Common Lisp - Need help getting code to match sample output - common-lisp

I have a school assignment that I'm trying to figure out. We were given sample output that the program should produce but I don't understand how to reproduce the output. Basically we are supposed to insert a list into a table using an 'insert' function. 'insert' is to be defined like this:
insert(table name value)
Here is some sample input/output:
(setq list1 (insert nil 'name1 'value1))
(setq list2 (insert nil 'name2 'value2))
(setq list2 (insert list2 'name3 'value2))
The last setq call has me confused. The lists containing 'name1' and 'name2' have 'nil' as the table parameter. The list with 'name3' has list2 as the table parameter which means to insert it to the same table that has the list containing 'name2', but how could you program the function to do this? Does Lisp have a way of extracting symbol names from setq or something?

setq just sets the variable to the value returned by function insert.
The result of this function is either
1) a list containing a list (if the first parameter is nil)
? (list (list 'name1 'value1))
2) or a list containing a list is appended to an expression (if the first parameter is not nil):
? list2
? (append list2 (list (list 'name3 'value3)))
so the function could be expressed as
(defun insert (source name value)
(if source
(append source (list (list name value))) ; then branch (source is not nil)
(list (list name value)))) ; else branch (source is nil)
but since (list ...) is the same as (append nil (list ...))
? (list (list 'a 'b))
((A B))
? (append nil (list (list 'a 'b)))
((A B))
you can also just say
(defun insert (source name value)
(append source (list (list name value))))


How to implement recursion when defining a setf function?

From the book "ANSI Common Lisp", p. 100 ch 6.1 :
Suppose that a marble is a structure with a single field called color.
The function UNIFORM-COLOR takes a list of marbles and returns
their color, if they all have the same color, or nil if they have
different colors.
UNIFORM-COLOR is usable on a setf place in order to make the color
of each element of list of marbles be a specific color.
(defstruct marble color)
(defun uniform-color (lst &optional (color (and lst (marble-color (car lst)))))
(every #'(lambda (m) (equal (marble-color m) color)) lst))
(defun (setf uniform-color) (color lst)
(mapc #'(lambda (m) (setf (marble-color m) color)) lst))
How could you implement the defun (setf uniform) in a tail-recursive way instead of using the mapc applicative operator ?
This question is specific to the case of (defun (setf ...)), it is not a question about how recursion or tail-recursion work in general.
i guess you can just call setf recursively:
(defun (setf all-vals) (v ls)
(when ls
(setf (car ls) v)
(setf (all-vals (cdr ls)) v)))
CL-USER> (let ((ls (list 1 2 3 4)))
(setf (all-vals ls) :new-val)
this is how sbcl expands this:
(defun (setf all-vals) (v ls)
(if ls
(sb-kernel:%rplaca ls v)
(let* ((#:g328 (cdr ls)) (#:new1 v))
(funcall #'(setf all-vals) #:new1 #:g328)))))
For the specific case of marbles:
(defun (setf uniform-color) (color lst)
(when lst
(setf (marble-color (car lst)) color)
(setf (uniform-color (cdr lst)) color)))
General case
The answer is the same for setf functions and regular functions.
Let's say you have another function f that you want to call to print all the values in a list:
(defun f (list)
(mapc 'print list))
You can rewrite it recursively, you have to consider the two distinct case of recursion for a list, either it is nil or a cons cell:
(defun f (list)
(etypecase list
(null ...)
(cons ...)))
Typically in the null case (this is a type), you won't do anything.
In the general cons case (this is also a type), you have to process the first item and recurse:
(defun f (list)
(etypecase list
(null nil)
(print (first list))
(f (rest list)))))
The call to f is in tail position: its return value is the return value of the enclosing f, no other processing is done to the return value.
You can do the same with your function.
It looks like the setf function defined in the book does not return the value being set (the color), which is bad practice as far as I know:
all that is guaranteed is that the expansion is an update form that works for that particular implementation, that the left-to-right evaluation of subforms is preserved, and that the ultimate result of evaluating setf is the value or values being stored.
5.1.1 Overview of Places and Generalized Reference
Also, in your specific case you are subject to Other Compound Forms as Places, which also says:
A function named (setf f) must return its first argument as its only value in order to preserve the semantics of setf.
In other words (setf uniform-color) should return color.
But apart from that, the same section guarantees that a call to (setf (uniform-color ...) ...) expands into a call to the function named (setf uniform-color), so it can be a recursive function too. This could have been a problem if this was implemented as macro that expands into the body of your function, but fortunately this is not the case.
Setting all the colors in a list named marbles to "yellow" is done as follows:
(setf (uniform-color marbles) "yellow")
You can define (setf uniform-color) recursively by first setting the color of the first marble and then setting the color of the rest of the marbles.
A possible tail-recursive implementation that respects the semantics of setf is:
(defun (setf uniform-color) (color list)
(if list
(destructuring-bind (head . tail) list
(setf (marble-color head) color)
(setf (uniform-color tail) color))

