R Programming Calculate Rows Average - r

How to use R to calculate row mean ?
Sample data:
f<- data.frame(
Expected Results :
Subsequently the table will add more column for example the expected results is only until AverageSales day1sales.4. After running more data, it will add on to day1sales.6 and so on. So how can I count the average for all the rows?

with rowMeans
> rowMeans(f[-1])
## [1] 6.6 17.4 10.8
You can also add another column to of means to the data set
> f$AvgSales <- rowMeans(f[-1])
> f
## name day1sales day1sales.1 day1sales.2 day1sales.3 day1sales.4 AvgSales
## 1 apple 2 2 2 22 5 6.6
## 2 orange 5 8 15 51 8 17.4
## 3 banana 4 6 24 13 7 10.8

rowMeans is the simplest way. Also the function apply will apply a function along the rows or columns of a data frame. In this case you want to apply the mean function to the rows:
f$AverageSales <- apply(f[, 2:length(f)], 1, mean)
(changed 6 to length(f) since you say you may add more columns).
will add an AverageSales column to the dataframe f with the value that you want
> f
## name day1sales day1sales.1 day1sales.2 day1sales.3 day1sales.4 means
##1 apple 2 2 2 22 5 6.6
##2 orange 5 8 15 51 8 17.4
##3 banana 4 6 24 13 7 10.8


creating a dataframe of means of 5 randomly sampled observations

I'm currently reading "Practical Statistics for Data Scientists" and following along in R as they demonstrate some code. There is one chunk of code I'm particularly struggling to follow the logic of and was hoping someone could help. The code in question is creating a dataframe with 1000 rows where each observation is the mean of 5 randomly drawn income values from the dataframe loans_income. However, I'm getting confused about the logic of the code as it is fairly complicated with a tapply() function and nested rep() statements.
The code to create the dataframe in question is as follows:
samp_mean_5 <- data.frame(income = tapply(sample(loans_income$income,1000*5),
FUN = mean),
In particular, I'm confused about the nested rep() statements and the 1000*5 portion of the sample() function. Any help understanding the logic of the code would be greatly appreciated!
For reference, the original dataset loans_income simply has a single column of 50,000 income values.
You have 50,000 loans_income in a single vector. Let's break your code down:
FUN = mean)
I will replace 1000 with 10 and income with random numbers, so it's easier to explain. I also set set.seed(1) so the result can be reproduced.
We 50 random incomes from your vector without replacement. They are (temporarily) put into a vector of length 50, so the output looks like this:
> sample(runif(50000),10*5)
[1] 0.73283101 0.60329970 0.29871173 0.12637654 0.48434952 0.01058067 0.32337850
[8] 0.46873561 0.72334215 0.88515494 0.44036341 0.81386225 0.38118213 0.80978822
[15] 0.38291273 0.79795343 0.23622492 0.21318431 0.59325586 0.78340477 0.25623138
[22] 0.64621658 0.80041393 0.68511759 0.21880083 0.77455662 0.05307712 0.60320912
[29] 0.13191926 0.20816298 0.71600799 0.70328349 0.44408218 0.32696205 0.67845445
[36] 0.64438336 0.13241312 0.86589561 0.01109727 0.52627095 0.39207860 0.54643661
[43] 0.57137320 0.52743012 0.96631114 0.47151170 0.84099503 0.16511902 0.07546454
[50] 0.85970500
Now we are creating an indexing vector of length 50:
> rep(1:10,rep(5,10))
[1] 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6
[29] 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10
Those indices "group" the samples from step 1. So basically this vector tells R that the first 5 entries of your "sample vector" belong together (index 1), the next 5 entries belong together (index 2) and so on.
FUN = mean
Just apply the mean-function on the data.
So tapply takes the sampled data (sample-part) and groups them by the second argument (the rep()-part) and applies the mean-function on each group.
If you are familiar with data.frames and the dplyr package, take a look at this (only the first 10 rows are displayed):
df <- data.frame(income=sample(runif(5000),10*5), index=rep(1:10,rep(5,10)))
income index
1 0.42585569 1
2 0.16931091 1
3 0.48127444 1
4 0.68357403 1
5 0.99374923 1
6 0.53227877 2
7 0.07109499 2
8 0.20754511 2
9 0.35839481 2
10 0.95615917 2
I attached the an index to the random numbers (your income). Now we calculate the mean per group:
df %>%
group_by(index) %>%
which gives us
# A tibble: 10 x 2
index mean
<int> <dbl>
1 1 0.551
2 2 0.425
3 3 0.827
4 4 0.391
5 5 0.590
6 6 0.373
7 7 0.514
8 8 0.451
9 9 0.566
10 10 0.435
Compare it to
which yields basically the same result:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0.5507529 0.4250946 0.8273149 0.3905850 0.5902823 0.3730092 0.5143829 0.4512932 0.5658460

