Using SelectSingleNode with XML file, node repeats twice -

Here's a file I'm trying to parse. I can get data from <countryName> and <countryAbbrev>, but getting an error when trying to read <gml:name> node. Note that this node appears twice in XML file, on the top level and under <Hostip> node.
Here's a syntax I'm using:
This one works - doc.SelectSingleNode("//countryName")
This one doesn't - doc.SelectSingleNode("//gml:name")
Any ideas?
<HostipLookupResultSet xmlns:gml=""
xmlns:xsi="" version="1.0.1"
<gml:description>This is the Hostip Lookup Service</gml:description>
<gml:name>Carson City, NV</gml:name>
<countryName>UNITED STATES</countryName>
<gml:Point srsName="">

You will need to use an XmlNamespaceManager for the xmlns alias gml. Try like so:
XmlNamespaceManager nsmanager = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
nsmanager.AddNamespace("gml", "");
foreach (XmlNode node in doc.SelectNodes("//gml:name", nsmanager))
Carson City, NV
Just a thought, if you are trying to access just one of the gml:name nodes, the following xpaths will navigate a subtree for the first and second respectively:


How to add a value to the existing element value and return it as a new value

This is the xml file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<AtcoCode> System-Start-Date= 2018-05-16T12:35:48.6929328-04:00, " ", System-End-Date = 9999-12-31, " ", 150042010003</AtcoCode>
<CommonName>Upper Park</CommonName>
<Landmark>Upper Park</Landmark>
<Street>High Road</Street>
How to achieve this?
Question: Create the path range index for the status element and fetch all the documents that has status del
after fetching all the documents, you need to create the new element called currentreservationnumber under RevisionNumber element.
The value of the currentrevisionnumber will be +1 to the RevisionNumber.
I think the warning about sequential numbers is related to system-wide unique numbers/ids (like Oracle sequence), so not a worry in this case?
If you only ever have one RevisionNumber, and you can find it without a path index, you can maybe get by with element-value query on the RevisionNumber since it's already indexed.
Given that you get the document somehow, it could be as simple as:
let $doc := fn:doc ('/foo.xml')
let $rev-node := $doc/root/RevisionNumber
return xdmp:node-insert-after ($rev-node, <currentreservationnumber>{$rev-node + 1}</currentreservationnumber>)
though remember to consider locking if you are doing a big query/update. And you might need to switch to node-replace if there is already a currentreservationnumber.

How do I retrieve embedded XML values using MSXML in AutoItV3?

I am trying to use AutoItV3 to automate the insertion of some Entities into a piece of software.
It will be far easier if my automation can read information from an xml file and use this to generate my entities, as I can then parse in different xml files for different tests.
I am using a popular extension MSXML to try and do this. This can be found here:
My XML is a relatively simply structure where I will have various fields under each 'Entity' within all of my 'Entities'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Mation Jr, Mr Auto
Mr Auto Mation Jr
Mation Sr, Mr Auto
Mr Auto Mation Sr
In my script header I am importing the MSXML au3 file and setting the XML path
#include <_MSXML.au3>
; Set the XML file
$xmlpath = #ScriptDir & "\Entity.xml"
My Question is, how can I iterate through the attributes of each Entity within all Entities?
This is what I have so far, but i am not understanding how I would retrieve values from an individual entity listed under the Entities node:
; Fetch All Entities from XAML
$ENTITIES = _MSXML_SelectNodes($oXml, "entities/entity")
If ($ENTITIES[0] > 0) Then
; This part works and will iterate for x amount of entities provided
; Fetch Entity as pos $i
For $i = 1 To $ENTITIES[0] Step 1
; How can I iterate through attributes from ENTITIES[$i] ??
MsgBox(4096, 'Error', 'No entity was provided')
I understand my question is quite broad but I think there should be enough information to start with
This issue with that UDF is that it seems to want to return strings for everything instead of xml objects which are more useful. I would avoid it and instead just just use the com object yourself with $oXml = ObjCreate("Msxml2.DOMDocument") and then have a look at the documentation here.
But anyways, I think this code will get you what you want:
; Set the XML file
$xmlpath = #ScriptDir & "\Entity.xml"
$oXml = ObjCreate("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
; Fetch All Entities from XAML
$objNodeList = $oXml.selectNodes("entities/entity")
For $node in $objNodeList
ConsoleWrite($node.nodename & #CRLF)
$objChildNodeList = $node.selectNodes("*")
For $ChildNode in $objChildNodeList
ConsoleWrite(#TAB & $ChildNode.nodename & ' = ' & $ChildNode.text & #CRLF)
Notice how there is really no need to use a UDF and you can just use the com object's built in methods. In my opinion, this is simpler than using the UDF.
Another thing in general that is worth mentioning is that if you ever have trouble figuring out how to do anything in autoit you can try searching for how to do that same thing in vba or vbs since the languages are pretty similar and autoit can use all the com objects that are used in vba/vbs. When vba/vbs does something like this Set oXml = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument") just do this in autoit: $oXml = ObjCreate("Msxml2.DOMDocument").

