Change tmux default to zsh - zsh

When tmux opens, I would like it to use zsh instead of bash by default. How would I accomplish this?

From man tmux:
default-shell path
Specify the default shell. This is used as the login shell for new windows when the default-command option is set to empty, and must
be the full path of the executable. When started tmux tries to set a default value from the first suitable of the SHELL environment
variable, the shell returned by getpwuid(3), or /bin/sh. This option should be configured when tmux is used as a login shell.
So, in your tmux.conf:
# set shell
set -g default-shell /bin/zsh
and if you want you can add default command each time, when we start a new window:
# Retach userspaces
set -g default-command "reattach-to-user-namespace -l zsh"

You probably want zsh to be your default shell for most things, then (but this will not apply to cron). The following will make zsh your default shell, and you should then not need to tell tmux anything.
chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh
Note that some OSs still use /bin/zsh as the path to zsh.

If you prefer to set it individually for a session, but not for other (future) sessions, you can use
tmux new-session /bin/zsh \; set default-shell /bin/zsh


Rename a terminal in the Cloud9 IDE

Seeing 'bash - "username"' in the terminal name is pretty useless when I'm running multiple windows, is there a way to rename those windows?
you can add the following function to your bashrc
setTitle() {
# configure tmux to allow xterm set title sequence
tmux set-window-option automatic-rename off
tmux set-option allow-rename off
tmux set-option set-titles-string "#T"
tmux set-option set-titles on
# set terminal title
echo -ne "\033]0;$#\007"
and then run setTitle "my terminal name".
Sometimes bash prompt (PS1) contains \033]0;...\007 as well, in that case you need to modify it to not allow overriding the title set by setTitle function

How to auto-update SSH agent environment variables when attaching to existing tmux sessions?

