I got an unexpected behaviour while trying to update all the entries on an anonymous collection (client side). Only one entry is updated instead of all. I expected the following code to return true, it does not:
TEST = new Meteor.Collection(null); // create the anonymous collection client side
TEST.insert({"val":true}); // add a minimal entry
TEST.insert({"val":true}); // add a second minimal entry
TEST.update({}, {"val":false}); // I expect to update all the entries to {"val":false}
TEST.find({"val":true}).count() === 0; // the count gives 1, only the first entry was updated (expected 0)
It's either a bug, or something I did not got about updates… could someone clarify ?
Note: Obviously the code must be copy pasted into the console of a browser running Meteor. (Tried on
Ok got it… I just forgot to use the {multi:true} option… shame on me
TEST = new Meteor.Collection(null);
TEST.update({}, {"val":false}, {multi:true});
TEST.find({"val":true}).count() === 0; // works
To optimize usage, I have a Firestore collection with only one document, consisting in a single field, which is an array of strings.
This is what the data looks like in the collection. Just one document with one field, which is an array:
On the client side, the app is simply retrieving the entire status document, picking one at random, and then sending the entire array back minus the one it picked
var all = await metaRef.doc("status").get();
List tokens=all['all'];
var r=new Random();
int numar=r.nextInt(tokens.length);
var ales=tokens[numar];
Then it tries to do some stuff with the string, which may fail or succeed. If it succeeds, then no more writing to the database, but if it fails it fetches that array again, adds the string back and pushes it:
var all = await metaRef.doc("status").get();
List tokens=all['all'];
List<String> toate=(tokens.map((element) => element as String).toList());
You can use the methods associated with the Set object.
Here is an example to check that only 1 item was removed:
allow update: if checkremoveonlyoneitem()
function checkremoveonlyoneitem() {
let set = resource.data.array.toSet();
let setafter = request.resource.data.array.toSet();
return set.size() == setafter.size() + 1
&& set.intersection(setafter).size() == 1;
Then you can check that only one item was added. And you should also add additional checks in case the array does not exist on your doc.
If you are not sure about how the app performs the task i.e., successfully or not, then I guess it is nice idea to implement this logic in the client code. You can just make a simple conditional block which deletes the field from the document if the operation succeeds, either due to offline condition or any other issue. You can find the following sample from the following document regarding how to do it. Like this, with just one write you can delete the field which the user picks without updating the whole document.
city_ref = db.collection(u'cities').document(u'BJ')
u'capital': firestore.DELETE_FIELD
I have a fairly simple Meteor application.
I tried to send newsletter to about 3000 users in my list and things went wrong. A random set of users got multiple emails (between 41 to 1).
I shut the server down as soon I noticed this behavior. around 1300 emails were sent to 210 users. I am trying to figure out what happened and why.
Here is the code flow:
SendNow (client clode) --> SendNow (server method) --> populateQue (server function) --> processQue(server function) --> sendEmails (server method)
Client side code :
'click .sendNow': function(){
/* code that forms data object */
Server code : server/method.js
'sendNow' : function(data){
var done = populateQue(data);
return {'method':'sendNow','status':'ok'}
'sendEmails': function(data){
var result = Mandrill.messages('send', data);// using external library
SentEmails.insert(data);//Save sent emails in a collection
Function on server : server/utils.js
populateQue = function(data) {
/* code to get all users in to array */
MessageQue.remove();//Remove all documents from the Que
for (var i=0; i<users.length; i++) {
MessageQue.insert({userId: users[i]._id});
return true;
processQue = function(){
var messageQue = MessageQue.find({}).fetch();
for(i=0; i < messageQue.length; i++){
Meteor.call('sendEmails', data);
MessageQue.remove({_id: messageQue[i]._id});//Remove sent emails from the Que
My first hunch was MessageQue got messed up as I am removing items while processQue is using it but i was wrong. I am unable to simulate this behavior again after few tests
Test 1 : replaced Mandrill.message('send',data) with Meteor._sleepForMs(1000); - Only one email/person was seen in SentEmails collection.