XmlReader how to read or skip a specific child that does not always exist

I have a big XML file that I must read with XmlReader because it can not be loaded into memory. This XML is formatted in this way (is a reduced version):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
<Barcodes> <!-- note this line -->
<Code>1234567890</Code> <!-- note this line -->
Note the <Barcode> <Code> elements: in the first <product> is missing.
This is the code that I use for read it and for put these data in a database:
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create("Products.xml");
code = reader.ReadElementContentAsString();
Name = reader.ReadElementContentAsString();
ManufacturerName = reader.ReadElementContentAsString();
ProdCategoryCode = reader.ReadElementContentAsString();
BarcodeCode = reader.ReadElementContentAsString();
//Here I use "code", "Name", "ManufacturerName" variables to insert into a database
} while (reader.Read());
All XML tags are present in all products except the <Barcodes> childs (<Barcode><Code>) that is present only on some product, then I cannot jump at next "code" with last ReadToFollowing because if not present I capture the first <product><code>.
I cant control XML output and cant modify it (is third-party).
There's a way to "ReadToFollowing('<Barcodes><Barcode><Code>')" so that I can specific what should seek and if there is not found I can jump it?
Thank you for your help, excuse my bad english.
I would suggest to pull each Product element into a tree model, using either or, then you can use LINQ to XML query methods or XPath to read out the data of each Product in a safe way while maintaining a low memory footprint.

xpath query not working in BizTalk orchestration

I'm trying to rewrite a BizTalk 2010 application and do away with an external assembly, but I seem to be running into xpath problems.
We have a process that stores a healthcare claim (837P) as xml in the database, and we need to extract it later. I have a WCF port calling a stored procedure that returns an xml message that looks something like this:
<ClaimXml_SEL_GetClaimXmlResponse xmlns="">
<StoredProcedureResultSet0 xmlns="">
<Claim><![CDATA[<ns0:X12_00401_837_P (etc.)
So what I need to do is extract the actual 837P message - the part that starts with ns0:X12_00401_837_P.
The helper class is very simple, just has a method like this:
public XmlDocument ExtractClaimXml(XmlDocument xDoc)
XmlDocument xReturn = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode node = xDoc.SelectSingleNode("/*[local-name()='ClaimXml_SEL_GetClaimXmlResponse' and namespace-uri()='']/*[local-name()='StoredProcedureResultSet0' and namespace-uri()='']/*[local-name()='StoredProcedureResultSet0' and namespace-uri()='']/*[local-name()='Claim' and namespace-uri()='']");
return xReturn;
and then the Message Assignment shape has this code:
rawClaimXml = ClaimXmlResponse;
strippedClaim = XmlHelperClass.ExtractClaimXml(rawClaimXml);
Claim837P = strippedClaim;
...where ClaimXmlResponse; is the message shown above, Claim837P is an 837P message, and rawClaimXml & strippedClaim are xml variables. This works just fine, but it seems excessive to call an external assembly.
I tried this in the assingment shape:
rawClaimXml = xpath(ClaimXmlResponse, "same xpath as above");
Claim837P = strippedClaim;
...but get the error "'UnderlyingXmlDocument.InnerText': .NET property is write-only because it does not have a get accessor".
So then I tried just getting a string from the xpath query:
rawClaimString = xpath(ClaimXmlResponse, "string(same xpath as above)");
rawClaimString = rawClaimString.Replace("<![CDATA[", "");
rawClaimString = rawClaimString.Replace(">]]>",">");
Claim837P = strippedClaim;
...but that's no good. Also tried a variant:
rawClaimXml = xpath(ClaimXmlResponse, "same xpath as above");
rawClaimString = rawClaimXml.InnerXml.ToString();
rawClaimString = rawClaimString.Replace("<![CDATA[", "");
rawClaimString = rawClaimString.Replace(">]]>",">");
Claim837P = strippedClaim;
...but still no good. Any suggestions?
Here's a couple of things you can try:
Wrap the xpath in the string() function. xpath(ClaimXmlResponse,
"string(same xpath as above)");
Append the /text() node to the xpath. xpath(ClaimXmlResponse, "same
xpath as above/text()");
A combination of the two.
Can you elaborate on the goal here? There's nothing wrong with using the helper class. If it's the extra Assembly that's bothering you, you can always add the .cs to the BizTalk Project.
Coming from a different direction, you can use Path option for the Inbound BizTalk message body on the Messages Tab of the WCF-Custom Adpater configuration.
I was also facing the similar issue but when I gone through your various solution I got the solution for my question.
For me this worked **
rawClaimString = xpath(ClaimXmlResponse, "string(same xpath as
thanks for that phew ;)
Coming to the solution for your problem you can distinguishly promote the node that holding your response and try to access that node using .notation and assign it to the sting this ll return the expected output to you :)

