Githooks for `git add`? - gruntjs

I've setup a build process using Gruntjs, but don't want anyone to be able to store the output (all contained in a build/ directory) in source control. Don't Repeat Yourself n such.
I've currently got a pre-commit hook setup that cleans the build/ directory and fails the commit if there are any unstaged files (I also stash then unstash so intentionally unstaged files won't interfere with this check).
It would be more user friendly to fail at the point a build file is added: git add build/.... But I can't seem to find an example commit hook for git add. I looked at and
Is this possible? If not, can you think of an improvement over my current setup?

One of those moments where the answer comes to you as you're typing it out.
I can simply setup my .gitignore to forget build/, then also use the clean in the precommit hook to double check that no build files were added.


Stop Tracking CVS Files Locally?

I accidentally checked out a bunch of files in an undesired CVS directory, causing me to run out of disc space. How do I undo the action safely? Theoretically, I’d think running (Unix) rm -r on the dir and then redo’ing the checkout for the correct path would work but I don’t want to risk causing potential alterations to the repo itself. I can’t seem to find anything online that explains how to remove checked out files from local view only. Guidance appreciated.
You can just delete your local CVS checked out files. Nothing on the CVS repository will be changed. The CVS repository is only changed when you do a cvs commit command (and cvs tag and a few other CVS commands).
You can also move your local checked out files to another directory.

local dir replace, incoming dir edit upon update?

I have a conflict and I am unsure how to resolve it.
The error I get when doing svn udpate is:
Tree conflict on 'wp-content/plugins/eventON'
> local dir replace, incoming dir edit upon update
Select: (mc) keep affected local moves,
(r) mark resolved (breaks moves), (p) postpone,
(q) quit resolution, (h) help:
I do not understand what this is trying to tell me.
I would like it to replace the local version of the web server's plugins/eventON with the version that is in the SVN repo.
Background info:
The error message may be the result of deleting the folder that was being versioned through Wordpress admin panel, and then copying another one in the same location (a bad attempt at updating a plugin while forgetting how SVN works).
I guess that running the update through Wordpress deleted the .svn folders that were present in the plugin (the needed stuff for SVN to work properly).
So you could delete the new, unversioned eventON folder that you have copied in your repo, and run a svn update from one directory above (wp-content/plugins), in order to retrieve the old, versioned plugin.
If it does not work, it may be easier to delete the repository and checkout a fresh version...
Then, you will be able to update your plugin manually through SVN, and commit it.
As long as you already know that you want the server's version and not the local, this shouldn't be too difficult to resolve.
Identify which files are conflicted with svn status.
Since you want to keep the repository's version, you probably want to remove any conflicted files that svn has added from your working copy. They will have an A next to them in the output of svn status. In your case you should probably back them up first, since svn can't get them back for you since they're not in the repo yet. Now use svn delete --force my/fileToDelete. You don't need to delete anything not related to the tree conflict if you have made other changes you want to keep.
Run svn resolve --accept=working my/treeConflictFolder on the remaining folder that is conflicted (it will have a capital C next to it in the output of svn status)
The tree conflict should now be resolved, so you should be able to commit and update normally.
Further reading:

