multiple copies of jQuery - Visual Studio -

Every time I spin up a new project in Visual Studio I have a collection of JavaScript files in the Scripts directory - some of which I will use. Now my projects directory is filled with identical JavaScript files, Entity Framework DLLs, etc.
Is there a way that I can keep a centralized folder and have all of the projects reference that location? I have considered using a CDN for files like jQuery but it also helps to have the files locally in case (gasp) I am not "on the line".


tfs 2010 strategy for propagating changes of some core files

I have several web projects that have some corefiles that are the same for each project, and some 'changing' files (.cs, .aspx, .config) that are different for each project.
I would like to have the corefiles put in TFS and then to have a framework to propagate changes from one project to core files and then to every project, ignoring the 'changing files'???

Including links to external resources in Visual Studio 2010 Web project

I have a ASP.NET project which relies upon the FreeImage .NET wrapper. This is loaded using a reference to a external directory. The wrapper relies upon the FreeImage.dll being present to work (clearly).
How do I get Visual Studio to include a reference to the FreeImage dll. It's not a .NET assembly, i think it was built in something else (so I can't add it as a reference).
I don't really want to have a copy for this project as these files reside in a different SVN repository
Add a pre-build macro/script to copy the file across each time you build. There's no way to add a symbolic link into a visstudio afaik.
I am assuming the .dll was built using a .NET supported language like C#.
You can just right click over the site and select 'Add Reference'.
Browse to the .dll you are looking for and then click 'Ok' to add it.
It should add a .refresh file to your site and the dll. The .refresh file is what is checked into your source control letting the site know the relative location of the .dll to the site.

What files do you check-in to source countrol management system when working in an ASP.NET web application?

We have a main web application that references several other projects. Do you check-in .csproj/.sln files into source control? If so, do you use these files for msbuild or do you just include *.cs to build your dll? Does ILMerge help in any way with performance?
You should aim to check in everything that is needed so that someone can take a fresh install of Visual Studio, do a checkout, double-click the .sln file, build and be on their way.
.sln and .csproj are a no-brainer, in my opinion: what happens if you add a new file to the project: everybody would have to manually add the file to their project files if you didn't commit the .csproj file.
ILMerge - no. Not for web applications. Not for the rest either.
Checkin? What about letting visual studio handle it. Now, in general - source control without all relevant files is garbage ;) So, it should include stuff like the project and solution.

What are the pitfalls of combining a web site project with a web application project in Visual Studio?

I have a web site project with a lot of files, it has become really slow to build. What I want to do is to create a web application project, and in Explorer add all the files to it, including the Bin folder. In Visual Studio I will not add these files (Show All Files will show them), only new files in one new folder that I am going to work on.
There are several assemblies in the original Bin folder that I need to reference in the web application project. Also, I will include the original web.config file.
So what way am I going to regret this in a few days?
You wont have support for all the old stuff when using the Visual Studio Publish feature (I assume you wouldn't anyways).
I also would assume you wont have access to what is in your App_Code from your new web application project.
I will add an answer myself.
A rebuild in Visual Studio will clean out the bin folder...

How do I compile an ASP.NET website into a single DLL file?

I have finally finished my web site. I published it, and I was surprised at the results. Although the App_Code compiled into a single DLL file, every page's code behind compiled into its own DLL file. How do I make it so that it is one DLL file?
Also, is it possible to compile everything (SubSonic, AJAX, etc.) into that same single DLL file?
You might prefer to use the web application project style for that.
You can use ILMerge to merge assemblies into one.
The way we do it is by adding a deployment project to our site:
To accomplish this you will have to covert your project into a Web Application Project (Supported in Visual Studio 2005 SP1 and Visual Studio 2008).
The process of converting is not that hard, but you will need to move everything out of the app_code folder, as WAP (Web Application Projects) projects do not have code inside app_code.
Once you do this, everything inside your project is compiled into a single DLL file, any external assemblies are still contained in their own DLL files though, but there are options around that as well.
We use build scripts for our websites and run the aspnet_merge.exe from the command line. Here's the MSDN page:
