Cannot go to another page because of url incorrect -

I created a website which is located on my document folder at Visual Studio 2008\WebSites\MyWebsite\Orders folder.
There is no problem to open the default page when I clicked starting debugging on menu tool bar. However when I go to another page, the url is not correct because it doesn't include the website name. The URL for default page is
http://localhost:64121/Orders/Default.aspx and the search page is http://localhost:64121/Search.asp. How can I change the setting to make it work without change the script on aspx page. Thank in advance.
there is the href to open another page in apsx page.
<a class="leftnavBody" href="/Search.aspx">Search Order</a></li>

If you have Search.aspx available in the same folder as your default.aspx, use
<a class="leftnavBody" href="Search.aspx">Search Order</a></li>
If Search.aspx is level up i.e. on root and default.aspx in some folder
<a class="leftnavBody" href="/Search.aspx">Search Order</a></li>


Next js link doesn't load the page

In my next js project I have the following:
<h4 className="caption-title">
<Link href="/products">
The link appears on my page and I click on it but it doesn't go to the page products.
in pages directory I have products.js
When clicked the url displayed is: http://localhost:3000/products but it does NOT go to the page.
If I manually hit this: http://localhost:3000/products then it works.
Am I missing something I should be adding?

Drupal 7 how to write a clean url link in Panels, or Content Node

I have enabled clean URLS and it is working fine.
How ever I have a Panel page with link. the link goes somethinglike this.
<a href="?q=PageName">
Now, Lets say I am on that Panel page(i would think the same thing would happen on any other custom content pages) and let's call it PanelPage and I press the link, The URL end up being, PanelPage?q=PageName (The whole URL = localhost/SiteName/PanelPage?q=PageName).
My Question is, Is there a way to write that link, so that It coume out as Clean URL? SiteName/PageName ?
Please help.
Use l($text, $path, array $options = array()) to generate links.
In drupal 7, after logged in as admin go to following path "Configuration » Search and metadata » URL aliases".
There you can set 'Alias Path' for 'Existing Path'. Add an Alias path for your panel page.
For EX:
Existing system path :
Path alias :

<a> tag href to website page in htm template

I have some htm templates that I use to send email messages within my website. One of these has a hardcoded web address in the development environment. (The ip address is where we temporarily host it for testing) Now that it will be hosted, how do I set this href so it always resolves to the path to that page. I could just retrieve the path every time the link is clicked and rewrite the htm file but that seems inefficient, there must be a way to resolve within the htm template itself.
<b>Your temporary Password is: </b><i><%Password%></i><br/>
Follow this link to change your password<br/>
<!--the href below will have to be changed once its hosted-->
Change your password here
I've tried it this way but it generates a coding error in VS2012 at the left angle bracket of the Page.ResolveUrl
<a href='<%#Page.ResolveUrl(Eval("Account/ChangePassword.aspx"))%>'> Change your password here </a>
Wouldn't this work, regardless of location?
Change Password

iframe parent window

I have an index.html page which contains an iframe into which all pages of the site are loaded. Has anybody a function (maybe javascript)? so that when you open Home.html via the google sitemap for example, it shows up in the parent frame in Index.html instead of opening by itself? Thanks.
Try adding the following to the <head>-section of your inner page:
<base target="_parent" />
But note, this will open all of the links contained in the inner page in the parent page.

Htm page to Aspx page

I have an htm page.There i have a link Moreinfo.When we click that link it will go to aspx page.Means here the link Moreinfo More Info... when we click that link it has to go reg.aspx.But its not going,,error is shopwing page not found
Means In my project,i have index.htm.From this page when i click Moreinfo link,,it has to go reg.aspx..How i can go..I copied this proj from my collegue
Nothing is working .both index.htm and reg.aspx are in same site 'b'
Are you sure the path of the link is correct? The link you have here is showing http://localhost/akki/akki/b/reg.aspx - are you sure there are supposed to be two "akki"s in the path?
the error means that the aspx page does not exist at the link you are pointing to. either you have given a wrong link or your aspx page does not exist on the path you intend to.