I am trying to find a nice way to restore the SSH agent when I reconnect a disconnected tmux session.
The cause seems to be that the SSH agent session changes but the environment variable from the tmux session is not updated.
How can I automate this, before attaching the session itself? Because the session I am attaching to does not always have a bash prompt, so I cannot afford to type something inside it. It has to be something to run before creating or attaching the tmux session.
An example of the code I'm running is at -- a small ssh wrapper that is using tmux to create persistem ssh connections. This works quite well, but sometimes the ssh agent stops working so I am no longer able to use it to connect to other hosts.
There's an excellent gist by Martijn Vermaat, which addresses your problem in great depth, although it is intended for screen users, so I'm adjusting it for tmux here.
To summarize:
create ~/.ssh/rc if it doesn't exist yet, and add the following content:
# Fix SSH auth socket location so agent forwarding works with tmux.
if test "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ; then
ln -sf $SSH_AUTH_SOCK ~/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock
Make it work in tmux, add this to your ~/.tmux.conf:
# fix ssh agent when tmux is detached
setenv -g SSH_AUTH_SOCK $HOME/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock
Extra work is required if you want to enable X11 forwarding, see the gist.
While tmux updates SSH variables by default, there is no need to
change/add socket path
change the SSH_AUTH_SOCKET variable
I like the solution by Chris Down which I changed to add function
fixssh() {
eval $(tmux show-env \
|sed -n 's/^\(SSH_[^=]*\)=\(.*\)/export \1="\2"/p')
into ~/.bashrc. Call fixssh after attaching session or before ssh/scp/rsync.
Newer versions of tmux support -s option for show-env, so only
eval $(tmux show-env -s |grep '^SSH_')
is possible.
Here's what I use for updating SSH_AUTH_SOCK inside a tmux window (based on Hans Ginzel's script):
alias fixssh='eval $(tmux showenv -s SSH_AUTH_SOCK)'
Or for tmux that does not have showenv -s:
alias fixssh='export $(tmux showenv SSH_AUTH_SOCK)'
Here is my solution which includes both approaches, and does not require extra typing when I reconnect to tmux session
alias ssh='[ -n "$TMUX" ] && eval $(tmux showenv -s SSH_AUTH_SOCK); /usr/bin/ssh'
There are lots of good answers here. But there are cases where tmux show-environment doesn't see SSH_AUTH_SOCK. In that case you can use find to locate it explicitly.
export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$(find /tmp -path '*/ssh-*' -name 'agent*' -uid $(id -u) 2>/dev/null | tail -n1)
That's long and complicated, so I'll break it down...
01 export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$(
02 find /tmp \
03 -path '*/ssh-*'
04 -name 'agent*'
05 -uid $(id -u)
06 2>/dev/null
07 | tail -n1
08 )
export the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable set to the output of the $() command substitution
find files starting in /tmp
limit results to only those with /ssh- in the path
limit results to only those whose name begins with agent
limit results to only those with a user id matching the current user
silence all (permissions, etc.) errors
take only the last result if there are multiple
You may be able to leave off 6 & 7 if you know that there will only be 1 result and you don't care about stderr garbage.
I use a variation of the previous answers:
eval "export $(tmux show-environment -g SSH_AUTH_SOCK)"
assuming that you did the ssh agent started from the outer environment. Same goes for other environment variables such as DISPLAY.
I prefer to avoid configuring TMUX (etc) and keep everything purely in ~/.ssh/. On the remote system:
Create ~/.ssh/rc:
# Fix SSH auth socket location so agent forwarding works within tmux
if test "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ; then
ln -sf $SSH_AUTH_SOCK ~/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock
Add following to ~/.ssh/config so it no longer relies on $SSH_AUTH_SOCK, which goes stale in detached terminals:
Host *
IdentityAgent ~/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock
Known limitations
ssh-add doesn't use ~/.ssh/config and so cannot communicate with ssh-agent. Commands like ssh-add -l produce errors, even though ssh user#host works fine, as does updating git remotes which are accessed via SSH.
I may have worked out a solution that is fully encapsulated in the ~/.tmux.conf configuration file. It is a different approach than modifying the ~/.bash_profile and ~/.ssh/rc.
Solution only using ~/.tmux.conf
Just cut and paste the following code into your ~/.tmux.conf
# ~/.tmux.conf
# SSH agent forwarding
# Ensure that SSH-Agent forwarding will work when re-attaching to the tmux
# session from a different SSH connection (after a dropped connection).
# This code will run upon tmux create, tmux attach, or config reload.
# If there is an SSH_AUTH_SOCK originally defined:
# 1) Remove all SSH related env var names from update-environment.
# Without this, setenv cannot override variables such as SSH_AUTH_SOCK.
# Verify update-environment with: tmux show-option -g update-environment
# 2) Force-set SSH_AUTH_SOCK to be a known location
# /tmp/ssh_auth_sock_tmux
# 3) Force-create a link of the first found ssh-agent socket at the known location
if-shell '[ -n $SSH_AUTH_SOCK ]' " \
set-option -sg update-environment \"DISPLAY WINDOWID XAUTHORITY\"; \
setenv -g SSH_AUTH_SOCK /tmp/ssh_auth_sock_tmux; \
run-shell \"ln -sf $(find /tmp/ssh-* -type s -readable | head -n 1) /tmp/ssh_auth_sock_tmux\" \
The above solution along with the other solutions are susceptible to a race condition when initiating multiple connections to the same machine. Consider this:
Client 1 Connect: SSH to machineX, start/attach tmux (writes ssh_auth_sock link)
Client 2 Connect: SSH to machineX, start/attach tmux (overwrites ssh_auth_sock link)
