Eucalyptus web-ui - get accountid in - eucalyptus

i have a question about the web ui interface of eucalyptus in the context of my bachelor thesis.
i reference in the to a static url. (like 123456/index.html) now i want to replace the "123456" with the accountid of the user wich is logged in. is there any solution of this problem?
i would be very grateful for any answer.
Greetings file is just a set of properties that are available to the Web UI code. They can be changed (by a cloud admin) to customize some of the text in the UI of the particular installation without recompiling the source.
If you are asking whether the system defines some variables, like "name of the current user" that can be used in the custom strings, the short answer is: no. There is no support for any variable substitution in those strings at the moment.
However, if you are changing the Web UI code and introducing new properties, it wouldn't be hard to devise a syntax for variables and perform variable substitution over text of properties.


Custom user model (for custom fields, etc) with ASP.NET MVC

I'm working on a ASP.NET MVC 2 application and used the default project skeleton with forms authentication. I have two requirements, the first is that it has to work on a Mono environment (ex. to run it within Apache) and the second is that I need a custom user model or at least, append additional information to the user information so I can access such data during runtime/session-time.
I've been searching for existent answers covering this scenario and couldn't find anything final. I'm not sure if I will need to provide my own Membership provider or take a different route to solve the problem.
As far as I can tell, the aspnet_Profile table is supposed to be used for this. Take a look at this example of adding a pet to a user profile. You are of course free to add your own implementation for the custom data -- you could link it with a foreign key to the [aspnet_Users].[UserId] column and do whatever you like.

resx resources or database for globalization resources

I have been trying to get culture specific resources to work on an mvc 3 application.
If I have a LanguageResources.resx and a LanguageResources.en-UK.resx in my App_GlobalResources folder then I get an error "The namespace 'Resources' already contains a definition for 'LanguageResources'"
This is the end of a long line of issues that I have had with trying to get culture specific resources to work. I must say, I'm not impressed with the documentation Microsoft provide for using this feature.
I'm considering using a database table to store my culture specific strings instead, then I can just build a dictionary of all the values that will be available to my controller and views.
Has anyone else made such a decision, or have any direct knowledge on performance issues related to using a database for culture specific strings?
Has anyone else given up on resources too?
I must admit, I tried to reproduce your defect and I was successful. It looks like, Visual Studio generates additional class when you add something.en-UK.resx. Strange. It should not allow you to add anything like this in the first place for there is no such culture.
How to resolve the problem? Just add LanguageResources.en-GB.resx and delete
LanguageResources.en-GB.resx. That helps.
I would not use database for storing language-related resources, unless they are changing very frequently or must be entered by end users (i.e. there are some kind of templates).
Using the database hurts Localizability and requires much effort. It is hard to design correctly (I have seen a lot of mistakes in that area). Don't go that road unless you really have to.

Configurable Content System in ASP.NET

I need to design a configurable content system for all of the text in our web application that will tie together our need for Translation with the ability for Groups of users, Subgroups of users, and single Users to configure what a given label, Error Message, or piece of system text says.
Because everything needs to be configurable through the interface, resource files don't seem like the solution.
I don't expect to find something like this out of the box. How would you go about designing something like this, or what would you begin to configure in order to get this functionality?
I have achieved the type of functionality you are looking for by creating a database backed custom resource provider, and setting the <globalization> tag in the Web.Config to point to your custom provider. see:
Then within your pages and code, you can refer to GetGlobalResourceObject or GetLocalResourceObject to get localized resources.
Whilst this is primarily designed for multiple languages, I have used it in combination with custom locale functionality to provide different labels, error messages and text to different groups of users.
Create a simple table along the lines of:
table Resources {
language varchar(100)
label varchar(100) /* you might consider a different key type, but this would be easiest on coding */
value varchar(max)
You might simply cache the whole table on the web server to perform the look ups locally and simply expire the cache when a value is changed.
It's a relatively easy thing.

