udev doesn't always report 'features' on bluetooth devices - udev

I have been using pyudev to look for bluetooth devices and then used the "features" attribute to determine if the device has LE support. However, just recently in the latest version of Ubuntu, udev no longer reports anything for "features".
Here's what details I do get:
$ udevadm info --attribute-walk /sys/class/bluetooth/hci0
looking at device '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb1/1-1/1-1.4/1-1.4:1.0/bluetooth/hci0':
And then on another device that is continuing to work as I expected I get:
$ udevadm info --attribute-walk /sys/class/bluetooth/hci0
looking at device '/devices/platform/sw-ohci.1/usb3/3-1/3-1:1.0/bluetooth/hci0':
Is there some sort of configuration change somewhere that causes the difference in responses?
I've found that most of those missing values are now in /sys/kernel/debug/bluetooth/hci0/ but I have no idea why that's so. However the format of the features file is different. Is this controlled by a configuration file, compiler options, or something else?

I think changes have been made in the kernel code to use debugfs instead of sysfs for several bits of information. So, I'll just have to rethink how I get that information now.


sqlite3_key missing from header in iOS 11 framework [duplicate]

I am working on SQLite File Encryption. I have added sqlCipher & crypto frameworks successfully in my project.
Now when I try to compile my application on this line
int rc = sqlite3_key(database, [key UTF8String], strlen([key UTF8String]));
it says Implicit declaration of function 'sqlite3_key'
So above line "implicit declaration" sounds to me like function is defined but not declared. But where I have to declared ?
While searching over Internet, under this article, it says like SQLite Encryption Extension(SEE) is not available publically. I have to purchase it of cost around $2000.
SEE -> http://www.hwaci.com/sw/sqlite/see.html
So this is the only reason I am getting Implicit declaration & False response while sqlite encryption process ?
If you are using SQLCipher, you need to define SQLITE_HAS_CODEC in your application's C Flags. Thats all.
Yes, that is the reason you are getting that compiler warning. The function sqlite3_key() is not defined in the version of libsqlite3 included with iOS. Adding in a function declaration isn't going to help-- it would fix that compiler warning, but it would just mean you'll get a linker error since the function isn't defined anywhere.
If you purchased SEE you could probably build your own copy of SQLite, embed it in your app, and just not use the system's libsqlite3. That this would mean you'd have to say "yes" when the app store submission process asks if your app includes encryption, meaning extra paperwork and time before you could submit the app. I'm not certain whether there's any clear indication of whether Apple would accept it even then-- probably they would, but they've been known to surprise people.

Information about how to setup Plone ZRS and replication?

is there any docs / tutorial about how to setup ZRS ?
I can't find anything useful...
ZRS replicates the whole data.fs, is that right?
is there any way / solution to only replicate and keep in sync parts of the instance (folders) ?
Once you've done it, it goes from "black magic" to "not much to say", really. As you've probably noted, the latest versions are incompatible with Plone's older Zope version, so you need to pin to
zc.zrs == 2.4.4
and in the usecase I have here (which includes zlibstorage), the single stanzas in zeo-conf-additional look like this on the server:
<serverzlibstorage demo>
<zrs demo-Z>
replicate-to 41002
<filestorage demo-ZR>
path ${buildout:zeo-datadir}/filestorage/${buildout:instancename}/demo.fs
blob-dir ${buildout:zeo-datadir}/blobstorage/${buildout:instancename}/demo
like this on the replicate:
<serverzlibstorage demo>
<zrs demo-Z>
replicate-from ${buildout:zeo-host}:41002
keep-alive-delay 60
<filestorage demo-ZR>
path ${buildout:zeo-datadir}/filestorage/${buildout:instancename}/demo.fs
blob-dir ${buildout:zeo-datadir}/blobstorage/${buildout:instancename}/demo
and like this on the client in zope-conf-additional:
<zodb_db demo>
cache-size 9000
server ${buildout:zeo-host}:${buildout:zeo-port}
# backup:
server ${buildout:clone-host}:${buildout:clone-port}
read-only-fallback True
storage demo
name demo
# [...]
mount-point /fs-demo
But, as you remark, you can only replicate entire databases, and from what I gather, the general consensus in the Plone community is that having multiple databases (even one per Plone instance) is very much not a recommended use-case anymore.

