Graphite, datapoints disappear if I choose a wider time range - graphite

If I ask for this data:
I get, among other datapoints, this one:
If I ask for this data:
The datapoint looks like this:
Why this datapoint is being nullified when I choose a wider time range?
I'm seeing that for a chosen date range smaller than 7 hours the resolution of the datapoints are every 10 seconds and when the date range chosen is 7 hours or bigger the the resolution goes to one datapoint every 1 minute.. and continue this diretion as the date range chosen is getting bigger to one datapoint every 10 minutes and so.
So when the resolution of the datapoints is every 10 seconds the data is there, when the resolution is every 1 minute or more, then the datapoint has not the value :/
I'm sending a data point every 1 hour, maybe it is a conflict with the resolutions configuration and me sending only one datapoint per hour

There are several things happening here, but basically the problem is that you have misconfigured graphite (or at least, configured it in a way that makes it do things that you aren't expecting!)
Specifically, you should set xFilesFactor = 0.0 in your storage-aggregation.conf file. Since you are new at this, you probably just want this (mine is in /opt/graphite/conf/storage-aggregation.conf):
pattern = .*
xFilesFactor = 0.0
aggregationMethod = average
The graphite docs describe xFilesFactor like this:
xFilesFactor should be a floating point number between 0 and 1, and specifies what fraction of the previous retention level’s slots must have non-null values in order to aggregate to a non-null value. The default is 0.5.
But wait! This wont change existing statistics! These aggregation settings are set once per metric at the time the metric is created. Since you are new at this, the easy way out is to just go to your whisper directory and delete the prior data and start over:
cd /opt/graphite/storage/whisper/my/
rm key.wsp
your root whisper directory may be different depending on platform, etc. After removing the data files graphite should recreate them automatically upon the next metric write and they should get your updated settings (dont forget to restart carbon-cache after changing your storage-aggregation settings).
Alternatively, if you need to keep your old data you will need to run against your whisper (.wsp) data files with --xFilesFactor=0.0 and also likely all of your retention settings from storage-schemas.conf (also viewable with
Finally, I should add that the reason you get non-null data in your first query, but null data in your second is because graphite will try to pick the best available retention period from which to serve your request based on the time window you requested. For the smaller window, graphite is deciding that it can serve your request using the highest precision data (i.e., non aggregated) and so you are seeing your raw metrics. For the longer time window, graphite is finding that the high precision, non-aggregated data is not available for the entire window -- these periods are configured in storage-schemas.conf -- so it skips to the next highest-precision data set available (i.e. first aggregation tier) and returns only aggregated data. Because your aggregation config is writing null data, you are therefore seeing null metrics! So fix the aggregation, and you should fix the null data problem. But remember that graphite never combines aggregation tiers in a single request/response, so anytime you see differences between results from the same query when all you are changing is the from / to params, the problem is pretty much always due to aggregation configs.

I'm not quite sure about your specific situation, but I think I can give you some general pointers.
First off, you are right about the changing resolution depending on the time range. This is configured in storage-schemas.conf and is done to save space when storing data over large periods of time. An example could be: 15s:7d,1m:21d,15m:5y, meaning 15 seconds resolution for 7 days, then 1 minute resolution for 21 days, then 15min for 5 years.
Then there is the way Graphite does the actual aggregation from one resolution to the other. This is configured in: storage-aggregation.conf. The default settings are: xFilesFactor=0.5 and aggregationMethod=average. The xFilesFactor setting is saying that a minimum of 50% of the slots in the previous retention level must have values for next retention level to contain an aggregate. The aggregationMethod is saying that all the values of the slots in the previous retention level will be combined by averaging. My guess is that your stat doesn't have enough data points to fulfill the 50% requirement, resulting in a null value.
For more information, check out the docs, they are pretty complete:


AWS DynamoDB matrix doesn't work correctly

I am using dynamoDB and curious of this
When I see table matrix with period of 10, 30 seconds, it seems that it exceeds provisioned value
Then, when I see table matrix with period of 1 minutes, it doesn't reach provisioned value at all
I want to know why this happens.
This isn't a DynamoDB thing. It's a CloudWatch rendering thing.
Consumed capacity has a natural period of 1 minute. When you set your graph period to 1 minute everything is correct. Consumed is below provisioned.
If you change the graph period to 30 seconds, your consumed view adjusts and you see consumption that's double what's real. The math behind the scenes divides by the wrong period. Graph period of 10 seconds, you get 6x reality. Graph period of 5 minutes, you get 1/5th reality.
The Provisioned line isn't based on an equation involving Period so it's not affected by the chosen period.
Maybe someone can comment on why the user is allowed to control the Period of the view but it just messes things up when it doesn't match the natural period of the data.

