Two Way Binding an Input with RactiveJs - data-binding

I'm just starting out with RactiveJs and having a few troubles with observing an input tag, which is initially rendered with a value.
I'm observing a the input field below.
<input class="text-center" type="date"" value="{{***date_modified***}}">
Using the below
'*.*.date_modified': function(newValue, ***oldValue***, keyPath) {
// some function
The challenge is the first time "date_modified" is the changed "oldValue" is undefined. The second time "date_modified" is changed "oldValue" correctly returns the old value.
The "date_modified" is initially rendered with a value (e.g., 22/11/2014), which I suspect might be the issue as all of the examples leave the input blank when the template I
Any thoughts?

By default, observers 'initialise' with an undefined oldValue - the idea is that it's often easier to write a single function that does something with the current state of the app, regardless of how that state came to be, rather than some initial setup logic plus a separate change handler of some kind.
But you can disable that first call by passing an init: false option, like so:
ractive.observe('foo', handler, { init: false });
However there's a bit more to it than that in this case. It turns out you've uncovered a bug - pattern observers can't have a * as the first key. You'd need to use invoices.*.date_modified instead of *.*.date_modified. An issue has been raised on GitHub - thanks!


Why is my Observable emitting more values than expected, and why is auditTime a fix?

I asked a question here recently about observables and you guys were of really great help (as always). Now I'm having a similar situation, and me and my team-mate are bending our brains over it.
The bug to fix was: user sees a collection of assets, and on browser refresh the wrong set of assets was being loaded. It turns out the key to the problem was one particular pipe observing the currently selected collection. Here's the relevant code:
filter((v) => !!v)).subscribe((v) => {
console.log('PIPE: selected collection', v.collectionId);
// action jackson on redux
The action to be dispatched here is for loading the assets of the collection. One collection was always loaded first as default and it was conflicting with further selections made by the user.
I've also added console.logs on the relevant reducers and effect to visualize behavior.
What happens on browser refresh is this:
Collection 9-em... is the default collection we don't want to see, and collection 9uem... is the user's choice whose asset's we want to see.
The first five lines show the expected output of the observable:
default collection set as selected collection
reducer 'is loading' assets
the user triggers a change selected collection action
the selected collection value is being updated and emitted accordingly
Now we would have expected the effect to load the assets and that's it. But what happens is that the pipe keeps emitting the same values once again, which is weird, because I'm 100% sure no further value is being set from anywhere. But it would also be fine, since we end up with the desired value. Yet strangely, the reducer is handling the load actions in reverse order, which led to the wrong assets being loaded (this could be a whole different issue on top).
Adding auditTime(200) as first operator to the pipe above fixed the issue. No further values were emitted.
Now, my questions are:
Why are the values emitted twice? Could it be an inappropriate operator/subscription some place else (didn't see anything suspicious)?
And why is auditTime(200) magically fixing this?
The effect also works as a pipe of actions being filtered, and it contains an auditTime(200) operator before executing, so that it executes only on the last action. While I do understand on principle what it does, I'm not quite sure if using auditTime like that just because it works is such a good idea.
I assume this is an issue out of noob confusion resulting in using rxjs not the right way. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything useful on google. I really don't like 'fixing' a bug by adding a line of code that I just don't understand.
Thank you so much in advance!
As requested by fridoo, here's the code for this.selectedCollection:
get selectedCollection(): Observable<collectionState.CollectionsData> {
And for getSelectedCollection:
export const getSelectedCollection: (state: any) => CollectionsData = (state: any) =>
? getCollectionsState(state).selectedCollection
: undefined;
The rest is pretty forward just objects of state, the observable created via the select method. We're not using any library for redux (not my decision), so select is implemented like this:
select<T>(fn: (state: any) => T): Observable<T> {
return this.state$.pipe(map(fn), distinctUntilChanged());
Does this help any further?

