Tesseract use of number-dawg - dictionary

I need to specify a numeric pattern. I already made training normally.
I created a config file that has the line
user_patterns_suffix user-patterns
and the file user-patterns contains my patterns, for example:
then I launch tesseract with the config file over a tif, and it tells me "Error: failed to insert pattern " message, for the first two patterns. It ultimately acts as if no pattern has been issued.
I need to recognize only and ever that patterns, and tried to train a language with a number-dawg file, but then, when using tesseract command, I got a segmentation fault.
I used in the number-dawg file its conversion of the above patterns:
: .
: ;
! }
The questions, as the google documentation is not clear, and I do not speak english:
the patterns file, where have to be used? I suppose number-dawg has to be used during training, but I got seg fault so couldn't try with it, and user-patterns during recognition phase, when launching Tesseract, but didn't work. Where am I doing errors?
do I need a dictionary, also, when training with number-dawg? I have a digit and punctiation only set of possible characters, and all the possible numbers in the digits, a dictionary is not possible. If I need to use dictionaries, how could I do?
Thanks in advance for help, any hint would be very appreciated


How do I tell Vim to use any/all dictionary files that fit a filepath wildcard glob?

I am trying to set the dictionary option (to allow autocompletion of certain words of my choosing) using wildcards in a filename glob, as follows:
:set dict+=$VIM/dict/dict*.lst
The hope is that, with this line in the initially sourced .vimrc (or, in my case of Windows 10, _vimrc), I can add different dictionary files to my $VIM/dict directory later, and each new invocation of Vim will use those dictionary files, without me needing to modify my .vimrc settings.
However, an error message says that there is no such file. When I give a specific filename (as in :set dict+=$VIM/dict/dict01.lst ), then it works.
The thing is, I could swear that this used to work. I had this setting in my .vimrc files since I started using Vim 7.1, and I don't recall any such error message until recently. Now it shows up on my Linux laptop as well as my Windows 7 and Windows 10 laptops. I can't remember exactly when this started happening.
Yes, I tried using backslashes (as in :set dict+=$VIM\dict\dict*.lst ) in case it was a Windows compatibility issue, but that still doesn't work. (Also this is happening on my Linux laptop, too, and that doesn't use backslashes for filepaths.)
Am I going senile? Or is there some other mysterious force going on?
Assuming for now that it is a change in the latest version of Vim, is there some way to specify "use all the dictionary files that fit this glob"?
-- Edited 2021-02-14 06:17:07
I also checked to see if it was due to having more than one file that fits the wildcard glob. (I thought that if I had more than one file that fit the wildcard, the glob would turn into two filenames, equivalent to saying dict+=$VIM/dict/dict01.lst dict02.lst which would not be syntactically valid.) But it still did not working after removing extra files so that only one file fit my pathname of $VIM/dict/dict*.lst . (I had previously put another Addendum here happily explaining that this was how I solved my problem, but it turned out to be premature.)
You must expand wildcards before setting an option. Multiple file names must be separated by commas. For example,
let &dictionary = tr(expand("$VIM/dict/dict*.lst"), "\n", ",")
If adding a value to a non-empty option, don't forget to add comma too (let is more universal than set, so it's less forgiving):
let &dictionary .= "," . tr(expand(...)...)

First token could not be read or is not the keyword 'FoamFile' in OpenFOAM

I am a beginner to programming. I am trying to run a simulation of a combustion chamber using reactingFoam.
I have modified the counterflow2D tutorial.
For those who maybe don't know OpenFOAM, it is a programme built in C++ but it does not require C++ programming, just well-defining the variables in the files needed.
In one of my first tries I have made a very simple model but since I wanted to check it very well I set it to 60 seconds with a 1e-6 timestep.
My computer is not very powerful so it took me for a day aprox. (by this I mean I'd like to find a solution rather than repeating the simulation).
I executed the solver reactingFOAM using 4 processors in parallel using
mpirun -np 4 reactingFOAM -parallel > log
The log does not show any evidence of error.
The problem is that when I use reconstructPar it works perfectly but then I try to watch the results with paraFoam and this error is shown:
From function bool Foam::IOobject::readHeader(Foam::Istream&)
in file db/IOobject/IOobjectReadHeader.C at line 88
Reading "mypath/constant/reactions" at line 1
First token could not be read or is not the keyword 'FoamFile'
I have read that maybe some files are empty when they are not supposed to be so, but I have not found that problem.
My 'reactions' file have not been modified from the tutorial and has always worked.
Sorry for the vague question. I have modified it a bit.
A typical OpenFOAM dictionary file always contains a Foam::Istream named FoamFile. An example from a typical system/controlDict file can be seen below:
version 2.0;
format ascii;
class dictionary;
location "system";
object controlDict;
During the construction of the dictionary header, if this Istream is absent, OpenFOAM ceases its operation by raising an error message that you have experienced:
First token could not be read or is not the keyword 'FoamFile'
The benefit of the header is possibly to contribute OpenFOAM's abstraction mechanisms, which would be difficult otherwise.
As mentioned in the comments, adding the header entity almost always solves this problem.