Build a cumulative variable/aggregate from raw data

I got a power consumption sensor (kWh) sending data to my TSI Gen2 environment, and it is malfunctioning in a way that it is losing its accumulated measuremente value when it is shut down. I need to create a new aggregate/variable that would "stack" the measurements , never letting it drop to zero, but always adding to the last greatest value.
I thought about creating a dataset with values from differences from right to left over a fixed timespan, if positive, and then I could create a SUM aggregation over the bucket period on top of it. I am clueless on how to do such thing based on the poor official documentation provided by Microsoft. Any Ideas?
Here are a couple of pictures illustrating my problem and What I am trying to accomplish:
You probably need to add something in the middle (before the IoT Hub/Event Hub) to save the last state of the sensor, and do the appropriate sum if if detects the device was rebooted.

Retentions policy understand fro Graphite DB

I have the below retentions policy mention in storage-schemas.conf file
pattern = ^metrics.api.*
retentions = 10s:5m,1m:1d,1h:30d,1d:1y,30d:10y
Below is my understanding
this policy runs for the matched pattern starting with metrics.api*
1st: 10s:5m -> 1 or more times record inserted at 10s then its will take the latest record and maintain 1 datapoint , till 5min its maintains the history say suppose in 5m 5 datapoints added for the metrics key.
2nd:1m:1d -> this second run after the 5min overs for the same metrics key ,1 or more times record inserted at 1m then its will take the latest record and maintain 1 datapoint,till 1d its maintains the history say suppose in 1d 15 datapoints added for the metrics key.
so my question is what happens for these 2 retention is it will do the average 1st 5+15/2= 10 ? and get one average data point out of this 1st and 2nd rentions
--- its goes till 10years of data to be stored
can you please explain on the above retention polciy
aggregationMethod will be applied on this retention policy when switching boundaries.
First retention - 10s:5m means Graphite will store 30 datapoints (every 10 seconds for last 5 minutes) in archive 0.
Please note, that it will always store these datapoints, even if no data arrived. In that case Graphite will put NULLs there.
Then next retention - 1m:1d means that every minute whisper will take 6 of these 10s datapoints from archive 0, apply average() function and store them in archive 1.
But please note that Whisper will do so only if at least 3 (number of datapoints - 6 multiplied by xFilesFactor = 0.5) or more points in archive 0 have values (i.e. not NULLs). Otherwise Whisper decides that it has not enough data to propagate and put also NULL instead.
Etc - third retention 1h:30d means that 60 of datapoints from archive 1 will be aggregated using average function and propagated to archive 2, but only if at least 30 of them have value, etc.

How do you sum a statsd counter over a large time range with correct values?

A basic use case for statsd & grafana is learning how many times a function has been called over a time range-- whether that is "last 6h", "since beginning of today", "since beginning of time", etc.
What I'm struggling to find is the correct function to achieve this. I'm using a hosted solution; however, I can confirm that data is being flushed from StatsD to Graphite in 10s intervals.
Current Setup
StatsD Flush: 10s
Graph Function: hitcount(counters.login.employer.count, "10seconds")
Time Range: 24h
When using hitcount(counters.login.employer.count, "10seconds"), the data returned is incorrect. In fact, I can do 24h, 23h, 22h, and note the values are actually increasing.
I've performed all testing here in a controlled environment, only my machine is sending metrics to StatsD. This is not yet in production code.
Any idea what could be going on here?
The way counters work is that on each interval the value of the counter is sent to graphite and reset in statsd, so what you're looking for is the sum of the series.
You can do that using consolidateBy('sum') combined with maxDataPoints=1.
Be aware that if your series is being aggregated in graphite you'll need to make sure that the aggregation is by sum, otherwise when values get rolled up from the individual values reported by statsd into aggregated buckets they'll be averaged, and your sum won't work across longer intervals. You can read more about configuring aggregation in Graphite here.

Siemens DICOM Individual Slice Time (Private_1019_1029)

I'm seeing that the individual slice time information from the Private_0019_1029 field of the DICOM header has negative values and sometime only positive values.
I assumed that these times are with respect to the Volume Acquisition time recorded in the header.
Going by that assumption, it would mean that the Acquisition time varies. But upon checking the difference between successive volume acquisition times, I see that it's equal to TR.
So I'm at a loss about what's happening.
I'm trying to look at the raw fMRI data without slice time correction; hence it's necessary to have the individual slice times.
Does the moco series do time shifting in addition to motion correction? (I don't believe it used to, but your experience may show otherwise).
This indicates how their slice timing is measured. Try the computations with the raw and the moco series and see if the times line up. That may give you your answer.
When dealing with private tag, you should really include the Private Vendor ID, in your case the value of tag (0019,0010).
You may also want to have a look at the output of:
gdcmdump --csa input.dcm
This will dump the SIEMENS CSA header directly from the DICOM attribute.