Auto decrypt multiple LUKS Devices with Mandos

I played around with Mandos to automatically open an encrypted root device. I wanted to setup an encrypted btrfs raid 1 (sda1 and sdb1: LUKS). The first device is decrypted correctlly, but the second will noch be opened. Is there a way to do this?
As of Debian Stretch, it just works (tm). Both devices should be listed in /etc/crypttab and the btrfs raid1 should be setup. Then install mandos. Confirmed working on Debian Stretch 9.5.
The solution is relative simple:
Instead of adding your disks to /etc/crypttab, add them directly to /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/cryptroot and don't forget the keyscript part (keyscript=/lib/mandos/plugin-runner).
To be sure the complete cryptsetup stack is compiled correctly into the initramfs, add a dummy device to /etc/crypttab. Take care to add noauto, otherwise it will try to unlock the device on startup and will fail.
dummy_device UUID=087963da-63bb-439b-bb5a-15e712d02a29 none noauto,luks,discard
I would suggest that you on the root file system (I would suggest in /etc/keys) have a file containing the password to any other disks, and enter that file name in the third field in /etc/crypttab.

How to suppress -mmax value exceeded.Automatically increasing from old value to new value.<5409>?

in prokb,its mentioned
In 10.0B02 and above, the client session startup parameter -noincrwarn was reintroduced
to allow the selective suppression of the above four warning messages ONLY. Since the
execution of the 4GL statement: SESSION:SUPPRESS-WARNINGS = YES. suppresses ALL warning
messages during the session.
Where and how could i set i this startup parameter -noincrwarn to suppress this warning
"SESSION:SUPPRESS-WARNINGS = YES." doesn't do much of anything useful. Or at least it didn't the last time I tested it.
The -mmax warning is harmless. It is a "soft" limit that is dynamically allocated and expanded as needed. You can ignore it. Or if the .lg file entries really bother you, you can simply increase it to a reasonable value. I routinely set it to 8192 for character sessions, 32768 for Windows. The default, as JensD says, is ludicrously low.
Startup parameters, such as -noincwarn, can set in a number of ways:
1) Via the command line. If your application starts via a script it will eventually invoke progress via "pro", "mpro", progress, prowin32, proapsv or some other executable (you can potentially link your own objects and create custom executables...) The command line that invokes Progress will have a number of parameters. You could add it there. Windows example:
#echo off
set DLC=\Progress\OpenEdge
%DLC%\bin\prowin32 -db mydb -p start.p -noincwarn
(On windows it is also common for the shortcut properties to have the command line listed.)
2) In a "pf" file. "PF" files are parameter files. They contain a list of parameters in a text file. This makes it easy to share and manage parameters between many scripts. To use a parameter file you need at least one -pf filename.pf parameter. Unix example:
export DLC
${DLC}/bin/_progres -db mydb -pf mypf.pf
Where "mypf.pf" might contain:
# mypf.pf
-p start.p
There is a global .pf file in the Progress install directory called startup.pf. You could also add it to that.
3) In an "ini file". Sort of like the pf file but more complicated. Indicated by the -ininame startup parameter. Can also be influenced by registry keys.
Why not removing or trying another value for -mmax? If you're moving from an old version of Progress it might be that -mmax is set very low.
The Maximum Memory (-mmax) client session parameter specifies the maximum amount of memory allocated for r-code segments, in kilobytes.
Source: http://knowledgebase.progress.com/articles/Article/P11351?popup=true
Large memory consumption might depend on complicated business logic (things like very large and or deeply nested procedures) so you might consider looking into that.
However a much easier fix would be to increase the value. Default is 3096, meaning each client "only" gets 3 Mb for this. Not a very large amount with today's standards.
If you really only want to suppress the message. Set -noincrwarn in your client side startup script (or corresponding .pf-file/startup.pf).
Hosting a WPF element (windows Presentation Foundation) in an OpenEdge application can cause application to crash if any message cover the window. It is also the case of this message.
In order to suppress any messages including message 5409 ()
According to article "HOW TO SUPPRESS WARNING MESSAGES (5407),(5408),(5409),(5410) FROM DISPLAYING ON CLIENT SCREENS."
I used with expected results SESSION:SUPPRESS-WARNINGS = YES. As the first line in the starting procedure of the aplication.
Using -noincrwarn as the session startup parameter had no effect in Open Edge 11.4
Supress openedge messages:
.NET related error for OpenEdge-WPF hibrid application "Invisible or disabled control cannot be activated"

