How to make nonsymbolic plot_vector_field in sage? - plot

I have a function f(x,y) whose outcome is random (I take mean from 20 random numbers depending on x and y). I see no way to modify this function to make it symbolic.
And when I run
x,y = var('x,y')
d = plot_vector_field((f(x),x), (x,0,1), (y,0,1))
it says it can't cast symbolic expression to real or rationa number. In fact it stops when I write:
What is the way to change this variable to real numbers in the beginning, compute f(x) and draw a vector field? Or just draw a lot of arrows with slope (f(x),x)?

I can create something sort of like yours, though with no errors. At least it doesn't do what you want.
def f(m,n):
return m*randint(100,200)-n*randint(100,200)
The reason is because Python functions immediately evaluate - in this case, f(x,y) was 161*x - 114*y, though that will change with each invocation.
My suspicion is that your problem is similar, the immediate evaluation of the Python function once and for all. Instead, try lambda functions. They are annoying but very useful in this case.
plot_vector_field((lambda x,y: f(x,y), lambda x,y: f(y,x)),(x,0,1),(y,0,1))
Wow, I now I have to find an excuse to show off this picture, cool stuff. I hope your error ends up being very similar.


Heaviside theta integration with Mathematica

I am trying to integrate a Heaviside theta function with two signs inside and Mathematica won't give me a solution. Is there any way of improving the approach before just acknowledging that Mathematica cannot integrate it?
Some things you do really worry me.
You use X as a variable and as the name of a function. I've changed those to X and Xf.
You use ω as a variable and as the name of a function. I've changed those to ω and ωf.
You use = and not := in your function definitions. I've changed that.
With those changes I have
Xf[s1_,s2_,α_]:=(1+s2(-2+α)-α+s1(-1+2s2+α))/((-1+2 s1)(-1+2s2));
λ1[s1_,s2_,α_,X_,ω_]:=1/2(s1-2s2-3s1 X+3s2 X-α+s1 α+s2 α+ω-s1 ω-s2 ω-
1/2Sqrt[(4(α-ω+s2(2-3X-α-ω)+s1(-1+3X-α+ω))^2+8(2-5X+4X^2-2α+2X α+
s1(-2+4s2(1-2X)^2+7X-8X^2+2α-2X α-ω)+ω-s2(4-11X+8X^2-2α+2X α+ω)))]);
λ2[s1_,s2_,α_,X_,ω_]:=1/2(s1-2s2-3s1 X+3s2 X-α+s1 α+s2 α+ω-s1 ω-s2 ω+
1/2Sqrt[(4(α-ω+s2(2-3X-α-ω)+s1(-1+3X-α+ω))^2+8(2-5X+4X^2-2α+2X α+
s1(-2+4s2(1-2X)^2+7X-8X^2+2α-2X α-ω)+ω-s2(4-11X+8X^2-2α+2X α+ω)))]);
Please check that very carefully to see if I've made any mistakes.
Now I want to look at your integrand and see what Mathematica sees.
And it responds with
HeavisideTheta[CompexInfinity] 2s1==1||2s2==1||s1+s2==1
HeavisideTheta[True Sign[...]*Sign[...]]
so it looks like your integrand is blowing up at the boundary.
I check that with
and it responds with 1/0 and Indeterminate and HeavisideTheta[Indeterminate]
When it isn't at the boundary, for example
it returns
and that probably says that α is a free variable and we aren't able to determine the value of the Sign without more information.
So I think this is a strong hint where I would begin looking for why your integration is not simply completing.
If you are curious what that integrand looks like then try

