Connections issues with MS Access to ASP.NET web application -

I have hit a wall and can't figure out the heads from the tails. I am working with a team and we have developed an web application. There is a feature on the application that delivers directions from a database. The database is an MS Access database. I have published the application to an IIS7 Windows server. I also uploaded via FTP the Access database. We have tried all manner of connection string variants. We did not import the database in any way into Visual Studio but prefer to connect to where ever we decide to place it.
Now, I am wondering if using Access was a bad idea. Its a given that it was a rookie mistake since we are students working on our capstone project. Is there any other installs for the Access database that need to be installed on the server other than the driver for Access? Should my connection string be structured any other way that what it is presently? I will post the string below. Please note, I did not write this particular section of coding so if an error should be thrown it may be handled somewhere as to prevent the application from crashing on the user. Side note: Yes it does work fine on my local computer although the connection must be altered.
sConnection = #"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\inetpub\wwwroot\kioskApplication\www\Waypoints.accdb";
Thanks in advance for all the support and help with this issue.

Usually a WEB Application stores a file based database like MS-Access in its APP_DATA folder under the root of the site where every permission is granted to the IIS Service.
Then in your connection string you refer to this location using
Connection = #"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;
Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Waypoints.accdb";
See Where is DataDirectory
On the server side there is no need to install anything apart from the Microsoft Database Access Engine appropriate for the bitness of your web application. (32bit or 64bit)


How to access SQLite DB from IIS hosted WCF Service?

I am trying to deploy a WCF service that uses a SQLite DB to read some data as well as connecting to another Database (MS SQL). The service itself is consumed by a ASP Web site running on the same server.
The problem is that only my user is able to fully use the website and service. Every other user can't seem to open the sqlite database file.
What kind of permissions or special access do you need to access a sqlite database from IIS?
The Application pool is setup with a domain account so that access to the MS SQL Database can be granted (Integrated Security).
The folder where the database is stored is accessible by the account. And I've even tried to make it accessible by Everyone and all users with no luck.
I feel I'm missing something obvious but I can't figure out what...
Update: The error is as follows:
An exception of type 'System.Data.Entity.Core.EntityException' occurred in EntityFramework.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: The underlying provider failed on Open.
Inner Exception:
Unable to open database file.
I was able to resolve the issue, I'm going to document it here for posterity. I took a few steps to do so, and I currently don't have the environment set up to be able to reproduce the issue consistently and quickly, so I'm not entirely sure which was the actual solution.
Disclaimer aside, here are my changes:
I created a new Application Pool and Website on IIS, on another directory entirely, not on "C:\inetpub\wwwroot". I used "C:\Sites\MySite" to deploy both my WCF service and the website which consumed it.
I changed the application pool identity account to a new AD Service account.
I placed the database inside of the Service Web App directory, within a directory called data. I removed all inherited permissions from the directory and the database file, and gave the both the service account and Everyone Full Control of the directory and database file.
I edited the connection string for sqlite to have the setting "Journal Mode=Off;".
I stopped and started both the Application Pool and the WebSite on IIS.
After this the service worked correctly, and I was able to access both the database file and the connection to SQL Server. If I get the opportunity, I would set up some kind of virtual network to replicate this and see if I could figure out exactly what caused the error in the first place.

Advice required: Creating desktop application with database connectivity

I want to create a desktop application, I normally work on web based applications so have very little knowledge about creating console applications using .Net and visual studio.
So now in this application I'l also be using database connectivity and stored procedures (SQL server). But how should I start doing this as I dont want to install SQL server on my clients system.
thanks in advance..
I think it depends on the goal of your application, the amout and sturcture of the data and the environment. The last point aims to the client system, if the client is part of an enterprise network (e.g. Active Directory) or is a common user at home.
maybe you can use xml or json files to store the data
if you need a database, you can create a setup project for your application which automatically installs a SQL Server express
another way is, if it's applicable for you, your application can consume a webservice which provide the data
you could use SQL Server compact or SQL Lite to embark your DB in your application without external dependencies.
Otherwise, if offline isn't a requirement, you could go the "cloud" way, with web APIs

Publishing ASP.NET site - No login database?

