Does Netbeans generate a separate CSS file when saving a SASS file? - css

I am using Netbeans 8.0 to edit my HTML, PHP, and CSS. Just today I have installed SASS and enabled it within Netbeans. I am developing on Ubuntu, and Ruby and Sass are both available in the repositories, so I installed them and Netbeans found the SASS executable with the click of a button. So, I assume it's all working.
I have created a file called style.scss, and put in some test colour variables and a dummy #test id.
My understanding was that when I saved the .scss file that it would get processed and a .css file with the same name, in this case style.css, would get created. Or updated if it already existed.
Is this not the case? I did see other SASS and .css file generation questions here on Stack Overflow, but I didn't see one specific to Netbeans, so I'm not sure if there's something I haven't set up correctly in my environment. Also, I don't need to upload to a server when saving, I am just testing and developing locally.
How do I actually generate a .css file from my .scss in Netbeans 8.0?

Right click on the project -> Properties -> CSS Preprocessors
You have to set an input folder, for example /scss, and an output folder like /css
And there is a checkbox "Compile Sass files on save".
For Compiler options " --style compact " can be useful.
This was working for me in NB7.4, but in 8, something happened...
The plugin page says, it's currently incompatible with 8.
UPDATE: My scss folder was wrong... So it's working in NB8.
Look # the project settings, and separate your .scss and .css files in two folder, the default folders are /scss and it converts files to /css folder


PhpStorm compile Less folder to style.css

I have a folder with Less files, split in parts to have a cleaner workspace. But I want them to be compiled by PhpStorm to 1 file (styles.css in a css folder). I installed lessc and it compiles the files separate. See picture 1
As I said I would like to have all files combined into css/styles.css But I don't get this configured right. My configuration is as followed:
I hope someone can explain what arguments I could use.
When Track only root files option is enabled in Less file watcher settings, file watcher produces a single .css file with name matching your "main" .less file (the one that imports all your "partials") that includes the merged content of all your .less files. No individual .css files for partials are created

Setting up Sass

I've built my portfolio site off of Github Pages. Now that I'm starting portfolio 2.0, I want to use Sass.
I've used Sass in the past but didn't have to set it up directly. So far I've installed Sass using gem install sass and have my file setup, but am not sure how to compile it properly.
File Structure:
Styles.css content:
#import 'scss/_banner';
Am I missing the compiling step somewhere? It is even possible to use Sass on Github Pages?
For my solution I replaced scss/_banner.scss with styles.scss, opting to not create partial files for a single page application.
Then all you have to do is run $ sass --watch css/styles.scss:css/styles.css in the terminal and your CSS will be compiled each time you save your Sass file. This command points your computer to which file to compile and to where.
Thanks to #dommmm for directing me to the solution with the youtube video in the question comments.

Compiling assets for wordpress theme

I'm working on a WordPress theme (more specifically: a wordpress theme boilerplate) which makes use of SASS (and lots of other technologies). My SASS files are within assets/sass. My problem is: how/whereto compile them?
Compiling them into the root directory doesn't feel right, since it gets bloat up - and it is already pretty big (with Grunt, Bower, etc.). But the asset path problem (see below) would disappear.
Compiling them into a directory (like temp or whatever) wouldn't bloat up my directories but lead to the asset path problem.
The asset path problem:
elem { background-image: url('images/foobar.png'); }
The path would be correct if the compiled sass file in assets, nowhere else. assets/images/foobar.png would just work in the root directory.
An important note: it's possible to create a distributable version of the theme with Grunt, where, amongst other things, all styles are concatenated with the style.css file in the root directory. The generated dist directory then contains only files which should be uploaded to a server or used for distribution (no build files, no sass, no coffee, etc. - just compiled and "finished" files).
Any ideas? Thanks.

Does a save to a scss file automatically update the css file?

