How to modify a database command in Crystal Reports -

Alright, so I've been working on this project for the past year and I've never understood this one issue in crystal reports. (I'm using the crystal reports that comes with Visual Studio 2008)
Let's say I want to modify a database field nested in the command.
I right-click the command field and choose the database expert option from the context menu.
I then right-click the command once again and choose the Modify option.
Here's where I always get stuck.. I enter the password (which is the same I use in the ConnectionString for my project) and click the finish button..
..only to be presented with the following error message, which translates to "ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified"
After some searching around I found this article :
The answer to the same problem that I'm getting was :
You must install the Oracle Driver 64 if youe OS is 64 bits, and then install Oracle Driver 32 in the same home_oracle, this should be the home1. SAP just works with home1.
You must install the Oracle Client Administrator mode.
After that you must configure your ODBC driver to Oracle Home 1. Right now test if your ODBC connection is successful.
Your application should run in 32 bit mode.
Unfortunately I'm connected to this computer remotely and am not authorized to install / uninstall drivers and applications.
My question is, is there another way that I can solve this issue so I can change that one field to a string?

To the extent I see there are 2 problems in your question.
The error you getting is nothing related to the datatype of the field you want to change. The present error is because You are trying to access the database for that uou need to have oracle client and you should create a ODBC connection then you will be able to make connection and can view query in crystal report.
To the extent I am aware you can't change the dataatype of a database field using the command in Crystal Report, but what you can do is instead of going to command, You can create one formula in crystal report and cast the number to string using ToText
Let me know if you need further more information


Getting Windows to detect IBM AS400 provider

I am trying to get a connection to work on my machine to an AS400 database as per this link.
I have confirmed that there is no firewall blocking the machine I am working on. I have confirmed that the connection info works on a different machine with a .UDL file. I have installed the requisite C++ runtime libraries onto the machine and confirmed it has the appropriate .NET framework (it has 4.7.2). When I try to run the UDL file with the same connection information, I get "Provider cannot be found. Ensure that the provider has been installed properly." As far as I can tell I did, but it is not detecting that?
Can someone help me understand how to get it set up so that the UDL file will indicate if the connection was successful or not? I'm not really sure what is at issue at this point.
edit: I got lucky on more searching and so on further inspection, I can see that it is not in the registry editor. Could that be the issue? How would I add it there properly so that it shows up as a Data Link so that I can configure it correctly?
go here to download and install access client solutions
after installing the base package, navigate in the install folder and find the Windows_Application folder. In that folder, double click on install_acs_64.js. That will install the ODBC drivers.
run the ODBC Data Source Adminstrator app on the windows PC. Click the Add button. Select the IBM i Access ODBC Driver. Make sure to click the Server tab and set the default schema and library list.
Once the ODBC driver is installed you can test the connection by opening Excel and use the Data tab to config a connection to the IBM i database.

R Studio keeps 'hanging' when trying to establish an Oracle Database connection

I'm working a little side project on R Studio and I'm trying to import data from an Oracle database. The problem is, whenever I try to establish the connection using the DBI::dbConnect command, it just 'hangs'. It won't continue to the next command on my R Studio script. I've added a timeout to the dbConnect command, but it doesn't help anything. In order to exit, I have to shut down R Studio completely.
I've tested the connection, check the screenshot below, using the 'Connections' tab on R Studio. As you can see, it is able to establish the connection. So that should mean the parameters are set correctly, right? But when I run it on the script, it just keeps 'hanging' on the dbConnect command.
What can I do?
When it connects successfully to the database RStudio loads in connection pane a tree which present all schemas and all tables. It's useful by it can be slow.
Depending on Oracle database I use, it often takes a long time to load this and it's longer when user have low privileges on database (user with only one schema for instance).
I see two ways trying to go further:
connect with your statement on RGui to see if it works correctly then it's really linked to RStudio's connection pane
connect with system / admin or a higher level user to check if it's work better with

ora-00600 internal error code arguments: [17069],[130311952],[],[],[],[],[],[]