An easier way to get average of a table with some conditions in R

I am trying to get the average of all 6 quizzes for each male student.
Here is part of the code that I've tried:
My logic is to get a table only contains male students with each of their 6 quizzes, then sum the table and divide by the number of male student. But I think there should be an easier way to do this.
Sample data:
df <- data.frame(Section=c(rep('A',9)),
How about this:
Note: "c(4:9)" in the code above is takes the row average for quiz columns 4-9.
So we're calculating quiz scores for each individual this way.
Section Degree Sex Quiz1 Quiz2 Quiz3 Quiz4 Quiz5 Quiz6 QuizMeans
1 A MBA M 0 0 6 5 7 3 3.500000
2 A MBA M 10 1 5 4 3 8 5.166667
3 A MBA M 2 4 6 5 6 6 4.833333
4 A MBA M 2 4 6 5 3 6 4.333333
5 A MS M 8 1 4 10 10 5 6.333333
7 A MBA M 6 0 7 7 6 10 6.000000
8 A MS M 2 3 9 7 10 10 6.833333
Then if you wanted to take the mean of their means (i.e. the grand mean), you could store the above as something like "df", then use mean() to calculate the mean of the column QuizMeans, like this:
df <- data.frame(df[which(df$Sex=='M'),],QuizMeans=rowMeans(df[which(df$Sex=='M'),c(4:9)]))
[1] 5.285714
If there are missing values in your data, you'll need to add na.rm=TRUE to either the mean() or rowMeans() function, like this:
mean(df$QuizMeans, na.rm=TRUE)
[1] 5.285714
You could use the following without specifying column positions
ans <- sum(df[df$Sex=="M", grepl("Quiz",names(df))])/sum(df$Sex=="M")
# 31.71429
If you know the column positions
ans <- sum(df[df$Sex=="M", 4:9])/sum(df$Sex=="M")
# 31.71429
df <- data.frame(Section=c(rep('A',9)),
Use dplyr.
mydf %>% filter(Sex == "Male") %>%
summarise(avg_q6 = mean(Quiz6))