Test 2 : Put Mandrill in Test mode (had to use different API key) and re ran the code with couple of log statements. - Only one email/person was seen in SentEMails and also in Mandrill's interface.
It's definitely not external library. its somewhere in my code or in the way I understood meteor to work.
Only one thing I noticed is an error occurred while accessing SentEmails collection through another view code. I have a view that displays SentEmails on the client with date as filter.
Here is the error :
Exception from sub sentEmailDocs id 9LTq6mMD4xNcre4YX Error:
Exception while polling query
Runner error: Overflow sort stage buffered data usage of 33565660 bytes exceeds internal limit of 33554432 bytes
Is this the smoking gun? Would this have caused the random behavior?
I have put couple checks to prevent this from happening but I am puzzled on what might have caused and why? I will be happy to provide more information. Thanks in advance to who ever is willing to spend few mins on this.
Shot in the dark here, but the remove method takes an object, otherwise it doesn't do anything. MessageQue.remove() probably didn't clear the queue. You need MessageQue.remove({}). Test the theory by doing an if (MessageQue.find().count() > 0)... after the remove.
If you're set on having a separate collection for the queue, and I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I'd set the _id to be the userId. That way you can't possibly send someone the same message twice.
I'm learning Meteor and I was trying to pass the result of a Collection.find() into and array (using a variable) and the simpler code I have is (in a file that is in the root):
CalEvents = new Mongo.Collection('calevents'); //creating a collection
/*------------------------- Populating the database with dummy data-------*/
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
if (CalEvents.find().count() === 0) {
title: "Initial room",
start: '2010-02-02'
/*--------------- Creating an array from the collection-----------------*/
events = [];
calEvents = CalEvents.find({});
title: evt.title,
start: evt.start,
The page has nothing to show but using the console I can see (CalEvents.find().fetch()) that I have data in my database but the "events" variable is empty...
I can't understand why because I tried several other things such as changing file names and moving code to guarantee the proper order.
And I already tried to use CalEvents.find().fetch() to create an array an put the result into a variable but I'm not able to do it...
Does anyone know what's so simple that I'm missing?...
Do you use autosubscribe?
You probably need to make sure the sbscription is ready. See Meteor: How can I tell when the database is ready? and Displaying loader while meteor collection loads.
The reason you do see CalEvents.find().fetch() returning items in the console is that by the time you make that call, the subscription is ready. But in your events = []; ... code (which I assume is in a file under the client directory, you might have assumed that the subscription data has arrived when in fact it has not.
A useful debugging tool is Chrome's device mode ("phone" icon near the search icon in DevTools), which lets you simulate slow networks (e.g. GPRS, with 500ms delay for every request).
I have a meteor collection like this:
Cases = new Meteor.Collection('cases');
As well i have registered users (max 10). I now want to be able to "give" a single case to a registered user and be sure, that no other user is getting that specific case.
The User is working with the case (updating fields, deleting fields) and then sends it in some kind of archive after submitting the user should get a new case that is in the collection.
My thought was to have field called "locked" which initially is set to false and in the moment it is displayed at the user "locked" gets true and is not returned anymore:
return Cases.find({locked: false, done: false}, {limit: 1});
Any ideas how to do that in meteor?
You just need to attach an owner field (or similar) to the case. That would allow you to do things like:
Only publish the case to the user who is also the owner using something like:
Meteor.publish('cases/unassigned', function() {
return Cases.find({owner: {$exists: false}});
Meteor.publish('cases/mine', function() {
return Cases.find({owner: this.userId});
Not allow a user to update or delete a case if it's not assigned to them:
update: function(userId, fieldNames, doc, modifier) {
return userId === doc.owner;
delete: function(userId, doc) {
return userId === doc.owner;
Obviously, these would need amending for stuff like super-users and you probably need some methods defined to allow users to take cases, but that's the general idea.
