Is it a good practice to call functions in a package via :: - r

I'm writing some R functions that employ some useful functions in other packages like stringr and base64enc. Is it good not to call library(...) or require(...) to load these packages first but to use :: to directly refer to the function I need, like stringr::str_match(...)?
Is it a good practice in general case? Or what problem might it induce?

It all depends on context.
:: is primarily necessary if there are namespace collisions, functions from different packages with the same name. When I load the dplyr package, it provides a function filter, which collides with (and masks) the filter function loaded by default in the stats package. So if I want to use the stats version of the function after loading dplyr, I'll need to call it with stats::filter.
This also gives motivation for not loading lots of packages. If you really only want one function from a package, it can be better to use :: than load the whole package, especially if you know the package will mask other functions you want to use.
Not in code, but in text, I do find :: very useful. It's much more concise to type stats::filter than "the filter function from the stats package".
From a performance perspective, there is a (very) small price for using ::. Long-time R-Core development team member Martin Maechler wrote (on the r-devel mailing list (Sept 2017))
Many people seem to forget that every use of :: is an R
function call and using it is inefficient compared to just using
the already imported name.
The performance penalty is very small, on the order of a few microseconds, so it's only a concern when you need highly optimized code. Running a line of code that uses :: one million times will take a second or two longer than code that doesn't use ::.
As far as portability goes, it's nice to explicitly load packages at the top of a script because it makes it easy to glance at the first few lines and see what packages are needed, installing them if necessary before getting too deep in anything else, i.e., getting halfway through a long process that now can't be completed without starting over.
Aside: a similar argument can be made to prefer library() over require(). Library will cause an error and stop if the package isn't there, whereas require will warn but continue. If your code has a contingency plan in case the package isn't there, then by all means use if (require(package)) ..., but if your code will fail without a package you should use library(package) at the top so it fails early and clearly.
Within your own package
The general solution is to make your own package that imports the other packages you need to use in the DESCRIPTION file. Those packages will be automatically installed when your package is installed, so you can use pkg::fun internally. Or, by also importing them in the NAMESPACE file, you can import an entire package or selectively importFrom specific functions and not need ::. Opinions differ on this. Martin Maechler (same r-devel source as above) says:
Personally I've got the impression that :: is
much "overused" nowadays, notably in packages where I'd strongly
advocate using importFrom() in NAMESPACE, so all this happens
at package load time, and then not using :: in the package
sources itself.
On the other hand, RStudio Chief Scientist Hadley Wickham says in his R Packages book:
It's common for packages to be listed in Imports in DESCRIPTION, but not in NAMESPACE. In fact, this is what I recommend: list the package in DESCRIPTION so that it’s installed, then always refer to it explicitly with pkg::fun(). Unless there is a strong reason not to, it's better to be explicit.
With two esteemed R experts giving opposite recommendations, I think it's fair to say that you should pick whichever style suits you best and meets your needs for clarity, efficiency, and maintainability.
If you frequently find yourself using just one function from another package, you can copy the code and add it to your own package. For example, I have a package for personal use that borrows %nin% from the Hmisc package because I think it's a great function, but I don't often use anything else from Hmisc. With roxygen2, it's easy to add #author and #references to properly attribute the code for a borrowed function. Also make sure the package licenses are compatible when doing this.


What is the difference between :: and library? [duplicate]