Constructing Taylor Series from a Recursive function in Pari-GP

This is a continuation of my questions:
Declaring a functional recursive sequence in Matlab
Is there a more efficient way of nesting logarithms?
Nesting a specific recursion in Pari-GP
But I'll keep this question self contained. I have made a coding project for myself; which is to program a working simple calculator for a tetration function I've constructed. This tetration function is holomorphic, and stated not to be Kneser's solution (as to all the jargon, ignore); long story short, I need to run the numbers; to win over the nay-sayers.
As to this, I have to use Pari-GP; as this is a fantastic language for handling large numbers and algebraic expressions. As we are dealing with tetration (think numbers of the order e^e^e^e^e^e); this language is, of the few that exist, the best for such affairs. It is the favourite when doing iterated exponential computations.
Now, the trouble I am facing is odd. It is not so much that my code doesn't work; it's that it's overflowing because it should over flow (think, we're getting inputs like e^e^e^e^e^e; and no computer can handle it properly). I'll post the first batch of code, before I dive deeper.
The following code works perfectly; and does everything I want. The trouble is with the next batch of code. This produces all the numbers I want.
\\This is the asymptotic solution to tetration. z is the variable, l is the multiplier, and n is the depth of recursion
\\Warning: z with large real part looks like tetration; and therefore overflows very fast. Additionally there are singularities which occur where l*(z-j) = (2k+1)*Pi*I.
\\j,k are integers
beta_function(z,l,n) =
my(out = 0);
out = exp(out)/(exp(l*(n-i-z)) +1));
\\This is the error between the asymptotic tetration and the tetration. This is pretty much good for 200 digit accuracy if you need.
\\modify the 0.000000001 to a bigger number to make this go faster and receive less precision. When graphing 0.0001 is enough
\\Warning: This will blow up at some points. This is part of the math; these functions have singularities/branch cuts.
if(1/real(beta_function(z,l,n)) <= 0.000000001, //this is where we'll have problems; if I try to grab a taylor series with this condition we error out
log(1 + tau(z+1,l,n)/beta_function(z+1,l,n)) - log(1+exp(-l*z))
\\This is the sum function. I occasionally modify it; to make better graphs, but the basis is this.
Abl(z,l,n) = {
beta_function(z,l,n) + tau(z,l,n)
Plugging this in, you get the following expressions:
realprecision = 28 significant digits (20 digits displayed)
%109 = 0.15201551563214167060
%110 = 0.15201551563214167060
%111 = 0.28416643148885326261 + 0.80115283113944703984*I
%112 = 0.28416643148885326261 + 0.80115283113944703984*I
And so on and so forth; where Abl(z,l,n) = exp(Abl(z-1,l,n)). There's no problem with this code. Absolutely none at all; we can set this to 200 precision and it'll still produce correct results. The graphs behave exactly as the math says they should behave. The problem is, in my construction of tetration (the one we actually want); we have to sort of paste together the solutions of Abl(z,l,n) across the value l. Now, you don't have to worry about any of that at all; but, mathematically, this is what we're doing.
This is the second batch of code; which is designed to "paste together" all these Abl(z,l,n) into one function.
//This is the modified asymptotic solution to the Tetration equation.
beta(z,n) = {
//This is the Tetration function.
Tet(z,n) ={
if(1/abs(beta_function(z,1/sqrt(1+z),n)) <= 0.00000001,//Again, we see here this if statement; and we can't have this.
This code works perfectly for real-values; and for complex values. Some sample values,
%113 = 0.12572857262453957030 - 0.96147559586703141524*I
%114 = 0.12572857262453957030 - 0.96147559586703141524*I
%115 = -0.64593666417664607364
%116 = 0.52417133958039107545
%117 = 0.52417133958039107545
We can also effectively graph this object on the real-line. Which just looks like the following,
Now, you may be asking; What's the problem then?