Entity Framework multi-language website with multi-database

As the question is a bit self explanatory, I want to achieve the goal of a multi-language website. I am using an Entity Data Model with MS SQL 2005. I came up with an idea of making a seperate database for each language with exactly the same model and relations. So I can use the Entities constructor that takes a connectionString and switch the site to the selected language.
I am using an ascx as the language control that fires an event, and the parent aspx gets the selected language as an integer (from event args) and call the method containing the same linq queries but Entity context will be created with the connection string of that db (of language)
I could only came up with this solution, because I think adding a new language will require a replication of the english one, imported to Access and sent to the translator. Then will be exported back, and the model will fit (HOPEFULLY).
My question is if this is really a good approach or am I missing anything that will create greater hassle to me. Thanks in advance
multi-database is not a good solution as soon as entities within the different databases have relations to each other. Generally a good approach is to work with labels in one default language. These labels can either be in a well defined format (e.g. 'LABEL.TEXT_HELLO') or just in the base language (e.g. 'Hello World').
So all you have to do is building a table for translations where the base language is the key and hopefully there is for each key a value containing the translation. As soon as you have the translations, you can write a method ont he frontend which writes the labels in the language used by the user.
In Zend Framework for example, you have to write <h1><?= $this->translate('Hello World'); ?></h1> instead of just <h1>Hello World</h1>
The good thing about that is, that if ya translation is missing, you can still use the fallback (in this case english) to show the user at least something.
That way, you can manage your app in one database and users who speak several languages do not have to switch between applications and content.
My approach: create a table Language that lists all the available languages. Relate each table that should be localized to Language. Now, you can easily access the localized content e.g.
Content[content_ID].HeadLine.Where(hl => == "en-US")
I look forward to see what other people as I myself is still learning DB design and EDM.
OK, if you want to be able to easily implement a new language, then reinventing the internationalization features already built in to ASP.NET is not the way to go, because it isn't "easy".
At least, not as easy as using a satellite resource DLL. Your translators will use off-the-shelf tooling to translate your resources, and ASP.NET will automatically select the correct DLL based on the user's current culture.
Read up on ASP.NET internationalization/globalization features; there's no need to invent your own.

Best practice for developing an ASP.NET website in 30 languages?

We are going to develop an ASP.NET website in 30 language.
What is the best solution for developing that site? which architecture to be used?
I suggest storing UI properties in resource files (.resx) and have the CurrentUICulture to the specific language for each request:
<globalization culture="auto" uiCulture="auto" />
If your Web site is mostly content-oriented rather than a business oriented application that differs heavily based on the language, you might want to consider building separate set of pages for each language and redirect the user based on a cookie or profile property or Request.UserLanguages. It's not possible to give a general prescription for globalization problem. The best architecture differs significantly based on the nature of each individual project.
NLS is a recurring requirement, and often when the question about NLS functionality is asked, the people asking are not aware of the complexity. NLS typically split into (at least) 2 areas:
NLS in the UI
NLS in the data
In your case, a content-based website, you may even split the second point into - data generated by the website provider and - user generated data.
For UI NLS you can use the .resx mechanism as mentioned by Mehrdad, but you should be aware that every work on localization always requires to edit the source code (i.e. the resx files).
When I had to develop a multi-languge web app, I therefore chose to handle the NLS requirement in my code, and created a couple of NLS-specific tables that mirrored the UI (btw this was the motivation to write graspx: extract all visible texts from aspx source, such as Label.Text etc). There is a separate application to upload the UI definition, and let translators do their work. The main application has an import functionality for the translated texts.
The data model looks like this: Page - PageItems - PageItemTexts (with reference to a Language), so it's quite simple.
The same model can be applied to the content: instead of Page and PageItems, you simply have ContentItems, which hold a PK and a identifier only, and a table holding the text of the ContentItems associated with a language.
Additionally, you may define some sort of language fallback chain, so that a text which is not yet translated is displayed in the original language, or some other (closely related) language.
The displayed language can be selected by the language provided by the browser (HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE), but should be allowed to be overwritten by the user (e.g. via a combobox). The selected language should be stored in a session variable, in a cookie, or in the database (for registered users).