I'm writing some R functions that employ some useful functions in other packages like stringr and base64enc. Is it good not to call library(...) or require(...) to load these packages first but to use :: to directly refer to the function I need, like stringr::str_match(...)?
Is it a good practice in general case? Or what problem might it induce?
It all depends on context.
:: is primarily necessary if there are namespace collisions, functions from different packages with the same name. When I load the dplyr package, it provides a function filter, which collides with (and masks) the filter function loaded by default in the stats package. So if I want to use the stats version of the function after loading dplyr, I'll need to call it with stats::filter.
This also gives motivation for not loading lots of packages. If you really only want one function from a package, it can be better to use :: than load the whole package, especially if you know the package will mask other functions you want to use.
Not in code, but in text, I do find :: very useful. It's much more concise to type stats::filter than "the filter function from the stats package".
From a performance perspective, there is a (very) small price for using ::. Long-time R-Core development team member Martin Maechler wrote (on the r-devel mailing list (Sept 2017))
Many people seem to forget that every use of :: is an R
function call and using it is inefficient compared to just using
the already imported name.
The performance penalty is very small, on the order of a few microseconds, so it's only a concern when you need highly optimized code. Running a line of code that uses :: one million times will take a second or two longer than code that doesn't use ::.
As far as portability goes, it's nice to explicitly load packages at the top of a script because it makes it easy to glance at the first few lines and see what packages are needed, installing them if necessary before getting too deep in anything else, i.e., getting halfway through a long process that now can't be completed without starting over.
Aside: a similar argument can be made to prefer library() over require(). Library will cause an error and stop if the package isn't there, whereas require will warn but continue. If your code has a contingency plan in case the package isn't there, then by all means use if (require(package)) ..., but if your code will fail without a package you should use library(package) at the top so it fails early and clearly.
Within your own package
The general solution is to make your own package that imports the other packages you need to use in the DESCRIPTION file. Those packages will be automatically installed when your package is installed, so you can use pkg::fun internally. Or, by also importing them in the NAMESPACE file, you can import an entire package or selectively importFrom specific functions and not need ::. Opinions differ on this. Martin Maechler (same r-devel source as above) says:
Personally I've got the impression that :: is
much "overused" nowadays, notably in packages where I'd strongly
advocate using importFrom() in NAMESPACE, so all this happens
at package load time, and then not using :: in the package
sources itself.
On the other hand, RStudio Chief Scientist Hadley Wickham says in his R Packages book:
It's common for packages to be listed in Imports in DESCRIPTION, but not in NAMESPACE. In fact, this is what I recommend: list the package in DESCRIPTION so that it’s installed, then always refer to it explicitly with pkg::fun(). Unless there is a strong reason not to, it's better to be explicit.
With two esteemed R experts giving opposite recommendations, I think it's fair to say that you should pick whichever style suits you best and meets your needs for clarity, efficiency, and maintainability.
If you frequently find yourself using just one function from another package, you can copy the code and add it to your own package. For example, I have a package for personal use that borrows %nin% from the Hmisc package because I think it's a great function, but I don't often use anything else from Hmisc. With roxygen2, it's easy to add #author and #references to properly attribute the code for a borrowed function. Also make sure the package licenses are compatible when doing this.

Using functions from other packages - when to use package::function?

When making your own package for R, one often wants to make use of functions from a different package.
Maybe it's a plotting library like ggplot2, dplyr, or some niche function.
However, when making a function that depends on functions in other packages, what is the appropriate way to call them? In particular, I am looking for examples of when to use
myFunction <- function(x) {
myFunction <- function(x) {
When should I use one over the other?
If you're actually creating an R package (as opposed to a script to source, R Project, or other method), you should NEVER use library() or require(). This is not an alternative to using package::function(). You are essentially choosing between package::function() and function(), which as highlighted by #Bernhard, explicitly calling the package ensures consistency if there are conflicting names in two or more packages.
Rather than require(package), you need to worry about properly defining your DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE files. There's many posts about that on SO and elsewhere, so won't go into details, see here for example.
Using package::function() can help with above if you are using roxygen2 to generate your package documentation (it will automatically generate a proper NAMESPACE file.
The douple-colon variant :: has a clear advantage in the rare situations, when the same function name is used by two packages. There is a function psych::alpha to calculate Cronbach's alpha as a measure of internal consistency and a function scales::alpha to modify color transparency. There are not that many examples but then again, there are examples. dplyr even masks functions from the stats and base package! (And the tidyverse is continuing to produce more and more entries in our namespaces. Should you use dyplr you do not know, if the base function you use today will be masked by a future version of dplyr thus leading to an unexpected runtime problem of your package in the future.)
All of that is no problem if you use the :: variant. All of that is not a problem if in your package the last package opened is the one you mean.
The require (or library) variant leads to overall shorter code and it is obvious, at what time and place in the code the problem of a not-available package will lead to an error and thus become visible.
In general, both work well and you are free to choose, which of these admittedly small differences appears more important to you.