Client 2 Disconnect: Client 1 is left with a stale ssh_auth_sock link, thus breaking ssh-agent
However, this solution is slightly more resilient because it only overwrites the ssh_auth_sock link upon tmux start/attach, instead of upon initialization of a bash shell ~/.bash_profile or ssh connection ~/.ssh/rc
To cover this last race condition, one may add a key binding to reload the tmux configuration with a (Ctrl-b r) key sequence.
# ~/.tmux.conf
# reload config file
bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf
From within an active tmux session, executing this sequence when the ssh_auth_sock link goes stale will refresh the ssh-agent connection.
In case other fish shell users are wondering how to deal with this when using fish (as well as for my future self!). In my fish_prompt I added a call to the following function:
function _update_tmux_ssh
if set -q TMUX
eval (tmux show-environment SSH_AUTH_SOCK | sed 's/\=/ /' | sed 's/^/set /')
I suppose that more advanced *nix users would know how to replace sed with something better, but this works (tmux 3.0, fish 3.1).
Following up on #pymkin's answer above, add the following, which worked with tmux 3.2a on macOS 11.5.3:
To ~/.tmux.conf:
# first, unset update-environment[SSH_AUTH_SOCK] (idx 3), to prevent
# the client overriding the global value
set-option -g -u update-environment[3]
# And set the global value to our static symlink'd path:
set-environment -g SSH_AUTH_SOCK $HOME/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock
To ~/.ssh/rc:
# On SSH connection, create stable auth socket path for Tmux usage
if test "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK"; then
ln -sf "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ~/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock
What's going on? Tmux has the semi-helpful update-environment variable/feature to pick up certain environment variables when a client connects. I.e. when you do tmux new or tmux attach, it'll update the tmux environment from when you ran those commands. That's nice for new shells or commands you run inside tmux afterwards, but it doesn't help those shells you've started prior to the latest attach. To solve this, you could use some of the other answers here to have existing shells pick up this updated environment, but that's not the route I chose.
Instead, we're setting a static value for SSH_AUTH_SOCK inside tmux, which will be ~/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock. All shells inside tmux would pick that up, and never have to be updated later. Then, we configure ssh so that, upon connection, it updates that static path with a symlink to the latest real socket that ssh knows.
The missing piece from #pymkin's answer is that Tmux will have the session value override the global value, so doing set-environment -g isn't sufficient; it gets squashed whenever you re-attach. You also have to also tell tmux not to update SSH_AUTH_SOCK in the session environment, so that the global value can make it through. That's what the set-option -g -u is about.
After coming across so many suggestions, I finally figured out a solution that enables TMUX update the stale ssh agent after being attached. Basically, both the zshrc files on the local and remote machines need to be modified.
Insert the following codes into the local zshrc, which is based on this reference.
export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=~/.ssh/ssh-agent.$(hostname).sock
ssh-add -l 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
# The error of executing ssh-add command denotes a valid agent does not
# exist.
if [ $? -ge 1 ]; then
# remove the socket if it exists
if [ -S "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}" ]; then
ssh-agent -a "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}" >/dev/null
# one week life time
ssh-add -t 1W path-to-private-rsa-file
Insert the following code into the remote zshrc, where the tmux session will be attached.
alias fixssh='eval $(tmux showenv -s SSH_AUTH_SOCK)'
Then ssh into the remote machine. The -A option is necessary.
ssh -A username#hostname
Attach the TMUX session. Check the TMUX evironment variables
# run this command in the shell
tmux showenv -s
# or run this command after prefix CTRL+A or CTRL+B
Run fixssh in the previously existed panes to update the ssh agent. If a new pane is created, it will automatically get the new ssh-agent.
Here's another simple Bash solution, using PROMPT_COMMAND to update the SSH_* vars inside tmux before each prompt is generated. The downside to this solution is that it doesn't take effect in existing shells until a new prompt is generated, because PROMPT_COMMAND is only run before creating new prompts.
Just add this to your ~/.bashrc:
update_tmux_env () {
# Only run for shells inside a tmux session.
if [[ -n "$TMUX" ]]; then
eval $(tmux show-env -s | grep '^SSH_')
export PROMPT_COMMAND=update_tmux_env
Here's a new fix to an old problem: I think it's simpler than the other fixes and there's no need to make a static socket or mess with the shell prompt or make a separate command you have to remember to run.
I added this code added to my .bashrc file:
if [[ -n $TMUX ]]; then
_fix_ssh_agent_in_tmux () { if [[ ! -S $SSH_AUTH_SOCK ]]; then eval export $(tmux show-env | grep SSH_AUTH_SOCK); fi }
ssh () { _fix_ssh_agent_in_tmux; command ssh $#; }
scp () { _fix_ssh_agent_in_tmux; command scp $#; }
git () { _fix_ssh_agent_in_tmux; command git $#; }
rsync () { _fix_ssh_agent_in_tmux; command rsync $#; }
If the shell is running within tmux, it redefines 'ssh' and its ilk to bash functions which test and fix SSH_AUTH_SOCK before actually running the real commands.
Note that tmux show-env -g also returns a value for SSH_AUTH_SOCK but that one is stale, I assume it's from whenever the tmux server started. The command above queries the current tmux session's environment which seems to be correct.
I'm using tmux 2.6 (ships with with Ubuntu 18.04) and it seems to work well.

