How to do live self monitoring inside the application - automated-tests

We are applying unittests, integration tests and we are practicing test driven and behaviour driven development.
We are also monitoring our applications and servers from outside (with dedicated software in our network)
What is missing is some standard for a live monitoring inside the apllication.
I give an example:
There should be a cron-like process inside the application, that regularily checks some structural health inside our data structures
We need to monitor that users have done some regular stuff that does not endanger the health of the applications (there are some actions and input that we can not prevent them to do)
My question is, what is the correct name for this so I can further research in the literature. I did a lot of searching but I almosdt always find the xunit and bdd / integration test stuff that I already have.
So how is this called, what is the standard in professional application development, I would like to know if there is some standard structure like xunit, or could xunit libraries even bee used for it? I could not even find appropriate tagging for this question, so please if you read this and know some better tags, why not add them to this answer and remove the ones that don't fit.
I need this for applications written in python, erlang or javascript and those are mostly server side applications, web applications or daemons.
What we are already doing is that we created http gateway from inside the applications that report some stuff and this is monitored by the nagios infrastructure.
I have no problem rolling some cron-like controlled self health scheme inside the applications, but I am interested about knowing some professional standardized way of doing it.
I found this article, it already comes close: Link

It looks like you are asking about approaches how to monitor your application. In general, one can distinguish between active monitoring and passive monitoring.
In active monitoring, you create some artificial user load that would mimic real user behavior, and monitor your application based on these artificial responses from a non-existing user (active = you actively cause traffic to your application). Imagine that you have a web application which allows to get weather forecast for specific city. To have active monitoring, you will need to deploy another application that would call your web application with some predefined request ("get weather for Seattle") every N hours. If your application does not respond within the specified time interval, you will trigger alert based on that.
In passive monitoring, you observe real user behavior over time. You can use log parsing to get number of (un)successful requests/responses, or inject some code into your application that would update some values in database whenever successful or not successful response was returned (passive = you only check other users' traffic). Then, you can create graphs and check whether there is a significant deviation in user traffic. For example, if during the same time of the day one week ago your application served 1000 requests, and today you get only 200 requests, it may mean some problem with your software.


What is the difference between tracing calls in distributed system using ELK stack and using Dynatrace distributed tracing?

In my project this week I got a backlog where I asked to analyze how can we use distributed tracing in our microservices. We already have ELK stack where we check log in Kibana dashboard. I tried to filter calls using co-relation id and this is working fine. However, our application uses Dynatrace also for tracing. My question is if we have ELK stack to check log to find issues in PRD then what extra Dynatrace distributed tracing does? What is main difference that I am not able to understand. Please can anyone try to explain in simple language? I am new to this backlog so some concepts are not proper yet.
Distributed tracing is an industry method to allow developers to
monitor the performance of the APIs that they use without actually
being able to analyze the backing microservice’s code.
From off doc:
ELK Distributed tracing enables you to analyze performance throughout
your microservice architecture by tracing the entirety of a
request — from the initial web request on your front-end service all
the way to database queries made on your back-end services.
It works
by injecting a custom traceparent HTTP header into outgoing requests.
This header includes information, like trace-id, which is used to
identify the current trace, and parent-id, which is used to identify
the parent of the current span on incoming requests or the current
span on an outgoing request.
Dynatrace distributed tracing is almost the same plus code execution analysis. In Dynatrace words: Purepaths plus Code-level visibility and AI-based application performance monitor. Easy way to identify how your microservices works together, full service flow and problem analysis.
More explanations from Dynatrace blog

use webservice in same project or handle it with code?