subsetting closed values in a column based on binary column in a data frame by R

I have a data frame with 85 rows and 35 columns which is sorted based on age column, like below:
No Gender Age
1 F 5.8
2 F 5.9
3 F 6
4 M 6.2
5 F 7
6 F 7.2
7 M 7.4
8 M 7.8
9 M 7.9
10 M 8.1
11 F 8.3
12 F 8.6
13 M 8.9
14 M 9
15 F 9.2
16 F 9.3
I need to subset closest ages in different genders. like below:
No Gender Age
1 F 6
2 M 6.2
3 F 7.2
4 M 7.4
5 M 8.1
6 F 8.3
7 F 8.6
8 M 8.9
9 M 9
10 F 9.2
Ok, I think I got this. It was surprisingly difficult, and maybe someone else will be able to come up with a more elegant solution, but here's what I got:
df <- data.frame(No=c(1L,2L,3L,4L,5L,6L,7L,8L,9L,10L,11L,12L,13L,14L,15L,16L),Gender=c('F','F','F','M','F','F','M','M','M','M','F','F','M','M','F','F'),Age=c(5.8,5.9,6,6.2,7,7.2,7.4,7.8,7.9,8.1,8.3,8.6,8.9,9,9.2,9.3),stringsAsFactors=F);
mls <- df$Gender=='M';
mages <- df$Age[mls];
fages <- df$Age[!mls];
fisLower <- findInterval(mages,fages);
TOL <- 1e-5;
fisClosest <- fisLower+ifelse(fisLower==0L | fisLower<length(fages) & mages-fages[replace(fisLower,fisLower==0L,NA)]>fages[fisLower+1L]-mages+TOL,1L,0L);
mis <- unname(tapply(seq_along(mages),fisClosest,function(is) is[which.min(abs(mages[is]-fages[fisClosest[is[1L]]]))]));
fis <- unique(fisClosest);
## No Gender Age
## 3 3 F 6.0
## 4 4 M 6.2
## 6 6 F 7.2
## 7 7 M 7.4
## 10 10 M 8.1
## 11 11 F 8.3
## 12 12 F 8.6
## 13 13 M 8.9
## 14 14 M 9.0
## 15 15 F 9.2
Explanation of variables:
df The input data.frame.
mls "male logicals": A logical vector representing which elements of df$Gender are male.
mages "male ages": The subset of df$Age for male rows.
fages "female ages": The subset of df$Age for female rows.
fisLower "female indexes lower": For each element of mages, this has the index into fages of the female age that lies just below (or possibly equal to) the male age. This could be zero if fages has no ages below the element of mages. Hence this vector is "parallel" to mages, meaning it's the same length and the elements correspond to each other.
TOL "tolerance" This was a necessary annoyance to prevent spurious floating-point comparison errors in the following statement.
fisClosest "female indexes closest" This is a simple transformation of fisLower. Basically, we must add 1L to each element of fisLower if the corresponding element of mages is actually closer to the subsequent element of fages (the "upper" one) rather than the one pointed to by the corresponding element of fisLower (the "lower" one). This must be done for two cases: (1) zero elements of fisLower, and (2) where the element of fisLower points to a non-last element of fages and the element of mages is actually closer to the subsequent element of fages.
mis "male indexes" First of all, understand that fisClosest may contain duplicates if multiple male ages have the same female age as their closest, IOW there is no other female age closer to that male age, for all of them. For each of these conflicts, we must find the one male age that is closest to the female age from the set of male ages. This requires a vector aggregation for which tapply() is appropriate. We group by fisClosest, passing mages indexes into the lambda, where we call which.min() on the absolute differences between the ages to get the winning male age, and return its index.
fis "female indexes" This is simply the unique set of indexes into fages which we need to select from df; we get this from fisClosest by removing duplicates.
At this point we can finally convert from mages and fages indexes (mis and fis) to df row indexes by indexing the appropriate respective polarities of mls. After combining and sorting the two index sets, we can finally index df to get the required output.
Original (Incorrect) Solution
It looks like you want the first and last row of each run length, excepting the first and last row of the entire data.frame. Here's one way to achieve that:
df <- data.frame(No=c(1L,2L,3L,4L,5L,6L,7L,8L,9L,10L,11L,12L,13L,14L,15L,16L),Gender=c('F','F','F','M','F','F','M','M','M','M','F','F','M','M','F','F'),Age=c(5.8,5.9,6,6.2,7,7.2,7.4,7.8,7.9,8.1,8.3,8.6,8.9,9,9.2,9.3),stringsAsFactors=F);
x <- cumsum(rle(df$Gender)$lengths); df2 <- df[unique(c(rbind(c(1L,x[-length(x)]+1L),x))),];
df2 <- df2[-c(1L,nrow(df2)),]; ## remove first and last row from original data.frame
## No Gender Age
## 3 3 F 6.0
## 4 4 M 6.2
## 5 5 F 7.0
## 6 6 F 7.2
## 7 7 M 7.4
## 10 10 M 8.1
## 11 11 F 8.3
## 12 12 F 8.6
## 13 13 M 8.9
## 14 14 M 9.0
## 15 15 F 9.2
I think you missed the F 7.0 row in your expected output; other than that, this gets the same set of rows. If you want to fix up No to be sequential from 1, you can run df2$No <- seq_len(nrow(df2)). Ditto for the row names (with rownames(df2) on the LHS).

R:Calculating percentage values across a matrix based on the values in another matrix

