Access 2007 - Referring to sub-report value from sub-sub-report - report

I have a report that has several sub-reports as well as a sub-report to one of the sub-reports.
The one that concerns me:
rptProgressReport ->rptEmployee (sub of rptProgressReport) -> rptSubEmployeeProject (sub of rptEmployee)
So far everything is generating as needed. Employees list in order, and the sub-report pulls out various project details. Except I need to add together time spent from one table.
tblProject (main table) -> tblProjectHistory (related table to tblProject via projectID->fldProjectID).
tblProjectHistory has the following fields.
[historyID],[fldProjectID], [History Information], [History Date], [Time Spent], [Employee].
I need to do a sum of all [Time Spent] for projects that equal what is being displayed and as long as the employee matches and the date is within the specified date range.
Specified date range is via the launching Form (frmReportGeneration) with fields txtStartDate and txtEnd Date.
Sub-report rptSubEmployeeProject has a text box (txtTimeSpent) that I have the following for a control source.
=Sum(DLookUp("[Time Spent]","tblProjectHistory","[Employee]='" & [Reports]![rptEmployee].[txtTempEmployee] & "' AND [History Date] > " & [Forms]![frmReportGeneration].[txtStartDate] & " AND " & [History Date]<" & [Forms]![frmReportGeneration].[txtEndDate] & "))
the rptEmployee field of txtTempEmployee correctly displays the current employee to match in that sub-report.
The problem is I get prompted for each value part of the above code - txtTempEmployee and txtStartDate/txtEndDate, even if I change the report value to be [Reports]![rptProgressReport]![rptEmployee].[txtTempEmployee]
Any idea how to correctly pull variables from the parent report or the first sub-report?
Thank you.
+++++ Update +++++
Okay update/close on this. I ended up needing to do something similar to what was suggested in the accepted answer. I could not get the idea posted to work - but i was able to set tempvars in vba and used those throughout the report/sub-report(s).

it is not recommended to refer to other objects via this construct "Forms!...." (or "Reports!...")
i made some bad experience with it. i suggest to put the values into a variable and make a
in a Module you define:
Publicg dtStart As Date
Public gdtEnd As Date
in the form you assign the start and end date in the button where you fire the report
gdtStart = Me!txtStartDate
gdtEnd = Me!txtEndDate
now the Get-Function:
Public Function Get_Date_Start () As Date
Get_Date_Start = gdtStart
End Function
Public Function Get_Date_End () As Date
Get_Date_End = gdtEnd
End Function
in the Query you can use it now like this:
... AND [History Date] > " & Get_Date_Start() & " AND " & [History Date] <" & Get_Date_End()
BTW: don't use spaces in any object-name: instead of [History Date] name it History_Date, you can avoid Brackets in Code :-)