How do you switch to zsh when using

Any ideas? I've tried using :
chsh -s /bin/zsh
But any password I've tried has failed.
You can't use zsh in the main console as you don't have root access, but you could utilize zsh with tmux (which is already installed on your Nitrous box).
You will just need to add this line into ~/.tmux.conf :
set-option -g default-shell /bin/zsh
Once this has been added, start a new tmux session by running:
tmux new -s session_name
Just put zsh at the end of ~/.bashrc to automatically start zsh in the main console when you log in.
Typing exit once will take you back to bash.

How to force emacs-style status-keys in tmux?

I have this problem with tmux 1.8: I want to set status-keys option to 'emacs' because I really dislike entering commands in vi-mode. However adding the following line to .tmux.conf has no effect:
set -g status-keys emacs
When tmux is restarted, tmux show-options -g | grep keys says emacs but the actual behaviour is vi-style.
The root of the problem is the $EDITOR environment variable, which it set to vim in my case. The documentations states:
status-keys [vi | emacs]
Use vi or emacs-style key bindings in the status line,
for example at the command prompt. The default is emacs,
unless the VISUAL or EDITOR environment variables are set
and contain the string `vi'.
So apparently when the environment variable is "vim" it forces vi status-keys.
Is there a way to override this behaviour and have the prompt behave emacs-style despite the environment variable? I can obviously hack around this (like starting tmux with other env variables and restoring the original later) but I hope there is a clean solution.
I had this problem and I think I just figured it out. Are you by chance also using ZSH (Z Shell)?
I found this post that says that ZSH will also switch to "vi mode" if your VISUAL and/or EDITOR is set to vi/vim. So the problem I was having in tmux as actually bubbling up from ZSH!
In short, make sure you can use emacs-style keys in your shell outside of tmux. If you're using ZSH you can add bindkey -e to .zshrc to set emacs bindings. Then in .tmux.conf:
set -g mode-keys emacs
set -g status-keys emacs
Both status-key and mode-keys default to vi if EDITOR contains vi, but this is only a default (during startup, before the configuration files are processed). Setting either of these options in your configuration should override the EDITOR-based default.
Are you also setting mode-keys (which controls the key maps used in copy-mode, and the choose-… commands)?
set -gw mode-keys emacs

tmux - split-window with custom environment variables

I want to split the current tmux window and have it inherit my current environment.
I need to do this programmatically so I can't do it through some predefined config file.
Simply put, I want to do something like,
tmux split-window my-binary
my-binary is in my current PATH but not the usual one (it seems tmux just goes through my bash_profile).
Is it possible? Or do I have to start bash and setup the env before starting my-binary?
To split a window that will run an instance of your default shell, use the env command that runs whatever is configured as default-command in your ~/.tmux.conf:
tmux split-window "env FOO=bar $(tmux show-options -vg default-command)"