If you try and plot this function in the complex plane, it's doomed to fail. The nested logarithms produce too many singularities near the real line. For imaginary arguments away from the real-line, there's no problem. And I've produced some nice graphs; but the closer you get to the real line; the more it misbehaves and just short circuits. You may be thinking; well then, the math is wrong! But, no, the reason this is happening is because Kneser's tetration is the only tetration that is stable about the principal branch of the logarithm. Since this tetration IS NOT Kneser's tetration, it's inherently unstable about the principal branch of the logarithm. Of course, Pari just chooses the principal branch. So when I do log(log(log(log(log(beta(z+5,100)))))); the math already says this will diverge. But on the real line; it's perfectly adequate. And for values of z with an imaginary argument away from zero, we're fine too.
So, how I want to solve this, is to grab the Taylor series at Tet(1+z,100); which Pari-GP is perfect for. The trouble?
*** at top-level: Tet(1+z,100)
*** ^------------
*** in function Tet: ...unction(z,1/sqrt(1+z),n))<=0.00000001,beta_fun
*** ^---------------------
*** _<=_: forbidden comparison t_SER , t_REAL.
The numerical comparison I've done doesn't translate to a comparison between t_SER and t_REAL.
So, my question, at long last: what is an effective strategy at getting the Taylor series of Tet(1+z,100) using only real inputs. The complex inputs near z=0 are erroneous; the real values are not. And if my math is right; we can take the derivatives along the real-line and get the right result. Then, we can construct a Tet_taylor(z,n) which is just the Taylor Series expansion. Which; will most definitely have no errors when trying to graph.
Any help, questions, comments, suggestions--anything, is greatly appreciated! I really need some outside eyes on this.
Thanks so much if you got to the bottom of this post. This one is bugging me.
Regards, James
I should add that a Tet(z+c,100) for some number c is the actual tetration function we want. There is a shifting constant I haven't talked about yet. Nonetheless; this is spurious to the question, and is more a mathematical point.
This is definitely not an answer - I have absolutely no clue what you are trying to do. However, I see no harm in offering suggestions. PARI has a built in type for power series (essentially Taylor series) - and is very good at working with them (many operations are supported). I was originally going to offer some suggestions on how to get a Taylor series out of a recursive definition using your functions as an example - but in this case, I'm thinking that you are trying to expand around a singularity which might be doomed to failure. (On your plot it seems as x->0, the result goes to -infinity???)
In particular if I compute:
log(beta(z+1, 100))
log(log(beta(z+2, 100)))
log(log(log(beta(z+3, 100))))
log(log(log(log(beta(z+4, 100)))))
The different series are not converging to anything. Even the constant term of the series is getting smaller with each iteration, so I am not entirely sure there is even a Taylor series expansion about x = 0.
Should you be expanding about a different point? (say where the curve
crosses the x-axis).
Does the Taylor series satisfy some recursive relation? For example: A(z) = log(A(z+1)). [This doesn't work, but perhaps there is another way to write it].
I suspect my answer is unlikely to be satisfactory - but then again your question is more mathematical than a practical programming problem.
So I've successfully answered my question. I haven't programmed in so long; I'm kind of shoddy. But I figured it out after enough coffee. I created 3 new functions, which allow me to grab the Taylor series.
\\This function attempts to find the number of iterations we need.
Tet_GRAB_k(A,n) ={
while( 1/real(beta(A+k,n)) >= 0.0001, k++);
\\This function will run and produce the same results as Tet; but it's slower; but it let's us estimate Taylor coefficients.
\\You have to guess which k to use for whatever accuracy before overflowing; which is what the last function is good for.
Tet_taylor(z,n,k) = {
my(val = beta(z+k,n));
for(i=1,k,val = log(val));
\\This function produces an array of all the coefficients about a value A.
my(ser = vector(40,i,0));
for(i=1,40, ser[i] = polcoeff(Tet_taylor(A+z,n,Tet_GRAB_k(A,n)),i-1,z));
After running the numbers, I'm confident this works. The Taylor series is converging; albeit rather slowly and slightly less accurately than desired; but this will have to do.
Thanks to anyone who read this. I'm just answering this question for completeness.