Evaluating a List of Variables to a List of Their Values in Common Lisp

I am wondering how one can achieve the following. Suppose I have a list of variables that are bound by some let above. I would like to turn this list into a list of the values to which those variables are bound.
That is, suppose we have
(define make-plist-from-variables (variables)
(let ((keys variables)
(values (mapcar #'identity variables)))
(if (eq (length keys) (length values))
(make-plist keys values)
What can I use in place of #'identity to unpack those values properly?
At the moment, the following call produces the following output.
CL-USER> (let ((a 2) (b 3)) (make-plist-from-variables '(a b)))
(A A B B)
I would like it to be (A 2 B 3)
It needs to be a macro because there is no way to fetch a variable's lexical value based on its symbol.
(defmacro make-plist-from-variables (&rest variables)
(loop :for binding :in variables
:collect `',binding :into result
:collect binding :into result
:finally (return `(list ,#result))))
(macroexpand-1 '(make-plist-from-variables a b))
; ==> (list 'a a 'b b)
(let ((a 2) (b 3))
(make-plist-from-variables a b))
; ==> (a 2 b 3)
Implementation without loop using mapcan:
(defmacro make-plist-from-variables (&rest variables)
`(list ,#(mapcan (lambda (v) `(',v ,v)) variables))
Functions don't have access to the lexical environment of their callers.
More precisely, during evaluation you cannot access the values of lexical variables knowing only their symbols. Only macros have access to environment objects.
Special variables
You can use dynamic binding:
(defun foo ()
(declare (special a))
(symbol-value 'a))
(let ((a 3))
(declare (special a))
=> 3
In your case, you would collect the symbol along its value, by using SYMBOL-vaLUE on all your symbols.
Related to your question is how to dynamically bind variables to values where the variable names and/or values are known at evaluation time; see special operator PROGV.
You could obtain e.g. an association list by writing the following code:
(acons 'a a (acons 'b b nil))
Depending on the use case behind your question, you may want to have a macro that expands into such code, that references the variables you want to evaluate.

LISP Cannot take CAR of T

I am trying to evaluate each atom of a list and see if it's equal to the number provided and remove if its not but I am running into a slight problem.
I wrote the following code:
(defun equal1(V L)
(cond((= (length L) 0))
(T (cond( (not(= V (car(equal1 V (cdr L))))) (cdr L) )))
(equal1 5 '(1 2 3 4 5))
I obtain the following error
Error: Cannot take CAR of T.
If I add (write "hello") for the action if true, the following error is obtained:
Error: Cannot take CAR of "hello".
I'm still quite new to LISP and was wondering what exactly is going on and how could I fix this so I could evaluate each atom properly and remove it if its not, thus the cdr L for the action.
car and cdr are accessors of objects of type cons. Since t and "hello" are not cons you get an error message.
To fix it you need to know what types your function returns and not car unless you know that it's a cons
First off ident and clean up the code.. The nested cond are uneccesary since cond is a if-elseif-else structure by default:
(defun remove-number (number list)
(cond ((= (length list) 0)
((not (= number (car (remove-number number (cdr list)))))
(cdr list))))
I want you to notice I've added the default behaviour of returning t when a consequent is not given as we know = returns either t or nil so it returns t when the length is 0 in this case.
I've added the default case where none of the two previous predicates were truthy and it defaults to returning nil.
I've named it according to the functions used. = can only be used for numeric arguments and thus this will never work on symbols, strings, etc. You need to use equal if you were after values that look the same.
Looking at this now we can see that the functions return value is not very easy to reason about. We know that t, nil and list or any part of the tail of list are possible and thus doing car might not work or in the case of (car nil) it may not produce a number.
A better approach to doing this would be:
check if the list is empty, then return nil
check if the first element has the same numeric value as number, then recurse with rest of the list (skipping the element)
default case should make cons a list with the first element and the result fo the recursion with the rest of the list.
The code would look something like this:
(defun remove-number (number list)
(cond ((endp list) '())
((= (car list) number) (remove-number ...))
(t (cons ...))))
There are a couple of things you could do to improve this function.
Firstly, let's indent it properly
(defun equal1 (V L)
((= (length L) 0))
(T (cond
((not (= V (car (equal1 V (cdr L))))) (cdr L))))))
Rather than saying (= (length l) 0), you can use (zerop (length l)). A minor sylistic point. Worse is that branch returns no value. If the list L is empty what should we return?
The issue with the function is in the T branch of the first cond.
What we want to do is
remove any list item that is the same value as V
keep any item that is not = to V
The function should return a list.
The expression
((not (= V (car (equal1 V (cdr L))))) (cdr L)))
is trying (I think) to deal with both conditions 1 and 2. However it's clearly not working.
We have to recall that items are in a list and the result of the equal function needs to be a list. In the expression above the result of the function will be a boolean and hence the result of the function call will be boolean.
The function needs to step along each element of the list and when it sees a matching value, skip it, otherwise use the cons function to build the filtered output list.
Here is a skeleton to help you out. Notice we don't need the embedded cond and just have 3 conditions to deal with - list empty, filter a value out, or continue to build the list.
(defun equal-2 (v l)
((zerop (length L)) nil)
((= v (car l)) <something goes here>) ;skip or filter the value
(t (cons (car l) <something goes here>)))) ;build the output list
Of course, this being Common Lisp, there is a built-in function that does this. You can look into remove-if...