Using XQUERY to retrieve attributes value

Is it possible to use XQUERY to retrieve the attributes filename from the following XML? I am trying to use /preFileDoc/inpXML/#filename but it doesn't work...
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<preFileDoc xmlns:soap-env="">
<inpXML version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8">
<soap-env:Header msgcode="SPPCONVAKT" orig-system="002FTB" refid="65355ff50a172064484bf9da64c1e245" timestamp="2009-02-11 21:00:10.741" filename="SPPCONVAKT20090128001.dat"/>
ps: Sometimes the filename attributes is sent as fileName in the incoming XML..thinking to retrieve value from attributes #filename OR #fileName.. can it achieve in single XQUERY? Thanks for advice...
I think your XPath is incomplete. The last child-step / in /preFileDoc/inpXML/#filename only matches attributes of the inpXML element, not its descendants.
One way to solve the problem would be the //-step:
Note that this would find all attributes named filename in the soapenv:Body, too.
A more robust way would thus be to declare the soapenv prefix in the XQuery:
declare namespace soap-env="";
return /preFileDoc/inpXML//soap-env:Header/#filename
Finally, the different capitalizations of filename can be worked around by specifying both:
declare namespace soap-env="";
return /preFileDoc/inpXML//soap-env:Header/(#filename | #fileName)
You can take the union of multiple attributes. It will be unlikely that this attribute will appear multiple times with different casing, so that should always return a single node:
//soap-env:Header/#filename | //soap-env:Header/#fileName
Optionally, you could wrap it in parentheses, and add [1] behind it, to always take the first result.
(//soap-env:Header/#filename | //soap-env:Header/#fileName)[1]
If you replace the union with a comma, which creates a sequence instead of a document order node set, you can add a default as well at the end. Maybe not very usefull here, but perhaps in other situations:
(//soap-env:Header/#filename , //soap-env:Header/#fileName, "default.dat")[1]
You need to respect and take into account the SOAP XML namespace!
Since I don't know what you're using, I cannot tell you how to do this - but there's the xmlns:soap-env="" on the root node, and your #filename attribute is on the <soap-env:Header .... /> node - so you need to include the XML namespace in your XQuery.
In .NET / C#, you could do it like this (using the "older" XmlDocument style which supports XPath directly):
// define test XML
string xmlContent =
#"<?xml version='1.0'?>
<preFileDoc xmlns:soap-env=''>
<inpXML version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'>
<soap-env:Header msgcode='SPPCONVAKT' orig-system='002FTB' refid='65355ff50a172064484bf9da64c1e245' timestamp='2009-02-11 21:00:10.741' filename='SPPCONVAKT20090128001.dat'/>
// create XmlDocument and load test data
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
// define XML namespace manager and add the SOAP namespace to it
XmlNamespaceManager mgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
mgr.AddNamespace("soap", "");
// use XPath and the XML namespaces to grab the <Header> node
// the first two nodes <preFileDoc> and <inpXML> are not inside any explicit
// XML namespace
// but the next two (<Envelope> and <Header>) are in the "soap" XML namespace
XmlNode header = doc.SelectSingleNode("/preFileDoc/inpXML/soap:Envelope/soap:Header", mgr);
// read the "filename" attribute from the header node
if(header != null && header.Attributes["filename"] != null)
string fileName = header.Attributes["filename"].Value;
