Firing CDI event from interceptor class - ejb

Is it possible to fire CDI events from within a interceptor ? (Using Jboss 7.1.1)
For example, if I have an interceptor PerformanceLogInterceptor
public class ProcessHandler extends HandlerBase {
Could it fire an event as such:
public class PerformanceLogInterceptor {
private Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger("PerformanceLog");
PerformanceMonitor performanceMonitor;
Event<ExceptionEvent> exceptionEvent;
public Object performanceLog( InvocationContext invocationContext ) throws Exception {
String methodName = invocationContext.getMethod().toString();
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
return invocationContext.proceed();
} catch( Exception e ) {
LOG.warn( "During invocation of: {} exception occured: {}", methodName, Throwables.getRootCause(e).getMessage() );
performanceMonitor.addException( methodName, e );
Exception toSend;
if(e instanceof EfsobExceptionInformation ){
toSend = e;
} else {
LOG.debug("Wrapping exception");
EfsobExceptionWrapper wrapped = new EfsobExceptionWrapper(e);
toSend = wrapped;
if(exceptionEvent != null) {
LOG.debug("sending exceptionEvent"); ExceptionEventBuilder()
} else {
LOG.debug("exceptionEvent was null");
throw toSend;
} finally {
long total = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
performanceMonitor.addPerformanceMetrics(methodName, total);
Note: exceptionEvent is null at runtime in the Above.

I moved it into an Async block of the PerformanceMonitor bean referenced above.... and then it works (WAT?)
public class PerformanceMonitor {
Event<ExceptionEvent> exceptionEvent;
private Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger("PerformanceMonitor");
public void addException(String methodName, Exception e) {
if(exceptionEvent != null) {
LOG.debug("sending exceptionEvent"); ExceptionEventBuilder()
} else {
LOG.debug("exceptionEvent was null");


Why I need to add some delay while making concurrent request in streaming gRPC? (Java) to get output

public void testType() throws InterruptedException {
Integer num = 15;
String name = "Sahil";
Float percentage = 96.7f;
DOB dob = DOB.newBuilder().setDay(20).setMonth(8).setYear(2022).build();
ArrayList<Object> objects = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(num,name,percentage,dob));
TypeRequest.Builder builder = TypeRequest.newBuilder();
StreamObserver<TypeResponse> typeResponseStreamObserver = new StreamObserver<TypeResponse>() {
public void onNext(TypeResponse typeResponse) {
"Type : " + typeResponse.getType()
public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
System.out.println("Error : "+throwable);
public void onCompleted() {
System.out.println("Finished all requests");
StreamObserver<TypeRequest> typeRequestStreamObserver = this.calculatorServiceStub.getType(typeResponseStreamObserver);
for(Object obj : objects){
if (obj instanceof Integer){
builder.setNum((Integer) obj);
} else if (obj instanceof String) {
builder.setName((String) obj);
} else if (obj instanceof Float) {
builder.setFNum((Float) obj);
} else if (obj instanceof DOB) {
builder.setDob((DOB) obj);
// --------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------
If I did not add any delay then the output console is just blank. Testing with tools like BloomRPC and Postman it works fine,
but for this I don't know why this is happening?
Any little help will be very helpful. I appreciate it.

