Css doesn't work for a custom fxml component - css

I use the following CSS to change the font of some components which are placed on a custom JavaFX AnchorPane, defined as fx:root. But the font-size remains default.
* {
-fx-font-family : Arial;
.label, .textField, .textfield, .checkBox, .text{
-fx-font-size: 18;
I got that I should change them using the ids of all inner components but it's not a good idea, because it results in redundant code.
Then I got that applying it on the main style class, it will work. But the sad story is that * can't be overriden. (I have defined * selector in a global css class for my whole application.

Try .root instead of *.
For the font size, some of your class names are wrong. Try
.label, .text-field, .check-box, .text {
-fx-font-size: 18pt ;
Style classes are documents in the CSS Reference Guide
Note that Text nodes have empty style class, so you need to explicitly set the style class for your text nodes.


extending CSS style in JAVAFX

I' m trying to use CSS in JAVAFX application. Is there a way in the CSS file to make use of some kind of inheritance?
For example I have one style called "redline":
Can I create a second style "greenline":
in a way that it inherits from "redline". Say, something like:
greenline extends redline
so that the "green" lines have a strokewidth of 5px?
Thanks in advance!
You need to make a make a more specific selector available. You could e.g. add a style class:
Add the style class line to all lines and then also add the red or blue style classes to the lines that should get those colors.
Java Code
Line redLine = ...
Line blueLine = ...
Line blackLine = ...
// add color related classes
.line {
-fx-stroke: black; /* define standard line color */
-fx-stroke-width: 5px;
.line.blue { /* rules for nodes that have style classes line AND blue */
-fx-stroke: blue;
.line.red { /* rules for nodes that have style classes line AND red */
-fx-stroke: red;
In CSS more specific rules will always overwrite properties of less specific rules. In this case .line is less specific than .line.blue and .line.red since the former selector contains only a single class instead of 2.
Note: There is inheritance in CSS, but properties are inherited from the parent in the scene, not from the base class in the java code.

javaFX css styling for an array of text not working

I have a CSS file that styles my application MusicPlayer. I'm trying to style my array of javafx.scene.text.Text named sliderText. However nothing works. even when i use .text it styles the text of everything else EXCEPT my array of sliderText. any ideas how to get this working?
heres my declaration of slider text =
public static javafx.scene.text.Text[] sliderText = new Text[10];
also general question, how do i use .setID() in both javafx and CSS?
I've tried doing the following:
.text {
-fx-font-size: 32px;
-fx-font-family: "Arial Black";
-fx-fill: #818181;
-fx-effect: innershadow( three-pass-box , rgba(0,0,0,0.7) , 6, 0.0 , 0 , 2 );
And that changes literally everything except what i want it to
By default, Text objects have no style class attached to them. (Only Controls have default style classes set.) So your rule (which applies to the style class "text"), won't apply to your text objects.
The basic CSS tutorial for JavaFX covers all this, but briefly you need to do something like
for (Text text : sliderText) {
either in the constructor or in the start() method or an initialization method (you haven't shown enough context for your code for me to know how your application is set up).
For your question:
how do i use .setID() in both javafx and CSS?
you can do
and then in CSS
#specialNode {
/* style rules for specialNode here.... */
Ids should be unique to a single node within any scene graph.

