I'm using Google analytics since one week on a new website. I didn't change anything. I got the code and I placed it on my website like I did with other websites before. The problem now is the dashboard shows the number of users from yesturday is 1,200. I was surprised because I had more. So what I did is I changed the graph to show the number of users per hour for yesturday only and I extracted the data into CSV. The excel file says my users is 2,100 which is right and that's what the graph shows over 24 hours (I calculated them too).
So my question is why does the dashboard shows wrong number of users? (It's not daily, but if you select weekly there's a wrong too).
Attached are the screenshot and the CSV file from yesturday.
What can I do in this situation?
Thank you!
Hour Index Users
0 77
1 52
2 39
3 24
4 14
5 10
6 15
7 27
8 51
9 71
10 98
11 142
12 123
13 138
14 133
15 121
16 141
17 142
18 130
19 125
20 118
21 122
22 103
23 108
The users per hour do not sum up to the users during the day. Each hour, Google Anaytics tells you how many users there were on the site during that hour. If Tom visited your site at 9:00am and also at 11:00am, he would count 1 one user for both the rows 9 and 11 in your spreadsheet. But, he would only count as 1 user for the day.
Works the same way for days and weeks. If you add up the users each day, it will typically be less than the users for the week. Because some users likely visited your site on more than one day.
I am in the early stages of building/testing my own defined dictionary. I am testing it with a set of American state party platforms (corpus of 30 txt files). I have successfully created the dictionary and used Quanteda to provide summary statistics, but it only seems to do this for 6 files at time and my plan is to use the dictionary on hundreds of files going back decades. Is there a way to display more than 6 documents at a time?
Here is the code I used that produced data frame for the 6 files and the error message:
corp_platform <- corpus(corp)
toks_platform <- tokens(corp_platform)
dict_toks <- tokens_lookup(toks_platform, dictionary = dict)
Document-feature matrix of: 30 documents, 2 features (1.67% sparse) and 2 docvars.
commmunitarian individualist
akdem20.txt 113 20
azdem20.txt 60 13
cadem20.txt 254 98
medem20.txt 27 7
mndfl20.txt 40 18
ncdem20.txt 235 64
[ reached max_ndoc ... 24 more documents ]
The print methods for core objects, such as dfm objects, by default only print a specified number of rows. That's what you are seeing here, and why it states:
Document-feature matrix of: 30 documents
.. 24 more documents ]
It's telling you that all 30 documents are there.
This is all documented. See help("print-methods", package = "quanteda"). If you want summary statistics, try quanteda.textstats::textstat_frequency(). Or if you want the dfm as a data.frame, use convert(dfm(dict_toks), to = "data.frame").
Thanks very much. I just needed a way to display the output, and could not find an example, so this is very helpful. I changed the code I have used to:
'corp_platform <- corpus(corp)
toks_platform <- quanteda::tokens(corp_platform)
dict_toks <- tokens_lookup(toks_platform, dictionary = dict)
convert(dfm(dict_toks), to = "data.frame")'
and the output is:
'doc_ id commmunitarian individualist
1 akdem20.txt 113 20
2 azdem20.txt 60 13
3 cadem20.txt 254 98
4 medem20.txt 27 7
5 mndfl20.txt 40 18
25 tx2022draft.txt 198 156
26 txgop20.txt 181 153
27 wagop20.txt 52 63
28 wigop20.txt 27 11
29 wvgop20.txt 72 47
30 wygop20.txt 22 21'
I tried asking this on the VSCode subreddit and have had no replies so I'm hoping someone here will be able to help.
My VScode shows two color decorators instead of one, as normal.
Screenshot of the issue at hand:
I've tried disabling and re-enabling both the regular color decorator settings and the ones for Tailwind, and nothing has worked. I even enabled the setting manually in the JSON settings file and the issue persists.
I'm wondering if this could be another extension messing with this or if there is something I could try that someone else has found useful.
Here are the extensions I have installed as from the output of VSCode itself:
1 adpyke.codesnap
2 alefragnani.Bookmarks
3 apollographql.vscode-apollo
4 bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss
5 dsznajder.es7-react-js-snippets
6 eamodio.gitlens
7 esbenp.prettier-vscode
8 formulahendry.auto-close-tag
9 formulahendry.auto-rename-tag
10 glenn2223.live-sass
11 heybourn.headwind
12 marlosirapuan.nord-deep
13 miguelsolorio.fluent-icons
14 mikestead.dotenv
15 mkaufman.HTMLHint
16 ms-azuretools.vscode-docker
17 ms-python.python
18 ms-python.vscode-pylance
19 ms-toolsai.jupyter
20 ms-toolsai.jupyter-keymap
21 ms-toolsai.jupyter-renderers
22 ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare
23 ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare-audio
24 ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare-pack
25 octref.vetur
26 PKief.material-icon-theme
27 PKief.material-product-icons
28 pomber.git-file-history
29 ritwickdey.LiveServer
30 Shan.code-settings-sync
31 streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker
32 techer.open-in-browser
33 Tobermory.es6-string-html
34 usernamehw.errorlens
35 vscodevim.vim
36 Vue.volar
Thanks in advance!
I have a file with data on the delivery of products to the store.I need to calculate the total number of products in the store. I want to use the knowledge of cycles to calculate the total quantity of the product in the store, but my cycle only counts the total quantity of the last product. Why?
