Make Ubercart Attributes set price, not change the price - drupal

I have been searching for this all over the internet, but haven't came up with the solution just yet.
On my Drupal 7 installation I've happily used Ubercart for a while now, but I'm going to sell software from now on.
I'd like to use attributes to change the price based on the amount of computers and licence experiation date (years from now).
The prices don't always rise the same way, so I can't set an increase of 10% with every year.
I'd like to fill out a price table and when the user makes his choice, he gets the price right.
This is the website I'm talking about (example product):

It seems not possible to do this, you could fill out a new price for a new object, or could just make a new product, but that was not what I was looking for.
I ended up using WooCommerce (Wordpress) and integrated both systems, so customers get features like single-logon and shared customer address and payment details (if applicatable).


Bulk change the order date for all orders of a specific product in Woocommerce

How would I bulk change the order date for a specific product in Woocommerce?
We have an integration into Royal Mail click and dropto create postage, but the royal mail integration only downloads orders made in the past 7 days. When pre-orders get released that were made over a week ago they don't get transferred over unless I change the order date, and its a slow process to do manually.
I would love to be able to simplify this.
Happy to run a custom piece of SQL.
Any ideas?

WooCommerce Use Pricing Tables as Product Variations

I'm attempting to emergency-revamp my print company's website after the guy "developing" the site for me simply disappeared off the face of the planet last week, leaving me with no site and potentially countless thousands in lost revenue (not happy isn't close). All goes well until I came across this issue and for the life of me I can't find any answer's anywhere to it:
Creating a tabbed table containing sizes and prices in Wordpress... easy (this is not a stereotypical pricing table)
Integrate woocommerce into the chosen theme...easy
Now, making each price an individual "add to cart" button - major rage quit imminent.
I have no interest in making a product for every single conceivable variation as it's simply not necessary should I be able to get the tabbed table working as described. Having to do so would probably give me heart failure as I would then have to create yet more un-necessary graphics. My customers just want to be able to see the price, click the price (and thus "add it to cart"), purchase, done.
Here's the tabbed table in question in case everything I've just type makes zero sense:
ANY suggestions would be a big help.

MVC3: site access via À la carte e-commerce monthly subscriptions

I know how to easily control who can view what in a site by using the membership and roles feature. However, I now want to take this a step further and allow people to purchase access to specific features, billed monthly. Basically I need a combination of an e-commerce site that sells products, mixed with a role based membership site. Below is an example of a scenario we are looking to solve:
Our site has the following sections (products):
learn spanish, learn french, learn german, learn english
We now want users to be able to buy access to just what they want. So we can give a price to each of these products.
We would also like to offer bundling discounts, so buy 2 and get $10 off. Buy all 4 and get 25% off. This should be automatic, but if needed, a coupon is fine as long as it can figure out the logic of making sure they have the correct item
We would like to restrict discounts so that we can offer them only to the first 100 people or from the days X to Y (ideally a coupon system maybe)
We want users to be "grand fathered" if we update pricing. So if someone signed up for all at $60 a month, and we later make it $100, they stay at $60
This is a monthly service so we would need it to create our invoices and work with our CC processor. I know this will involve us making an API if the system doesn't include our processor.
If possible we would love for "Pro-Rated" features, so if they currently are paying for 3 items and they have 13 days left till next billing date, they can add the 4th and pay a pro-rated amount.
All of these features are very common features for an advanced membership site, however I am just not sure what to search for to find a framework like this. I can find eCommerce and I can find role based membership, but have yet to find a decent combination of the two.
Licensed is fine as long as it works for what we need.
Thanks in advance

What if administrator changes price of a product while someone is about to buy the product

I am using drupal commerce. I am facing a problem of price shown to buyer is different than the price what he finally pays.
Suppose we have a product p1 with price x.
If a buyer add p1 to his shopping cart and checkout. On review page just before make payment, price shown to him is x, if at the same time administrator changes price of p1 to y. Then user will pay y finally while he was expecting to pay x.
It's typically not a problem unless a) you have a lot of customers frequently making purchases (good for you! :)), and b) you change your prices very frequently
The solution is:
a) change prices (or, more generally, change ANYTHING) off-hours, when customers aren't likely to be using the system
... and/or ...
b) schedule a "maintenance window", during which you lock out user sessions in order to change prices, items and/or schema (the customary approach).
This is what durpal build as.
I think other store also build in this way.

Change product currency and price in ubercart-based drupal with variable price

I run a donation site in Drupal, that soon needs to expand to another country, and will need to support not only switch of language, but also currency. The thing is, users donate money to charity in their own currency, and this needs to be summed up to a total amount of donations shown to the current user in their own currency.
A fundraiser is an ubercart product that users "buy" at a variable price, thus making a donation. I am creating a custom Donation node with each ubercart purchase containing CCK fields such as the amount donated.
So what I need to allow is this:
A user makes a donation in, say, Euro, EUR
Another user makes a donation in Danish Kroner, DKK
A third user views the site in US locale and should see all the donations converted to USD based off of the exchange rate at the time of donation for all the donations.
And it gets a little more difficult: We are using the UC variable price module to allow users to donate any amount they see fit.
So can this be accomplished using Drupal and Ubercart, and if so, how?
I am afraid that you will end up writing your own plug-in to convert currencies.
The problem with the conversion is, this is something that changes but you already realized this. The only source of exchange rates I know is Oanda and they seem to have their own Data Feed.
Unfortunately, I cannot tell if you would be allowed to use it for free, I believe it would be good to ask them.
