Suppressing asdf:load-system console output - common-lisp

I have created a small project using Steel Bank Common Lisp and I am using ASDF to compile and load it. The load command is:
(asdf:load-system :<my-system>)
Everything works fine (the program gets compiled and runs fine) but I keep getting output like
; compiling file "[...].lisp" (written 13 APR 2014 06:20:03 PM):
; compiling (DEFPACKAGE :<my-package> ...)
; compiling (DEFUN <my-func-1> ...)
; compiling (DEFUN <my-func-2> ...)
; compiling (DEFUN <my-func-3> ...)
each time the program is recompiled.
I suppose this output comes from asdf because I am invoking the application with
sbcl --noinform --noprint --script runner_sbcl.lisp
where runner_sbcl.lisp loads the actual application via asdf:load-system. So I suppose
this output does not come from sbcl.
Is there any way to disable console output in asdf:load-system? I would like to be only notified about compilation errors / warnings.
I could not find any information in the documentation.

what about
(setf *load-verbose* nil)
(setf *load-print* nil)
(setf *compile-verbose* nil)
(setf *compile-print* nil)
Why are they set, anyway?

This is my workaround for a similar issue I had with quicklisp's ql:quickload.
(with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
;; asdf:load-system or ql:quickload..
(asdf:load-system :<your-system>))


Emacs SLIME Common Lisp Undefined variable

I'm following Practical Common Lisp Chapter 3 codes.
I've save the following codes to an external files:
(defvar *db* nil)
(defun make-cd (title artist rating ripped)
(list :title title :artist artist :rating rating :ripped ripped))
(defun add-record (cd) (push cd *db*))
(defun dump-db ()
(dolist (cd *db*)
(format t "\~{\~a:\~10t\~a\~%\~}\~%" cd)))
I keep getting the following error when I tried to compile it inside Emacs:
compilation unit finished ;
Undefined variable: ;
*DB* ;
caught 1 WARNING condition
Could someone explain to me what is wrong with the code?
What is the different between compiling the above code vs running each line under SLIME?
thanks in advance.
the following is what i tried:
If i try compile all the above codes (cursor at very end), i get the undefined variable warning.
if i try and compile
(defvar *db* nil)
then rest of the code, I don't get the undefined variable warning (i tried this just before posting, but i was not getting this result in previous attempt, or maybe i did something extra in those previous attempts...).
i think i understand why I'm not getting an error with the 2nd method because the *db* is in memory already.
See the SLIME manual: Compilation Commands
C-c C-c only compiles individual toplevel forms. See the documentation how to compile a region or file.
As the people commented - that was also my suspicion that you didn't run the compiling command for the entire buffer.
To compile the entire file/buffer, do: C-c C-k.
Or mark all the code you want by
C-S- and for up p, down n, back b, forward f to be run
and then call M-x slime-compile-region.

How to load an asdf system silently (without using quicklisp)? [duplicate]

I have created a small project using Steel Bank Common Lisp and I am using ASDF to compile and load it. The load command is:
(asdf:load-system :<my-system>)
Everything works fine (the program gets compiled and runs fine) but I keep getting output like
; compiling file "[...].lisp" (written 13 APR 2014 06:20:03 PM):
; compiling (DEFPACKAGE :<my-package> ...)
; compiling (DEFUN <my-func-1> ...)
; compiling (DEFUN <my-func-2> ...)
; compiling (DEFUN <my-func-3> ...)
each time the program is recompiled.
I suppose this output comes from asdf because I am invoking the application with
sbcl --noinform --noprint --script runner_sbcl.lisp
where runner_sbcl.lisp loads the actual application via asdf:load-system. So I suppose
this output does not come from sbcl.
Is there any way to disable console output in asdf:load-system? I would like to be only notified about compilation errors / warnings.
I could not find any information in the documentation.
what about
(setf *load-verbose* nil)
(setf *load-print* nil)
(setf *compile-verbose* nil)
(setf *compile-print* nil)
Why are they set, anyway?
This is my workaround for a similar issue I had with quicklisp's ql:quickload.
(with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
;; asdf:load-system or ql:quickload..
(asdf:load-system :<your-system>))

