Asp.Net using QuickBooks SDK with multiple accounts -

Working on an website. We would like the ability to upload data from our website to QuickBooks. Problem is users of this website will ALL have different QuickBooks online accounts, thus our website must be able to communicate with multiple QuickBooks accounts. Is this possible?? Also, can we do this without each user setting up a QuickBooks app and getting a consumer secret, consumer key, and security key???

Problem is users of this website will ALL have different QuickBooks online accounts, thus our website must be able to communicate with multiple QuickBooks accounts. Is this possible??
Yes, of course.
Also, can we do this without each user setting up a QuickBooks app and getting a consumer secret, consumer key, and security key???
Yes, of course.
You should be setting up ONE application. Then each individual QuickBooks Online company file has their admin user go through the connection process, giving you a different access token and access token secret for each individual QuickBooks Online company that you want to access.


Can you explicitly set an identity provider to an account in firebase?

My firebase application involves uploading users via CSV on our platform which then adds users accounts to firebase. This has been fine for handling Google / Microsoft based accounts since these accounts are able to be linked with the existing records automatically when a user signs in.
However, I recently added a custom Open Id Connect application through OneLogin, and these accounts are not treated the same. If users are uploaded the old way, they can not be linked to this provider and users cant authenticate.
Is it possible at all to automatically set an identity provider to an account? Or does it require a successful authentication through that provider?

Multiple oAuth servers - Firebase Authentication

I intend to develop an application using firebase authentication.
Companies will be able to sign up and in turn create accounts for their employees.
There will therefore be a "master" account which will be able to manage the operators (add them, modify them, disable them and delete them) and then the "employee" account that can use the platform.
I would like it to be possible that the master account, by entering the client id and the secret key of their oAuth server in a hypothetical administration dashboard, would make it possible for its employees to access with google.
The question is this, would it be possible to manage multiple oAuth servers (from the same provider, e.g. Google) in the same Firebase project?
Thank you in advance.

Sync two users tables on email confirmation

I'm working on a project created using Identity Server 4 for authentication, an API application that handles all the data and business logic and a client web app.
The IdentityServer project uses a different database for managing the users of the app and the API project has a copy of that table that gets synced with the one from IS when the user logs in.
The problem I'm facing is this:
When a user confirms his email the information is handled by IS but until his first login, the user appears to have his email unconfirmed in the API project.
How can I solve this without coupling the IS project to the API one?
I see various way to handle this.
Use messaging system to sync data (Users and it't update) between both the database.
Access DBContext of API project into the IS to manage users.
Or even simply have api to give updates to API project upon first login.

Auto login using registered users in my application to Skype for business online

I have a scenario where web application uses MYSQL DB to store registered users. This web application is integrate with Skype for business online (Web SDK) to communicate each other via audio, video, chat and etc.
I am implementing functionality such a way that all the registered users(in MYSQL) should be able to access Skype Web SDK automatically without asking them to provide O 365 credentials. Because the users are already registered for my application, asking them to provide O365 credentials to Skype services is not a good idea.
So I want to build functionality such a way that when registered user(MYSQL) clicks say on 'Audio Call', in background three things should happen automatically. 1.Creation of user in O 365 if not existed, 2. Sign in with O 365 credentials, 3. Start audio call.
Is this possible implement with Skype web SDK(online) ?
I am new to Skype for business online thing, Kindly suggest if any other ways available.
and also let me about available Web APIs to bulk create O 365 accounts using Global administrator of tenant.
Currently, this is not possible. For authorising users the browser has to be navigated to Microsoft domain to authenticate users and generate the access token. Only after that, your user can be authorised and users can login into Skype Services.

Azure users roles and user profile management

I have a windows azure application already running.(testing phase). Currently I use ACS authentication. users can log on with their windows live-ID. and this is all. no authorisation for now. I need to authorise users with different roles. plus I need also users to log on with different Identity providers like gmail and facebook. I have the idea to store profile information in a table (eg. Idp as partition key and User ID(which I get from the provider)as RowKey.)
Now I have have no idea how to give different roles and how to start? can any body give me a clear tutorial or just an idea how to begin with?
I suggest you take a look at the BlobShare application. This isn't a tutorial, but it's a complete application showing a few interesting concepts you could use:
The BlobShare Sample is a simple file sharing application that
demonstrates the storage services of the Windows Azure Platform,
together with the authentication and authorization capabilities of
Access Control Service (ACS).