I have two matrices, one is a 10x1 double matrix, that can be expanded to any user preset number, eg. 100.
1 27
2 46
3 30
4 59
5 46
6 45
7 34
8 31
9 52
10 46
The other matrix looks like this, there are more rows not shown:
row.names sum_value
s17 45
s7469 213
s20984 24
s17309 214
s7432369 43
s221320984 12
s17556 34
s741269 11
s20132984 35
For each row name in main_matrx I want to count the number of times that a value more than the sum_value in main_matrx appears in min_matrx. Then I want to divide that by the number of rows in min_matrx and add that value as a new column in main_matrx.
For example, in row 1 of main_matrx for s17, the number of times a value appears that is more than 45 in min_matrx =5 times.
Now divide that 5 by 10 rows of min_matrx=> 5/10 =0.5 would be the value I'd like to have as a new column in main_matrx for s17. Then the same formula for all the s_ids in the row names.
So far I have fiddled with:
for(s in 1:length(main_matrx)) {
and I tried using apply() but I'm still not getting results.
apply(main_matrx,1:length(main_matrx), function(x) sum(main_matrx>min_CPRS_set)/length(min_matrx)))
Now, I'm just stuck because it's not working. I'm still new to R so my code isn't particularly efficient. Any suggestions?
Lots of ways to approach this. Here's one that came to my head (I think I understand what you're after; again it's much easier to understand an example than with words alone. In the future I'd suggest an example to accompany the text question.)
Where x is an element, y is a vector
FUN <- function(x, y = min_matrix[, 1]) {
sum(y > x)/length(y)
main_matrx$new <- sapply(main_matrx[, 2], FUN)
## > main_matrx
## row.names sum_value new
## 1 s17 45 0.5
## 2 s7469 213 0.0
## 3 s20984 24 1.0
## 4 s17309 214 0.0
## 5 s7432369 43 0.6
## 6 s221320984 12 1.0
## 7 s17556 34 0.6
## 8 s741269 11 1.0
## 9 s20132984 35 0.6

Selecting top finite number of rows for each unique value of a column in a data fame in R

I have a data frame with 3 columns. a,b,c. There are multiple rows corresponding to each unique value of column a. I want to select top 5 rows corresponding to each unique value of column a. column c is some value and the data frame is already sorted by it in descending order, so that would not be a problem. Can anyone please suggest how can I do this in R.
Stealing #ptocquin's example, here's how you can use base function by. You can flatten the result using do.call (see below).
> by(data = data, INDICES = data$a, FUN = function(x) head(x, 5))
# or by(data = data, INDICES = data$a, FUN = head, 5)
data$a: 1
a b c
21 1 0.1188552 1.6389895
41 1 1.0182033 1.4811359
61 1 -0.8795879 0.7784072
81 1 0.6485745 0.7734652
31 1 1.5102255 0.7107957
data$a: 2
a b c
15 2 -1.09704040 1.1710693
85 2 0.42914795 0.8826820
65 2 -1.01480957 0.6736782
45 2 -0.07982711 0.3693384
35 2 -0.67643885 -0.2170767
A similar thing could be achieved by splitting your data.frame based on a and then using lapply to step through each element subsetting first n rows.
split.data <- split(data, data$a)
subsetted.data <- lapply(split.data, FUN = function(x) head(x, 5)) # or ..., FUN = head, 5) like above
flatten.data <- do.call("rbind", subsetted.data)
a b c
1.21 1 0.11885516 1.63898947
1.41 1 1.01820329 1.48113594
1.61 1 -0.87958790 0.77840718
1.81 1 0.64857445 0.77346517
1.31 1 1.51022545 0.71079568
2.15 2 -1.09704040 1.17106930
2.85 2 0.42914795 0.88268205
2.65 2 -1.01480957 0.67367823
2.45 2 -0.07982711 0.36933837
2.35 2 -0.67643885 -0.21707668
Here is my try :
data <- data.frame(a=rep(sample(1:20,10),10),b=rnorm(100),c=rnorm(100))
data <- data[rev(order(data$c)),]
head(data, 15)
a b c
28 6 1.69611039 1.720081
91 11 1.62656460 1.651574
70 9 -1.17808386 1.641954
6 15 1.23420550 1.603140
23 7 0.70854914 1.588352
51 11 -1.41234359 1.540738
19 10 2.83730734 1.522825
49 10 0.39313579 1.370831
80 9 -0.59445323 1.327825
59 10 -0.55538404 1.214901
18 6 0.08445888 1.152266
86 15 0.53027267 1.066034
69 10 -1.89077464 1.037447
62 1 -0.43599566 1.026505
3 7 0.78544009 1.014770
result <- ddply(data, .(a), "head", 5)
head(result, 15)
a b c
1 1 -0.43599566 1.02650544
2 1 -1.55113486 0.36380251
3 1 0.68608364 0.30911430
4 1 -0.85406406 0.05555500
5 1 -1.83894595 -0.11850847
6 5 -1.79715809 0.77760033
7 5 0.82814909 0.22401278
8 5 -1.52726859 0.06745849
9 5 0.51655092 -0.02737905
10 5 -0.44004646 -0.28106808
11 6 1.69611039 1.72008079
12 6 0.08445888 1.15226601
13 6 -1.99465060 0.82214319
14 6 0.43855489 0.76221979
15 6 -2.15251353 0.64417757