There are concurrency issues to deal with, to reliably allocate a case to only one person.
We need to solve two things:
1. Reliably assign the case to a user
2. Fetch the cases assigned to a user
Number 2. is easy, but depends on 1.
To solve 1., this should work:
var updated = Cases.update(
{_id: <case-to-assign>, version: "ab92c91"},
{assignedTo: Meteor.userId(), version: Meteor.Collection.ObjectID()._str});
if (updated) {
// Successfully assigned
} else {
// Failed to assign, probably because the record was changed first
Using this you can query for all of a users cases:
var cases = Cases.find({assignedTo: Meteor.userId()});
If 10 people try get a case at the same time, it should have a pre-set version field, and the MongoDB will only let the .update work once. As soon as the version field changes (due to an .update succeeding) the remaining updates will fail as the version field could no longer match.
Now that the allocation has taken place reliably, fetching is very simple.
As suggested by #Kyll, the filtering of cases should be done inside a Meteor publication.
It would also make sense to perform the case-assignment inside a Meteor method.
#richsilv's solution is simpler than this one, and works fine.
This solution is useful if you need to know who won immediately, without making further requests to the server.
I'm doing a simple insert into a meteor collection that appears work, but leaves the collection empty.
The collection is defined properly on the server:
Meteor.publish("comments", function () {
return Comments.find();
Subscribed to properly in the client.js:
And set up properly on the model.js:
Comments = new Meteor.Collection("comments");
The insert code is as follows:
addComment: function (options) {
check(options.post_id, String);
check(options.comment, NonEmptyString);
if (! this.userId)
throw new Meteor.Error(403, "You must be logged in to comment.");
if (options.comment.length > 1000)
throw new Meteor.Error(413, "Comment is too long");
var post = Posts.findOne(options.post_id);
if (! post)
throw new Meteor.Error(404, "No such post");
// add new comment
var timestamp = (new Date()).getTime();
console.log('Comment: ' + options.comment);
console.log('Post: ' + options.post_id);
console.log('UserId: ' + this.userId);
var saved = Comments.insert({
owner: this.userId,
post_id: options.post_id,
timestamp: timestamp,
text: options.comment});
console.log('Saved: ' + saved);
Once the insert is called, the console prints out the following:
Comment: Something
Post: xRjqaBBEMa6qjGnDm
UserId: SCz9e6zrpcQrKXYWX
Saved: FCxww9GsrDsjFQAGF
> Comments.find().count()
I have inserts into several other collections that work just fine (Posts being one of them as you can see the post ID in the code). In the docs ist said that if the insert errors out it will print to the console, but as you can see it appears to be working, yet is actually empty.
UPDATE: I did find that the data is being put into the database, but for some reason is not showing up. I'm not sure why the data is not being published properly since there are no filters on the find().
I'm not sure exactly what's wrong, but there's a few things to check here.
• First, this:
Meteor.publish("comments", function () {
return Comments.find();
directs the server to publish the Collection, but doesn't actually establish the collection server side.
You should have Comments = new Meteor.Collection("comments"); available on both the client and the server. I tend to put in a file called model.js like the examples tend to do.
• Second possibility, you don't have a subscribe function shown above, such as Meteor.subscribe("comments"); If you don't have a subscribe function, your client isn't going to know about it, even though it does exist in the collection.
You can test this theory by typing meteor mongo in the shell (with your Meteor app running), and db.comments.find() to see if your comments are actually in the database but not subscribed to.
Verify you do not have an error in your client code. With Meteor.call, if you do not initialize a variable you can have an error condition that will block reactive updating in your templates but continue to write fine to your console just before hand.
I've made that mistake which I talk about here:
Specifically I had something like
somevar: function({
if (some_session_var_set_by_a_call.party){
//do something
Now the somevar function gets called on render, before the Meteor.call returns. Therefore the variable some_session_var_set_by_a_call isn't set yet. The whole thing stops client side on the undefined error.