Foundation template on Rails 4 - css

I am working on a project with rails 4.0.0 and foundation-rails 5.0.1 for the last weeks. I found a template on that I want to use. But I cant figure out how to separate the files (especially css files) from the template in my rails project files.
Is there a specific way or a tutorial that I can follow to get this working??
Sorry if the answer is too obvious but I am new with rails

Depending on how complex of a template you downloaded, it's going to take some work getting the template (which was built for the vanilla foundation) to work with foundation-rails
You should simply be able to add the stylesheets to your assets and let them be included automatically via <%= stylesheet_link_tag('application') %> and *= require_tree . but if there's more than a few style sheets, and they're in different folders and such you're probably going to be best off taking the HTML and css snippets you like from the template, and then dropping them into your rails app manually to get the best results.

In the folder that you download the two important folders are javascripts & stylesheets. You can manually add these files to you rails app at app/assets/javascripts & app/assets/stylesheets. Files in these folders will be automatically included.
You can then use the html body content in index.html file in the downloaded folder in your rails html.erb views - that will get you started.


How to Use CodeKit with WordPress and Foundation

I’m a new user to CodeKit and sass and I’ve been playing around with it for the past few days trying to figure out how to use it correctly to improve my workflow.
I’m building a WP project so I start by creating a new CodeKit project with Zurb and compass. It outputs the files and I throw them into a folder called 'Foundation'. I then throw in my WordPress files, and throw that ‘Foundation’ folder into the theme I’m working on in WP in my ‘assets’ folder. I know in the YouTube video CodeKit mentions not to pull the files out so that any linking isn’t messed up, but I can’t keep those files in the root of my project because they need to be within the theme.
So it looks like this:
Assets is also where my sass files live for the overall site
Where I get hung up is in the compiling of the files.
I have one master style.sass file where I import all my partials and that works correctly. I want to include the foundation app.scss file so everything is in one place, but it doesn’t call it up. It says the compiling is complete, but when I look at the code it’s just the import line without the foundation code actually being outputted. I also found that if I place my sass partials in a folder called partials, CodeKit can't compile them, even though I'm importing them with the folder name, example: partials/layout, instead of layout.
I’m doing this locally so I can’t show you the link, but I guess I just feel like I’m setting this up entirely wrong.
My question are:
How do others setup their projects on CodeKit with WordPress and Foundation?
Is it correct to import .scss files into a .sass file?
Any help would be appreciated.
You should make your CodeKit project only contain the folder for the theme you are developing. CodeKit should then put foundation, jquery, and other scripts and frameworks in a folder called bower_components because it uses bower to fetch the project's dependencies.
The advantage of using bower is you can update the packages from the command line and also through CodeKit. You can also keep dependencies out of the git repo by adding bower_components to your .gitignore file.
Check out this directory structure that I use based on the Roots Sage Starter Theme
|--main.js // custom js for theme goes here
|--main.scss // all sass is imported through this file
|--/dist // all files compile to this directory
|--app.js // all js files concatenated together
|--app.css // main.scss outputs all imported sass to this file
|--style.css // no actual styles in this file, just theme info

Beat way to merge a external web to meteor app

I'm importing a external web template I found in bootstrap to build a intro page. It has it's own js, css , html files.
However I found it is troublesome to transfer the beautiful external web to meteor format by hand. How you deal it smartly?
Now I only can figure out that replacing the html() when the intro is created. (although I still don't know how to do it exactly )
$('html').html('the external code');
The simple and dirty way is to put all js, css, and html into public\ directory of your meteor app since this directoy is served "as is"
After that you can start converting your js files (taking into account local and global namespaces) and convert html files into Handlebars templates. Converted files you should move to client folder. Css files you can put in client folder to allow its minification and remove references to css files from Handlebars templates of html pages.
/public folder is usually used for static files like images. I suggest putting everything in a client folder. Usually there will be a lot of redundant js files coming with the template (bootstrap, jquery, fontawesome, etc). Best thing to do is use packages for those libraries and you will most likely be left with the templatename.js file which deals with the html within that template which you'll have to "meteorise"

How to integrate wrapbootstrap theme into web site in visual studio 2013?