This is a theoretical question.
imagine an aspnet website. by clicking a button site sends
I can send mail async with code
I can send mail using QueueBackgroundWorkItem
I can call a ONEWAY webservice located in same website
I can call a ONEWAY webservice located in ANOTHER website (or another subdomain)
none of above solutions wait for mail operation to be they are fine.
my question is why I should use service solution instead of other solutions. is there an advantage ?
4th solution adds additional tcpip traffic to use service its not efficient right ?
if so, using service under same web site (3rd solution) also generates additional traffic. is that correct ?
I need to understand why people using services under same website ? Is there any reason besides make something available to ajax calls ?
any information would be great. I really need to get opinions.
The most appropriate architecture will depend on several factors:
the volume of emails that needs to be sent
the need to reuse the email sending capability beyond the use case described
the simplicity of implementation, deployment, and maintenance of the code
Separating out the sending of emails in a service either in the same or another web application will make it available to other applications and from client side code. It also adds some complexity to the code calling the service as it will need to deal with the case when the service is not available and handle errors that may occur when placing the call.
Using a separate web application for the service is useful if the volume of emails sent is really large as it allows to offload the work to one or servers if needed. Given the use case given (user clicks on a button), this seems rather unlikely, unless the web site will have really large traffic. Creating a separate web application adds significant development, deployment and maintenance work, initially and over time.
Unless the volume of emails to be sent is really large (millions per day) or there is a need to reuse the email capability in other systems, creating the email sending function within the same web application (first two options listed in the question) is almost certainly the best way to go. It will result in the least amount of initial work, is easy to deploy, and (perhaps most importantly) will be the easiest to maintain.
An important concern to pay significant attention to when implementing an email sending function is the issue of robustness. Robustness can be achieved with any of the possible architectures and is somewhat of an different concern as the one emphasized by the question. However, it is important to consider the proper course of action needed if (1) the receiving SMTP refuses the take the message (e.g., mailbox full; non-existent account; rejection as spam) and (2) an NDR is generated after the message is sent (e.g., rejection as spam). Depending on the kind of email sent, it may be OK to ignore these errors or some corrective action may be needed (e.g., retry sending, alert the user at the origination of the emails, ...)

What is a single instance or multiple instances for Azure ASP.NET cloud services?

What is the difference between the single and multiple instances sites in when using Azure cloud services?
Ok - there's a few concepts here that you need to grok to answer your question.
// Arrange.
First, I'll make some assumptions about your question mainly based on the link to documentation, so my answers have less ambiguity.
You're dealing with Azure WebSites and not a Cloud Web Role or a custom Windows Virtual Machine with IIS. **
You're trying to remember stuff with the Session object (ie: State data).
You're not sure what an instance or multiple instances are, with respect to Azure WebSites.
NOTE: My answer applies to WebSites, Web Roles and Windows VM's running IIS .. but I just wanted to be uber clear on the Q.
// Act.
When you create a website (either in an WebSite, Web-Role or a custom Windows Server with IIS) the website has some defined memory boundary/space/garden/wall/magic bubble which is called the App Pool. It means that your website is 100% isolated from other websites on that single server. You do something bad, it doesn't mess with anyone else's sites.
So that website which is installed on that single server is called an instance.
Next, we decide that we need to handle so many people hitting our websites, so we need to scale out. This means, make copies/clones of this website which has the effect of splitting the load up. If you scale out to 3 copies, then each webserver should (for simplicity) split the work load by a 3rd - so each handles about 33% of the load***.
Now, you have 1 website on 3 servers and this is called multiple instances.
So an instance is therefore a term used to describe how many servers the website is installed on.
Ok - so why is this important and what does this have to do with State (as suggested by that article you were reading/referring to) ?
Remember how I said that a instance is a single server and if you have multi instances you have more than 1 server? well .. now that the website exists on different servers - they can't share their State data between them unless you do some special stuff. That special stuff is what that document is chatting about, with lots of funky terms like Inproc, OutProc, Distributed caching, etc.
// Assert.
So the TL;DR; is that you now know that when you scale out and have multiple copies of your website on separate hardware, that's called multi instances and when you do that (have more than one copy) then you need to consider some special code to handle sharing of the State across these multiple servers -- if you need to share state.
Now - have a pic of a beautiful Mola Mola for reading all of this :)
*** Yes yes yes .. there's a number of algorithms to handle load balancing of scaled out sites, like round robin, etc. Lets just keep it really simple for the purpose of this question. K? thxgoodbai.
The "multiple instances" means what it says - more than a single instance of your website hosted on two IIS instances. If you utilise in-process state tracking you will not be able to balance traffic between the two web servers (typically sticky sessions are used to get around this but this is not an option with the load balancing capabilities of Azure).