I am working on developing oracle forms 6 at my pc work everything goes fine using oracle form builder and oracle database 9i
oracle form builder but when I am working at same project at my home I get the below error message
ora-00600 internal error code arguments:
I think thats cause I am using on oracle database 11G at my home so if thats true how to solve that issue since I need oracle 11G on my pc home ??
I search and found that this message consist of six arguments which indicate the origin and attributes of the error first argument is the internal error number and the Other arguments are various numbers that may change meanings between different versions of Oracle so please I need expert help
Note: I had noticed that everything goes right and only forms which contains
from dual statement will rise this exception
It turns out that you must use SYS.DUAL from within Oracle Forms instead of plain old DUAL, as per here. Quoting:
Possible causes include:
file corruption,
failed data checks in memory, hardware, memory, or I/O messages,
incorrectly restored files
a SELECT FROM DUAL statement in PL/SQL within Oracle Forms (you have to use SELECT FROM SYS.DUAL instead!)

crystal reports error when hosting on server

I have a web application which I developed which uses crystal reports for VS 2010. The reports work fine on my machine, but when I publish the web application, I get the following error when loading the report:
This group section cannot be printed because its condition field is nonexistent or invalid. Format the section to choose another condition field. Error in File temp_9b46c401-8cdb-45a6-bade-4d3e37dda1fb {572D2B99-425A-4EC5-A758-6497001368A3}.rpt: Invalid group condition.
I've searched for this and from what I can understand it's a connection issue. But I've checked and the database connection string is fine. Other parts of web application work fine with it. Is there anything else I should be checking for?
I've resolved the issue. It was very frustrating and so I thought I should put this here in case anyone runs into this:
Make sure you have the same version of Crystal Reports Runtime installed on your server as on your development machine. I had 13.0.3 on my development machine and 13.0.1. on my server. Of course crystal reports gave an obscure error which makes it very difficult to know where to look.
After I did this, I kept getting a blank page. This linked help me resolve this issue: Apparently visual studio doesn't copy all the necessary files for it to render the reports.
I'm not so sure that the error is because of a database connection issue. If I were you I would look into a few things first:
Make sure that the database fields haven't changed. Is the application accessing the same database when deployed as it does in the development environment?
What about Null values? Have you checked the "Convert Database Null Values" in the Report Options?
What about the groups? Are there any formulas in them or are any of them based on groups? Browse the data to see if you get any errors.
Just because it runs on your development machine doesn't mean the problem isn't in the datasource. Maybe one of your report's formulas is expecting a field to be non-null, and there is a single null entry. Or a date somehow got entered as #01/01/9999# and a formula in the report is expecting a realistic date.
That should get you started and maybe even solve your issue. Give us some more info about the report and the datasource if you can.

Can not tnsping but can sqlplus connect

I have a question hopefully someone could explain it to me. I have an Oracle 11g installed properly on the server. From a workstation, I have installed the oracle client which tnsname.ora pointed to the Oracle database. I can ping to the server where oracle db was installed. I can sqlplus connect to the database and I can even connect to the database programmatically using C#. However, I can not tnsping to it. I got error Message 3511 not found when trying to do so. So my question is: in what scenario tnsping is used and how do I make tnsping works? In other word, if my tnsping does not work but I still can connect to the database programmatically using C#, what are the concerns that I should be worrying about? I am new to Oracle.. Thanks!
I have tried to do the following actions without success although they are the most popular answers to similar scenario similar to mine.
1) Set Oracle_Sid to my oracle sid
2) Set Oracle_Home to my oracle home directory
What I did to solve the issue:
1) Uninstall oracle client
2) Reinstall the oracle client with the newest version 11.2.xx.
I believe, re-installing the oracle client of earlier version would just work as well.
However, since I have to re-install the client, I might want to get the newest version.
The cause is probably improper installation at the first time as we have an disk image of pre-installed application to automatically prep a new computer.
Not able tnsping does not seem to impede with other Oracle operations (at least not that I know of).
If someone knows what is the limitation of not able to tnsping but can sqlplus connect, ping... , I would appreciate if you could share.
Either your $Oracle_Home value is not set or your default sid is not set in $ORACLE_SID
Try this :
set ORACLE_SID=mysid
tnsping mysid
and see what it comes back with.