numerical differentiation with Scipy

I was trying to learn Scipy, using it for mixed integrations and differentiations, but at the very initial step I encountered the following problems.
For numerical differentiation, it seems that the only Scipy function that works for callable functions is scipy.derivative() if I'm right!? However, I couldn't work with it:
1st) when I am not going to specify the point at which the differentiation is to be taken, e.g. when the differentiation is under an integral so that it is the integral that should assign the numerical values to its integrand's variable, not me. As a simple example I tried this code in Sage's notebook:
import scipy as sp
from scipy import integrate, derivative
f=lambda x: 10^10*sin(x)
g=lambda x,y: f(x+y^2)
I=integrate.quad( sp.derivative(f(y),y, dx=0.00001, n=1, order=7) , 0, pi)[0]; show(I)
show( integral(diff(f(y),y),y,0,1).n() )
also it gives the warning that "Warning: The occurrence of roundoff error is detected, which prevents the requested tolerance from being achieved. The error may be underestimated." and I don't know what does this warning stand for as it persists even with increasing "dx" and decreasing the "order".
2nd) when I want to find the derivative of a multivariable function like g(x,y) in the above example and something like sp.derivative(g(x,y),(x,0.5), dx=0.01, n=1, order=3) gives error, as is easily expected.
Looking forward to hearing from you about how to resolve the above cited problems with numerical differentiation.
Best Regards
There are some strange problems with your code that suggest you need to brush up on some python! I don't know how you even made these definitions in python since they are not legal syntax.
First, I think you are using an older version of scipy. In recent versions (at least from 0.12+) you need from scipy.misc import derivative. derivative is not in the scipy global namespace.
Second, var is not defined, although it is not necessary anyway (I think you meant to import sympy first and use sympy.var('y')). sin has also not been imported from math (or numpy, if you prefer). show is not a valid function in sympy or scipy.
^ is not the power operator in python. You meant **
You seem to be mixing up the idea of symbolic and numeric calculus operations here. scipy won't numerically differentiate an expression involving a symbolic object -- the second argument to derivative is supposed to be the point at which you wish to take the derivative (i.e. a number). As you say you are trying to do numeric differentiation, I'll resolve the issue for that purpose.
from scipy import integrate
from scipy.misc import derivative
from math import *
f = lambda x: 10**10*sin(x)
df = lambda x: derivative(f, x, dx=0.00001, n=1, order=7)
I = integrate.quad( df, 0, pi)[0]
Now, this last expression generates the warning you mentioned, and the value returned is not very close to zero at -0.0731642869874073 in absolute terms, although that's not bad relative to the scale of f. You have to appreciate the issues of roundoff error in finite differencing. Your function f varies on your interval between 0 and 10^10! It probably seems paradoxical, but making the dx value for differentiation too small can actually magnify roundoff error and cause numerical instability. See the second graph here ("Example showing the difficulty of choosing h due to both rounding error and formula error") for an explanation:
In fact, in this case, you need to increase it, say to 0.001: df = lambda x: derivative(f, x, dx=0.001, n=1, order=7)
Then, you can integrate safely, with no terrible roundoff.
I=integrate.quad( df, 0, pi)[0]
I don't recommend throwing away the second return value from quad. It's an important verification of what happened, as it is "an estimate of the absolute error in the result". In this case, I == 0.0012846582250212652 and the abs error is ~ 0.00022, which is not bad (the interval that implies still does not include zero). Maybe some more fiddling with the dx and absolute tolerances for quad will get you an even better solution, but hopefully you get the idea.
For your second problem, you simply need to create a proper scalar function (call it gx) that represents g(x,y) along y=0.5 (this is called Currying in computer science).
g = lambda x, y: f(x+y**2)
gx = lambda x: g(x, 0.5)
derivative(gx, 0.2, dx=0.01, n=1, order=3)
gives you a value of the derivative at x=0.2. Naturally, the value is huge given the scale of f. You can integrate using quad like I showed you above.
If you want to be able to differentiate g itself, you need a different numerical differentiation functio. I don't think scipy or numpy support this, although you could hack together a central difference calculation by making a 2D fine mesh (size dx) and using numpy.gradient. There are probably other library solutions that I'm not aware of, but I know my PyDSTool software contains a function diff that will do that (if you rewrite g to take one array argument instead). It uses Ridder's method and is inspired from the Numerical Recipes pseudocode.