Approach for disconnected application development

Our company has people in every catastrophic event here in the U.S. and parts of Canada. An example is they were quite prevalent in Katrina immediately after the event.
We are constructing an application to improve their job in the field which may be either ASP.NET or WPF, and the disconnect requirement makes us believe it will be a WPF application. Our people need to be able to create their jobs, provide all of the insurance and measurement data, and save it as if in the database whether or not the internet is available.
The issue we are trying to get our heads around is that when at catastrophic events our people need to be able to use our new application even when the internet is not available. (They were offline for 3 days in Katrina)
Has anyone else had to address requirements like this and suggestions on how they approached functioning on small-footprint devices while saving data as if they were still connected to the backend services and database? We also have to incorporate security into this as well, and do it well enough that their entered data loads into the connected database without issues.
Our longterm goal is to also provide this application for Android and IPad Tablet devices as well as laptops. Our initial desire for ASP.NET was it gave us an immediate application for the tablet environment. In the old application they have, they run a local server, run remote connections on the tablets and run the application through terminal server. Not pretty. Not pretty.
I feel this is a serious question that is not subjective so hopefully this won't get deleted.
Our current architecture on the server side is Entity Framework with a repository pattern, WCF services to satisfy CRUD requests returning composite data transfer objects, and a proxy for use by the clients.
I'm interested in hearing other developers' input and this design puzzle.
Additional Information Added to the Discussion
Lots of good information provided!!! I'll have to look at Microsoft Sync for sure. For the disconnected database I would be placing only list tables (enumerations) in the initial database. Jobs and, if needed, an item we call dry books, will be added for each client we are helping. (though I hope the internet returns by the time we are cleaning and drying out the homes) These are the tables that would then populate back to the host once we have a stable link. In the case of Katrina we also lost internet connectivity in our offices which meant the office provided no communication relief for days as well.
Last night I realized that our client proxy is the key to everything working! The client remains unaware of the fact that it is online or offline and leaves the synchronization process within that library. We are discovering how much data we are talking about today. I also want to make it clear that ASP.NET was a like-to-have but a thick client (actually WPF with XAML) may end up being our end state.
Now -- for multiple updates. The disconnected work will be going to individual homes by a single franchise. In fact our home office dispatches specific franchises to specific events. So we have a reduced likelihood (if any) of the problem of multiple people updating a record. The reason is that they are creating records for each job (person's home/office/business) and only that one franchise will deal with it. Of course this also means that if they are disconnected for days that the device that creates the job (record of who, where, condition, insurance company, etc) is also the only device that knows of the job. But that can be lived with. In fact we may be able to have a facility to sync the franchise devices on a hub.
I'm looking forward to hearing additional stories of how you've implemented your disconnected environment.
Looking at new technology from Microsoft
I was directed to look at a video from TechEd 2012 and thought I might have an answer. The talk was on using ASP.NET and MVC4 along with 2 libraries for disconnected behavior. At first I thought it would be great but then as it continued it worried me quite a bit.
First the use of a javascript backend to support disconnected I/O does not generate confidence. As a compiler guy (and one who wrote two interpretive languages) I really do not like having a critical business model reliant upon interpretive javascript. And script at that! It may be me but it just makes me shudder.
Then they show their "great"(???) programming model having your ViewModel exist as just javascript. I do not care for an application ( and javascript) that can be, and may as well be (for lack of intellisense ) written in notepad.
No offense meant to any asp lovers, but a well written C# program that has been syntactically and type checked gives me stronger confidence in software than something written with a hope and prayer that a class namespace has been properly typed without any means of cross check. I've seen too many hours of debugging looking for a bug that ended up in a huge namespace with transposed ie in it's name. I ran my thought past the other senior developers in my group and we are all in consensus on this technology.
But we continue to look. (I feel this is becoming more of a diary than a question) :)
Looks like a perfect example for Microsoft Sync Framework
A comprehensive synchronization platform that enables collaboration
and offline access for applications, services, and devices with
support for any data type, any data store, any transfer protocol, and
any network topology.
I often find that building a lightweight framework to fit my specific needs is more beneficial to me than using an existing one. However, always look at what's available and weigh the pros and cons before making that decision.
I haven't use the Microsoft Sync Framework, but it sounds like that's a good one to research first. If you have Sql Server Standard (or some other version other than the Express version) then replication might also be an option.
If you want to develop your own homegrown solution, then be sure to put lastupdated and dateadded fields on any tables that need to stay in sync. It doesn't 'sound' like your scenario will be burdened by concurrency issues (i.e. if person A and B both modify a field at the same time, who wins?). If that's the case then developing your own lightweight solution will be pretty straightforward.
As Jeremy pointed out, you will need a way to get the changes. In addition to using a web service, you can also use WCF which is similar to a web service in some ways. But my personal bias would be towards just accessing a SQL server remotely over the internet. The downside of that solution is added security concerns, while the upside is decreased development overhead (i.e. faster/easier development now and less maintenance over time). Also, the direct SQL solution is also assuming that this is an internal application... that you're in charge of all development and not working with 3rd parties who need access to your data and wouldn't be allowed to access it this way.
Not really a full answer but too much for a comment.
I have two apps one that synchs one way and the other two way.
I do a one way synch to client for disconnected operation. At the server full SQL Server and at the client Compact Edition. TimeStamp is a prefect for finding any rows that needs to be synched. I also don't copy the whole database as some of the largest table are non nonessential. The common use is the user marks identified records they want to synch.
If synch does what you need great +1 for Jakub. For me I don't have the option to synch the whole MSSQL both based on size and security.
Have another smaller application that synchs two way but in this case it has regions and update are only within the region. So a region only synchs their data and in disconnected mode they can only add new records. Update to an existing records must be performed in connected mode. That was mangeable. In that case MSSQL for the master and used XML for the client.
No news to you but the hard part of a raw synch is that two parties may have added or revised the same record.