Using Multiple Variables to Reference a Sub-Sub-Sub Field in a Lua Dictionary

I'm new to Lua (like, yesterday new), so please bear with me...
I apologize for the convoluted nature of this question, but I had no better idea of how to demonstrate what I'm trying to do:
I have a Lua table being used as a dictionary. The tuples(?) are not numerically indexed, but use mostly string indices. Many of the indices actually relate to sub-tables that contain more detailed information, and some of the indices in those tables relate to still more tables - some of them three or four "levels" deep.
I need to make a function that can search for a specific item description from several "levels" into the dictionary's structure, without knowing ahead of time which keys/sub-keys/sub-sub-keys led me to it. I have tried to do this using variables and for loops, but have run into a problem where two keys in a row are being dynamically tested using these variables.
In the example below, I'm trying to get at the value:
But since I don't know ahead of time that I'm looking in "Warehouse_North", or in "department_one", I run through these alternatives using variables, searching for the specific Item ID "rjXO./SS", and so the reference to that value ends up looking like this:
Basically, the problem I'm having is when I need to put two variables back-to-back in the reference chain of a value being stored at level N of a dictionary. I can't seem to write it out as [x][y], or as [x[y]], or as [x.y] or as [x].[y]... I understand that in Lua, x.y is not the same as x[y] (the former directly references a key by string index "y", while the latter uses the value being stored in variable "y", which could be anything.)
I've tried many different ways and only gotten errors.
What's interesting is that if I use the exact same approach, but add an additional "level" to the dictionary with a constant value, such as ["items"] (under each specific department), it allows me to reference the value without issue, and my script runs fine...
Is this how Lua syntax is supposed to look? I've changed the table structure to include that extra layer of "items" under each department, but it seems redundant and unnecessary. Is there a syntactical change that I can make to allow me to use two variables back-to-back in a Lua table value reference chain?
Thanks in advance for any help!
myWarehouseList = {
["Warehouse_North"] = {
["description"] = "The northern warehouse"
,["departments"] = {
["department_one"] = {
["rjXO./SS"] = {
["item_description"] = "A description of item 'rjXO./SS'"
,["Warehouse_South"] = {
["description"] = "The southern warehouse"
,["departments"] = {
["department_one"] = {
["rjXO./SX"] = {
["item_description"] = "A description of item 'rjXO./SX'"
function get_item_description(item_id)
myItemID = item_id
for warehouse_key, warehouse_value in pairs(myWarehouseList) do
for department_key, department_value in pairs(myWarehouseList[warehouse_key].departments) do
for item_key, item_value in pairs(myWarehouseList[warehouse_key].departments[department_key]) do
if item_key == myItemID
-- [department_key[item_key]].item_description?
-- If I had another level above "department_X", with a constant key, I could do it like this:
-- print(
-- "\n\t" .. "Item ID " .. item_key .. " was found in warehouse '" .. warehouse_key .. "'" ..
-- "\n\t" .. "In the department: '" .. dapartment_key .. "'" ..
-- "\n\t" .. "With the description: '" .. myWarehouseList[warehouse_key].departments[department_key].items[item_key].item_description .. "'")
-- but without that extra, constant "level", I can't figure it out :)
If you make full use of your looping variables, you don't need those long index chains. You appear to be relying only on the key variables, but it's actually the value variables that have most of the information you need:
function get_item_description(item_id)
for warehouse_key, warehouse_value in pairs(myWarehouseList) do
for department_key, department_value in pairs(warehouse_value.departments) do
for item_key, item_value in pairs(department_value) do
if item_key == item_id then
print(warehouse_key, department_key, item_value.item_description)

Birt Crosstab Date Issue

I have a crosstab where one of the groups contains a date. When the date is NULL, i want to display a space, anything I've tried including the code below on the expression for the binding name of the field. Yet it still displays Jan 1, 0001. How can I get it to display a space instead when the value is NULL?
if (["Group5"]["CP_EXPIRATION_DATE"] == null ) {
" ";
} else {
I am not sure you can do this in the binding expression because the datatype is a Date, therefore a blank space can't be set as value. You could always use a script for this, although there might be a more elegant way:
Click your expiration date field onto the crosstab-> Script tab -> onRender -> Enter a script such
if (dimension["Group5"]["CP_EXPIRATION_DATE"]==null){
this.setDisplayValue(" ")

How to filter on report?

I am working on a report in AX 2009. I want to filter data of InventSiteID on the basis of ExpDate.
I have 2 datasource in the query which is attached to report. Both the data source are same InventExpired. I have to show 4 fields in dialog i.e. SiteID, Exp Date for datasource1 and same for datasource 2 and then filter it out.
In your report, you can use
fieldNum(InventExpired, ExpDate)
That will filter the first datasource with the date entered.
If you need to filter by dates greater than or less than the filter date, you can use
SysQuery::findOrCreateRange(...).value('>' + SysQuery::value(yourFilterDate));
SysQuery::findOrCreateRange(...).value('<' + SysQuery::value(yourFilterDate));
Do you know how to add the fields to the dialog?
If you don't, you should override the dialog() method, and in the dialog() method, after the call to super(), you should use:
Dialog d = ret;
expDateField = d.addField(typeid(yourDateEDT), "Expiry Date");
To get the values from the fields and use them in your report, you should use
I haven't tested this, but I've done similar things on numerous occasions so I'm fairly confident this will work. Let me know if you have any problems with this
If you want to specify a range here is how I accomplished it. Hope this helps somebody...
qbds3 = qry.dataSourceTable(tableNum(DMxVehicleTable));
SysQuery::findOrCreateRange(qbds, fieldNum(DMxVehicleTable,VehicleMSRPRetails)).value(strFmt('(VehicleMSRPRetails >= %1) && (VehicleMSRPRetails <= %2)', queryValue(VehicleMinPrice), queryValue(VehicleMaxPrice)));
qbds4 = qry.dataSourceTable(tableNum(DMxSysYearTable));
SysQuery::findOrCreateRange(qbds4, fieldNum(DMxSysYearTable,Year), 1, 1).value('>' + SysQuery::value(VehicleModelYearStart));
qbds4.addRange(fieldNum(DMxSysYearTable, Year)).value(strFmt('< %1', queryValue(VehicleModelYearEnd)));

