host multiple websites in default website IIS 7.5 using application? -

Can I host different host address web sites on port 80 in default website in IIS 7.5 by creating applications ? Or Do I need to create separate websites in IIS with port 80?
Any good documentation, please provide me. I need to host and on port 80. I was in the impression of using single website host different websites.

If you want them to look like this: and
Then you have to create different websites.
Different applications are used in case you have the same host header and want your url be like: and
Here are some technet links that can give you more insight
Add a binding to a site IIS 7
Configure a Host Header for a Web Site (IIS 7)
Managing Sites in IIS 7


Run multiple sites from one IP in IIS7 on windows server 2008

I have Windows Server 2008 and IIS 7, and I'm using an ASP.NET app. I am trying to run multiple sites from one IP, but I can't access the sites from the outside. I can only access the Default website from outside but when I want to access the second one it does not work.
host configured for both sites:
They both run fine locally on the Server and I have added a rule on the firewall to allow all inbound. but still
any help will be really appreciated
Maybe try to change the port for the second site.

How to host website with SQL Server database on server (personal Laptop)

I have website which was developed in ASP.NET, I want to host this website on a server which is my own laptop (for test purposes). Also the website has interaction with SQL Server. So then anybody can use this website when my laptop is turned on. Is it possible? If yes, please inform me of the correct way to host my website
You just have to install IIS on your PC and use it as a web server. Your site will be available by IP or domain name (how-to or Youtube how-to). Also you can use dynamic IP and domain name with Dynamic DNS service like

Classic ASP and ASP.NET sites on the same IIS

I have to set two web sites on the same IIS 7.5.
One of them is Classic ASP with MSAccess Database. The other one is ASP.NET. Meaning they will use different Application Pools.
I only have one port open : 80.
How can this be configured?
You can create 2 applications under the same website using the same port (80).
Each one can have different Application Pool.
This way, to browse applications, you will type
Otherwise you can have 2 different websites using the same port, but this involves configuring host header bindings over IIS and creating C-NAME record in your DNS
This way, to browse applications, you will type
You need to configure host headers ("Bindings") in IIS for your first site before you can open the second. In other words you have to tell IIS which hostname leads to the first website, cause you can't run 2 websites as "default" hostname.

configure hostname for wordpress site using webmatrix

How can I configure a wordpress site built using webmatrix on windows to run on a specific hostname instead of localhost with a port number.
For example my site is currently running on http://localhost:64044/
I need to be able to view it via
I know I can edit my hosts file in windows to point my domain to my local pc like so:
but I cant see how or where to configure hostname bindings for the wordpress site in webmatrix?
probably you can't do it directly from WebMatrix. But you can do it manually by editing IIS Express configuration file %userprofile%\documents\iisexpress\config\applicationhost.config (WebMatrix uses IIS Express web server). Take a look at following posts
Binding IIS Express to an IP Address
Is it possible to use custom host headers / bindings with IIS7 Express?

Setup local domain with IIS7

I want to setup local domains like and on my local IIS on Windows 7 to test cross-domain things ( app)... is there anyway to do that ?
This should not be done in IIS, but in the DNS server.
You can spoof this by updating your hosts file and add entries for the additional domain names, pointing them to the same server.