Confluent Kafka consumer consumes messages only after changing groupId

I have a .Net core console application, that uses Confluent.Kafka.
I build a consumer for consuming messages from specific topic.
the app is intended to run a few times every-day, consume the messages on the specified topic and process them.
It took me a while to understand the consumer's vehavior, but the it will consume messages only if its groupId is a one that was never in use before.
Every time I change the consumer's groupId - the comsumer will fetch the messages in the subscribed topic. But on the next runs - with same groupId - the consumer.Consume returns null.
This behvior seems rlated to rebalance between consumers on same group. But I don't understand why - since the consumer should exist only throughout the application liftime. Before leaving the app, I call to consumer.close() and consumer.Dispose(). These should destoy the consumer, so that on the next run, when I create the consumer, again it will be the first and single consumer on the specified groupId. But as I said, this is not what happens in fact.
I know there are messages on the topic - I check it via command-line. And I also made sure the topic has only 1 partition.
The most weird thing is, that I have another .net core console app, which does the same process - and with no issue at all.
I attach the codes of the 2 apps.
Working app - always consuming:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length != 2)
Console.WriteLine("Please provide topic name to read and SMTP topic name");
var services = new ServiceCollection();
services.AddSingleton<ConsumerConfig, ConsumerConfig>();
services.AddSingleton<ProducerConfig, ProducerConfig>();
var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
var cConfig = serviceProvider.GetService<ConsumerConfig>();
var pConfig = serviceProvider.GetService<ProducerConfig>();
cConfig.BootstrapServers = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("consumer_bootstrap_servers");
cConfig.GroupId = "confluence-consumer";
cConfig.EnableAutoCommit = true;
cConfig.StatisticsIntervalMs = 5000;
cConfig.SessionTimeoutMs = 6000;
cConfig.AutoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Earliest;
cConfig.EnablePartitionEof = true;
pConfig.BootstrapServers = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("producer_bootstrap_servers");
var consumer = new ConsumerHelper(cConfig, args[0]);
messages = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, UserMsg>>();
var result = consumer.ReadMessage();
while (result != null && !result.IsPartitionEOF)
Console.WriteLine($"Current consumed msg-json: {result.Message.Value}");
result = consumer.ReadMessage();
Console.WriteLine($"Done consuming messages from topic {args[0]}");
class ConsumerHelper.cs
namespace AggregateMailing
using System;
using Confluent.Kafka;
public class ConsumerHelper
private string _topicName;
private ConsumerConfig _consumerConfig;
private IConsumer<string, string> _consumer;
public ConsumerHelper(ConsumerConfig consumerConfig, string topicName)
_topicName = topicName;
_consumerConfig = consumerConfig;
var builder = new ConsumerBuilder<string, string>(_consumerConfig);
_consumer = builder.Build();
catch (System.Exception exc)
Console.WriteLine($"Error on ConsumerHelper: {exc.ToString()}");
public ConsumeResult<string, string> ReadMessage()
Console.WriteLine("ReadMessage: start");
return _consumer.Consume();
catch (System.Exception exc)
Console.WriteLine($"Error on ReadMessage: {exc.ToString()}");
return null;
public void Close()
Console.WriteLine("Close: start");
catch (System.Exception exc)
Console.WriteLine($"Error on Close: {exc.ToString()}");
Not working app - consuming only on first run after changing consumer groupId to one never in use:
class Program.cs
class Program
private static SmtpClient smtpClient;
private static Random random = new Random();
static void Main(string[] args)
var services = new ServiceCollection();
services.AddSingleton<ConsumerConfig, ConsumerConfig>();
services.AddSingleton<SmtpClient>(new SmtpClient(""));
var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
var cConfig = serviceProvider.GetService<ConsumerConfig>();
cConfig.BootstrapServers = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("consumer_bootstrap_servers");
cConfig.GroupId = "smtp-consumer";
cConfig.EnableAutoCommit = true;
cConfig.StatisticsIntervalMs = 5000;
cConfig.SessionTimeoutMs = 6000;
cConfig.AutoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Earliest;
cConfig.EnablePartitionEof = true;
var consumer = new ConsumerHelper(cConfig, args[0]);
var result = consumer.ReadMessage();
while (result != null && !result.IsPartitionEOF)
Console.WriteLine($"current consumed message: {result.Message.Value}");
var msg = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<EmailMsg>(result.Message.Value);
result = consumer.ReadMessage();
Console.WriteLine("Done sending emails consumed from SMTP topic");
catch (System.Exception exc)
Console.WriteLine($"Error on Main: {exc.ToString()}");
class ConsumerHelper.cs
using Confluent.Kafka;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Mailer
public class ConsumerHelper
private string _topicName;
private ConsumerConfig _consumerConfig;
private IConsumer<string, string> _consumer;
public ConsumerHelper(ConsumerConfig consumerConfig, string topicName)
_topicName = topicName;
_consumerConfig = consumerConfig;
var builder = new ConsumerBuilder<string, string> (_consumerConfig);
_consumer = builder.Build();
//_consumer.Assign(new TopicPartition(_topicName, 0));
catch (System.Exception exc)
Console.WriteLine($"Error on ConsumerHelper: {exc.ToString()}");
public ConsumeResult<string, string> ReadMessage()
Console.WriteLine("ConsumeResult: start");
return _consumer.Consume();
catch (System.Exception exc)
Console.WriteLine($"Error on ConsumeResult: {exc.ToString()}");
return null;
public void Close()
Console.WriteLine("Close: start");
catch (System.Exception exc)
Console.WriteLine($"Error on Close: {exc.ToString()}");
Console.WriteLine("Close: end");

