Google Analytics Email Reports - google-analytics

I am now assigned to support GA reporting. The current email reports show the top 10 pages visited, but the total shows the full total page hits. So if you add up the top ten it does not come up to the total because it is missing page hits that do not belong to the top 10.
I am trying to modify the email reports so they show all page hits on all pages. I have googled and looked at the FAQ's in GA and can not seem to modify the reports. Does anyone know how I can do this? Thanks.

It sounds like your report is based off a dashboard rather than a generic google analytics report such as the report in Behavior > All Pages.
What you can do is schedule an email based off the Behavior > All Page report by going to that report and selecting the "Email" option.


Google Analytics & Social Media Campaigns

I've been struggling for some time to get an answer, and still can't find it out on the web. I would like to to a seemingly simple thing:
1) Facebook page A sends me some visitors through a link to etc. etc.
2) I count the unique page views (not users) received from people that have clicked this link, and no other visits are counted as being part of these (e.g. direct visits of someone recurring that has first come across to the site through that campaign should not be included in the count)
This way, I'd like to monitor exactly the unique page views coming from different facebook pages which I have a partnership with. And another thing I cannot figure is: how do I make this work on subdomains too?
Best regards
Step 1 - You need to have different utm_campaign values for each Facebook page.
Step 2 - Create Google Analytics segment for that specific campaign.
Use "Filter Sessions" as you only want the sessions that came straight from Facebook.
Step 3 - Use Behaviour -> Site Content reports to see which pages those users visited.

set up dtm and analytics on a new website

I have a 3 page website. I want to know how many unique visitors visit each page of the website. That is how many unique visitors in page A, and from page how many reach page B and from page B how many reach page C.
I am unable to determine or understand how the eVars and success events will be set in this scenario.
Please help.
This can be accomplished quickly using the default path reports in Adobe Analytics.
This "out of the box" report will show you a "fall out" of visitors who started on page A went to page B and then on to page C. No eVars, props or events are needed for this.
The report will also show you the percentage of visitors who didn't complete the specified path as well.
Setting the page name with DTM will be helpful but is not required because the URL is used as the PN if it isn't set.
Hope this helps.

Google Analytics statistics for one page on my website?

I want to display Google Analytics report of a particular page on my website ?
Is there any code/script which will help me to achieve this?
Precisely, i want to show TOTAL NUMBER OF VISITS & NUMBER OF UNIQUE VISTORS of a specific page on my website. If there's any other alternative (of Google Analytics) to achieve this, please do suggest?
If you're already tracking for every page, you could set up a duplicate Google Analytics profile which excludes every page except the one you're interested in.
More details here.

Is it possible to see Visits (not views) of a certain page in Google Analytics?

I am looking to find the number of visitors that see a certain subdomain on my website. I can find total views and unique views but not visitors. I thought you could do this fairly easily in the old GA but having a hard time finding it now.
The easiest way to do this is to create a custom report.
I'll share an easy example I created:
Look at report tab 1 to see visits and pageviews to your different pages. If you click the "Unique" report tab, you can see which hostname initiated the request and how many unique visitors was seen during that time period.

How to setup Google Analytics for a total number of hits on three particular links on my website?

There are in particular three links on my website that I want Google Analytics to track for me.
I was wondering, how could I customize my Google Analytics to show metrics for those three link separately. Is their any guide?
Thanks a lot
Google Analytics tracks all links by default. If you want to check how these 3 particular links are doing, you can look at the content. Here's how you reach there:
Standard Reports > Content > Overview > All Pages
Here, you will get a list of all the pages from your in a table. If your links don't show up here, you can add an "Advanced Filter" to the table.
