Intergration of Docker with OpenStack via Docker Heat Plugin - networking

I'm trying to integrate Docker with OpenStack (icehouse) via the Docker-Heat Pluigin and I'm facing a problem.
OpenStack is configured according to the tutorial by OpenStack for Ubuntu. I'm using a controller node and a compute node (just the 2 nodes) with the legacy nova-networking.
Things to keep in mind:
Controller Node: 1 network interface - management interface
Compute Node : 2 network interfaces - management interface and the external interface (vm instance have ips of the same subnet of that external interface)
With OpenStack everything works perfect except (which might be the problem I'm facing for dockers)
1- You can't reach (ping) the deployed vm instances from the controller node [makes sense, i think no problem in that one]
2- You can't reach (ping) the deployed vm instances from the compute node (ping: operation not permitted) [might be the issue] - but you can ping from a vm instance to the compute node
3- The virtual machines themselves don't see each others [but i think doesn't have relation to the issue im facing]
For Dockers, the plug-in is installed. I assume perfect since the syntax for Dockers DockerInc::Docker ... is accepted but when I try to run the example posted in the Docker blog - making the adjustments required - the compute instance is created but the docker container is not. Im having this error:
When i try it as a user with admin role
MissingSchema: Invalid URL u'': No schema supplied. Perhaps you meant http:/ /
When i try it as a user with just a member role
MissingSchema: Invalid URL u'': No schema supplied. Perhaps you meant http:/ /
Notes: is the ip of the created vm instance.
I've tried not only with cirros but also coreos and ubunto-precise (same error)
Docker itsself is installed on both Controller and Compute.
Docker plugin and its requirements are only installed on the controller node
Finally, both the controller and the compute nodes run as virtual machines themselves
I would be really glad if you had an idea. Thanks for your time,
Kindest Regards,
M. El Sioufy

My guess is that you haven't allowed communication to the VMs from the outside world (which the controller and/or the compute node will be from the VM's point of view). By default, communications from VMs to the outside world are allowed, but not inbound to the VMs. Try adding an "allow all TCP" rule to the default security group of the tenant that the VMs live in. This may fix your HTTP timeout.


Not able to make network calls from GCP Compute Engine

I have deployed my services in one of GCP compute engine where we make external HTTP service calls to pull data and process them for our purposes. From last two days, this call is failing with connection timeout. I have tried the same in my system. Things do work smoothly. No changes which are applied in the cloud account at all. Any possible issues which is causing this issue?
I have validated the firewall rules. Everything looks to be fine. Appreciate your valuable suggestions.
it's been a while now since you've asked. Is this still happening? If yes please read on. Otherwise please close the posting.
Your message is quite short on details. I'm going to recap what I got:
What I got from your description
The GCE VM should be connected to the public net (I suppose it's having one of the setups: a direct public IP or an instance group member with Load Balancer or an inter connected VPC with another cloud subscription or GCP project through which it connects to the internet, without an own public IP for the VM)
The VM is not a GKE cluster instance
The VM is hosting some kind of "services" (I suppose this is some kind of containerized services?)
These services relay on establishing outbound connection to the internet
From running the same services on your local machine you can see no malfunction, the service code is ok (I suppose you deploy exactly the same code and an almost identical configuration to the VM?)
No changes have happened to the cloud account (I suppose you mean the subspriction and the project as well?)
Nothing from all this has been changed at all??
Things I'd be controlling in this situation
As your descriptin of the situation is unfortunately very rough, I'd try to give you a rough overview how I'd propose you to proceed in this order. Meanwhile please provide more details on the VM situation described above:
Public IP - No instance group with Load Balancer, No inter connected VPC:
Go to Compute Engine > VM Instances and check the External IP column. Go to Column Display Options in the top right corner of the table and enable the column if you don't see it. Make sure there is an IP here.
If the external IP exists, log in to your VM and make sure that you can ping any public internet site you know working
Trace the connection to the public site to get the route your network flow is taking
Ping the host from the next hop to your local network connection and make sure it's "really" reachable
Check whether you are having a local Firewall on your VM and disable it for a testing moment, ping again the router (or next host on the route towards the public site, from your tracing step above)
Meanwhile please provide more details on the VM situation described above

