Mutable vectors in struct - graph

I'm trying to get a graph clustering algorithm to work in Rust. Part of the code is a WeightedGraph data structure with an adjacency list representation. The core would be represented like this (shown in Python to make it clear what I'm trying to do):
class Edge(object):
def __init__(self, target, weight): = target
self.weight = weight
class WeightedGraph(object):
def __init__(self, initial_size):
self.adjacency_list = [[] for i in range(initial_size)]
self.size = initial_size
self.edge_count = 0
def add_edge(self, source, target, weight):
self.adjacency_list[source].append(Edge(target, weight))
self.edge_count += 1
So, the adjacency list holds an array of n arrays: one array for each node in the graph. The inner array holds the neighbors of that node, represented as Edge (the target node number and the double weight).
My attempt to translate the whole thing to Rust looks like this:
struct Edge {
target: uint,
weight: f64
struct WeightedGraph {
adjacency_list: ~Vec<~Vec<Edge>>,
size: uint,
edge_count: int
impl WeightedGraph {
fn new(num_nodes: uint) -> WeightedGraph {
let mut adjacency_list: ~Vec<~Vec<Edge>> = box Vec::from_fn(num_nodes, |idx| box Vec::new());
WeightedGraph {
adjacency_list: adjacency_list,
size: num_nodes,
edge_count: 0
fn add_edge(mut self, source: uint, target: uint, weight: f64) {
self.adjacency_list.get(source).push(Edge { target: target, weight: weight });
self.edge_count += 1;
But rustc gives me this error: 24:40 error: cannot borrow immutable dereference of `~`-pointer as mutable self.adjacency_list.get(source).push(Edge { target: target, weight: weight });
So, 2 main questions:
1. How can I get the add_edge method to work?
I'm thinking that WeightedGraph is supposed to own all its inner data (please correct me if I'm wrong). But why can add_edge not modify the graph's own data?
2. Is ~Vec<~Vec<Edge>> the correct way to represent a variable-sized array/list that holds a dynamic list in each element?
The tutorial also mentions ~[int] as vector syntax, so should it be: ~[~[Edge]] instead? Or what is the difference between Vec<Edge> and ~[Edge]? And if I'm supposed to use ~[~[Edge]], how would I construct/initialize the inner lists then? (currently, I tried to use Vec::from_fn)

The WeightedGraph does own all its inner data, but even if you own something you have to opt into mutating it. get gives you a & pointer, to mutate you need a &mut pointer. Vec::get_mut will give you that: self.adjacency_list.get_mut(source).push(...).
Regarding ~Vec<Edge> and ~[Edge]: It used to be (until very recently) that ~[T] denoted a growable vector of T, unlike every other type that's written ~... This special case was removed and ~[T] is now just a unique pointer to a T-slice, i.e. an owning pointer to a bunch of Ts in memory without any growth capability. Vec<T> is now the growable vector type.
Note that it's Vec<T>, not ~Vec<T>; the ~ used to be part of the vector syntax but here it's just an ordinary unique pointer and represents completely unnecessary indirection and allocation. You want adjacency_list: Vec<Vec<Edge>>. A Vec<T> is a fully fledged concrete type (a triple data, length, capacity if that means anything to you), it encapsulates the memory allocation and indirection and you can use it as a value. You gain nothing by boxing it, and lose clarity as well as performance.
You have another (minor) issue: fn add_edge(mut self, ...), like fn add_edge(self, ...), means "take self by value". Since the adjacency_list member is a linear type (it can be dropped, it is moved instead of copied implicitly), your WeightedGraph is also a linear type. The following code will fail because the first add_edge call consumed the graph.
let g = WeightedGraph::new(2);
g.add_edge(1, 0, 2); // moving out of g
g.add_edge(0, 1, 3); // error: use of g after move
You want &mut self: Allow mutation of self but don't take ownership of it/don't move it.

get only returns immutable references, you have to use get_mut if you want to modify the data
You only need Vec<Vec<Edge>>, Vec is the right thing to use, ~[] was for that purpose in the past but now means something else (or will, not sure if that is changed already)
You also have to change the signature of add_edge to take &mut self because now you are moving the ownership of self to add_edge and that is not what you want