What determines sorting of files in a QFileDialog?

Users open files in our app through a QFileDialog. The order of the filenames is bizarre. What is determining the sorting order, and how can we make it sort by filenames, or otherwise impose our own sorting, perhaps giving it a pointer to our own comparison function?
The documentation and online forums haven't been helpful. Unless it's well hidden, there doesn't seem to be any sorting method, property, etc.
This is a primarily Linux app, but also runs on Macs. (I know nothing about Mac.)
Here is the juicy part of the source code:
QtFileDialog chooser(parent, caption, directory, filter);
/// QtFileDialog is our class derived from QFileDialog
QStringList hist = chooser.history();
/* point "x" */
if(chooser.exec()) {
QStringList files = chooser.selectedFiles();
...blah blah blah...
From one of the answers, I tried an evil experiment, adding this ill-informed guesswork code at "point x":
QSortFilterProxyModel *sorter = new QSortFilterProxyModel();
sorter->sort(1); // ???
But this crashed spectacularly at a point about 33 subroutine calls deep from this level of code. I admit, even after reading the Qt4 documentation and sample code, I have no idea of the proper usage of QSortFilterProxyModel.
Are you using QFileDialog by calling exec()? If you are, you should have a button to switch the view to Detail View. This will give you some column headers that you can click on to sort the files. It should remember that mode the next time the dialog opens but you can force it by calling setViewMode(QFileDialog::Detail) before calling exec().
An alternative is to call the static function QFileDialog::getOpenFileName() which will open a file dialog that is native to the OS on which you are running. Your users may like the familiarity of this option better.
Update 1:
About sort order in screen cap from OP:
This screen capture is actually showing a sorted list. I don't know if the listing behaviour is originating from the Qt dialog or the underlying file system but I know Windows XP and later do it this way.
When sorting filenames with embedded numbers, any runs of consecutive digits are treated as a single number. With the more classic plain string sorting, files would be sorted like this:
Going character by character, the first 1 sorts before the 9.
.. But with numerical interpretation (as in Windows 7 at least), they are sorted as:
The 9 sorts before the 10.
So, the sorting you are seeing is alphabetical with numerical interpretation and not just straight character by character. Some deep digging may be required to see if that is Qt behaviour or OS behaviour and whether or not it can be configured.
Update 2:
The QSortFilterProxyModel will sort the strings alphabetically by default so there is not much work to using it to get the behavior you are looking for. Use the following code where you have "point x" in your example.. (you almost had it :)
QSortFilterProxyModel *sorter = new QSortFilterProxyModel();
sorter->setDynamicSortFilter(true); // This ensures the proxy will resort when the model changes
I think what you need to do is create a QSortFilterProxyModel which you then set in your QFileDialog with QFileDialog::setProxyModel(QAbstractProxyModel * proxyModel)
Here are some relevant links to the Qt 4.6 docs about it.
I don't think it depends upon the implementation of Qt libraries... But upon the Native OS implementation..
For example in Windows,
if you use QFileDialog, it will display the Files and Directories by Name sorted.. It is the same when used in other applications. In the sense that, if you try to open a file through MS- Word, it indeed displays the Files and directories as Name sorted by default..
And am not sure about other environments since am not used to them...
But in Windows, you can change the sorted order by right-click in the area of Files and Directories display and can select the options you like.. For e.g like Name,size,type, modified... And also which is similar, when you use an MS-Word application...
So, I believe it does depend on the Native OS implementation and not on QFileDialog's...