How to format timevalue to HH:MM:SS in datalabel

So i have a bar graph in crystal reports. On this graph i have a data label attached to each of the graphs that displays the value of the graph in seconds, which appears like so:
What i would like to do is format this data-label into a time formatting. So for each bar in the graph it would have the data-label appear in the following format:
i am able to get the time formatting to appear using the following formula:
local NumberVar Sec;
local NumberVar ss;
local NumberVar mm;
local NumberVar hh;
local StringVar SSS;
local StringVar MMM;
Sec := Sum ({GetAlarmSummaryDataSet2Response/GetAlarmSummaryDataSet2Result/Items/AlarmSummaryItem2.StopTime}, {GetAlarmSummaryDataSet2Response/GetAlarmSummaryDataSet2Result/Items/AlarmSummaryItem2.Section}) ;
hh := Int (Sec/3600);
mm :=Int ((Sec/60)- (60* Int(Sec/3600 )));
If mm<10 then MMM := "0" & ToText (mm,0);
If mm>9 Then MMM := ToText(mm,0) ;
ss :=Sec-(3600 * hh ) - (60 * mm ) ;
If ss<10 then SSS := "0" & ToText (ss,0);
If ss>9 Then SSS := ToText(ss,0) ;
ToText ( hh,0) & ":" & MMM & ":" & SSS
But what i am unsure of is how to implement this formula onto a data label.
Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Thank you
You can choose to display the group name, and you can display and format the summarized value calculated by the chart, but you can't provide a custom formula. It just isn't possible using the chart library in CR XI.
My eventual workaround for this problem:
Modify the value formula to eliminate the aggregate function. (This is necessary because Crystal won't allow an aggregate function in a group name field -- see #2.)
For the group name, specify a formula with the text you want to display in the riser. Include both the label and the formatted value, separated by Chr(13) & Chr(10) to place them on separate lines.
Configure the riser to display the label, not the value.
To apply this to your problem you'd need to make these changes:
Eliminate the aggregate function. Of course I don't know if this will be possible using your setup. Perhaps if you're using a DBMS you could use a SQL command or a stored procedure to calculate the sum before the data reaches Crystal.
Print the label and value together, either on the riser or the X-axis.
If that's not good enough for your application, you might consider CRChart, a commercial replacement which tries to address the sometimes-crippling limitations of Crystal's chart library. (I thought it was too pricey.) I think the #APPEND_DATATEXT macro would let you place a custom value on a riser, but you'd still need to move the summary to the server.

How to concatenate values in RDLC expression?

I have an RDLC file in which I want to make an expression.
Here is the image of properties of expression. I need to concatenate First Name, Last name and Middle Init.
The following examples works for me:
=Fields!FirstName.Value & " " & Fields!LastName.Value
="$ " & Sum(Round((Fields!QTD_ORDER.Value - Fields!QTD_RETURN.Value) * Fields!PRICE.Value,2), "Entity_orderItens")
Have a look at MSDN
Check this :
it is possible to do in a different way in the rdlc report you can use VB code. Just click on the report with right mouse button. When the context menu from where you enter parameters go to Proprties. When clicking it you should see a tab control witch few tab pages. Go to tab page "Code" an there right you VB function it must be something like this
Public Function concatestring(ByVal val1 As Object,ByVal val2 As Object,ByVal val3 As Object ) As String
// return val1 + ' ' + val2 + ' ' + val3 -- just string cocate in vb will do your task
End Function
Then call the function in your textbox like this
= Code.concatestring(Fields!MyField_1.Value,Fields!MyField_2.Value,Fields!MyField_3.Value )
P.S. I am not very sure if the VB code is working correctly just test it and if it is needed rewrite. If any other error occurs please post it to see what is the problem