could not guess version control system

recently, i upgraded to Flex Hero 4.5 and created a new workspace. Then, i imported a project from the former workspace and started working. when i tried to upload the project from the new workspace to codereview, i got the error message: could not guess version control system. Are you in a working copy directory? How does one resolve this issue?
I have read somewhere that i need to checkout my svn but i thought that you only checkout when you want to get a folder/file from the svn.
Sounds like you've got a bit of a mess unfortunately. Hopefully you're not in the habit of doing a ton of changes without checking in. I would suggest you:
Back up your latest changes to a safe location
Check out the project from SVN into your new workspace (which is what you should have done initially) - creating a brand new project folder
Merge the changes you've made into the now-correctly-versioned copy of your project (you could do this by just copying files from the "latest"/project backup folder overwriting the SVN versioned files, but if you do--do NOT overwrite any .svn folders). You could also use a tool such as WinMerge or WinDiff to find differences between the two projects (of course ignoring .svn folders).
If you have a small number of changes it shouldn't be bad, but if there's a lot, you might want to follow SolarBear's branch suggestion, if WinMerge isn't going to cut it.
If I understand correctly your latest comment, you did a svn export on your code. The export command, as the doc mentions, creates a "clean" directory tree, i.e. without the .svn directory. So basically, these are files not controlled by SVN; also, you lose all the history of your files. The best way would have been, I think, to do a checkout in your new workspace and then work from there. It could take some time, but it's much easier to manage afterwards.
One possible way to make this work would be to checkout a clean copy your code somewhere safe and then merge your changes into this clean copy. However, if your trunk or branch changed a lot in the meantime, this could be very, very tedious. I could then suggest to branch your trunk, checkout that new branch, slowly merge your changes into that branch and when you're done and everything's working OK, merge the branch back into the trunk.

How to get jenkins to copy artifacts to a dynamic directory?

I'm trying to get Jenkins to copy the artifacts of a build to an archive directory on another server using the scp plugin.
Ideally, I'd like to be able to have the destination be dynamic based on the build version so the result would like something like /builds/<build version>/
For a build version like it would look like:
From reading the scp plugin page, it doesn't look like this is possible but I figured someone here may have figured it out.
Is there a way to do this?
Is it better to just put the artifacts with the version number embedded in the file name in one directory?
Like you said, I don't think the scp plugin can do it directly. However, there may be a workaround.
In your build, you have access to the build number using $BUILD_NUMBER (or %BUILD_NUMBER%, as the case may be -> Linux vs Windows).
In any case, as part of your script, you could create a directory with $BUILD_NUMBER as the name, so:
mkdir -p $BUILD_NUMBER
So, for example, a new directory would be /path/to/workspace/
Once your build is complete, at the end of your script, create the above directory, move your artifact into it, and tar/zip the directory up.
Use this tar/zip file as your job's artifact.
Use the scp plugin to transfer this artifact to your destination machine, and untar/unzip it there (let's say at /path/to/artifact/directory)
What you will have then, is /path/to/artifact/directory/
For the next build, let's say, you will create a new directory (named, move your artifact into it at the end of the build, zip it up and transfer it.
When you unzip it at your destination, you'll have a new directory /path/to/artifact/directory/ with the new build's artifact in it.
I know it sounds confusing, but is actually quite easy to implement.

Unix invoke script when file is moved

I have tons of files dumped into a few different folders. I've tried organizing them several times, unfortunatly, there is no organization structure that consistently makes sense for all of them.
I finally decided to write myself an application that I can add tags to files with, then the organization can be custom to the actual organizational structure.
I want to prevent from getting orphaned data. If I move/rename a file, my tag application should be told about it so it can update the name in the database. I don't want it tagging files that no longer exist, and having to readd tags for files that used to exist.
Is there a way I can write a callback that will hook into the mv command so that if I rename or move my files, they will invoke the script, which will notify my app, which can update its database?
My app is written in Ruby, but I am willing to play with C if necessary.
If you use Linux you can use inotify (manpage) to monitor directories for file events. It seems there is a ruby interface for inotify.
From the Wikipedia:
Some of the events that can be monitored for are:
IN_ACCESS - read of the file
IN_MODIFY - last modification
IN_ATTRIB - attributes of file change
IN_OPEN and IN_CLOSE - open or close of file
IN_MOVED_FROM and IN_MOVED_TO - when the file is moved or renamed
IN_DELETE - a file/directory deleted
IN_CREATE - a file in a watched directory is created
IN_DELETE_SELF - file monitored is deleted
This does not work for Windows (and I think also not for other Unices besides Linux) as inotify does not exist there.
Can you control the path of your users? Place a script or exe and have the path point to it before the standard mv command. Have this script do what you require and then call the standard mv to perform the move.
Alternately an alias in each users profile. Have the alias call your replacement mv command.
Or rename the existing mv command and place a replacement in the same dir, call it mv and have it call your newly renamed mv command after doing what you want.