How to convert a vector of vectors into a vector of slices without creating a new object? [duplicate]

I have the following:
enum SomeType {
VariantB(String, i32),
fn transform(x: SomeType) -> SomeType {
// very complicated transformation, reusing parts of x in order to produce result:
match x {
SomeType::VariantA(s) => SomeType::VariantB(s, 0),
SomeType::VariantB(s, i) => SomeType::VariantB(s, 2 * i),
fn main() {
let mut data = vec![
SomeType::VariantB("asdf".to_string(), 34),
I would now like to call transform on each element of data and store the resulting value back in data. I could do something like data.into_iter().map(transform).collect(), but this will allocate a new Vec. Is there a way to do this in-place, reusing the allocated memory of data? There once was Vec::map_in_place in Rust but it has been removed some time ago.
As a work-around, I've added a Dummy variant to SomeType and then do the following:
for x in &mut data {
let original = ::std::mem::replace(x, SomeType::Dummy);
*x = transform(original);
This does not feel right, and I have to deal with SomeType::Dummy everywhere else in the code, although it should never be visible outside of this loop. Is there a better way of doing this?
Your first problem is not map, it's transform.
transform takes ownership of its argument, while Vec has ownership of its arguments. Either one has to give, and poking a hole in the Vec would be a bad idea: what if transform panics?
The best fix, thus, is to change the signature of transform to:
fn transform(x: &mut SomeType) { ... }
then you can just do:
for x in &mut data { transform(x) }
Other solutions will be clunky, as they will need to deal with the fact that transform might panic.
No, it is not possible in general because the size of each element might change as the mapping is performed (fn transform(u8) -> u32).
Even when the sizes are the same, it's non-trivial.
In this case, you don't need to create a Dummy variant because creating an empty String is cheap; only 3 pointer-sized values and no heap allocation:
impl SomeType {
fn transform(&mut self) {
use SomeType::*;
let old = std::mem::replace(self, VariantA(String::new()));
// Note this line for the detailed explanation
*self = match old {
VariantA(s) => VariantB(s, 0),
VariantB(s, i) => VariantB(s, 2 * i),
for x in &mut data {
An alternate implementation that just replaces the String:
impl SomeType {
fn transform(&mut self) {
use SomeType::*;
*self = match self {
VariantA(s) => {
let s = std::mem::replace(s, String::new());
VariantB(s, 0)
VariantB(s, i) => {
let s = std::mem::replace(s, String::new());
VariantB(s, 2 * *i)
In general, yes, you have to create some dummy value to do this generically and with safe code. Many times, you can wrap your whole element in Option and call Option::take to achieve the same effect .
See also:
Change enum variant while moving the field to the new variant
Why is it so complicated?
See this proposed and now-closed RFC for lots of related discussion. My understanding of that RFC (and the complexities behind it) is that there's an time period where your value would have an undefined value, which is not safe. If a panic were to happen at that exact second, then when your value is dropped, you might trigger undefined behavior, a bad thing.
If your code were to panic at the commented line, then the value of self is a concrete, known value. If it were some unknown value, dropping that string would try to drop that unknown value, and we are back in C. This is the purpose of the Dummy value - to always have a known-good value stored.
You even hinted at this (emphasis mine):
I have to deal with SomeType::Dummy everywhere else in the code, although it should never be visible outside of this loop
That "should" is the problem. During a panic, that dummy value is visible.
See also:
How can I swap in a new value for a field in a mutable reference to a structure?
Temporarily move out of borrowed content
How do I move out of a struct field that is an Option?
The now-removed implementation of Vec::map_in_place spans almost 175 lines of code, most of having to deal with unsafe code and reasoning why it is actually safe! Some crates have re-implemented this concept and attempted to make it safe; you can see an example in Sebastian Redl's answer.
You can write a map_in_place in terms of the take_mut or replace_with crates:
fn map_in_place<T, F>(v: &mut [T], f: F)
F: Fn(T) -> T,
for e in v {
take_mut::take(e, f);
However, if this panics in the supplied function, the program aborts completely; you cannot recover from the panic.
Alternatively, you could supply a placeholder element that sits in the empty spot while the inner function executes:
use std::mem;
fn map_in_place_with_placeholder<T, F>(v: &mut [T], f: F, mut placeholder: T)
F: Fn(T) -> T,
for e in v {
let mut tmp = mem::replace(e, placeholder);
tmp = f(tmp);
placeholder = mem::replace(e, tmp);
If this panics, the placeholder you supplied will sit in the panicked slot.
Finally, you could produce the placeholder on-demand; basically replace take_mut::take with take_mut::take_or_recover in the first version.

