to exclude files from Meteor's generation of app?

Tl;dr : Is there an equivalent in meteor to .gitignore?
Yes, I am aware of using a leading '.' in the directory name to get meteor to exclude it. But using leading dot is not a solution in this case. Read below to understand.
I would like to use to install various browser plugins.
Ideally, I run bower in the client subdirectory. Bower does its thing creating the bower_components directory and pulls down the plugin (pick a random jquery plugin for example).
Many plugins include example html, demo css files, etc. to show how to use the plugin.
Unfortunately, Meteor wants to include all that stuff in the application. Which unsurprisingly causes problems.
My current solution is to have run in the project's parent directory. This is not ideal as I have to copy js/css files over from the bower directory to the meteor client directory. (yes, I could use soft links but then the files would be missing when pushing to production).
With only a few client plugins / css packages this is becoming quite annoying.
NOTE: Renaming files/directories retrieved by to have a leading '.' or using bower in a dotted subdirectory helps only marginally. I would then have to manually include the files needed.
Is this possibly a duplicate of How to exclude directories/files from Meteor's bundler?
If you want to define the way you name your files, you could try including a certain regex to match in the meteor bundler. Otherwise, maybe it's something that needs to be implemented on a framework level.
I also found this tutorial by Tri on integrating meteor and bower: Tri defines a new meteor package to specify the exact files required on the client.
The best solution, however, is move away from Bower as Meteor offers its own package manager at a framework level. Including the front end files that you need using Meteor packages would be the more productive solution in the long run, especially as the framework changes.

How to use the modified bootstrap in Flat-UI in a Meteor app?

I am using bootstrap in Meteor and found that there is a modified flat design here: Among the files seems to be a modified set of Bootstrap files. Is it possible to somehow use those css and js files to override the default bootstrap files to get the Flat-UI in a meter app? Thank you!
it's quite simple:
unzip the contents of the from the flatui site, then follow these steps:
create these folders in your app root: /client/stylesheets
copy the contents of the .zip into /stylesheets
remove the index.html and files as they might cause your app to crash, and are not needed
meteor automatically takes care of the rest.
Although manually insert files works, I'm using meteor package jss:flat-ui
meteor add jss:flat-ui
it will automatically add flat-ui and twbs:bootstrap.
Note that, it might be better to remove any bootstrap package before installing this, I've been in a project that has mizzao:bootstrap installed and the login ui not working, so I remove mizzao:bootstrap and reinstalled flat-ui to make it work.
You can use whatever css you want to, Meteor don't care.
I wouldn't add the bootstrap meteor package though, I'd just download the css files you want and place them in your project. That way you know exactly what files are used and can easily make changes.
Here's some info on how to structure your app:
I created a shell script to generate a custom bootstrap Meteor package from either a precompiled distribution, or from your own clone of the Bootstrap Git repository.
You can find it here, along with usage information:
Just unpack the ZIP file containing the files and run this command from inside the theme folder:
/path/to/ $your_meteor_project/packages/bootstrap

git + Flash Builder workflow: how do I set it up so git works smoothly?

I'm using git to track a project I'm developing in Flash Builder, and I'm wondering the best way to go about having it track it, especially regarding Flash Builder generated files, Compiler generated files, and source files that aren't necessarily flex files.
I had it set up to ignore all of the flash builder .project & debugging directories via .gitignore:
and also treating any swf/swc files as binaries via .gitattributes
*.swf -crlf -diff -merge
*.swc -crlf -diff -merge
One issue with this setup is checking out this project and using
it in Flash Builder from scratch:
Flash Builder doesn't like it when
you have a project folder without
the .project files. Only way to
import the source into Flash Builder is to:
Create a new Flex Application
Smother the template files it
created (specifially APP_NAME.mxml)
with a git clone.
Where do I put libraries? From a git perspective, I'd like to have them in the lib folder of the repo so when someone clones the repo, everything just works, but from a local file system perspective I'd like to store all my libraries in a single location and use Flash Builder to reference them, as I may update the library or download a later version. Maybe I should put the libraries in their own repo and load them as a git module? This way I don't need to manually remember to update my Y library files in all X projects that are using them, edit: they will simply update when I update each projects' submodules.
And what about external swfs/flex modules? I've was sticking external swf files in the bin-debug folder for now so the SWFLoader class can find them, but because I'm .gitignoring the bin-debug folder, they don't come with the repo when it's cloned.
One final issue is where to keep the files for the server. Do I have them in a separate repo? I'm using php VOs' with AMFPHP so it's good to be able to edit the php files alongside my actionscript files in Flash Builder... but they don't belong in the project src folder.
The current solution I'm using is:
Creating a 'server' folder in the project root
Pointing an apache virtualhost at it
Setting the run/debug settings to http://APP_NAME.localhost
Then using the server folder as a replacement for bin-debug when the files get exported
The problem with this is I've got a big mess of compiler generated files, and non-AS source files in my server folder. It just doesn't seem like an elegant solution.
How do you set up git to work with flash builder smoothly? Could all this be resolved with multiple git repos/Flash Builder projects, or an ANT script or something?
I've found a good solution which avoids all of the horror of having untracked files and keeping a massive .ignore list:
CLEAN your projects before you git commit.
Simple as that.
Whether it be by Flash Builder or by ant, you should have the ability to clean anyway, so if you simply clean before you commit, the problem of generated files is solved. Duh.
In fact you could probably set it up as a git hook or something.
Typically for eclipse projects with any SCM, I initially check in everything including .projects, etc., but maybe except bin-debug in your case. Then just make sure that anybody who checks out the project never checks back in those .xxx files. For instance, when I use perforce, I first check out the .xxx files to a changelist that I never check in. Then check out the rest to a separate changelist.
Another tip is to use user defined library variables when working with build paths, etc.
