a = 0;
For[z = 0, z < 3, z++, Sol[a] = x /. Solve[z^2 + x == 10, x];
a = a + 1;]
I am new to the mathematica so I'm experimenting with it.Answer of the problem changes at every loop so I stored them inside an array.
I can see the numeric results using Do[Print[Sol[a]], {a, 0, 2}]; but how can I plot the results I tried using Plot[Sol[[a]], {a, 0, 2}] but it didn't work.
func = z^2 + x == 10;
sol = Solve[func, x];
Plot[x /. sol, {z, 0, 3}]
I need to scale something like [MINs, 0, MAXs] to [MINa, STARTa, MAXa]
So, given MINs, MAXs, MINa, STARTa, MAXa: I need f that solves:
f(MINs) = MINa
f(0) = STARTa
f(MAXs) = MAXa
Any ideas on how to get f?
As an example:
MINa = -80, STARTa = 10, MAXa = 110, MINs = -32768, MAXs = 32767
I have to create a dataframe representing a unit square, shaped by 10 000 points. In orderd to achieve that, I need all the combinations between (coordinates) x and y, where each one goes from 0 to 1,00. The result should be something like this:
x y
1 0,01 0,01
2 0,01 0,02
n 0,12 0,04
10000 1,00 1,00
I would be very glad if you can help me.
10 000 points are just a 100x100 square.
Here I fix the value of y and describe the 100 values of x for this possibility.
To do this:
x = rep(seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 100), times = 100)
y = rep(seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 100), each = 100)
Using #Heroka's suggestion, for the same output:
df<- expand.grid(x = seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 100),
y = seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 100)
I want to plot a polyhedron, which is described by the following inequalities:
It is a linear program. The objective function is:
The polyhedron is the feasible region for this program.
I am able to plot the inequalities as planes, which should describe the polyhedron
(Note that this is my first try with rgl, so the code is kinda messy. if you want to improve it, please feel free to do so):
# setup
x <- seq(0,9,length=20)*seq(0,9,length=20)
y <- x
t <- x
f1 <- function(x,y){y=70-0.8*x}
z1 <- outer(x,y,f1)
f2 <- function(x,y){500/9-x/3-(5*y)/9}
z2 <- outer(x,y,f2)
f3 <- function(x,y){t=50-(2*y)/3}
z3 <- outer(x,y,f3)
# plot planes with rgl
uM = matrix(c(0.72428817, 0.03278469, -0.68134511, 0,
-0.6786808, 0.0555667, -0.7267077, 0,
0.01567543, 0.99948466, 0.05903265, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1),
4, 4)
open3d(userMatrix = uM, windowRect = c(0, 0, 400, 400))
light3d(diffuse="gray10", specular="gray25")
rgl.light(theta = 0, phi = 0, viewpoint.rel = TRUE, ambient = "#FFFFFF",
diffuse = "#FFFFFF", specular = "#FFFFFF", x=30, y=30, z=40)
rgl.light(theta = 0, phi = 0, viewpoint.rel = TRUE, ambient = "#FFFFFF",
diffuse = "#FFFFFF", specular = "#FFFFFF", x=0, y=0, z=0)
xlim=c(0,100), ylim=c(0,100), zlim=c(0,100),
xlab='x', ylab='y', zlab='z',
ltheta=100, shade=0, ticktype = "simple")
surface3d(x, y, z2, col='orange', alpha=1)
surface3d(t, y, z1, col='pink', alpha=1, smooth=TRUE)
Now I want to plot the region that is described by the planes with
But I don't know how to do it. I tried to do it like this:
x <- seq(0,9,length=20)*seq(0,9,length=20)
y <- x
z <- x
f4 <- function(x,y,t){
cond1 <- 3*x+5*y+9*z<=500
cond2 <- 4*x+5*z<=350
cond3 <- 2*y+3*z<=150
ifelse(cond1, 3*x+5*y+9*z,
ifelse(cond2, 4*x+5*z,
ifelse(cond3, 2*y+3*z,0)))
z4 <- outer(x,y,z,f4) # ERROR
But this is the point where I'm stuck. outer() is defined only for 2 variables, but I have three. How can I move on from here?
You can compute the vertices of the polyhedron by intersecting the planes 3 at a time
(some of the intersections are outside the polyhedron, because of other inequalities:
you have to check those as well).
Once you have the vertices, you can try to connect them.
To identify which are on the boundary, you can take the middle of the segment,
and check if any inequality is satisfied as an equality.
# Write the inequalities as: planes %*% c(x,y,z,1) <= 0
planes <- matrix( c(
3, 5, 9, -500,
4, 0, 5, -350,
0, 2, 3, -150,
-1, 0, 0, 0,
0, -1, 0, 0,
0, 0, -1, 0
), nc = 4, byrow = TRUE )
# Compute the vertices
n <- nrow(planes)
vertices <- NULL
for( i in 1:n )
for( j in 1:n)
for( k in 1:n )
if( i < j && j < k ) try( {
# Intersection of the planes i, j, k
vertex <- solve(planes[c(i,j,k),-4], -planes[c(i,j,k),4] )
# Check that it is indeed in the polyhedron
if( all( planes %*% c(vertex,1) <= 1e-6 ) ) {
vertices <- rbind( vertices, vertex )
} )
# For each pair of points, check if the segment is on the boundary, and draw it
m <- nrow(vertices)
for( i in 1:m )
for( j in 1:m )
if( i < j ) {
# Middle of the segment
p <- .5 * vertices[i,] + .5 * vertices[j,]
# Check if it is at the intersection of two planes
if( sum( abs( planes %*% c(p,1) ) < 1e-6 ) >= 2 )
How can I scale a set of values to fit a new range if they include negative numbers?
For example, I have a set of numbers (-10, -9, 1, 4, 10) which have to scaled to a range [0 1], such that -10 maps to 0, and 10 maps to 1.
The regular method for an arbitrary number 'x' would be:
(x - from_min) * (to_max - to_min) / (from_max - from_min) + to_min
but this does not work for negative numbers. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!!
I believe id does; in your example,
from_min = -10,
from_max = 10,
to_max = 1,
to_min = 0.
This yields
to_max - to_min = 1,
from_max - from_min = 20;
So using the formula
x -> (x - from_min) * (to_max - to_min) / (from_max - from_min) + to_min
= (x - from_min) * 1 / 20 + 0
= (x - from_min) / 20
-10 -> (-10 + 10) / 20 = 0 / 20,
-9 -> (-9 + 10) / 20 = 1 / 20,
1 -> (1 + 10) / 20 = 11 / 20,
4 -> (4 + 10) / 20 = 14 / 20,
10 -> (10 + 10) / 20 = 20 / 20,
so all the resulting values are nonnegative. Furthermore, the original minimum -10 maps to to_min = 0 and the original maximum 10 maps to to_max = 1. If this doesn't work in your implementation, check if you mixed up integral types and floating-point types.
Your formula works fine for negative numbers.
You have:
from_min = -10
from_max = 10
to_min = 0
to_max = 1
Substituting these into your formula:
(x - (-10)) * (1 - 0) / (10 - (-10)) + 0
Which simplifies to:
(x + 10) / 20