Setup a kubernetes cluster with bare metal servers from different subnets

What I am doing right now:
I own many VPS which I use to deploy applications with Docker compose, most of the machines come from different subnets and have a public static IP address.
For each new application I would pick a random VPS, assign the new application's subdomain's DNS with the VPS' IP address and deploy my application in this VPS behind an Nginx proxy (jwilder Nginx).
This approach is in my opinion very comfortable since jwilder's Nginx does almost the work for me and I only have to assign the correct DNS.
What I want to achieve:
For the purpose of learning, I would like to take the machines and make a Kubernetes cluster out of them, so I could learn more about this technology. My idea is that I only have to assign new subdomain's DNS to one single point, which also plays the role of a load balancer and pass the traffic to corresponding pods.
To redirect traffic to a new application I only have to configure the load balancer.
My problem:
I know this question is not very precise since I don't know a lot of Kubernetes. Moreover, my servers are not from a cloud provider like Google or AWS and I, therefore, can not use their solutions. They are not even from a single cloud provider, most of them are of my university and some are from a private cloud provider.
Could anybody tell me how can I achieve this?
I think the answer is kubeadm, you can install it on your own pc or vm.
It is gonna create a single control-plane cluster which could be joined by other of your vms and create a kubernetes cluster.
kubeadm helps you bootstrap a minimum viable Kubernetes cluster that conforms to best practices
kubeadm is designed to be a simple way for new users to start trying Kubernetes out, possibly for the first time, a way for existing users to test their application on and stitch together a cluster easily, and also to be a building block in other ecosystem and/or installer tool with a larger scope.
Your cluster pods will communicate via CNI.
CNI was created as a minimal specification, built alongside a number of network vendor engineers to be a simple contract between the container runtime and network plugins

How do I point traffic from a GCE external IP to a secondary internal IP?

I currently have a GCE instance that is running Jenkins, and I want to be able to access it from the browser. It's running on an IP address OTHER than the primary internal address Google gives me. So for example, the primary internal IP is, but Jenkins is running at
How do I direct traffic from <EXTERNAL_IP>:8081 to ?
Please note that my Linux skills are shaky and my networking skills are non-existant, so if you can tell me HOW to do whatever it is I need to do, bonus. :) Thanks!
1- First you need to create a Firewall rules on the current instance's network eg:
gcloud beta compute --project=<project-name> firewall-rules create jenkins --description="8081 port jenkins" --target-tags=jenkins --network=<network-name> --action=ALLOW --rules=tcp:8081
Then you have to add that rule in the instance (selecting the tag created above) eg:
gcloud compute instances add-tags <instance-name> --tags jenkins
2- Other way it's by Cloud Console from VPC network/Firewall rules and then add the Firewall Rule Tag on your instance.
However you should use the Alias IP Ranges (from this documentation may respond your question + your FR rules created for External IP).