Meteor reactive-var package is missing the equals() method, is this a bug?

I'm learning about reactive programming in Meteor:
I believe that the idea behind Session.equals(key, value) is to remember an association between the reactive variable and the desired value so that updates only propagate to the surrounding code if the equality changes. That way if we have hundreds of views that depend on the variable, only the old and new views get their update code triggered when the value changes.
Note that this would not be the case if we called Session.get(key) === value because every view's code would be called when the variable changes. This is discussed further under the Session.get versus Session.equals() section of the article.
But I found an inconsistency under the Using Reactive Variables section where it says:
Notice that a reactive variable, unlike the Session object, does not have an equals() method. Yes, that is a shame.
So reactive-var is missing equals() but reactive-dict has ReactiveDict.equals().
I can't really see a conceptual reason to exclude ReactiveVar.equals(). Maybe they had no context for storing the association, or maybe there is some scoping or other issue with Javascript that prevents this that I don't fully understand.
So my question is: is this a bug?
Should I just always use reactive-dict? In which case I would change everything from:
let myReactiveVar = new ReactiveVar();
if(myReactiveVar.get() === 'myValue')
To the more verbose (but performant):
let myReactiveDict = new ReactiveDict();
if(myReactiveDict.equals('myReactiveVar', 'myValue'))
Which would match the functionality provided by Session.equals().
Another option would be to extend the ReactiveVar prototype with my own equals() method or inherit it in a child class and provide a MyReactiveVar.equals() method. Kudos if someone can provide examples to do either of these workarounds that we could submit as a pull request to the Meteor maintainers.
Update: I forgot to mention that ReactiveVar does take an equalsFunc optional parameter in its constructor. It might be possible to hack that as a reactive code block to partially implement equals() functionality without extending the class. Also, here is a related issue on GitHub.
Update: to save time, here is the relevant source code for ReactiveVar and ReactiveDict.equals(). I believe that the value parameter gets converted to serializedValue and is then added as a dependency in ReactiveDict, but I still don't see why it wouldn't be possible to do something similar for ReactiveVar.
The reason there's no equals method for ReactiveVar is because set only invalidates the computations is the new value differs from the current value.
Sets the current value of the ReactiveVar, invalidating the Computations that called get if newValue is different from the old value.
const example = new ReactiveVar(0);
Tracker.autorun(() => {
example.set(1); // logs 1
example.set(0); // logs 0
example.set(0); // doesn't log
This is similar behaviour to ReactiveDict's equals method.
Note that set on ReactiveDict does not behave this way. Calling set broadcasts that the value has changed. If you want to prevent the computation from invalidating, that is when you would use equals.
Set a value for a key in the ReactiveDict. Notify any listeners that the value has changed (eg: redraw templates, and rerun any Tracker.autorun computations, that called ReactiveDict.get on this key.)

When do Template.currentData() and differ in value?

I know one is a reactive source, while the other is not. But I thought they would always give the same value.
Then I found the following code in Telescope's source:
var newTerms = Template.currentData().terms; // ⚡ reactive ⚡
if (!_.isEqual(newTerms, {
instance.postsLimit.set( || Settings.get('postsPerPage', 10));
So it seems these two values can sometimes differ. When?
According to Meteor's documentation, about
This property provides access to the data context at the top level of
the template. It is updated each time the template is re-rendered.
Access is read-only and non-reactive.
Since we know that the current data context is reactive, hence can change without the template being re-rendered (which is what makes reactivity look all nice and smooth on Blaze), this if statement is written to check if the "real" current terms (which are stored in the reactive Template.currentData()) have changed compared to the "previous" terms we had the last time the current template was rendered. (stored in the non-reactive
To wrap it up, what this autorun does is:
Anytime the current data context changes...
Fetch the terms from said data context
Compare these terms to the ones stored in when the template was rendered
If they differ, that means the terms have changed (duh): reset the post limit.
Within post_list_controller.js in the Template.onCreated() there is a section with:
// initialize the reactive variables
instance.terms = new ReactiveVar(;
This reactive variable obtains it's terms value through:
{{> Template.dynamic template=template data=data}} // see posts_list_controller.html
Whenever you pass that template twice with a different set of data (David Weldon - scoped-reactivity), that reactive variable will be set and will cause the autorun to run.
// this part will cause the autorun to run
var terms = Template.currentData().terms; // ⚡ reactive ⚡