How do I convert the "largest value in a Vec" example in the Rust book to not use the Copy trait?

I'm trying to accomplish an exercise "left to the reader" in the 2018 Rust book. The example they have, 10-15, uses the Copy trait. However, they recommend implementing the same without Copy and I've been really struggling with it.
Without Copy, I cannot use largest = list[0]. The compiler recommends using a reference instead. I do so, making largest into a &T. The compiler then complains that the largest used in the comparison is a &T, not T, so I change it to *largest to dereference the pointer. This goes fine, but then stumbles on largest = item, with complaints about T instead of &T. I switch to largest = &item. Then I get an error I cannot deal with:
error[E0597]: `item` does not live long enough
--> src/
6 | largest = &item;
| ^^^^ borrowed value does not live long enough
7 | }
8 | }
| - borrowed value only lives until here
note: borrowed value must be valid for the anonymous lifetime #1 defined on the function body at 1:1...
I do not understand how to lengthen the life of this value. It lives and dies in the list.iter(). How can I extend it while still only using references?
Here is my code for reference:
fn largest<T: PartialOrd>(list: &[T]) -> &T {
let mut largest = &list[0];
for &item in list.iter() {
if item > *largest {
largest = &item;
When you write for &item, this destructures each reference returned by the iterator, making the type of item T. You don't want to destructure these references, you want to keep them! Otherwise, when you take a reference to item, you are taking a reference to a local variable, which you can't return because local variables don't live long enough.
fn largest<T: PartialOrd>(list: &[T]) -> &T {
let mut largest = &list[0];
for item in list.iter() {
if item > largest {
largest = item;
Note also how we can compare references directly, because references to types implementing PartialOrd also implement PartialOrd, deferring the comparison to their referents (i.e. it's not a pointer comparison, unlike for raw pointers).

Iterate over the sorted elements in a collection in tuples

I am trying to iterate over the sorted elements in a collection in tuples of 2 or more.
If I had a Vec, I could call
for window in {
// do something with window
but Vecs aren't implicitly sorted, which would be really nice to have. I tried to use a BTreeSet instead of a Vec, but I don't seem to be able to call windows on it.
When trying to call
for window in tree_set.iter().windows(2) {
// do something with window
I get the error
no method named `windows` found for type `std::collections::btree_set::Iter<'_, Card>` in the current scope
Itertools provides the tuple_windows method:
extern crate itertools;
use itertools::Itertools;
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
fn main() {
let items: BTreeSet<_> = vec![1, 3, 2].into_iter().collect();
for (a, b) in items.iter().tuple_windows() {
println!("{} < {}", a, b);
Note that windows is a method on slices, not on iterators, and it returns an iterator of subslices of the original slice. A BTreeMap presumably cannot provide that same iterator interface because it isn't built on top of a contiguous hunk of data; there's going to be some value that isn't immediately next in memory to the subsequent value.