Running Kubernetes on vCenter

So Kubernetes has a pretty novel network model, that I believe is based on what it perceives to be a shortcoming with default Docker networking. While I'm still struggling to understand: (1) what it perceives the actual shortcoming(s) to be, and (2) what Kubernetes' general solution is, I'm now reaching a point where I'd like to just implement the solution and perhaps that will clue me in a little better.
Whereas the rest of the Kubernetes documentation is very mature and well-written, the instructions for configuring the network are sparse, largely incoherent, and span many disparate articles, instead of being located in one particular place.
I'm hoping someone who has set up a Kubernetes cluster before (from scratch) can help walk me through the basic procedures. I'm not interested in running on GCE or AWS, and for now I'm not interested in using any kind of overlay network like flannel.
My basic understanding is:
Carve out a /16 subnet for all your pods. This will limit you to some 65K pods, which should be sufficient for most normal applications. All IPs in this subnet must be "public" and not inside of some traditionally-private (classful) range.
Create a cbr0 bridge somewhere and make sure its persistent (but on what machine?)
Remove/disable the MASQUERADE rule installed by Docker.
Some how configure iptables routes (again, where?) so that each pod spun up by Kubernetes receives one of those public IPs.
Some other setup is required to make use of load balanced Services and dynamic DNS.
Provision 5 VMs: 1 master, 4 minions
Install/configure Docker on all 5 VMs
Install/configure kubectl, controller-manager, apiserver and etcd to the master, and run them as services/daemons
Install/configure kubelet and kube-proxy on each minion and run them as services/daemons
This is the best I can collect from 2 full days of research, and they are likely wrong (or misdirected), out of order, and utterly incomplete.
I have unbridled access to create VMs in an on-premise vCenter cluster. If changes need to be made to VLAN/Switches/etc. I can get infrastructure involved.
How many VMs should I set up for Kubernetes (for a small-to-medium sized cluster), and why? What exact corrections do I need to make to my vague instructions above, so as to get networking totally configured?
I'm good with installing/configuring all the binaries. Just totally choking on the network side of the setup.
For a general introduction into kubernetes networking, I found pretty helpful.
On your items (1) and (2): IMHO they are nicely described in .
From my experience: What is the Problem with the Docker NAT type of approach? Sometimes you need to configure e.g. into the software all the endpoints of all nodes (,, etc). in kubernetes you can simply configure the IP's of the pods into each others pod, Docker complicates it using NAT indirection.
See also Setting up the network for Kubernetes for a nice answer.
Comments on your other points:
All IPs in this subnet must be "public" and not inside of some traditionally-private (classful) range.
The "internal network" of kubernetes normally uses private IP's, see also slides above, which uses 10.x.x.x as example. I guess confusion comes from some kubernetes texts that refer to "public" as "visible outside of the node", but they do not mean "Internet Public IP Address Range".
For anyone who is interested in doing the same, here is my current plan.
I found the script which installs a production-ish quality Kubernetes cluster on your AWS account. Essentially it creates 1 Kubernetes master EC2 instance and 4 minion instances.
On the master it installs etcd, apiserver, controller manager, and the scheduler. On the minions it installs kubelet and kube-proxy. It also creates an auto-scaling group for the minions (nice), and creates a whole slew of security- and networking-centric things on AWS for you. If you run the script and it fails creating the AWS S3 bucket, create a bucket of the same exact name manually and then re-run the script.
When the script is finished you will have Kubernetes up and running and ready for near-production usage (I keep saying "near" and "production-ish" because I'm too new to Kubernetes to know what actually constitutes a real deal productionalized cluster). You will need the AWS CLI installed and configured with a user that has full admin access to your AWS account (it goes ahead and creates IAM roles, etc.).
My game plan will be to:
Get comfortable working with Kubernetes on AWS
Keep hounding the Kubernetes team on Slack to help me understand how Kubernetes works under the hood
Reverse engineer the script so that I can get Kubernetes running on premise (vCenter)
Blog about this process
Update this answer with a link to said blog.
Give me some time and I'll follow through.

NFV on OpenStack

I am fairly new to the NFV+SDN. I have downloaded the OpenDayLight and OpenStack in one Fedora 20 VM. I have mininet network as underlying physical topology in a separate VM. I want to run services like VPN, L3 routing and NAT, Loadbalancing etc on OpenStack, but I don't have a very clear image on how to start. As far as I have understood I have to run these services on OpenStack nodes (through VM instances) and route the traffic through mininet topology with OpenDayLight as the controller in the middle.
My confusions are:
How to start writing the applications (Firewall, VPN, NAT, etc) on OpenStack?
Do I have to write a code for such services or is it command line configuration?
I came across Neutron API, Is that of any help?
Came across this:
I have looked at the other questions regarding writing "Hello World" on OpenStack but could not find anything. I shall be grateful to you for any information that could get me started on this project.
I would suggest you to check OpenBaton.
Nowadays I'm working with it which can be used NFV MANO. In addition it's ETSI compliant and their solutions are easy to implement and configure.
For your confusions- You do NOT need to write code explicitly for Firewall / VPN / LB. You need to configure the Openstack Neutron to allow these services directly. The code is already present. You need to configure them to use them. For NAT there is L3 agent already running in the default setup ( al least via packstack )
Neutron API is of any use??? I assume you are refering to REST API and NOT CLI.
Well everything that you do on Dashboard is actualy represented as a REST API to Neutron Server ( not just Neutron but all the other components of Openstack ). All the components of Openstack ( Neutron, Nova, Glance, Keystone, etc ) interact via REST API with each other and RPC mechanism within each component. All the clicks on the Dashboard are actually thrown as a REST API call to the component servers!
