Sass --watch only compiling initially - css

I have Sass v 3.3.6 installed on a ruby project. I'm running the command:
sass --watch assets/sass/
which upon running, compiles the sass files in the sass folder into css files in the folder. However, if I make any changes to the sass files without re-running the above command, the css files don't update. I thought that the --watch command auto-updated upon changes. What am I doing wrong?


batch compiling SCSS files into CSS via windows command line

I am wondering, how to batch compile SCSS files via windows command the older version the command 'sass --watch scssFolder:CSSFolder' will do the job but it seems obsolete in the newest version of the SASS.
The methods you used for the sass node module are deprecated in the latest version, so you have two (and more) options:
Option 1: using node-sass
This is the option with less effort. You already have Node.js installed (and npm), so you can install the node-sass compiler running npm install -g node-sass. After all the install is complete, you will be able to watch or compile an entire folder (or a single file).
node-sass input.scss output.css will compile a single file.
node-sass input/folder -o output/folder will compile a entire folder.
With the -w option you can watch a folder:
node-sass -w input/folder -o output/folder will watch a folder and compile the files to theoutput folder.
Just run node-sass --help for a complete list of options.
Option 2: using Ruby SASS
You need to install Ruby and the install the Sass Gem by running the following command line gem install sass. After all the install is complete, you will be able to watch or update (compile) an entire folder (or a single file).
update will compile a single file or multiple files in a folder (depending on the parameters). watch will do the same and after the initial compilation is completed it will watch the file or all the files in the specified folder, so everytime a change is detected on any of the target files, sass will compile the changed ones.
Both options have the same command line sintax:
sass --watch input/folder:output/folder
sass --watch input.scss:output.css
So, to compile all the files in a folder:
sass --update path/to/input/folder:path/to/output/folder
And to compile and then watch a folder:
sass --watch path/to/input/folder:path/to/output/folder
Just run sass --help for a complete list of options.
Hope it helps!
sass watch is not implemented for the moment in the darts version, to compile your .scss files you can use
sass filename.scss filename.css
If you want you can still use the ruby version but it will be obsolete soon.

sass error: No such file or directory

Sass is throwing an error on multiple projects on both of my computers when I try to compile the scss files to css. I'm using dart-sass. I'm typing the command in the terminal from the root of the projects and the file path is correct. I've tried both
sass --watch src/styles/scss:src/styles/css
and also just
sass src/styles/scss:src/styles/css
but the results are the same:
Error reading src/styles/scss:src/styles/css: no such file or directory.
As such I can't compile any of my style files.
filename is required to select directory
Try this sass --watch src/styles/scss/fileName.scss:src/styles/css
Okay, I figured out a solution if anyone else runs into this problem. You should uninstall dart sass from your computer(prefix this command with sudo if using mac):
npm uninstall sass -g
Then, install a stable version of ruby sass:
gem install sass
Now you should be able to run sass --watch src/styles/scss:src/styles/css and it will compile.
Note: If you were to do npm install sass that would install the latest version written in dart, which is what seems to have caused my problems.
In the terminal, I had to make my way to the file location and then run the command. Example:
Project Structure:
When I launch the terminal, it defaults to src folder
PS C:\Users\src> sass --watch main.scss:main.css
Running command here will throw error:
Error reading main.scss: no such file or directory.
Now, browsing to prq directory & running command, will be successful.
PS C:\Users\src\abc\pqr> sass --watch main.scss:main.css
Compiled main.scss to main.css.
Sass is watching for changes. Press Ctrl-C to stop.

SASS Directory won't change

I keep trying to run sass --watch scss:css on a directory and unfortunately, the scss files are not compiling.
SASS does confirm that it's watching for changes, but I've noticed that it is looking in my Program Files directory.
My project with the actual SCSS and CSS files is in my C/username/documents/project/assets directory. If I try to enter that path explicitly in the sass --watch command, I get an error message.
How can I specify the correct directory so SASS will stop trying to compile my files in Program Files?
First make sure your sass is working well and you can try below option for compiling into different folder.
sass --watch input-dir:output-dir

Sass --watch not updating css

I've installed Sass and set up a folder with an index.html file and style.scss in my local server (In Ubuntu 13.04).
I type this command into the terminal:
sass --watch style.scss:style.css
And get this output:
Sass is watching for changes. Press Ctrl-C to stop.
LoadError: cannot load such file -- rb-inotify
Use --trace for backtrace.
Sass will update the css the first time I save my .scss file but after that nothing. Anyone know why?
You need to install rb-inotify gem:
gem install rb-inotify
Its more of code editor issue. I faced this issue with brackets and once I switched to Atom (just to test) sass started writing on css file real time.
Tried with both sass --watch sass:css (Directory based watch) and sass --watch sass/app.sass:css/app.css (file based), and both worked fine.

Sass not compiling in textmate

I'm trying to use SASS for the first time with textmate. I seem to have installed it correctly by following the instructions on the git page -
but I can't find any information on how I can now use it.
When I make a .sass file the new Sass syntax is highlighted but when I save it is not compiled. Am I missing something?
Make sure to open up Terminal and in the command line, navigate to your project folder and run this command:
sass --watch style.scss:style.css
Name your working file style.scss, and it will compile and generate and update the style.css file that you reference in your document head.
Also make sure you have installed the Sass gem within your project directory :)
gem install sass
The bundle is only for installing syntax highlighting in Textmate. Sass is a precompiler for CSS, so it generates CSS from what you write in Sass. This is done through the sass --watch command above in the command line.
Read more on how to use and install Sass.