R: When to use package::function() vs function()? [duplicate]

I'm writing some R functions that employ some useful functions in other packages like stringr and base64enc. Is it good not to call library(...) or require(...) to load these packages first but to use :: to directly refer to the function I need, like stringr::str_match(...)?
Is it a good practice in general case? Or what problem might it induce?
It all depends on context.
:: is primarily necessary if there are namespace collisions, functions from different packages with the same name. When I load the dplyr package, it provides a function filter, which collides with (and masks) the filter function loaded by default in the stats package. So if I want to use the stats version of the function after loading dplyr, I'll need to call it with stats::filter.
This also gives motivation for not loading lots of packages. If you really only want one function from a package, it can be better to use :: than load the whole package, especially if you know the package will mask other functions you want to use.
Not in code, but in text, I do find :: very useful. It's much more concise to type stats::filter than "the filter function from the stats package".
From a performance perspective, there is a (very) small price for using ::. Long-time R-Core development team member Martin Maechler wrote (on the r-devel mailing list (Sept 2017))
Many people seem to forget that every use of :: is an R
function call and using it is inefficient compared to just using
the already imported name.
The performance penalty is very small, on the order of a few microseconds, so it's only a concern when you need highly optimized code. Running a line of code that uses :: one million times will take a second or two longer than code that doesn't use ::.
As far as portability goes, it's nice to explicitly load packages at the top of a script because it makes it easy to glance at the first few lines and see what packages are needed, installing them if necessary before getting too deep in anything else, i.e., getting halfway through a long process that now can't be completed without starting over.
Aside: a similar argument can be made to prefer library() over require(). Library will cause an error and stop if the package isn't there, whereas require will warn but continue. If your code has a contingency plan in case the package isn't there, then by all means use if (require(package)) ..., but if your code will fail without a package you should use library(package) at the top so it fails early and clearly.
Within your own package
The general solution is to make your own package that imports the other packages you need to use in the DESCRIPTION file. Those packages will be automatically installed when your package is installed, so you can use pkg::fun internally. Or, by also importing them in the NAMESPACE file, you can import an entire package or selectively importFrom specific functions and not need ::. Opinions differ on this. Martin Maechler (same r-devel source as above) says:
Personally I've got the impression that :: is
much "overused" nowadays, notably in packages where I'd strongly
advocate using importFrom() in NAMESPACE, so all this happens
at package load time, and then not using :: in the package
sources itself.
On the other hand, RStudio Chief Scientist Hadley Wickham says in his R Packages book:
It's common for packages to be listed in Imports in DESCRIPTION, but not in NAMESPACE. In fact, this is what I recommend: list the package in DESCRIPTION so that it’s installed, then always refer to it explicitly with pkg::fun(). Unless there is a strong reason not to, it's better to be explicit.
With two esteemed R experts giving opposite recommendations, I think it's fair to say that you should pick whichever style suits you best and meets your needs for clarity, efficiency, and maintainability.
If you frequently find yourself using just one function from another package, you can copy the code and add it to your own package. For example, I have a package for personal use that borrows %nin% from the Hmisc package because I think it's a great function, but I don't often use anything else from Hmisc. With roxygen2, it's easy to add #author and #references to properly attribute the code for a borrowed function. Also make sure the package licenses are compatible when doing this.