I have a very simple app on my local machine that uses the ASP.NET membership provider. This works fine on my local machine.
I have published the app to our web server, and I need to know the specifics of setting up the application for membership to work.
I have a basic understanding that it uses an MDF file and somehow connects to a SQL database (SQLEXPRESS I assume on my local machine) which holds the user/role information.
I keep getting an error that it cannot connect to a SQL database when running the published application on the web server.
I wish to use a SQL server on a different machine (SQL69) than my web server (WEB69)
I have created a new connection string, but how do I tell ASP.NET to use it instead of the "LocalSqlServer" connection string that is created by default?
Can someone explain what is required to me?
Thanks for any help you can offer.
Use the ASP.NET SQL Server Registration Tool without any parameters to set up the SQL Server membership on your local machine. This will also update your config file:
You need to set up SQL Server DB membership on your local machine first. After you have this working, you can simply script the entire DB for your production environment. For this, you can use the Database Publishing Wizard in VS.
You can view a sample config file here:

problems with user instance SQL Server 2005 Express mdf file

I have a web app that I am working with on a separate server. I didn't originally create it, but I have to maintain it. I had to to do some manual editing of one of the database tables, which I did through Visual Studio 2008 installed on the same machine. Now I get SQL exceptions regarding Network Service not having the right privileges.
How do I avoid this from happening? I haven't modified any settings regarding the security or access information. It was working before I made the modification, and now it isn't.
Did you by chance change the connection information stored for the DB? Perhaps remove a explicit user (SQL Authentication) and replace it with a Trusted_Connection?
Also did you change the webserver to no longer use authentication?
The error sounds like it is coming from the fact that the Network Service account (the one generally responsible for running ASP.NET pages) cannot access the DB. This happens mostly when authentication is disabled, and there is no explicit SQL Authentication.

ASP.Net web site on IIS connecting to Access DB with Links to SharePoint lists on another machine

My Problem is the following,
I have an ASP.Net web site hosted on IIS. This web site connects to an Access 2007 DB file on the same server. The DB file contains links to sharepoint lists on another server on the same domain. If I run the web site on the visual studio built-in server, I can Open connection to the DB file and retrieve data just fine. But whenever I try to run the web site over the IIS, the web site can't open a connection with the DB file.
What do you think the problem is?
It will be a permissions problem. When you run with Visual Studio's web server it is running as you, IIS on the other hand runs (by default) as Network Service. This is limited in what it can do.
To access an access database (no pun intended) the account that IIS runs under will need the ability to read, write, execute, change and delete for the directory the database is in. By default this should be granted to the APP_DATA directory, if your access database is elsewhere you will need to grant these permissions.
Connecting via Access to a remote machine is a whole other problem, it's unlikely this will work because the Network Service account is a local account and will not exist on the sharepoint server, and you cannot grant access because it does not exist.
If you were in a domain you could run IIS under a suitable locked down domain account and it might work, but frankly it's all a bit messy!
Have a look at this article:
How to connect to a remote Access database from Active Server Pages
Yes, I know your database is on the same machine, but there are differences in permissions and authentication for files and folders when you run IIS. The chances are good that whatever is hanging you up is covered in this article.
Whether mixing Access databases and IIS is a Good Thing or not is a separate discussion...
Access 2007 makes connecting to SharePoint a breeze. After you link to a list, then ADO, and even DAO + VBA code and your sql queries work on those lists!
I seen a good number of people thus start using the JET (actually it called ACE in access 2007) as a data connector to SharePoint for this very reason. Since your are building a web based system then we not using ms-access here, but ONLY using the 2007 version of the JET data engine that ships with access 2007.
Someone does need to come out with a OLEDB provider for SharePoint lists that allows ones web site or .net code to view those lists as standard sql tables like ms-access can. Using JET as the data connector system is likely not such a good idea. I do realize that you not storing nor placing data in the access JET table, but are using the wonderful ability of the new access JET engine to view and use SharePoint lists as regular sql tables. This approach does allow your code to execute sql updates on that data or do whatever as if this was a regular sql table. It does make this oh so easy.
The security permissions on the SharePoint site are thus going to view this connection as not as a end user, but always see the USER as the actual web site connecting (or at least the user you were in ms-access when you linked the table to SharePoint). I don’t believe the SharePoint user authentication process can work reliable when you do this. What will happen is you change a few things on the SharePoint site, and next thing you know the JET connection will be trying to prompt you for new logon credentials. You can’t provide nor control those logon credentials at that point in time.
So, as others pointed out, this is going to be problematic and not reliable.
Using Access as a fudge to access SharePoint from an site is going to give you lots of pain in the long run.
A much better way would be to use SharePoint's web services to access that data - removing Access from the equation altogether.
MSDN - Using ASP.NET web services
Creating and Consuming a Web Service
