Redirecting page with Iron-Router - meteor

Currently I am using the accounts packages supplied by Meteor to allow people to sign up for the site I am working on. I want to allow users to have a bio page, whenever I am logged into a particular person a side bar navigation appears with a lot of links one of which says "Bio". I want bio to redirect me from the home page to MY bio page i.e:
localhost:3000/ -> localhost:3000/bio/uSerId23453423434
Currently write now I am using Iron-Router to do this:
And in my Router I have: {
{path: '/bio/:_id',
data: function () { return {_id: Meteor.userId()} }
But when I click on the link I am not redirected anywhere. Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong?

you don't need the parameter _id in your path since you are already using Meteor.userId(). Iron-router won't render if it can't find the _id parameter in the template. Removing it will fix your issue: {
{path: '/bio',
data: function () { return {_id: Meteor.userId()} }
If you want to keep the path with the _id you should render using {{#with}} to set the data context, for your {{pathFor 'bio'}}
You can view more information at:


My router doesn't work as expected

this is the router code
Router.route('screens', {
path: '/screenshots/:_id',
template: 'screens',
onBeforeAction: function(){
Session.set( "currentRoute", "screens" );
Session.set("screenshots", this.params._id);;
this is the helper for screenshots template
ss: function () {
var screenshots = Session.get("screenshots");
return Products.findOne({ _id: screenshots});
and am calling it here
<h4>Click to view the Screenshots
When i click to view the screenshots URL, the URL should be this /screenshots/:_id based on my router configuration, but what i see in the browser is /screenshots/ without the _id and the page shows 404 - NOT FOUND.
Is it possible to create nested routes?
because before i click on the link that executes the above route. i will be in this route
Router.route('itemDetails', {
path: '/item/:_id',
template: 'itemDetails',
onBeforeAction: function(){
Session.set( "currentRoute", "itemDetails" );
Session.set("itemId", this.params._id);;
and this route works fine i can see the item _id, is it possible to create another route inside it that has for example this path /item/:_id/screenshots?
I have the _id stored in Session.get("itemId"). Is it possible to call it in the path of the route somehow?
I tried '/item' + '/screenshots' + '/' + Session.get("itemId") but didn't work
or there is other way to solve it?
The problem is not with the code in the question, the 404 page is occurring due to it not being passed an id into the path, the browser says /screenshots/ and not /screenshots/randomId because it is only being passed that from the link.
As per additions to the question and chat with Behrouz: Because the value is stored in session we can use
return Session.get(input);
to register a global template helper called session which can be called with {{session session_var_name}} and create the link as below:
<h4>Click to view the Screenshots

Using Meteor, useraccounts-core ensureSignedIn plugin won't except '/' route

I am trying to use the ensureSignedIn plugin on all routes except for a front 'home' page that has buttons to login to separate parts of the site.
Here's my route for 'home':
Router.route('/', function () {
Here's the line for the plugin and exceptions:
Router.plugin('ensureSignedIn', {
except: ['home', 'atSignIn', 'atSignUp', 'atForgotPassword']
Both snippets are from my lib/routes.js file, if that makes a difference.
I've tried adding different route names in the except: portion, and they get correctly excepted, but I can't for the life of me get the 'home' route to not show "Must be logged in".
I've googled and read through gitHub issues and haven't seen anyone else with this problem, so it's probably something I'm doing wrong and not a bug with useraccounts or iron-router.
Set the name of the / route to root, then add that route name to the ensureSignedIn settings:
Router.route('/', {
name: 'root',
template: 'home',
action: function() {
Router.plugin('ensureSignedIn', {
except: ['root', 'atSignIn', 'atSignUp', 'atForgotPassword', 'atResetPwd']

Route returning blank page [METEOR]

I am trying to create a route for a user profile page, but when I visit the route it shows up as a completely blank page and with no errors in the terminal. Nothing whatsoever is shown, including static HTML. Here's the code:
Router.route('/user/:_id', function () {
}, {
name: 'user',
data: function(){
return Users.findOne({_id: this.params._id})
<template name="user">
At the moment, I am using the default user accounts package and have not added any publication or subscription code.
Are you sure Users is an existing collection?
At the moment, I am using the default user accounts package and have
not added any publication or subscription code.
In that case, with autopublish enabled, your problem is probably solved by changing
data: function(){
return Users.findOne({_id: this.params._id})
data: function(){
return Meteor.users.findOne({_id: this.params._id})
although it's strange this doesn't throw an error in your console...
Not sure if this is the reason, but I think that with multiple options for the route, you should incapsulate this.render in an action parameter. Something like this:
Router.route('/user/:_id', {
name: 'user',
data: function() {
return Users.findOne({_id: this.params._id})
action: function () {
I get an error in the terminal: "Users is not defined":
In your data function, try substituting Meteor.users.findOne({_id: this.params._id})
If you fix the HackPad I listed, Meteor.users won't work since the current version of HackPad doesn't support a late enough version of Meteor with Meteor.users. However, if you comment out your data function, you should at least see the page.

First Sign-in after Signup Show Config Page Once Effectively

I'm trying to show a popup or a template page if user has signed in for the first time after sign up basically allowing them configure some stuff on that page before going to dashboard home, It's only needed for convenience and here is what I got (telescope code)
hasCompletedChannels: function() {
if(!this.ready()) return;
var user = Meteor.user();
if (user && ! userCompletedChannels(user)){
} else {;
Which I don't really like because this will always run every time, I want it to run just once, And don't even execute the check function. Is it possible to detect first sign in? (After signup)
I think you could just tie it to the specific route. Right now you're tying it to the Router object (every render forces that check as you point out). So if you define your login function to send someone to a specific route after sign-in, you could just verify on that route.
The function Accounts.onLogin gives you a way to do stuff after the login.
Something like
Router.route('profile', {
path: '/profile',
onBeforeAction: function() {
// Check some stoof
// If first time logged in
// render first time template
// else
// will render the profile page
waitOn: function() {
return [
// some subs
data: function() {
// some data
I'm assuming that its going to get routed to a page called profile (seems to make sense). You could check for first time logged in by some attribute you use in the user object and the fields you want filled out and force a render of a different template, or a subtemplate. Check out the Iron Router guide for more ideas on ways to configure it.
Best of luck

Meteor WaitOn for Collection subscription seemingly not working on template hooks

I've got a collection called Listings with 3 objects. I'm using the em scaffolding tool.
router.js (inside the both folder > router folder ):{
this.route('Index', {
path: '/',
waitOn: function(){
return Meteor.subscribe('listings');
listings.js (inside both > collections)
Listings = new Meteor.Collection('listings');
index.js (client > views > pages)
Template.Index.rendered = function () {
listings = Listings.find().fetch();
When the page first loads listings console logs as an empty array. I then manually run Listings.find().fetch(); and I get the three items in the DB.
Uhhh... I'm not sure why this is happening. waitOn doesn't appear to be working, at least completely. It doesn't seem to wait for the client to get the entire dataset for Listings before going to the route and rendering the template.
I can fix this problem by putting the code in Deps.autorun, in which case the console log works.
Deps.autorun(function() {
listings = Listings.find().fetch();
But I was wondering if there was a way to not have to use Deps.autorun?