I just started working with scss a few days ago (with Webstorm), and it seem to auto generate/update the css file after saving the scss file. Unfortunately, when I save the scss file now, no changes are made to the css file. I was working on these files from a different location, so I am guessing that the Webstorm settings might be different. I thought file watchers might have something to do with it, but I am not sure what goes in the program field. I really have no idea why this is happening.
No, saving a .SCSS file does not automatically compile the final stylesheet file. What you need to do is set up a watch. There are a number of ways to do this (and a number of programs that'll do it for you).
The most straight forward is through the command line. Assuming you have the SASS gem installed (and you're in a ruby environment), do the following in the command line:
Navigate to the folder in which your .scss file/s are kept.
Run the following command: sass --watch style.scss:style.css
Note: The above assumes that both your .scss and .css files are named style, adjust accordingly if they are not. Also, if your .css and .scss files are in different directories you'll have to adjust the paths accordingly.
Remember, sass --watch then yourScssFile.scss : yourCssFile.css
Alternatively you can use an app, like LiveReload to watch the files for you. this'll take a bit of configuration, but it may be a little easier for you if you're only just getting started in the wornderful world of SCSS/SASS
Yopu can use File Watchers in WebStorm to auto-update the CSS file on changing SCSS; but this would also require installing the external SCSS compiler (SASS gem). Please refer to for more information

Eclipse plugin to automatically compile Sass files [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm currently using the Aptana plugin for Eclipse, which is giving me great syntax highlighting, and allows me to manually click to compile a *.scss file into a *.css file. What I would really like to be able to do is get it to automatically compile every time I save, but I cannot figure out how to do this.
I know you can use sass --watch on the command line, but I don't want to have to set this up manually every time I open eclipse, or create a new project.
Has anyone found a good way of achieving this? Is there must be a way of hooking into Aptana's Sass bundle and running it's compile command everytime I save? The accepted answer to this question suggests using a "Program Builder" - but is this really the best solution? If so does anyone have any tips/links to tutorials?
Update: I wrote up a blog post about how to use an ant script as a builder, but I'm still looking for a better way.
After lot of tries, I've found that the best solution in Eclipse is to define a simple Builder using the --update sass feature:
From the Project menu select "Properties" and choose the "Builders" section.
Create a new Builder and select "Program" as configuration type.
Choose a name for your launch configuration (SASS?!).
Insert the path of your sass installation into the Location field.
Use ${project_loc} as working directory.
In the Arguments text box insert the configuration parameters you want sass to use and, at the end, specify the --update parameter followed by your sass files directory source followed by ":" and the destination folder for the compiled css files. In my configuration "resources" is the source folder containing the .scss files and "web" is the destination directory containing the compiled .css files. The --update command will check for modifications in the source folder and all sub-folders. Screenshot
In the "Build Options" tab just check all options under the "Run the builder:" section. You can also "Specify working set of relevant resources" to launch the builder only when files contained in selected folders are saved. Screenshot
Click ok to save your launching configuration.
Now try to modify a .scss file in your source directory and then save it, you'll see the sass CLI output in your console window.
The sass CLI will automatically check for modified resources inside the source folder (resources in my configuration) and compile them into the destination folder (web in my configuration). Also, all .sass files that #import the modified resources will be compiled.
there is a watch switch for the sass comiler.
which rebuild the output (css) file everytime the source (scss,sass) change.
Quoting from :
Using Sass
Sass can be used in three ways: as a command-line tool, as a
standalone Ruby module, and as a plugin for any Rack-enabled
framework, including Ruby on Rails and Merb. The first step for all of
these is to install the Sass gem:
gem install sass If you’re using Windows, you may need to install Ruby
To run Sass from the command line, just use
sass input.scss output.css You can also tell Sass to watch the file
and update the CSS every time the Sass file changes:
sass --watch input.scss:output.css If you have a directory with many Sass files,
you can also tell Sass to watch the entire directory:
sass --watch app/sass:public/stylesheets Use sass --help for full
Using Sass in Ruby code is very simple. After installing the Sass gem,
you can use it by running require "sass" and using Sass::Engine like
engine ="#main {background-color: #0000ff}", :syntax
=> :scss) engine.render #=> "#main { background-color: #0000ff; }\n"
There is much easier solution. Just follow the instructions to install SASS from:
and you will notice that first you will have to install Ruby. After that, just go to the folder where your SCSS/CSS files are located, start CMD and run this DOS command:
>cd <path-to-your-css-files>
>sass --watch .
Then all you need to do is to link your SCSS files to be recognized by Eclipse as native CSS files. Follow this solution:
Hope this helps.
Note: I might have missed one or two steps. This is as per what I remembered after I completed the installation. If you face any problem, just post a comment, and I will try to help you.
