CSS - Set Content of Second Element Using ~ to Title of First - css

I am attempting to create a tooltip system using CSS and a very small amount of JavaScript. So far I have created a structure that goes as follows:
<div class="tooltip" title="foo"></div>
<div class="tooltip" title="bar"></div>
<span id="tooltip-span"></span>
I have created several CSS styles so that the tooltip span is shown on hover and a little bit of JavaScript moves the tooltip to the correct location depending on the mouse position.
However, I have had trouble attempting to make the tooltip's content correspond to the div being hovered over. I have tried using the following CSS, but to no avail:
.tooltip:hover ~ #tooltip-span {
display: inline;
content: attr(title);
Is there any way to make the span element have the content of the title of the div being hovered over using CSS?
Thanks for reading!

With pure CSS, no. content: attr(title) sets the content to the title attribute of the matched element, which in your case is #tooltip-span.
To have that work in the way you want, you'd need to update the title attribute of <span id="tooltip-span"></span> using Javascript.


Add a custom style to the component in Angular

I am still new in angular 7. I have a form with title directive and div. I am trying to set both of them in same row with 49% width in side the form. The div style work fine but in the title component doesn't take the style. the problem is i need to change the title directive only in the current form. is there any way to do that?
many thanks
<form #taskForm="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">
<my-title [style.width]='49%' [title]="'title.page'" [wikiUrl]='wikiUrl' icon="work">
<div [style.width]='49%'>
Add px which almost equals to 49%.
<div [ngStyle]="{'width.px': 490px}">
If you want to set a width in percent you can also use the following syntax:
<div [style.width.%]="49">...</div>
The real problem however seems to be that the 'my-title' component is not responding to the width rule. This is probably because 'my-title' is not a known html tag and so there is no default rendering behavior in the browser for it.
If you want your component tag to behave like a block element (that is what a div element is rendered like) then you just have to apply the rule display: block; to it.
Since your component tag is not part of your template, but the wapper for it you can either apply the following style to the parent component that is using the 'my-title' component:
/* this will not work inside the css file of the 'my-title' component:*/
my-title {
display: block;
...or you can use the :host selector in the css/scss file of the 'my-title' component, which is probably better in this case:
:host {
display: block;

How can I :hover over different links in one line while getting the spacing correct?

I have the top bar of my page set up as follows: Home | Contact Us etc..
It lies within a p tag inside a div id.
How would i go about setting up the :hover css on each link without having to separate them into different classes such as how I have them at the moment. Is it possible?
I don't think i used the correct css because i couldn't position them correctly without having to use different padding parameters for each class which makes the spacing look inaccurate.
via codepen: http://codepen.io/Hafkamp/pen/jabmE
<div id="topinfo">
<div class="home"><p>Home |</p></div>
<div class="about"><p>About |</p></div>
<div class="contactUs"><p>Contact Us |</p></div>
<div class="map"><p>Map |</p></div>
</div><!--/topinfo tag-->
.home p{padding-right:250px;}
#topbar .home p:hover{color:rgba(255,255,255,1)}
Is there an easier way to do this that is not so tedious. This method also causes the divider to have the hover effect which is not desirable.
The best way of defining menus in a page is to use "ul" and "li" tags. But if you still want to use with tag you have to use it this way:
.home_link, .about_link, .contact_link{color: red;}
.home_link:hover, .about_link:hover, .contact_link:hover {color: blue;}`
I would give them all the same class, say topitem, and use a rule like this:
.topitem:hover p {
Although really, I would get rid of the interior <p> tag and reduce the selector to .topitem:hover – the text is already wrapped in a <div>, so why wrap it again? (But see Zinnia's note about the convention of using <ul> and <li> instead of nested <div>s.)

