Auto-loading your Kohana project for unit testing in Codeception - phpunit

I am very much new to Kohana and Codeception world. I was exploring how to do testing in kohana using codeception.
I was able to run acceptance test. But now I want to create my Unit test for my demo app that has only sign and signup functionality.
How should I load the required files or the application instance which I will be using in the unit test.
Like I need to check if "Controller_Login" class exists. And then within this controller if "action_login" method exists or not.
I have gone through the Codeception documentation and it says that you need to auto-load your project in the unit/_bootstrap.php file.
So, how should I auto-load my project. Could you please guide me.
For unit test I have written this simple test
public function testMe()
$users = new User;
$this->assertInstanceOf('User', $users);
But when I run this it gives me error on console that "Class 'User' not found".
How should I auto-load my project please guide me.

Writing unit test for you app using Codecpetion you need to follow these points.
You need to load all your app in Codecpetion. So, that your test can easily access your classes.
There is one _bootstrap.php file at the root in test folder which Codecpetion creates once you bootstrap Codecpetion.
In this file you need to load your app.
For example I have done it like this to load my application folder.
define('APPPATH', realpath('application').'/');
So like this now you can create a unit test and access any class you would like to access.


Generated test can't read property from application.yml

Just trying hands with Spring Cloud Contract. While running the generated test on provider side and when the application context is instantiated, it is unable to read config values from application.yml. When i move the test from generated build folder to src/test/java then issue is not seen anymore.
Which implies since build folder is outside of project src/.. structure, it can't read the config.
How can i fix it?
How do you access the value from application.yml
Let's suppose in application.yml you have the following content:
You can simply access it in your test using:
String exampleBaseUri;
Additionally, if you want a profile just for tests you can create a file application-test.yml where you add properties. To access it values from this file you need to add before your test class:

Is there a way to override the old karate-reports folder with the new karate-report folder instead of creating new reports folder for each execution [duplicate]

I have recently upgraded to version 1.0.0 from 0.9.6 and noticed that the generated karate-summary.html file, it doesn't display all the tested feature files in the JUnit 5 Runner unlike in 0.9.6.
What it displays instead was the last tested feature file only.
The below screenshots are from the provided sample code (excluding other Tests for simplicity).
package karate;
class SampleTest {
Karate testSample() {
Karate testTags() {
This is from Version 0.9.6.
And this one is from Version 1.0.0
However, when running the test below in 1.0.0, all the features are displayed in the summary correctly.
Karate testAll() {
Would anyone be kind to confirm if they are getting the similar result? It would be very much appreciated.
What it displays instead was the last tested feature file only.
This is because for each time you run a JUnit method, the reports directory is backed up by default. Look for other directories called target/karate-reports-<timestamp> and you may find your reports there. So maybe what is happening is that you have multiple JUnit tests that are all running, so you see this behavior. You may be able to over-ride this behavior by calling the method: .backupReportDir(false) on the builder. But I think it may not still work - because the JUnit runner has changed a little bit. It is designed to run one method at a time, when you are in local / dev-mode.
So the JUnit runner is just a convenience. You should use the Runner class / builder for CI execution, and when you want to run multiple tests and see them in one report:
Here is an example:
But in case there is a bug in the JUnit runner (which is quite possible) please follow the process and help the project developers replicate and then fix the issue to release as soon as possible.

VSTS Visual Studio Set Environment Variable Test Project

I am building Integration tests in Visual Studio (2017) for Net Core applications built on VSTS and deployed from there. My projects are test projects, and right now my connection strings to the deployed API url, and the database are hardcoded, but I want to remove them from the code and place them in a VSTS build step that adds environment variables.
Right now, my Test .cs files look something like this:
public class TestFeature
//Set up variables
private static string _connectionString = "server=localhost;port=5432;database=databaseName;user id=postgres;password=postgres";
public void Initialize()
//And going into my test methods
How do I set up my project to read Environment Variables set from the Configuration on VSTS?
What research has dug up for me so far, is to Right Click on Properties of the test project, under Debug, set up Environment Variables with a key and value there.
Then I change my test project to take the GetEnvironmentVariable()
private static string _connectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(nameOfVariable);
On the other side in VSTS, I'm trying to find a build step that will set the variable to be the connection string there. The best step I could find is "Set Variable".
However, this is not working for me. The program will not recognize the name of the new variable set in Environment Variables, to start.
You need to add your VSTS variables in the Variables tab.
Another option is to use Powershell to set them if you want to do it in a dynamic fashion using a Powershell script task.
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=sauce]crushed tomatoes"
The better way is building, deploying and testing together in a build definition, after the build succeed, then the pull request can be approved.
For this way, you can use the variable in current build (can add/update variable as Marcote said)
If you must do integration test in a separate build, you can set Trigger to Manual in Build validation of Pull Request policy, then you can queue build manually and specify variables’ values (Check Settable at queue time for the variables in build definition)

How to setup PHPUnit test with multi module setup of phalcon?

I have created a test application with single setup and used PHPUnit as per tutorial and it works well.
Can anybody help me how do I setup it for multi module setup?
Unit test doesnt care whether apps is single or multimodule. Given example just given DI and config in test suite. For example if you want to test AddUser function in UserModule, you have to create User object and mock its dependency. then call it in unit test.
$user = new \App\Module\User\User.php;

How do I write tests for Meteor which involves templating?

I recently created a Meteor package and want to write some tests. What my test package basically do is that users can insert into the template {{> abc}} and they'll get an HTML element printed on the page.
With TinyTest, all you can do is test the package's API using something like test.equal(actual, expected, message, not). However, I need it to test whether the element was successfully printed on the page. Furthermore, I will pass the template some parameters and test them too.
It seems like I'd have to create a dummy app, run bash to initiate the app, and test whether the elements can be found on page. So should I only use TinyTest to test the API, and write my own tests (somehow!) for templating? If not, how should I go about it?
I read something about Blaze.toHTML, but I cannot find anything in the documentation on it? Nor it's source page.
I think TinyTest is great for starting with Unit testing, but what you need sounds more like an Integration test.
I would recommend you look into the following links for more info on testing with Meteor, especially with Velocity - Meteor's official testing framework:
Announcing Velocity: the official testing framework for Meteor applications
The Meteor Testing Manual
You can create a demo application, and run integration tests using Mocha or Jasmine.