Common lisp hashtable

Task is to read N string like "name phone" and store in. Then find stored data with requests like "name".
My code stores names and numbers in hashtable, but after it doesn't find any values. Stored values checks with maphash (it shows all pairs key-value).
Function split-by-one-space is just utility.
(defparameter data (make-hash-table))
(defun split-by-one-space (string) ; to split string: "aaa bbb" -> (aaa bbb)
(loop for i = 0 then (1+ j)
as j = (position #\Space string :start i)
collect (subseq string i j)
while j))
(dotimes (i (read)) ; input data
(let* ((inp (read-line))
(raw (split-by-one-space inp))
(name (string (car raw)))
(phone (cadr raw)))
(format t "Adding: ~W ~W~%" name phone) ; debug
(setf (gethash name data) phone)))
(maphash #'(lambda (k v) (format t "~a => ~a~%" k v)) data) ; this show all stored data
(loop for line = (read-line *standard-input* nil :eof)
until (or (eq line :eof) (eq line nil))
(let ((key (gethash line data))) ; it cannot find anything. Why?
(format t "Searching: ~W~%" line) ; debug
(if (null key)
(format t "Not found~%")
(format t "~A=~A~%" (car key) (cdr key)))))
Sample input:
sam 99912222
tom 11122222
harry 12299933
Unless you specify a test function, hash tables will use eql to determine "is this key identical to that key".
(defvar *s1* "a string")
(defvar *s2* "a string")
(loop for pred in '(eq eql equal equalp)
do (format t "Using ~a, the result is ~a~%"
pred (funcall pred *s1* *s2*)))
This generates the output:
Using EQ, the result is NIL
Using EQL, the result is NIL
Using EQUAL, the result is T
Using EQUALP, the result is T
In this case, the main difference between equal and equalp is that the latter is case-insensitive, while the former is not. To use another test function, use the :test keyword and one of the found "standard" test functions. If you don't need case-insensitive matches, you would simply create your hash table like this: (make-hash-table :test #'equal).

In Common Lisp, how to define a generic data type specifier (like list of integers)?

I would like to define a type specifier that describes a list of things of the same type. So I would like to have (list-of integer) similar to (array integer) (which is built-in). I am able to create it for a specific type, like this:
(defun elements-are-integer (seq)
(every #'(lambda (x) (typep x 'integer)) seq))
(deftype list-of-integer ()
'(and list (satisfies elements-are-integer)))
However, this means I have to do this for every possible type. How can I change this code so that the type would take another type as an argument, and construct the satisfies predicate on the fly? The problem is that the satisfies requires a global symbol, and I don't know how to define the predicate function in proper context (I guess I need to gensym it somehow, but how?). Also, the solution should work so that the type could be created inside another package.
Try this:
(defun elements-are-of-type (seq type)
(every #'(lambda (x) (typep x type)) seq))
(deftype list-of-type (type)
(let ((predicate (gensym)))
(setf (symbol-function predicate)
#'(lambda (seq) (elements-are-of-type seq type)) )
`(and list (satisfies ,predicate)) ))
(typep '(1 2 3) '(list-of-type integer))
; -> T
(typep '(1 2 a) '(list-of-type integer))
; -> NIL
(typep '(a b c) '(list-of-type symbol))
; -> T