Here is the delivery data:
"Day" "Cott.cheese, pcs." "Kefir, pcs." "Sour cream, pcs."
1 104 117 119
2 94 114 114
3 105 107 117
4 99 112 120
5 86 104 111
6 88 110 126
7 95 106 129
I put this table in the in1 variable
Here is code:
for (p in (2:ncol(in1))){
s<-sum(in1[,p]) }
Not sure I understand correctly your question but if you only want to add all values of your data.frame except for the first column (Day), you just need to do this:
You are rewriting the s variable each iteration, that's why it only shows the result for the last column. Try
for (p in 2:ncol(in1)) {
This is what the chart currently looks like:
This is all the data in the database that it is currently using. (please excuse how the headers are not properly aligning here)
Id(Key) Confidence Love Stress Date/Time
193 0 0 0 12/3/2010 11:33:47 PM
194 55 55 55 12/3/2010 11:34:04 PM
195 30 40 20 12/3/2010 11:34:11 PM
196 40 50 30 12/3/2010 11:34:20 PM
197 50 60 40 12/3/2010 11:34:28 PM
198 60 70 50 12/3/2010 11:34:45 PM
199 70 80 60 12/3/2010 11:34:53 PM
200 80 90 70 12/3/2010 11:34:59 PM
201 20 3 11 12/3/2010 11:36:42 PM
202 20 3 11 12/3/2010 11:37:08 PM
203 76 34 34 12/3/2010 11:37:41 PM
204 3 4 2 12/4/2010 12:14:15 AM
205 5 100 8 12/4/2010 12:17:57 AM
206 77 89 3 12/12/2010 8:08:49 PM
This is the SQL statement I have the chart configured too:
SELECT [ConfidenceLevel], [LoveLevel],
[DateTime], [StressLevel] FROM
My issue is in cases like this example, the data recorded around 12/4 looses it's fidelity and is un - "see able", it all blends together.
How can I configure the chart so that the last 20 days are always readable on the chart and that they don't blur together?
Thank You.
Here are some thoughts, although please be forgiving as it's hard to get to the root of your challenge without a little more context for the data and the purpose of the graph.
First, the data sample itself seems less than adequate. Indeed, it has gaping holes: no data from 12/5 to 12/11? With data, it's garbage in, garbage out. From that perspective, one of your challenges would be to start getting more consistent data.
The line graph falsely implies there is data for the 12/5 to 12/11 date range. Was the "Confidence" level on 12/8 really 38? Maybe it was 0? Maybe it was 140? The point is, we don't know, yet the connected line graph (by it's very nature) is faking us into thinking we do know.
Also, if you're going to use a scale of "days", then I don't understand how you can have multiple values for a single day and try to plot all of those? (Maybe that's not what you're doing... .) I would think you would want to take the average of each of the categories grouped by day and have those groupings be your daily data values. And if you don't have data for a day, then refrain from plotting data you don't have.
i think the issue is with the chart type you selected as compared to the density/sparsity of your data.
this maybe reminds me of a box-and-whisker type chart,
also consider a bubble chart.
I am using Axapta 3.0 with language X++.
I am making a report based on available report. The new report only shows a total row by group CG Group instead of showing all detail row as old report.
Exam: Available report
CG Code Amount Current 1-30days 31-60days 61-180days >180days
1.1 50 10 100 30 10 5
1.1 30 20 60 35 20 20
1.1 20 30 80 7 80 60
1.2 30 50 50 1 100 80
1.2 40 70 90 5 75 15
2.3 100 20 20 150 20 30
3.1 60 10 10 80 10 4
3.1 30 60 5 100 5 60
New report as sample:
CG Code Amount Current 1-30days 31-60days 61-180days >180days
1.1Total 100 60 240 92 110 85
1.2Total 70 120 140 6 175 95
2.3Total 100 20 20 150 0 30
3.1Total 90 70 15 180 15 64
I see the code of available report has SQL sentence as
select AmountMST from CustTransOpen where
custTransOpen.AccountNum == CustTable.AccountNum
&& custTransOpen.TransDate <= balanceAs
&& CustTransOpen.TransDate >= compareDate1
&& CustTransOpen.TransDate <= compareDate2
I have created view to get data from 2table (Custtransopen, Custtable) with name SKV_CustAgỉng3, then I also write SQL to group CG Group as:
select sum(AmountMST),StatisticsGroup from SKV_CustAging3
group by StatisticsGroup
where SKV_CustAging3.TransDate <= balanceAs
&& SKV_CustAging3.TransDate < compareDate1;
I aslo try to use "Section Group" to total amount every CG Group but the report still shows detail record and The end of section group shows total amount.
In my opinion, I want to show a row total amount by group CG Group the same example new report above.
Are there any way to show only one record sum total for every CG?
Please help me. I am new officers to make this report, so I don't many experience about Axapta.Thanks.
Try to override send() and fetch() methods of your report. Axapta call fetch() to fetch records which will be printed and Axapta calls send() method for each row, printed in the report. Axapta developers guide contains a detailed information for this methods.
Override fetch() method and select all necessary data on it
Use instance of Map class to group the data
Call send() method to print data.
Find AOT by words "send" and "fetch" to get more examples.