Cannot move out of borrowed content when borrowing a generic type

I have a program that more or less looks like this
struct Test<T> {
vec: Vec<T>
impl<T> Test<T> {
fn get_first(&self) -> &T {
fn do_something_with_x(&self, x: T) {
// Irrelevant
fn main() {
let t = Test { vec: vec![1i32, 2, 3] };
let x = t.get_first();
Basically, we call a method on the struct Test that borrows some value. Then we call another method on the same struct, passing the previously obtained value.
This example works perfectly fine. Now, when we make the content of main generic, it doesn't work anymore.
fn generic_main<T>(t: Test<T>) {
let x = t.get_first();
Then I get the following error:
error: cannot move out of borrowed content
src/ let raw_x = *x;
I'm not completely sure why this is happening. Can someone explain to me why Test<i32> isn't borrowed when calling get_first while Test<T> is?
The short answer is that i32 implements the Copy trait, but T does not. If you use fn generic_main<T: Copy>(t: Test<T>), then your immediate problem is fixed.
The longer answer is that Copy is a special trait which means values can be copied by simply copying bits. Types like i32 implement Copy. Types like String do not implement Copy because, for example, it requires a heap allocation. If you copied a String just by copying bits, you'd end up with two String values pointing to the same chunk of memory. That would not be good (it's unsafe!).
Therefore, giving your T a Copy bound is quite restrictive. A less restrictive bound would be T: Clone. The Clone trait is similar to Copy (in that it copies values), but it's usually done by more than just "copying bits." For example, the String type will implement Clone by creating a new heap allocation for the underlying memory.
This requires you to change how your generic_main is written:
fn generic_main<T: Clone>(t: Test<T>) {
let x = t.get_first();
Alternatively, if you don't want to have either the Clone or Copy bounds, then you could change your do_something_with_x method to take a reference to T rather than an owned T:
impl<T> Test<T> {
// other methods elided
fn do_something_with_x(&self, x: &T) {
// Irrelevant
And your generic_main stays mostly the same, except you don't dereference x:
fn generic_main<T>(t: Test<T>) {
let x = t.get_first();
You can read more about Copy in the docs. There are some nice examples, including how to implement Copy for your own types.

Mutable structs in a vector

I'm trying to create a vector to keep track of enemies in a game that will hold a bunch of mutable structs. I have a world struct that has the enemies as a member of it as follows:
pub struct World {
pub player : Creature,
pub enemies : Vec<Creature>,
I create the enemies vector as follows:
let mut enemies = vec![];
let mut enemy = Creature::new(5, 5, map_start_x+5, map_start_y+5, "$", 10, 1, "")
later on in the code when I pull out an individual enemy from enemies for attacking and try to update the hp as follows:
for enemy in self.enemies.iter() {
if new_x == enemy.x && new_y == enemy.y {
enemy.hp -= self.player.damage;
which is where the problem occurs since enemy is apparently not mutable at this point
error: cannot assign to immutable field `enemy.hp`
Updated for the latest Rust version
Mutability in Rust is not associated with data structures, it is a property of a place (read: a variable) where the data is stored. That is, if you place a value in a mutable slot:
let mut world = World::new();
then you can take mutable references to this variable, and hence call methods which can mutate it.
Your structure owns all data it contains, so you can make it mutable any time you need. self.enemies.iter() returns an iterator which generates items of type &Creature - immutable references, so you can't use them to mutate the structure. However, there is another method on a vector, called iter_mut(). This method returns an iterator which produces &mut Creature - mutable references, which do allow changing data they point to.
for enemy in self.enemies.iter_mut() {
if new_x == enemy.x && new_y == enemy.y {
enemy.hp -= self.player.damage;
// The following also works (due to IntoIter conversion)
for enemy in &mut self.enemies {
if new_x == enemy.x && new_y == enemy.y {
enemy.hp -= self.player.damage;
Note that in order for this to work, you have to pass self by mutable reference too, otherwise it will be impossible to mutate anything under it, implying that you won't be able to obtain mutable references to internals of the structure, including items of the vector. In short, make sure that whatever method contains this loop is defined like this:
fn attack(&mut self, ...) { ... }
Vec<T>::iter() gives you an Iterator<&T> 1, i.e. an iterator over "immutable borrowed" pointers. If you want to mutate the contents, use Vec::iter_mut(), which is an Iterator<&mut T>.
In general, presence or absence of mut affects whether you can use some method, but not what each method means. This is not the whole truth (perhaps different traits with a method of the same name are implemented for & and &mut), but it's a good approximation.
1 I omitted the lifetime aspect of these types to make a point.
