Sitecore 7.1 Grid Designer and adding a control - grid

I am new to Sitecore and have questions. I have installed Sitecore version 7.1 several times just for the fun of it, sweet. Now, I am attempting to follow a tutorial of “Building A Very Simple Website”
This tutorial is targeted for Sitecore CMS 6.2, so I want to confirm if it’s still accurate.
The instructions for creating a Generic sublayout display file says I should be able to access the Grid Designer and insert a control while in the Content Editor. I am not seeing any option for this. The only way for me to access the Grid Designer, is by selecting /Development Tools/Development Center. And when I do this I can insert a control but it’s not saving any of my changes.
As anybody had this problem?
Is that tutorial still valid?

I had this same question. I'm running sitecore 7.1 but am following an outdated self study guide for sitecore 6.2. I was able to resolve doing the following.
From the Desktop interface, open the start menu
Open Development Center (Listed under Development Tools)
Select 'Create New Sublayout'
Once created the options you seek will be available
This is the start page for the Developer Center
This will open automatically when you finish the Sublayout creation wizard

The grid designer is still there. It relates to Sublayouts, so if you go to /sitecore/layout/Sublayouts and select one of the sublayout items, you should then see the grid designer tab:
Towards the top right of the screen you should see some tabs for dislaying layout and format options:
To be honest, you'll rarely (if ever) use the grid designer again after this tutorial, so don't worry to much.

I had same problem with Sitecore 8 and solved it creating Sub Layout,going though development center as shown above by #Tyshun. Else
Go direct to development Center using url http://{{Your Site Name}}/sitecore/shell/default.aspx?xmlcontrol=IDE.
You will get option to create SubLayout and then you will get grid view design option.


Composite C1 - Page template - Media folder placeholder

Just downloaded Composite C1 one week ago, and started to learning functionality of this IMHO really good piece of software.
I have done a setup of Open Cph site, and started to building a web site.
Successfully integrated Composite with Visual Studio 2013, I am referencing issues to specify a media folder for Bootstrap carousel via page design mode.
This is what I did for getting this feature done :
Make a custom page template -> Called DestinationPage, where I have a
#Function("Composite.Media.BootstrapCarousel" , new { ImagesFolder = this.ImagesFolder})
Unfortunately, this whole morning I am trying to figure out how to pass this.ImageFolder value
from LayoutPage to DestinationPage with PlaceHolders. Is there any possibility when editing
a page to have a placeholder where you can pickup or choose a media folder?
I want to specify for each page a different media folder where BootstrapCarousel will
pick up images.
Anybody have solution for this?
I have several ideas on my mind, but as I said I am not experienced with Composite....
Thanks in advance.
Have you tried looking at creating a Page Metadatatype which will show up on a new Metadata tab when editing a page.
These are two good articles about Page metadata
Adding Metadata Fields
Filtering datatypes with metadata

WYSWYG web editor for Sharepoint

Is there any approach to have a simple WYSWYG free web editor (preferably drag'n'drop widgets -based) embedded or integrated into Sharepoint 2010?
I am shocked because this answer seems to not exist... So far I've found...
Plugins for integrating Sharepoint into Drupal, Joomla or Wordpress, but I want the opposite, using those interfaces to create content stored in Sharepoint, without having to export HTMLs and adapting them to SP arquitecture and metadata. If not, I cannot even find any way to export a Wordpress/Drupal site into Sharepoint.
Web content rich editor: Am I doing something wrong is this just an html loader that does not edit a thing?
Webparts: all seem to be costly, and I am not sure there even exists a nice one for that concrete task
Could somebody point me to the most optimal solution for non-tech users using this feature? Thank you
By the way, is there any public web part repository from microsoft. Even searching that in google does not throw any interesting info..
Most public, open source projects for Microsoft can be found at
Regarding your requirement, if I understand correctly, you want to have a way to store content in SharePoint for display in a drupal or other CMS. The content should be in HTML format. If I understand you correctly, the easiest way to do this is to create a basic SharePoint list, add a multiline column and set the type of text to Enhanced rich text (Rich text with pictures, tables, and hyperlinks). When you add an item to the list, the form will include a form element that has a WYSWYG editor.
I've integrated SharePoint with Linux before using Curl. It's not easy, but can be done.

Using 2.0 book with Visual Studio 2010 Master Page ContentPlaceHolder + Tables

I'm currently working at an internship and having no real background experience in programming, they give me a 24-hour book about 2.0 VB but I'm using Visual Studio 2010 instead of 2005. Plus, the book is using more of the Design view more than the source view. I'm at the Master Page chapter and it's telling me to use tables as site-wide templates. Here's the problem:
It's telling me to go to the layout menu (which doesn't exist or I can't find it). So I find a table menu instead, so I go into insert tables. The book says there should be a template drop down menu with a header, footer, and side. There isn't one and I can't find it anywhere else.
The question: Is it still available in 2010 or is there something else in its place that i should use?
Layout menu is no more there since VS2005
In Visual Studio 2010 on Design View (The bottom "Design" button should be enabled) go to the main upper menu and choose:
Tools - Options - CSS Styling and Check the option
"Change position to absolute for controls added using Toolbox,paste or drag and drop"
However I don't recommend this because in my experience is not browser compatible sometimes so you should permanently check how your page looks in different browsers as you go forward in your layout.
You can try to create your tables manually (with the menu you just found) instead and use their css properties to align the text/images inside each row and cell as you wish. This can help to walk you through the process:
Hope this helps.

Move modules via drag and drop on DotNetNuke layout editor?

I would like to move modules via drag and drop as an admin. It would have to trigger those same "Move to X Pane" links? I saw this link that shows dragging and dropping modules as an admin for layout, but could not get it to work.
Am I missing something or is there an extension for this? I am trying this on the latest DNN 6.0 by the way. Thanks for any help.
Wow, that guided tour is super old. I believe it was DNN 5 where that behavior was changed to only work in layout mode. Once you switch into layout mode, you should be able to see the panes and drag the modules between them (by their titles).

View .aspx page in separate design and source tabs in Visual Studio

We have three options to view any .aspx page in a tab
How can we view Design and Source in separate tabs for a any aspx page ?
Or if this is impossible!! can we use split option by Vertically splitting the Design and Source ? if later one is possible, I could stretch the view onto two monitors like here as suggested by Nick Craver.
It's possible to get what you want, ScottGu made an excellent blog post describing how.
Short version:
Options -> HTML Designer -> General -> Check Split Views Vertically
There's an option in Visual Studio to choose how you want to orientate the split. Instructions and pictures here. Quick instruction:
To enable vertical split-view
orientation in VS 2008, select the
tools->options menu item and go to the
HTML Designer->General section. Then
check the "Split views vertically"
Updated for Visual Studios 2017:
Tools -> Options -> Web Forms Designer -> General -> Check Split Views Vertically