How do I efficiently find the maximum value in an array containing values of a smooth function?

I have a function that takes a floating point number and returns a floating point number. It can be assumed that if you were to graph the output of this function it would be 'n' shaped, ie. there would be a single maximum point, and no other points on the function with a zero slope. We also know that input value that yields this maximum output will lie between two known points, perhaps 0.0 and 1.0.
I need to efficiently find the input value that yields the maximum output value to some degree of approximation, without doing an exhaustive search.
I'm looking for something similar to Newton's Method which finds the roots of a function, but since my function is opaque I can't get its derivative.
I would like to down-thumb all the other answers so far, for various reasons, but I won't.
An excellent and efficient method for minimizing (or maximizing) smooth functions when derivatives are not available is parabolic interpolation. It is common to write the algorithm so it temporarily switches to the golden-section search (Brent's minimizer) when parabolic interpolation does not progress as fast as golden-section would.
I wrote such an algorithm in C++. Any offers?
UPDATE: There is a C version of the Brent minimizer in GSL. The archives are here: Note that it will be covered by some flavor of GNU "copyleft."
As I write this, the latest-and-greatest appears to be gsl-1.14.tar.gz. The minimizer is located in the file gsl-1.14/min/brent.c. It appears to have termination criteria similar to what I implemented. I have not studied how it decides to switch to golden section, but for the OP, that is probably moot.
UPDATE 2: I googled up a public domain java version, translated from FORTRAN. I cannot vouch for its quality. I notice that the hard-coded machine efficiency ("machine precision" in the comments) is 1/2 the value for a typical PC today. Change the value of eps to 2.22045e-16.
Edit 2: The method described in Jive Dadson is a better way to go about this. I'm leaving my answer up since it's easier to implement, if speed isn't too much of an issue.
Use a form of binary search, combined with numeric derivative approximations.
Given the interval [a, b], let x = (a + b) /2
Let epsilon be something very small.
Is (f(x + epsilon) - f(x)) positive? If yes, the function is still growing at x, so you recursively search the interval [x, b]
Otherwise, search the interval [a, x].
There might be a problem if the max lies between x and x + epsilon, but you might give this a try.
Edit: The advantage to this approach is that it exploits the known properties of the function in question. That is, I assumed by "n"-shaped, you meant, increasing-max-decreasing. Here's some Python code I wrote to test the algorithm:
def f(x):
return -x * (x - 1.0)
def findMax(function, a, b, maxSlope):
x = (a + b) / 2.0
e = 0.0001
slope = (function(x + e) - function(x)) / e
if abs(slope) < maxSlope:
return x
if slope > 0:
return findMax(function, x, b, maxSlope)
return findMax(function, a, x, maxSlope)
Typing findMax(f, 0, 3, 0.01) should return 0.504, as desired.
For optimizing a concave function, which is the type of function you are talking about, without evaluating the derivative I would use the secant method.
Given the two initial values x[0]=0.0 and x[1]=1.0 I would proceed to compute the next approximations as:
def next_x(x, xprev):
return x - f(x) * (x - xprev) / (f(x) - f(xprev))
and thus compute x[2], x[3], ... until the change in x becomes small enough.
Edit: As Jive explains, this solution is for root finding which is not the question posed. For optimization the proper solution is the Brent minimizer as explained in his answer.
The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is a Newton's method like optimizer. It has a C/C++ implementation levmar that doesn't require you to define the derivative function. Instead it will evaluate the objective function in the current neighborhood to move to the maximum.
BTW: this website appears to be updated since I last visited it, hope it's even the same one I remembered. Apparently it now also support other languages.
Given that it's only a function of a single variable and has one extremum in the interval, you don't really need Newton's method. Some sort of line search algorithm should suffice. This wikipedia article is actually not a bad starting point, if short on details. Note in particular that you could just use the method described under "direct search", starting with the end points of your interval as your two points.
I'm not sure if you'd consider that an "exhaustive search", but it should actually be pretty fast I think for this sort of function (that is, a continuous, smooth function with only one local extremum in the given interval).
You could reduce it to a simple linear fit on the delta's, finding the place where it crosses the x axis. Linear fit can be done very quickly.
Or just take 3 points (left/top/right) and fix the parabola.
It depends mostly on the nature of the underlying relation between x and y, I think.
edit this is in case you have an array of values like the question's title states. When you have a function take Newton-Raphson.