Creating a div (with background image) into a link

I'm trying to make my little icons on this page (http://www.alinewbury.com/contact.html) into links.
They're each in a div separately, but whenever I try to do:
<div class="social-btn pinterest"></div>
It doesn't seem to work! How can I link these icons to the respective websites?
The Div is supposed to be inside the Anchor tag.
Check Anchor tag usage
To make the icon click able you have to fix some issues. First of all your icons are not really linked. you can see the Hand cursor because the property defined in the class .social-btn
To make a icon clickable you should follow this approach. put the text inside a tag a better approach also you have to change the font-size:0
.social-btn a
padding: 22px;
font-size: 0;
your HTML should be like this.
<div class="social-btn pinterest">

Best replacement for font tag in html

Since the font tag in HTML is being deprecated in HTML5 (and I understand why) is there a clean solution for applying certain attributes and styles to only portions of a paragraph text? I'm using JavaScript to parse an XML file that relies on the fact that the font tag allows portions of wrapping text to be formatted using class-based CSS. I realize the "anchor" (a) tag could also be used for this purpose, but that way seems very backwards and unnatural.
When I asked this question (a couple years ago now) I was failing to understand that every DOM element falls into a display category, the two primary categories being:
block - insists on taking up its own row
inline - falls in line with other inline elements or text
HTML offers two generic container elements, each of which by default adheres to one of these display values; div for block display, and span for inline display.
The span element is the perfect way to designate a certain chunk of text and give it a unique style or ID because you can wrap it around part of a larger paragraph without breaking the selected contents into a new row.
The span tag would be the best way.
Although inline CSS is typically not recommended, here is an example:
This is my <span style="font-weight:bold">paragraph</span>.
span and div are similar, but the div tag is a block element, so it will cause line-breaks. span is an inline tag that can be used inline with your text.
<span class="yourstyle">
Text in your style
.yourstyle {
color: red;
you could use a <span> tag
<p>here is your paragraph text and it goes on and on and on..... and now
lets start some <span>formatted text.</span> here is another<span>section
of formatted text</span> here is unformatted text<p>
you can either do inline styles such as <span style="color: #000000; font-family: calibri, arial, helvetica;"> or you can just apply a class to your span, like <span class="textformat1" and <span class="textformat2">. then just apply different css rules based on the class.
.textformat1 {
color: red;
.textformat2 {
color: blue;
hope this helps
Always use css files to hold your code which will be considered "universal" for each element you set. When you want to set for a specific, lets say <span> element. You would do just as Adam Plocher said above, use the style="" attribute for the <span>element.

Using a font-awesome stacked icon in a link

I am trying to use an icon-stack inside of a link. When I just use a single icon, everything works as normal. But when trying to use a stacked icon, it doesn't appear in the link like a single icon would.
The first method I am using is:
<span class="icon-stack"><i class="icon-circle icon-stack-base"></i><i class="icon-twitter"></i></span>tweetthis
Seen: Broken Stacked Icon
That gives me something where the two icons are both left-aligned (off center) and the icons appear over top of the text.
I had thought that including the span with the icon-stack class in place of a single <i> would be the way to do it, but it's not. This works fine:
<i class="icon-circle"></i><i class="icon-twitter"></i>tweetthis
Seen: Inline icons
I am not sure where to put the container <span>, or if there needs to be more styles added to it. I've tried various combinations. Setting the a to display:block doesn't help (there are no other styles applied to the link).
When there is no text in the link, the result is the same. Setting the .icon-stack container class to display:block does help it work, but it's not perfect since the base icon is so much bigger than the icon on top.
It this something that is possible? Or am I pushing the limits of how stacked icons should be used?
Here you go..
<a href="http://google.com">
<span class="icon-stack">
<i class="icon-check-empty icon-stack-base"></i>
<i class="icon-twitter"></i>
link text
Span set to inline-block to ensure that the icon stays in place
body {
a {
span.icon-stack {
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/aB4nU/1/
This is fixed in 3.2.1-wip branch. Or you can wait for the release tomorrow. :)
