Change the parent style when a specific child is focused - css

I would like to change the border color of tags when the input is focused.
<div class="tags">
<input type="text">

using JavaScript
<div class="tags" id="tags">
<input type="text" id="text"/>
var parent = document.getElementById('tags');
var child = document.getElementById('text')
child.onfocus = function(){"1px solid #f00";
child.onblur = function(){"none";

Using jQuery:
If you wanted to uses classes or tags instead of unique IDs you must consider how you would specifically target the element associated with the focused element.
This example only targets the the "#tags / .tags / tags" element that is a parent of the focused input.
This snippet a flexible way to achieve what it is you're trying to do.

You can give an id to your parent element and another id to your input tag. Then do the following ->
<div class="tags" id='parent'>
<input type="text" id='input'>
If you want to listen for any changes related to your input element you can use one of the DOM's native methods .addEventListener ->
//getting our input element
var input = document.getElementById('input');
//when the element receives focus
input.addEventListener('focus', function(){
//getting our input element's parent element
parent = input.parentNode;
//then do the following = '1px solid brown';
//when the element loses focus
input.addEventListener('blur', function(){
//getting our input element's parent element
parent = input.parentNode;
//then do the following = '1px solid green';
border:1px solid green
border:0px solid


is there anyway to access parent element using child element in jss

Hi i want to access the parent element from child element in JSS, can any one help on this Please
<div className="parent">
this is parent
<div className="child">this is child</div>
Use Element.parentElement.
I think this code can help you.
I can't write react code here, so I wrote it pure HTML, CSS, JS code.
function myfunction() {
var child = document.getElementsByClassName('child')[0]; = "blue";
.parent {
color: red;
.child {
color: green;
<div class="parent">
this is parent
<div class="child">this is child</div>
<button onclick="myfunction()">click me</button>
you cannot select a parent in CSS
however you can start from the parent and use whatever Pseudo selector
for example I select the first parent element using first-child
then applied the styles I want to MuiCard-root class
"&:first-child": {
"& .MuiCard-root": {
marginTop: 0,

CSS Display property prevents element hiding

<div id="addressinfo">
City and State<br>
<input type = "text" id = "city" name = "city" placeholder="City" required><br>
<div id="autocomplete" hidden></div>
#addressinfo div{
$("#autocomplete").prop("hidden",false); //unhide the #autocomplete div
for(var i=0;i<=(count-1);i++){
$("#city")[0].value = $(this).val();
When I remove display:inline-block; from CSS, the #autocomplete div is successfully hidden when the jQuery click event occurs. But when the display propety exists, the div does NOT hide. Why is this?
You cannot use hidden with display - display will usually override hidden. From the HTML Living Standard:
Because this attribute is typically implemented using CSS, it's also possible to override it using CSS. For instance, a rule that applies 'display: block' to all elements will cancel the effects of the hidden attribute. Authors therefore have to take care when writing their style sheets to make sure that the attribute is still styled as expected.
You can simply use the jQuery $("#autocomplete").hide(). It will set display to none and your problem will be solved.

CSS/SASS previous child selection

I'm trying to make a span background change colors when I focus on an input field. The HTML is as follows:
<div class='parentDiv'>
<span class='spanClass'>Some text</span>
<input class='inputClass' type='text' />
The closest I could come to something that does this is using the + adjacent sibling selector and doing something like this:
input:focus + span {
background-color: red;
But it doesn't quite work because span must come after input. Is there some way for me to make the span background change colors when I focus the input field?
Normally, you would need JS to do that. Here's an example using JS that keeps styling in your CSS:
(function() {
var spanEl = document.querySelector('.parentDiv > .spanClass');
var inputEl = document.querySelector('.parentDiv > .inputClass');
// Add "highlighted" class to "spanClass" element on focus event
inputEl.addEventListener('focus', function() {
// Remove "highlighted" class from "spanClass" element on blur event (un-focus)
inputEl.addEventListener('blur', function() {
.spanClass.highlighted {
background-color: red;
<div class="parentDiv">
<span class="spanClass">Some text</span>
<input class="inputClass" type="text" />
In your example, though, you could simply float the one element to the left and change the order in the HTML.
.parentDiv { overflow: hidden; }
.spanClass { float: left; }
.inputClass:focus + .spanClass {
background-color: red;
<div class="parentDiv">
<input class="inputClass" type="text" />
<span class="spanClass">Some text</span>
Something to note for the future, though:
The :has() "relational pseudo-class" seems to be in the works for "CSS4". You can also track it here:
This means that you will (hopefully) be able to do this eventually:
.spanClass:has(+ .inputClass) {
background-color: red;

html or css to hide image after click

How do I make an image hidden after clicking anywhere inside a div and make it stay hidden until page refresh?
#containter:active img {display: none}
<div id="containter">
<img src="image.png">
This works but as soon as you move the mouse outside of the div, the image reappears. I know it supposed to do that, but how to make it remain hidden?
A simple way of doing this is to wrap the item you want to hide on click in <label> and use a rule like
:checked + img {
display: none;
Here's an unobtrusive example for JS:
<div id="tempDiv">click me</div>
document.getElementById("tempDiv").onclick = function(e) { = 'hidden';
and a jsfiddle for it
In order to be semantically correct I suggest you use a JavaScript solution and don't try to do it with CSS/HTML hacks. The below method attaches a new click handler to all elements with the class .hide-on-click, simply add the class to any element you want to hide on click.
<div class="hide-on-click">Test 1</div>
<div class="hide-on-click">Test 2</div>
<div class="hide-on-click">Test 3</div>
<div class="hide-on-click">Test 4</div>
(function () {
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('hide-on-click');
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
elements[i].addEventListener('click', function () { = 'none';
If you want the the space that the image took up not to collapse then you should use the visibility property. = 'hidden';

Changing CSS property of an element when hovering another element

I have a div called image. It has a CSS-property visibility:hidden;. I have another button called button.
What I need is when I hover the button, the image changes to visibility:visible;.
Can I do it with CSS or do I have to use JavaScript?
yes you can do this
as like this
<label for="button">Click here</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="button">
<div class="one">Show my div</div>
input[type="checkbox"]:checked ~ .one{
Live demo
Updated answer
if you want to just hover than check to this *Demo*
Note that this is a javascript / jQuery solution:
$(button).hover(function() {
$('div#image').attr('visibility', 'visible');
}, function() {
$('div#image').attr('visibility', 'hidden');
You can only do this if the div is a child of the button - which isn't possible.
It's possible if you make it a child of something else (i.e. not a button, do it differently).
However, what browser? All the main ones? Because if you are willing to use only the most modern it's possible by using sibling selectors.
But for mainstream usage you can only do it if the div is a child of the hover element. Note: You can hover anything, it doesn't have to be a button or a link <a>. So that's what I would do - make a div element that looks like a button, and has a child that you want to change.
You need javascript for that. You can use css if your div is parent for the button, but in your case this is not possible
function changeVisibility(objID) {
var el = document.getElementById(objID);
if( == 'hidden') { = 'visible';
return true;
} = 'hidden';
<div id="box">Something to show</div>
<input type="button" class="button" onmouseover="changeVisibility('box')" value="Change visibility" />