sdl2:load-bmp Problem with current working directory, common-lisp

While trying to work through cl-sdl2-tutorial, I'm having trouble loading a bitmap due to a wrong current working directory.
I'd like to get a proper solution to the problem using relative path names.
A minimal working example:
Having modified the code of example two from above mentioned tutorial.
(defpackage #:sdl2-tutorial-2
(:use :common-lisp)
(:export :main))
(in-package :sdl2-tutorial-2)
(defparameter *screen-width* 640)
(defparameter *screen-height* 480)
(defmacro with-window-surface ((window surface) &body body)
`(sdl2:with-init (:video)
(sdl2:with-window (,window
:title "SDL2 Tutorial"
:w *screen-width*
:h *screen-height*
:flags '(:shown))
(let ((,surface (sdl2:get-window-surface ,window)))
(defun main(&key (delay 2000))
(format t " cwd: ~a, ~% dpd: ~a, ~& e-p: ~a, ~% pf: ~a, ~& load: ~a"
(uiop:file-exists-p "hello_world.bmp")
(probe-file "hello_world.bmp")
(sdl2:load-bmp "hello_world.bmp"))
(with-window-surface (window screen-surface)
(let ((image (sdl2:load-bmp "hello_world.bmp")))
(break "1 here with ~a~%" image)
(setf image (sdl2:load-bmp "hello_world.bmp"))
(break "2 here with ~a~%" image)
(break "3 error: ~a~%" (sdl2-ffi.functions:sdl-get-error))
(sdl2:blit-surface image
(sdl2:update-window window)
(sdl2:with-event-loop (:method :poll)
(:quit () t)
(:idle ()
(sdl2:delay delay))))))
Before compiling above code and running (main), I changed working directory in the REPL, via:
(sb-posix:chdir (truename "/test/cl-sdl2-tutorial/2/"))
(setf *default-pathname-defaults* (truename "/test/cl-sdl2-tutorial/2/"))
The above code prints, as expected, when running (main) in the REPL:
SDL2-TUTORIAL-2> (sdl2-tutorial-2:main)
cwd: /test/cl-sdl2-tutorial/2,
dpd: /test/cl-sdl2-tutorial/2/,
e-p: /test/cl-sdl2-tutorial/2/hello_world.bmp,
pf: /test/cl-sdl2-tutorial/2/hello_world.bmp,
load: #<SDL-SURFACE {#X7F5CBC018DD0}>
The bitmap can not be found and therefore not loaded.
Calls to (sdl2:load-bmp "hello_world.bmp") always return a a zero pointer (#<SDL-SURFACE {#X00000000}>) and breakpoint 3 states:
3 error: Couldn't open /home/jue/hello_world.bmp
but evaling (sdl2:load-bmp "hello_world.bmp") during a break from breakpoints 1 or 2 or 3, is successful and continuing (main) displays the picture.
Why is sdl2:load-bmp using the "wrong" working directory and why is it using the "correct" working directory during breakpoints?
How to make sdl2:load-bmp use the wanted working directory (instead of "/home/jue/") when using relative paths?
(I'm using current released versions of sbcl, Emacs, sly on a Linux machine, if that matters. I'm only intermediate experienced with Common Lisp and its development environment, but advanced at elisp)
I suspect but don't know that the problem is that the sdl2 library is doing fanciness with threads, with the result that the working directory isn't what you think.
The solution to this in my experience is never to let the implementation second-guess you like that. In any case where there's some interface which says "do something to a file" give it an absolute pathname so it has no chance to do any thinking of its own. Do something like.
(defparameter *where-my-bitmaps-live* (merge-pathnames
(pathname "lib/bitmaps/")
(defun load-a-bitmap (name)
(load-bmp (merge-pathnames (pathname name) *where-my-bitmaps-live*)))
And now it really has no excuse.
(You want to check that the above pathname-mergery is actually right: it seems to be for me but I forget the details of pathname rules every time I look away for more than a few minutes).

Error: Unbound variable: *AJAX-PROCESSOR* using HT-SIMPLE-AJAX

I'm using HT-SIMPLE-AJAX to provide a simple JSON structure over AJAX. It works beautifully if the function defined by defun-ajaxis compiled after the lisp image and the server is started.
If I load the lisp program (with ccl --load) with the function defined, I get this error:
Error: Unbound variable: *AJAX-PROCESSOR*
While executing: #, in process listener(1).
Type :GO to continue, :POP to abort, :R for a list of available restarts.
If continued: Skip loading "/home/hunchentoot/quicklisp/local-projects/gac-man/run.lisp"
Type :? for other options.
The function is as follows:
(defun-ajax machine-info (serial) (*ajax-processor*)
(let* ((serialn (remove #\" serial)))
(concatenate 'string
"Lots of boring stuff" "here")))
The ajax processor is created in another function, called at the start of the program:
(defun start ()
(defvar *web-server* (start (make-instance 'hunchentoot:easy-acceptor :port 8080
:document-root #p"~/www/")))
(defvar *ajax-processor*
(make-instance 'ajax-processor :server-uri "/ajax"))
(print "Starting web server...")
(setf *show-lisp-errors-p* t
*show-lisp-backtraces-p* t)
(define-easy-handler (docroot :uri "/") () (docroot)
(setq *dispatch-table* (list 'dispatch-easy-handlers
(create-ajax-dispatcher *ajax-processor*)))))
And yet if I start everything and then compile in the function through slime later, it works just fine. Why is this error occurring?
I'm using Clozure Common Lisp on 64-bit Linux.
It seems that your defun-ajax form is loaded before the start function has run. That is not surprising. Usually, all code is loaded, and only then the entry point is called.
You should always be very suspicious of defvar, defun, defparameter etc. forms appearing in a function body. They don't belong there. Put them as toplevel forms, so they are loaded as part of the program. Most of the things defined during the run of the start function shown should really be toplevel forms.

Inferior-lisp not responding on sldb-quit

I just started learning common lisp, so excuse me if lisp terminology is a bit off. I installed slime and am using Clozure CL. ccl is working just fine. When I enter a wrong expression, the debugger opens (slbc ccl/1 buffer). When I enter q, the debugger buffer closes, and then the inferior-lisp buffer does not respond. Why is that?
and if I want to continue work, I seem to have to restart inferior-lisp, what is it I am doing wring?
I just wanted to say put out the solution I found.
I had followed the instructions in the slime's user manual (from here), I used MALPA repository to install slime.
As PuercoPop's says in the comments, i should land in a slime-repl buffer, which I didn't have by default. I did some further digging and learnt that i have to add a few more line to my .emacs file for the slime-repl buffer to load. The line needed was
(slime-setup '(slime-fancy))
My final .emacs file looks like this:
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("melpa" . ""))
(when (< emacs-major-version 24)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("gnu" . "")))
(setq package-enable-at-startup nil)
(setq inferior-lisp-program "F:/Binaries/ccl/wx86cl64.exe")
(setq slime-auto-connect 'ask)
(setq slime-net-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
(require 'slime)
'(slime-fancy slime-asdf slime-references slime-indentation slime-xref-browser)
