So I have a webpage, that has about 30 - 40 different controls (mainly radio buttons and checkboxes) that users can select as part of an IT request for new equipment. I am storing all of this data in a dictionary, that I then pass onto a database.
Also on this page is a button called 'Next', that when clicked goes to a different page that displays a crystal report in the browser of what they chose on the previous page. This allows them print the report, or save it or submit onto HR.
On the report page is the "previous" button, that when clicked takes them back to the page where they selected all the different options.
My issue is: When I click the previous button, the selections of the different controls is lost. So I was thinking about adding my dictionary to a session variable, so that upon a 'Previous' click, I could retain that data and set the controls to what they had chosen.
Is this a good idea? Why or why not?
Is there some other way to retain the control data that you would suggest?
I would not recommend using the Session to save this kind of info.
Opening multiple forms not possible;
Values in dictionary are not typed.
Save it in the database already, having status incomplete (use SessionId for example for the retrieval);
Store the info in the ViewState (it travels with the page);
Use a class and store it in the Session.
I know there's a lot of information out there about how disabling ViewState will not prevent textboxes from persisting values across refreshes/postbacks. What I can't fins is information about how to circumvent this behavior.
Here's why I need to do this. I have a form that updates a db via AJAX. Every time a user changes a field, the db is updated immediately. Because of this, there's no reason to store values anywhere but the database.
Consider the following scenario.
User loads the page, textbox FirstName has a value of "Bob."
User changes first name to "Dave." (Database updates)
User clicks the refresh button.
We'd expect the FirstName box to now have the value of "Dave," but instead it shows "Bob." So how to force ASP to load the values from the db?
User clicks the refresh button.
On this step you'd re-read the data from the database and forcibly populate the controls with that data. If all of the "events" from the page are in fact handled by AJAX requests, then it sounds like the only two meaningful "WebForms events" are Page_Load and the Click handler for the "refresh" button. One of those two events should re-populate the controls from the database.
(Or is there no "refresh" button and the user is just reloading the page via browser functionality? In which case Page_Load should just always populate the controls from the database in this scenario.)
It seems the problem I was encountering had to do with creating and populating controls in during the correct page events. Fixed this by creating controls in Page_Init, and populating them in Page_Load.
Each record is displayed using a user control. I have the delete button embedded in the user control.
Recreate Problem: click the first DELETE button, the last row gets deleted; after this I have to click the delete button (any of them) twice to make it work.
Is it bad practice to use a User Control (combined with a placeholder) to display a bunch of records? I query to get all records and then use a Foreach loop to populate each User Control and insert each UC into the placeholder.
Why does the Delete button not respond correctly?
Without seeing your code it is tough to say. However, it appears to be a refresh issue. If you hit delete then hit refresh, the record is gone. Check how you are refreshing the data and you'll find the issue.
How can I maintain gridview page index while navigating away from the form and getting back by either the browser's back button or custom navigation button?
Save the current index in Session or other kind of state source (db, or file system), which crosses the bounds of single form (not a ViewState for sure).
I guess Session is the best for you.
I have a form with several text fields, a couple of drop down lists, and a custom control.
The requirement I have is that when the values of certain fields ( some are in the main form, some are inside the control ) the user will be alerted that the settings will not take place unless they also restart the processing and will have the option to reset it. If they exercise this option by pressing on the restart button, we execute an additional restart() method call on the server side on top of everything else.
In order to create this alert system I need to know when these required fields have changed. For the fields in the main form/page I store the original values in hidden fields when the page gets created (possible because the page is static). Then when the submit button is pressed I check the current values against the original values stored. If any of them differ I will alert the user.
For the fields in the custom control, I created a boolean property that indicates whether changes in the fields of interest took place. This control is highly dynamic contains a variable number of lists, some of them with over 100 items that can be selected or deselected. So this boolean property is able to identify if the changes I am looking for took place.
The problem is I need to get the value of this property when the user clicks on Submit, otherwise it will not contain the right value. But at the same time I want to avoid a postback. I do not want the whole page to reload. I want to get that value asynchronously somehow.
Since the whole page is stateless the question is how do I accomplish this? How do I accomplish the call to the property? And after I make the call and I get the result where do I store it so it's accessible from javascript code on the client side.
You can try putting a timer control in your ajax panel. Then on a set interval, you will evaluate the boolean property in your code behind.
Alternatively you can check the hidden field "changed" event using JavaScript or jQuery
I'm looking for an easy way to explain this to someone. Apologies if it has been asked before.
It is a way to persist the page state between postbacks on the client. It represents a serialized string of the state of a page stored inside a hidden field and posted to the server at each request/postback (ASP.NET uses a single form and every time the user performs an action like clicking on the button this form is submitted to the server). Once the serialized state is submitted to the server it is capable of retrieving values that have been stored inside the view state.
Further reading: Understanding ASP.NET View State
By default, dynamic web pages do not keep their state. For example, you set a value for a variable in the page load event of page. You want to increment this variable when user clicks button. This is not possible because at every page postback, the variable is created and the page load event is executed therefore, the variable is set to the initial value. Then, you need a way to keep the value of variable even if page postback occurs. Viewstate can be used to solve this problem.