Installing Wp-Plugin without FTP Access - wordpress

I have wordpress site on my server which only uses sftp.
I want to install and upgrade plugins, but it appears that you are required to enter your ftp login to install the plugins. Is there a way to install and upgrade plugins by manually uploading the files instead of having wordpress handle the entire process?

define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');
to your wp-config.php
And it will be fine

You can install a plugin by simply uploading to the plugins directory and unpacking it. '/wp-content/plugins'. Note that you will still have to enable the plugin normally in Wordpress admin.


How to install plugin in wordpress after following error?

I am trying to install the wordpress plugin in my localhost wordpress. I am getting the following error whenever I try to install a new plugin.
Installation failed: Could not create directory.
You can try to delete the folder of the plugin and try to reinstall it again.
Or try this: Wordpress plugin install: Could not create directory
If you don't manage to setup the permission ask the hosting support to do that for you.

How to remove old localhost that goes to wordpress?

I installed wordpress locally on my system but uninstalled it recently. Now I have xampp and my apache, mysql all running but when I type localhost in URL it's still the same old localhost:
"Awesome! WordPress is now installed.
Access WordPress"
How do I change it so Xampp is my localhost?
Try to restart your system and clear your browser cache and also remove your WP database if you want a fresh WP installation
1) go to the xampp directory and you'll find a folder named htdocs there. remove all files from that folder.
2) force restart the browser by pressing ctrl + f5

IIS Server Error for Wordpress Plugin Installation

I have installed WordPress in IIS Server. I need to install some plugins In installation time. It will be asking ftp server username password, so How can I fix this?
just add the code :
define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');
to the wordpress config file (wp-config.php)

How to fix wordpress permissions which is installed inside a bitnami magento container?

I have AWS lightsail, I installed Magento 2 using bitnami. i want to install WordPress too since the client would like to have a blog as well.
I installed WordPress (not bitnami image) but located in magento bitnami installation directory. Such that the url would be
There's a permission problem, whatever I could can't fix it, for example can't install plugins,
Installation failed: Could not create directory.
I tried chmod 755 -R wp-content/ and the plugins/ directory and I tried adding wordpress to apache group, and so many things. Nothing fixes it, I feel it's because it's located inside betnami's folder.
You know why is this happening?
Credit goes to bitnami forum, especially Jota, thank you!. I fixed the issue by using bitnami wordpress module alongside magento. Login to the server then do
chmod 755
sudo ./
The installer should ask you to specify bitnami installation folder: /opt/bitnami
the default username for mysql on bitnami is root and you can get the password by doing cat bitnami_credentials
That password is the default password for mysql and your wordpress account, that's why you should immediately change it. The wordpress installation would be located at, which is exactly what I need, not damaging magento installation, it will be fully working.

Wordpress: Unable to install plugins from wp-cli

Hi I am using a Ubuntu system. I am using a shell script to download wordpress from wget, update config and run it from nginx server.
Now I want to update this shell script so that when we install a fresh copy of WordPress, I get some plugins pre-installed.
So I installed wp-cli and ran the command
wp plugin install w3-total-cache --activate --allow-root
This command says the plugin has been activated successfully. But when I go to the site URL in the plugins section, it gives the following error
The plugin w3-total-cache/w3-total-cache.php has been deactivated due to an error: Plugin file does not exist.
This is true for any plugin that I try to install.
When I go to the plugins folder inside wp-content, I can see that plugin files exist. But still I get the error.
How to resolve this. Please help
You should try uploading the plugin by logging in to your wp-adm
Are you using the latest version of wp-cli?
Try: wp cli check-update