Function for returning a list of points on a Bezier curve at equal arclength

Someone somewhere has had to solve this problem. I can find many a great website explaining this problem and how to solve it. While I'm sure they are well written and make sense to math whizzes, that isn't me. And while I might understand in a vague sort of way, I do not understand how to turn that math into a function that I can use.
So I beg of you, if you have a function that can do this, in any language, (sure even fortran or heck 6502 assembler) - please help me out.
prefer an analytical to iterative solution
EDIT: Meant to specify that its a cubic bezier I'm trying to work with.
What you're asking for is the inverse of the arc length function. So, given a curve B, you want a function Linv(len) that returns a t between 0 and 1 such that the arc length of the curve between 0 and t is len.
If you had this function your problem is really easy to solve. Let B(0) be the first point. To find the next point, you'd simply compute B(Linv(w)) where w is the "equal arclength" that you refer to. To get the next point, just evaluate B(Linv(2*w)) and so on, until Linv(n*w) becomes greater than 1.
I've had to deal with this problem recently. I've come up with, or come across a few solutions, none of which are satisfactory to me (but maybe they will be for you).
Now, this is a bit complicated, so let me just give you the link to the source code first: What you want is in the LengthIterator class. You shouldn't have to look at any other parts of the file. There are a bunch of methods that are defined in another file. To get to them just cut out everything from /raw_files/ to the end of the URL. This is how you use it. Initialize the object on a curve. Then to get the parameter of a point with arc length L from the beginning of the curve just call next(L) (to get the actual point just evaluate your curve at this parameter, using deCasteljau's algorithm, or zneak's suggestion). Every subsequent call of next(x) moves you a distance of x along the curve compared to your last position. next returns a negative number when you run out of curve.
Explanation of code: so, I needed a t value such that B(0) to B(t) would have length LEN (where LEN is known). I simply flattened the curve. So, just subdivide the curve recursively until each curve is close enough to a line (you can test for this by comparing the length of the control polygon to the length of the line joining the end points). You can compute the length of this sub-curve as (controlPolyLength + endPointsSegmentLen)/2. Add all these lengths to an accumulator, and stop the recursion when the accumulator value is >= LEN. Now, call the last subcurve C and let [t0, t1] be its domain. You know that the t you want is t0 <= t < t1, and you know the length from B(0) to B(t0) - call this value L0t0. So, now you need to find a t such that C(0) to C(t) has length LEN-L0t0. This is exactly the problem we started with, but on a smaller scale. We could use recursion, but that would be horribly slow, so instead we just use the fact that C is a very flat curve. We pretend C is a line, and compute the point at t using P=C(0)+((LEN-L0t0)/length(C))*(C(1)-C(0)). This point doesn't actually lie on the curve because it is on the line C(0)->C(1), but it's very close to the point we want. So, we just solve Bx(t)=Px and By(t)=Py. This is just finding cubic roots, which has a closed source solution, but I just used Newton's method. Now we have the t we want, and we can just compute C(t), which is the actual point.
I should mention that a few months ago I skimmed through a paper that had another solution to this that found an approximation to the natural parameterization of the curve. The author has posted a link to it here: Equidistant points across Bezier curves