Meteor subscribe onReady() and observe() added double counted

I want to wait for all data to be downloaded from the subscription and then create map markers for them all at once at the beginning. To do this, I have a session variable set to false. Then when onReady calls, I initialize all the markers. Then I set the session variable true indicating that the first delivery is in and initialized. In my observe callback, I check the session variable and so long as its false, I dont add any markers. Then, if its true, I will add markers -- assuming non of these markers are already initialized. Sometimes, however, I get a double-count and create twice as many markers.
I guess a good first question to ask is what the relationship is between onReady and observe added? Its not terribly clear in the docs. Is this even the correct way of doing things -- creating a session variable to suppress the observe added function until onReady is done? I dont think so. Also note that the double count doesnt happen every time so its a timing thing... kind of annoying.
Yes this is the behavior with observe(). When you run observe initially it will have an initial query that will match everything and run into added.
It is also present when onReady hasn't yet fired but the collections are empty at that point so the initial ones aren't visible. This is mentioned in the docs
Before observe returns, added (or addedAt) will be called zero or more times to deliver the initial results of the query.
I'm not sure entirely how to avoid the initial items. I have done something like this in the past:
var QueryHandle = Collection.find().observe({
added: function() {
if(!QueryHandle) return false;
I know this works on the server but I'm not certain if it does on the client.
Another solution would be to run the handle before onReady is called and only stop returning if the subscription is complete: i.e
Meteor.subscribe("collection", function() {
subscribed = true;
var QueryHandle = Collection.find().observe({
added: function() {
if(!subscribed) return false;
Be careful not to run this in a Deps.autorun because then it would be run again if the .find() query params are reactive.
This might happen sometimes depending on how fast the server response. If you use Session it becomes a reactive hash so if it happens fast enough that subscribed returns true. Try using an ordinary variable instead.
If its not helpful there might be an alternative way to avoid the initial ones and a deeper level but it might take a dig into the livedata package.

What can cause event-handling closures to stop working?

I'll try to be as concise as possible. I have a number of objects in an array, and I'm applying event listeners to each one using closures:
//reduced to the logic in question:
buttons.forEach(function(button:EventDispatcher, i:int, list:Array):void {
button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, function(e:Event):void {
button.filters = [button_glow_filter];
//button-specific click handlers:
buttons[0].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICK, handle_some_action);
This works perfectly for a while, until I perform an unrelated action on the UI. It's a very complex system, so I'm not really sure what is happening. I can confirm that the unrelated action has no direct effect on the object that contains the buttons or the buttons themselves (at least, it's not changing anything via the public interfaces). The buttons still exist, and the click event listeners still work correctly because those are individually assigned real functions on the class's interface.
My question therefore is: does anyone know what can cause these closures to stop handling the MouseOver events without having any other perceptible effect on the related objects?
There are a number of ways to accomplish this MouseOver behavior, and for now I've switched to one that works, but I'd still like to know the answer to this question for future reference.
I figured out the likely culprit almost immediately after posting: garbage collection. It took just a couple of minutes to confirm. This is exactly what the useWeakReference parameter is for in the addEventListener interface; it defaults to true. By setting it to false, it prevents listeners assigned in this fashion from being garbage collected.
The correct code is:
buttons.forEach(function(button:EventDispatcher, i:int, list:Array):void {
button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, function(e:Event):void {
button.filters = [button_glow_filter];
}, false, 0, false);
