Absolute position is not allowing my link to display - css

i have this jsfiddle which as you can see when you hover of the Link the Hidden link should display but because of the position absolute it doesnt. Any idea how to make the link display without changing the position: absolute
I tried z-index to no go

The hidden link has position: absolute; and top: 100%;, so it displays 100% from top (thats why scrollbar appears after hover). Change the top property to something different and you will see the result.

The link are displayed, but in the bottom of the page, if you change the CSS you must see the link:
.wrapper .nav ul {
display: none;
position: absolute;
width: 200px;
top: 10px;
left: 0;

It's actually appearing; however, it's relative to the previous element in the hierarchy that has a relative position.
.wrapper {
height: 33px;
I'm not sure which element you want it relative to. In my example, I made it relative to your wrapper.

In your css .wrapper .nav ul {}, you have the top: 100%;. If you change that to say, 100px, it shows. Of course position it where you want by adjusting the pixels.


Move main content over header photo

Design question here. How can I make the #main-wrapper slide over the #single-carousel on the following page: http://duijnisveld.wpengine.com/
Right now it moves up when scrolling, I need the carousel to stay put and make the main wrapper slide over it when scrolling down.
giving .header-foto-wrapper position: fixed and #main-wrapper position: relative gives unexpected behaviour for me, I'm clearly missing something important.
*note, in the url, the .header-foto-wrapper does not have the position fixed as it breaks the layout and it's a live site for the client to see.
You'll need to apply width. Things go a little wonky when a container calculates width once you pull it out of the content flow. A width:100% will fill the page width. You'll also want to move the content area down and apply a background color.
.header-foto-wrapper {
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
#main-wrapper {
position: relative;
top: 100%;
background: #fff;
By setting the position as absolute.
.wrapper {
position: absolute;
left: 100px;
top: 150px;

Move an image down

I am developing a webpage for images on a carousel. How can I move an image down in a DIV, or even center it vertically?
Here is my CSS code:
.carousel .item {
height: 900px;
background-color: #777;
.carousel-inner > .item > img {
display: block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto
Here is a URL to the webpage in question to show you that the image is too high: http://www.canninginc.co.nz/canluciddream/screenshots.html
Ok, I have edited the code by changing the:
margin-top: 50px;
I am still after the image to be lower in the div. I can increase the top margin, but this leaves a white background. What would be the best way to move the image a little bit lower?
First of all make the .item position relative and then
on css:
.carousel-inner > .item > img {
This will center the image vertically
Give margin top of 130px to the image and it looks cool!
margin-top: 130px;
Put image inside the main body, set the main body to position: relative, then set the image to position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;
If you can't put the image inside the main body, then add a negative margin-top to the main body.
Your problem is not the image being placed too high - it is fixed header. So set margin-top:50px instead of -80px for .myCarousel.
The reason the image is going behind the navigation bar at the top is because you have the navigation bar's position set to fixed. This removes it from the rest of the page for styling purposes, in that the other divs/elements do not recognize it when they position themselves. If you remove the position: fixed; css on that item, the other elements will position relative to that one. Another option would be to add enough of a top margin to the image element to push it down below the top bar by default, whichever you prefer.

Fixed position buttons appearing in incorrect area depending on browser

I am trying to make a simple html site:
The problem is the buttons, which are png's and I am trying to position over the various areas of the background image, using css like this:
.but1 {
However I have noticed in different browsers and depending on the zoom factor the buttons can be way off their intended mark. Any advice on this would be appreciated,
Set your .content container to position: relative and change each button div from position: fixed to position: absolute. The relative position on the container will make the absolute position relative to your div, rather than the browser.
.content {
padding: 10px 0;
background-color: #5a5958;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
position: relative;
I would probably add another class to each, so you could do something like this:
<div class="but but1">
<div class="but but2">
.but { position: absolute; }
.but1 { top: 463px; left: 36px; }
Normalize.css might help, it contains default CSS for all browsers. Be sure to include it before your main CSS. Sorry, as the other answer states the problem is that you are positioning relative to the browser window, not the parent element.

CSS Image Hover with Rotation - Web Kit Issues / Works fine in Firefox

Links to examples removed
Problem: Webkit browsers (Chrome and Safari) are having an issue with the rotation class I created on the page. If I remove the rotation class on the content div, the large images that appear on hover appear in the correct position.
Firefox has no issue with the rotated content div. I am on a Mac so I cannot test IE.
You've given the .thumbnail class position:relative so it's creating it's own position context. The fixed position you've given .thumbnail:hover span will work with it's 0 top position as the top of the .thumbnail parent.
Just take away position: relative from .thumbnail and set the top position for .thumbnail:hover span to the value you want it placed (relative now, to the top of the window, because it has position: fixed.
Hope my explanation was clear enough!
First of all, it's enaugh to set only in .thumbnail:hover span{visibility:visible}
The rest code should be such
.thumbnail span {
position: absolute;
padding: 0px;
visibility: hidden;
color: black;
text-decoration: none;
overflow: hidden;
top: 0;
left: 460px;
The position should be the same. In your code you wrote absolute but in hover mode set fixed. And if you want the image to appear in the same place you should position it relative to #portfolio but not .thumbnail. So add these:
#portfolio {position:relative}
.thumbnail {position:relative}

Absolute positioned DIV element spreads over and blocks buttons, how to hide the invisible block?

I have an absolute positioned logo on the bottom left of my website... BUT the problem is that ive positioned it to stick to the right of the page but it leaves a invisible barrier to the left of it that spreads across the page. So lets say a link is placed in alignment with that footer element, I won't be able to click it, the absolute positioned layer is spreading over it (even though nothings in it)
Heres my CSS for the logos position:
#basemenu {
margin-right: auto;
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
height: 40px;
It sounds like you have an img inside of a <div id='basemenu'></div>. Is that right?
We could really use a block of HTML if you wouldn't mind posting it.
What I don't understand is why you can't target the logo itself with a bit of CSS like this:
#basemenu img {
height: 40px;
position: fixed;
bottom: 0px;
left: 0px;
Use the following block property display : none; to hide the block
