how to create a cylinder chart 4.0 -

I m drawing a cylinder chart in excel with below data,
Is there any way to draw the same with .net chart control. please suggest?
can we convert excel to some format to produce chart control code?
how to bind data with such controls? thanks!

In order to display a 3D chart by setting property values at design time you need to work with the ChartArea property of the chart control.
The ChartArea properties window can be displayed by clicking ChartArea collection in Chart1 properties. In the ChartArea properties window you need to set the Enable3D property to True as shown in the next figure
Referenced article:


I want my telerik pie chart drilled down to telerik stacked bar chart

We are using telerik charting demo version.
we want to know if we can drill down from telerik pie chart to telerik stacked bar chart or not.
We don't want drill down to a specific portion of the pie. But we have scenarios where we have 5 portions of data for a group in pie chart. When we click on the pie chart, it will drill us down to each group members' stacked bar where each bar has same 5 portion of data belonging to them.
Is it possible with telerik charts ?
I am using web application.
Need a suggestion: which are good chart controls ? I searched lot on the internet and am confused. I want controls which don't have limitations. I don't want to not be able to drill down on pie or something like that.
Help is appreciated.
Drilldown is achieved by initiating a (partial) postback so you can modify the control on the server:
Instead of changing field names, you can simply hide the current chart and show another one with the desired properties and series.

customize the line chart in flex

I am working on line chart in flex. I have to show the tooltip data on the datapoint itself. Normally the data point value is displayed on a rectangular area when we mouse over on the data-point. But I have a checkbox just below the chart. When I check on it, all the datapoints of the graph should display the value on data-point on the graph. Any idea how to do that?
In your mx:LineChart control set the showAllDataTips value to true/false according to your checkbox.
After doing a few research I found the answer. My goal was to draw something on the datapoint itself. I found this link useful Drawing on chart controls EDIT : new link
Going through this link helped me a lot.

Adding tabular values along with the legends in chart controls

I am stuck in preparing some chart control in the format we required. I have added the asp chart control in to my application, Where the X and Y values in the chart are displaying correctly, when i pass some values. Right now I want to display the legends along with the unit values in the chart. The following figure is my required format
I have searched every where in the net and also tried a lot, but still I dint find the way how can i display the chart like that. For an alternative I added one grid control at the bottom of chart, but its not appearing as my requirement. It is coming differently like below.
So, can any one give me an advice of how can i achieve my goal of displaying the chart like in my required format.
Thank you for not responding to my question, so any how I have done it my self by using datalist at the bottom of the chart control. I added one datalist control to the table in which chart control is present and binded the required data table to the datalist and also binded images to the datalist control at runtime from a datatable. Inorder to display the data present in datalist, i used RepearDirection property of the datalist and set it to "Horizontal". Finally my report displayed like my required format. And for the chart area, i added two types of series for the same X and Y points inorder to display Line chart as I required, one series is bubble and another is line.
So, finally my graph displayed as below.

Flex chart ItemRollOver behavior

I'm trying to prevent a default chart item roll over highlight in a Spark column chart.
If you look at any of the chart examples on this page , when you roll over any of the chart series items, they turn a darkened shade of their original colour. This is what I want to prevent.
So far I have had no luck with using the itemRollOverColor property, as this only allows you to set it to one specific colour for the whole chart (my app has several different coloured series on the chart at once). Also, trying to leverage the itemRollOver event (with preventDefault() etc) hasn't worked either.
Does anyone have any idea what I am missing here?
Thanks for reading guys
Remove chart's selectionMode property or set it to "none".
If you realy need multiple ChartItem selection you'll have to override default item renderer by creating a class that implements IDataRenderer interface and setting itemRenderer style to your class for the chart series

How can I display information when I mouseover a chart line in Flex?

I'm building a simple Flex applicaton where I want to show a line chart, then display some information in a little popup box when user mouses over a line.
You can set the showDataTips property of the LineChart to true. The property is defined in the ChartBase base class, which LineChart extends. More information about showDataTips is here:
You can customize what is displayed in the data tip callout by specifying a custom dataTipFunction.
Using data tips will give you call outs as you mouse over the points that make up the line. If you want to provide information about the line in general you should couple the chart with a Legend to describe what the line represents. Creating a legend is as simple as this (where lineChart is the id value of your LineChart):
<mx:Legend dataProvider="{lineChart}" />