I am new to bootstrap. I downloaded a wrapbootstrap theme and is trying to include that in my website. In the downloaded theme, there are several folders under a folder called assets, like bootstrap, css, js, icons, img. Under bootstrap folder there are again subfolders called css, fonts and js. Can anyone please tell me where exactly in the project should i add these files? In case of a simple theme, I know we need to add the bootstrap css under Content folder and the bootstrap js under Scripts folder and we need to add it in BundleConfig.cs. But here, since there are different css files and js files, where can I include them?
Thanks in advance.
Where the files are located is really irrelevant so far as your application is concerned. The ~/Scripts and ~/Content folders are just a default convention that Visual Studio uses with the templates.
However, nothing is preventing you from moving them. When working with a template, you have one of two choices.
Leave the files as they are, and simply reference them, or include them into bundles in the paths they are located in.
Determine which CSS and JS files you need, and re-shuffle everything to suit your particular projects needs.
The first option makes it easier to upgrade the template in the future, while the second option makes your project files more coherent because they follow a similar structure.
At the end of the day though... it's all just a resource location for you web server to resolve. Do whatever makes sense for your project.

mvc bundle and css management strategy

I developed a website, which can be used by different customers. As a result, we want to give different CSS styles and images to individual customers.
What we want is to manage CSS and images separately, so we won't need to deploy the site again just because we added some new CSS or images. As the site is under MVC, when accessing URLs such as:
we can find the customer id and find the right CSS and image to return.
The problem is that we want to bundle CSS, when the CSS or images are bundled, two issues will occur:
How the bundle detect underlying CSS file change? Is it possible?
Some users may already visited the URL and cached the bundled CSS, how can we disable the cached CSS, so it will get the new version?
The .NET bundling strategy is very intelligent in solving both of your issues. Once you create a bundle - example below:
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/css").Include(
And render this bundle out on your website, the output looks something like this:
<link href="/Content/css?v=xUfHQEnjwMk9UEexrvHPdvPxJduGrgz0bbI5qy5BGHY1" rel="stylesheet"/>
Notice the ?v=bigTextstring. Anytime a file in your bundle changes, the bundling framework will change the bigTextString after the ?v=. So, for your first question, yes, it will automatically detect file changes. You can get more information about how all of that process works if you visit this SO question. For your second question, the ?v= parameter, when changed, signals the client's browser that this is a different file than you had, you need to download it again.
Tommy has a great answer. I just wanted to elaborate on a few points.
First, as long as the bundle itself hasn't changed (added/removed scripts/styles or changed the location of those files), then you can freely update the files themselves without republishing the whole site. The bundler runs at runtime and looks at the last modified timestamp of the included files. If any of the files has changed, a new bundle will be generated with an updated cache-busting querystring param.
However, since the actual bundle configuration is code-based, if you add/remove items from the bundle or change the location of the file(s), such that you have to update the bundle configuration in BundleConfig.cs then you must republish, or at least also update the project DLL. This is because the code compiled within that DLL has changed.

How to put a Template together with Ruby on Rails

I have a template, one of those you could buy, with many css/js/images, very beautiful.
But I have to control these pages with Ruby on Rails, which I am still learning.
The template files have many directives for other files and folders.
I am trying to understand the Assets Pipeline and I am feeling that it looks not good.
There are dozens of css files, with the directives for many images that are placed in other folders.
I am very scared to be straightforward.
I am not the project owner, I just have these two requirements:
Use this template
Build the system in Ruby on Rails
Could someone indicate me the correct way to get along with this situation.
Thanks a lot.
There is no direct solution to this, but may be this can help: install_theme gem. I haven't used it but the link shows how to use an html/css/js theme in rails application.
There is a solution for dummies!
I am feeling so fool.
Inside Rails folders, there is a folder called public
We just have to put our css/js/images inside this folder.
For example, in my template, the index.html was in the same folder then a folder called assets which has sub folder css, js, images
So, the files need for index.html were (relatively to it) in assets/css/... or assets/js/...
Thus, all I had to do was copy my whole folder assets to inside the public directory below Ruby on Rails files.
I found it here:
The Asset Pipeline
I am sorry for the dummy question.
Thanks a lot!