Send Data to HTML Template through Spring AOP?

I'd like to wrap all the controller methods using Spring AOP for Error Handling.
But, How to send e.getMessage() in catch block to ${errorMessage} in error.html properly?
Thanks for the response!
#Pointcut("within(com.test.mvc.controller.*) && #within(org.springframework.stereotype.Controller)")
public void controllerLayer() {
#Pointcut("execution(public String *(..))")
public void publicMethod() {
#Pointcut("controllerLayer() && publicMethod()")
public void controllerPublicMethod() {
public String processRequest(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) {
try {
return (String) joinPoint.proceed();
} catch (Throwable e) {"{}", e.getMessage());
return "error.html";
<h1>Something went wrong!</h1>
<h3 th:text="'Error Message: ' + ${errorMessage}"></h3>
Following aspect can set the request attribute to display errorMessage.
public Object processRequest(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) {
Object object=null;
try {
object = joinPoint.proceed();
} catch (Throwable e) {
RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes().setAttribute("errorMessage",e.getMessage(),0); // scope 0 - request , 1 - session
return "error.html";
return object;
I recommend you please explore the possibilities of #ControllerAdvice

Circuit Breaker with gRPC

In a REST service adding a circuit breaker with hystrix, I could do the following:
#HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "getBackupResult")
#GetMapping(value = "/result")
public ResponseEntity<ResultDto> getResult(#RequestParam("request") String someRequest) {
ResultDto resultDto = service.parserRequest(someRequest);
return new ResponseEntity<>(resultDto, HttpStatus.OK);
public ResponseEntity<ResultDto> getBackupResult(#RequestParam("request") String someRequest) {
ResultDto resultDto = new ResultDto();
return new ResponseEntity<>(resultDto, HttpStatus.OK);
Is there something similar I can do for the gRPC call?
public void parseRequest(ParseRequest request, StreamObserver<ParseResponse> responseObserver) {
try {
ParseResponse parseResponse = service.parseRequest(request.getSomeRequest());
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Failed to execute parse request.", e);
responseObserver.onError(new StatusException(Status.INTERNAL));
I solved my problem by implementing the circuit-breaker on my client. I used the sentinel library
To react on exceptions ratio for example I added this rule:
private static final String KEY = "callGRPC";
private void callGRPC(List<String> userAgents) {
ManagedChannel channel = ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress(grpcHost, grpcPort).usePlaintext()
for (String userAgent : userAgents) {
Entry entry = null;
try {
entry = SphU.entry(KEY);
UserAgentServiceGrpc.UserAgentServiceBlockingStub stub
= UserAgentServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub(channel);
UserAgentParseRequest request = UserAgentRequest.newBuilder().setUserAgent(userAgent).build();
UserAgentResponse userAgentResponse = stub.getUserAgentDetails(request);
} catch (BlockException e) {
logger.error("Circuit-breaker is on and the call has been blocked");
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.error("Exception was thrown", t);
} finally {
if (entry != null) {
private void initDegradeRule() {
List<DegradeRule> rules = new ArrayList<DegradeRule>();
DegradeRule rule = new DegradeRule();

Is there any difference betweent ctx.disconnect() and ctx.close() in netty? What are those two function application scenarios?

public void userEventTriggered(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object evt) throws Exception {
super.userEventTriggered(ctx, evt);
if (evt instanceof IdleStateEvent) {
IdleStateEvent event = (IdleStateEvent) evt;
if (event.state().equals(IdleState.READER_IDLE)) {
Do I need invoke ctx.disconnect() before ctx.close()?