Using a remote, external web service instead of a database

I am building an ASP.NET web application that will be deployed to a 4-node web farm.
My web application's farm is located in California.
Instead of a database for back-end data, I plan to use a set of web services served from a data center in New York.
I have a page /show-web-service-result.aspx that works like this:
1) User requests page /show-web-service-result.aspx?s=foo
2) Page's codebehind queries a web service that is hosted by the third party in New York.
3) When web service returns, the returned data is formatted and displayed to user in page response.
Does this architecture have potential scalability problems? Suppose I am getting hundreds of unique hits per second, e.g.
Is it typical for web servers in a farm to be using web services for data instead of database? Any personal experience?
What change should I make to the architecture to improve scalability?
You have most definitely a scalability problem: the third-party web service. Unless you have a service-level agreement with that service (agreeing on the number of requests that you can submit per second), chances are real that you overload that service with your anticipated load. That you have four nodes yourself doesn't help you then.
So you should a) come up with an agreement with the third party, and b) test what the actual load is that they can take.
In addition, you need to make sure that your framework can use parallel connections for accessing the remote service. Suppose you have a round-trip time of 20ms from California to New York (which would be fairly good), you can not make more than 50 requests over a single TCP connection. Likewise, starting new TCP connections for every request will also kill performance, so you want pooling on these parallel connections.
I don't see a problem with this approach, we use it quite a bit where I work. However, here are some things to consider:
Is your page rendering going to be blocked while waiting for the web service to respond?
What if the response never comes, i.e. the service is down?
For the first problem I would look into using AJAX to update the page after you get a response back from the web service. You'll also want to consider how to handle the no response or timeout condition.
Finally, you should really think about how you could cache the web service data locally. For example if you are calling a stock quoting service then unless you have a real-time feed, there is no reason to call the web service with every request you get. Store the data locally for a period of time and return that until it becomes stale.
You may have scalability problems but most of these can be carefully engineered around.
I recommend you use ASP.NET's asynchronous tasks so that the web service is queued up, the thread is released while the request waits for the web service to respond, and then another thread picks up when the web service is done to finish off the request.
MSDN Magazine - Wicked Code - Asynchronous Pages in ASP.NET 2.0
Local caching is an absolute must. The fewer times you have to go from California to New York, the better. You might want to look into Microsoft's Velocity (although that's still in CTP) or NCache, or another distributed cache, so that each of your 4 web servers don't all have to make and cache the same data from the web service - once one server gets it, it should be available to all.
Microsoft Project Code Named "Velocity"
Other things that can go wrong that you should engineer around:
The web service is down (obviously) and data falls out of cache, and you can't get it back. Try to make it so that the data is not actually dropped from cache until you're sure you have an update available. Then the only risk is if the service is down and your application pool is reset, so don't reset it as a first-line troubleshooting maneuver!
There are two different timeouts on web requests, a connect and an overall timeout. Make sure both are set extremely low and you handle both of them timing out. If the service's DNS goes down, this can look like quite a different failure.
Watch perfmon for ASP.NET Queued Requests. This number will rise rapidly if the service goes down and you're not covering it properly.
Research and adjust ASP.NET performance registry settings so you have a highly optimized ASP.NET thread pool. I don't remember the specifics, but I seem to remember that there's a limit on IO Completion Ports and something else of that nature that are absurdly low for the powerful hardware I'm assuming you have on hand.