Import one function in R package (without importFrom)

I'm writing an R package and I'd like to use one function from another package (plotKML). This external package has so many dependencies that I don't want my users to be required to download etc. If I use importFrom(plotKML, readGPX) in the NAMESPACE file it will load all of plotKML into the namespace and download all dependencies which I don't want.
So the question is: is it appropriate to copy the code for the one function I need (ensuring that all the dependencies in that one function are included)? If so what is appropriate for the attribution/documentation -- do I copy the documentation from the original?
There is a great discussion of this issue in this post and the answer by Brian Diggs is very helpful. But he ends with "For your example, you may be better off copying the code for memisc::describe into your package, although that approach has its own problems and caveats" so I'm left with some uncertainty about what the problems are and whether it's appropriate from a attribution perspective.
Questions about the appropriate attribution would probably be best resolved by contacting the package author directly. As noted in the comments above, that package appears to use GPL-3, which should mean that you can include the function in your package but your package must then also be GPL-3 licensed. (As always, probably no one here is a lawyer so that's on you to check...)
The primary downside to copying just the function you need is that then you are responsible for maintaining it. This probably also means maintaining it in a way that keeps it in sync with the original version from plotKML. Depending on the package, surrounding code and how often it is updated that could be fairly simple or it could be horrible.

Cleaning up function list in an R package with lots of functions

[Revised based on suggestion of exporting names.]
I have been working on an R package that is nearing about 100 functions, maybe more.
I want to have, say, 10 visible functions and each may have 10 "invisible" sub-functions.
Is there an easy way to select which functions are visible, and which are not?
Also, in the interest of avoiding 'diff', is there a command like "all.equal" that can be applied to two different packages to see where they differ?
You can make a file called NAMESPACE in the base directory of your package. In this you can define which functions you want to export to the user, and you can also import functions from other packages. Exporting will make a function usable, and import will transfer a function from another package to you without making it available to the user (useful if you just need one function and don't want to require your users to load another package when they load yours).
A trunctuated part of my packages NAMESPACE :
which respectively loads the compiled functions, makes the function qgraph() available, imports from psych the principal function and imports from plyr all functions that are exported in plyr's NAMESPACE.
For more details read:
I think you should organise your package and code the way you feel most comfortable with; it is your package after all. NAMESPACE can be used to control what gets exposed or not to the user up-front, as other's have mentioned, and you don't need to document all the functions, just the main user-called functions, by adding \alias{} tags to the Rd files for all the support functions you don't want people to know too much about, or hide them on an package.internals.Rd man page.
That being said, if you want people to help develop your package, or run with it and do amazing things, the better organised it is the easier that job will be. So lay out your functions logically, perhaps one file per function, named after the function name, or group all the related functions into a single R file for example. But be consistent in which approach you do.
If you have generic functions that have more general use, consider splitting those functions out into a separate package that others can use, without having to depend on your mega package with the extra cruft that is more specific. Your package can then depend on this generic package, as can packages of other authors. But don't split packages up just for the sake of making them smaller.
The answer is almost certainly to create a package. Some rules of thumb may help in your design choice:
A package should solve one problem
If you have functions that solve a different problem, put them in a separate package
For example, have a look at the ggplot2 package:
ggplot2 is a package that creates wonderful graphics
It imports plyr, a package that gives a consistent syntax and approach to solve the Split, Apply, Combine problem
It depends on reshape2, a package with only few functions that turns wide data into long, and vice-versa.
The point is that all of these packages were written by a single author, i.e. Hadley Wickham.
If you do decide to make a package, you can control the visibility of your functions:
Only functions that are exported are directly visible in the namespace
You can additionally mark some functions with the keyword internal, which will prevent them appearing in automatically generated lists of functions.
If you decide to develop your own package, I strongly recommend the devtools package, and reading the devtools wiki
If your reformulated question is about 'how to organise large packages', then this may apply:
NAMESPACE allows for very fine-grained exporting of functions: your user would see 10 visisble functions
even the invisible function are accessible if you or the users 'known', that is done via the ::: triple colon operator
packages do come in all sizes and shapes; one common rule about 'when to split' may be that as soon as you have functionality of use in different contexts
As for diff on packages: Huh? Packages are not usually all that close so that one would need a comparison function. The diff command is indeed quite useful on source code. You could use a hash function on binary code if you really wanted to but I am still puzzled as to why one would want to.