JavaFX CSS combine styles in CSS file

I have two base CSS classes:
.smpb_color_gray {
.smpb_font_size_18 {
I wonder if it's possible to create one class which will contains both these classes? With name .smpb_my_combine_class and it must have color:#cccccc and fontSize:18pt.
I want to create one class and then use them on other classes.
Like I want to create:
And then I want to create a class for other control, I want to just include this class, but not create a new class. It's needed if I want to change the default width in future.
If I make a change in the base, then I need that change in all classes.
In regards to JavaFX2, in the .root element you can define a property, such as -smpb-color-gray:#cccccc; and then reference that within another css class.
.root {
-smpb-color-gray: #cccccc;
-smpb-font-size: 18pt;
.smpb_my_combine_class {
-fx-text-fill: -smpb-color-gray;
-fx-font: -smpb-font-size;
I used -fx-text-fill because I didn't know exactly what you were trying to color.
Does that fit into your criteria?
try this
You can assign multiple classes to one html element like this
<div class="border black"></div>
but you cannot combine multiple classes in one as far as I know.
I haven't really looked into it much, but I think SASS might be able to do what you want.
If you mean using it like this:
.myclass {
than the answer is no unless you look into something like LESS.
It is:
/*whatever style for both*/
Basically, what you are asking is what Cascading Style Sheets are all about... Grouping Elements with the same top-level Classes or Ids together. The only thing you would have to do is to create your .smpb_my_combine_class and define the values like this:
And then define your sub classes to replace the top-level class value with the default value like this:
.smpb_my_combine_class .smpb_color_gray{
font-size: medium; //The default value for font-size according to W3C
.smpb_my_combine_class .smpb_font_size_18{
color: black; //The default value of your Page font color?
So your .smpb_my_combine_class-classed elements will have those default values, as well as each class based on it. But keep in mind that this will only work if your subclass element is contained within an element of the .smpb_my_combine_class-class

Every h2 except for ones that don't have a class?

I'm wondering how can I apply a style to EVERY h2 that DOES have ANY any class attached to it, thus having the effect that the style will NOT be applied on a plain h2..eg..
<h2 class="1"></h2>
<h2 class="2"></h2>
<h2 class="3"></h2>
<h2 class="a"></h2>
All the ones with a class should have a style - and just plain h2 should not, (This is a huge site with hundreds of styles)...so any easy way to do this?
There is a method to do it but it's only possible with browsers that support CSS3 :not pseudo class.
h2[class] {
/* Styles for <h2> with a class, regardless of the value */
h2:not([class]) {
/* Styles for <h2> without classes */
I hope it works!
[Edit] I've made a simple demo for you here - http://jsfiddle.net/fL2sT/
What you're asking for is how CSS works by default.
The correct way to style elements which have no specific class assigned to them is to style the base element, as Ahsan demonstrated above. I don't know why he got downvoted.
h2 { property: value; }
Note that if H2 elements do have classes assigned to them, then that styling may override your base style.
So if you have: h2 { color:#333; font-size:2em; } as your base style, and then apply class="myClass" to it where: .class { color: #000; }, then the base style's color will be overriden (but not the font size). This is the cascade in Cascading Style Sheets.
Another way is to target them conditionally:
div#nav h2:first-child { property:value; }
which gives you contextual control, but again, class assignment will always override base styling, and may also override context targeting if the class application has higher specificity.
Why not simply use
h2[class] { ... }

Qt Stylesheet syntax: targeting a specific button, not ALL buttons

I have a window with two buttons.
I'd like to decorate each one with a different stylesheet. They both have different object names, of course, but it seems that only the generic QPushButton stylesheet selector works.
I tried:
QPushButton#myBtnObjectName1 {
/* style definitions */
QPushButton#myBtnObjectName2 {
/* style definitions */
Tried the same with replacing the # with a ., or having the #myBtnObjetNameX only. Nothing works. Just:
QPushButton {
/* style definitions */
Am I using a wrong syntax? Or is this simply impossible without deriving from QPushButton in code and using a separate class name for each?
To match instances using the objectName, you can also use the selector ^=. According to the standard:
[att^=val] Represents an element with the att attribute whose value
begins with the prefix "val".
Example in Qt:
QPushButton[objectName^="push"] { background-color: red; }
A QPushButton called pushButton would be matched, but not an object called pbt.
You can use "accessibleName" in Qt Designer for this.
And in qss stylesheet:
more universal:
[accessibleName="alert-error"] {
color: red;
or be more specific:
QPushButton[accessibleName="bigred"] {
background-color: red;
Ah yes, the "AccessibleName" in Qt Designer needs to be set too, not just "ObjectName"