the trendy answer is REST. Any GET request can be HTTP Response cached (with lots of options on how that is configured) and it will be cached by the internet itself (your ISP, essentially).
Your project has an architecture that reflects they direction that Microsoft and many others in the SOA world want to take us. That said, many people try to avoid this type of real-time risk introduced by the web service.
Your system will have a huge dependency on the web service working in an efficient manner. If it doesn't work, or is slow, people will just see that your page isn't working properly.
At the very least, I would get a web stress tool and performance test your web service to at least the traffic levels you expect to get at peaks, and likely beyond this. When does it break (if ever?), when does it start to slow down? These are good metrics to know.
Other options to look at: perhaps you can get daily batches of data from the web service to a local database and hit the database for your web site. Then, if for some reason the web service is down or slow, you could use the most recently obtained data (if this is feasible for your data).
Overall, it should be doable, but you want to understand and measure the risks, and explore any potential options to minimize those risks.
It's fine. There are some scalability issues. Primarily, with the number of calls you are allowed to make to the external web service per second. Some web services (Yahoo shopping for example) limit how often you can call their service and will lock out your account if you call too often. If you have a large farm and lots of traffic, you might have to throttle your requests.
Also, it's typical in these situations to use an interstitial page that forks off a worker thread to go and do the web service call and redirects to the results page when the call returns. (Think a travel site when you do search, you get an interstitial page while they call out to an external source for the flight data and then you get redirected to a results page when the call completes). This may be unnecessary if your web service call returns quickly.
I recommend you be certain to use WCF, and not the legacy ASMX web services technology as the client. Use "Add Service Reference" instead of "Add Web Reference".
One other issue you need to consider, depending on the type of application and/or data you're pulling down: security.
Specifically, I'm referring to authentication and authorization, both of your end users, and the web application itself. Where are these things handled? All in the web app? by the WS? Or maybe the front-end app is authenticating the users, and flowing the user's identity to the back end WS, allowing that to verify that the user is allowed? How do you verify this? Since many other responders here mention a local data cache on the front end app (an EXCELLENT idea, BTW), this gets even MORE complicated: do you cache data that is allowed to userA, but not for userB? if so, how do you verify that userB cannot access data from the cache? What if the authorization is checked by the WS, how do you cache the permissions then?
On the other hand, how are you verifying that only your web app is allowed to access the WS (and an attacker doesn't directly access your WS data over the Internet, for instance)? For that matter, how do you ensure that your web app contacts the CORRECT WS server, and not a bogus one? And of course I assume that all the connection to the WS is only over TLS/SSL... (but of course also programmatically verify the cert applies to the accessed server...)
In short, its complicated, and many elements to consider here.... but it is NOT insurmountable.
(as far as input validation goes, that's actually NOT an issue, since this should be done by BOTH the front end app AND the back end WS...)
Another aspect here, as mentioned by #Martin, is the need for an SLA on whatever provider/hosting service you have for the NY WS, not just for performance, but also to cover availability. I.e. what happens if the server is inaccessible how quickly they commit to getting it back up, what happens if its down for extended periods of time, etc. That's the only way to legitimately transfer the risk of your availability being controlled by an externality.