Testable map base xml to flat file fails in BTS2013r2

I have lots of BTS2010 unit tests that check an XML file can be mapped to flat file.
I have developed my first of such tests on BTS2013r2 but on executing TestableMapBase.TestMap(_inputFilename, _inputType, outputFilename, _outputType), I get the error "Generate schema instance failure"
I've used reflector to debug the MS assemblies and got as far as the following line within CFrameworkSchemaTreeExtensions.cs of Microsoft.BizTalk.TOM.Adapter :
infoArray = instanceGenerator.GenerateInstance(filename, xmlInstance);
on executing, the infoArray is populated with the following error
ErrorInfo: hexadecimal value 0x00, is an invalid character. Line 2, position 1."
Prior to executing I have taken the content of xmlInstance, pasted into Notepad++ and used the Hex plugin to search for null characters (hex 0x00), there are none.
I have tried many different XML inputs to the maps on two different BizTalk development laptops and get the same result.
Has anyone been able to successfully run tests of XML to flat file in BTS2013r2?
Today I have created the most basic of solutions (1 BizTalk project + 1 unit test project) in order to test if this really is a Microsoft bug. It does seem that way because I got the same error when running this very simple test on a third BizTalk development laptop. I have added the source code to the following github repo: https://github.com/RobBowman/FFMapFailBTS2013r2
Make sure it is not an encoding issue. Finding a 0x00 at that position sounds like the input file is in UTF-16 format, while the processor is expecting UTF-8 or another single-byte encoding.
Microsoft have published a hotfix for this - see: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/cacecbfd-8b71-409c-bd59-2eed26950f25/test-map-to-flat-file-in-bts-2013r2-does-this-ever-work?forum=biztalkgeneral

Are there any equivalent of C/C++ __FILE__ and __LINE__ macros in R?

I'm trying to get the equivalent of FILE or LINE macros in C or C++ in R (or S+). Any ideas?
FILE The presumed name of the current source file (a character string literal).
LINE The presumed line number (within the current source file) of the current source line (an integer constant).
As for context - I have log messages being flushed to console from different sections of the code, and given that the messages themselves are built at run-time, it is often very difficult to find out where this log message is coming from (with the size of the R code growing to many thousand lines and running on a distributed grid). However if I could dump the FILE and LINE number along with the log messages, it would be much easier to trace the logs...
Use the #line directive. The structure is #line nn "filename". See Duncan's Murdoch's article on source references for more.

ack - Binding an actual file name to a filetype

For me ack is essential kit (its aliased to a and I use it a million times a day). Mostly it has everything I need so I'm figuring that this behavior is covered and I just can't find it.
I'd love to be able to restrict it to specific kinds of files using a type. the problem is that these files have a full filename rather than an extension. For instance I'd like to restrict it to build files for buildr so i can search them with --buildr (Similar would apply for mvn poms). I have the following defined in my .ackrc
The problem is that 'buildfile' is the entire filename, not an extension, and I'd like ack to match completely on this name. However if I look at the types bound to 'buildr' it shows that .buildfile is an extension rather than the whole filename.
--[no]buildr .buildfile .rake
The ability to restrict to a particular filename would be really useful for me as there are numerous xml usecases (e.g. ant build.xml or mvn pom.xml) that it would be perfect for. I do see that binary, Makefiles and Rakefiles have special type configuration and maybe that's the way to go. I'd really like to be able to do it within ack if possible before resorting to custom functions. Anyone know if this is possible?
No, you cannot do it. ack 1.x only uses extensions for detecting file types. ack 2.0 will have much more flexible capabilities, where you'll be able to do stuff like:
# There are four different ways to match
# is: Match the filename exactly
# ext: Match the extension of the filename exactly
# match: Match the filename against a Perl regular expression
# firstlinematch: Match the first 80 characters of the first line
# of text against a Perl regular expression. This is only for
# the --type-add option.
# Rakefiles http://rake.rubyforge.org/
# CMake http://www.cmake.org/
# Perl http://perl.org/
You can see what development on ack 2.0 is doing at https://github.com/petdance/ack2. I'd love to have your help.
